SoCal Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Wait till the Americans (and others) find out Al Qaeda and OBL had nothing to do with the WTC Demolition. Yeah, OBL only took responsibility to make you look like a fool. Say something intelligent or <deleted>. Really, isn't Bush an easy enough target without having to make up such garbage. Use your brain. No in your case, better not. Quote a reliable source.
mbkudu Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Looks like the Brown Shirts have more pull around the world than I had thought. Pathetic SOBs can't take the heat. Obviously the US federal government is 'afraid' of something if they're going so far as unofficially 'banning' a film outside of the United States. The world is a wussified piece of $$$$!. I have no faith anymore.
mbkudu Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 I guess I suppose I would HOPE that as commander in chief, he would have taken a pro-active response. I do understand about the mixed reactions people had later on... after SEEING the tv footage or after witnessing it first hand, but Bush had JUST been informed of the attack...and didn't know if there were further attacks coming or who was involved... and to watch him sitting there and seeing how he didn't seem to know what to do next.... oh wait... yes he did.... He read a book to some youngsters. How presidential.... Great, another jackass telling us how we should act. I don't know how we get through the day without you. Listen tough guy, every American was stunned by what happened. If W acted like the rest of us, then nice to know he is human. You should thank god that a 747 isn't rammed up the arse of your country, so we don't see the stupid look on your face, and those of your countrymen. It seems that no one here is questioning WHY something of such magnitude as this happened to the US. Could it be that the decades of attrocities committed by the USA on other countries just caught with the United States? You never know until you look very deeply into some else's pain and suffering, do you?
kwiz117 Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Certainly opened my eyes to a few things I agree totally. Particulaly, the dumb-founded look of Bush as he sat idly in a grade school reading class while Americans, under attack, were dying by the thousands at the WTC. Exactly. That is what scares the Bush people - us having our eyes opened, not to mention our minds. Seven long minutes of DUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Wait till the Americans (and others) find out Al Qaeda and OBL had nothing to do with the WTC Demolition. This I am quoting from a forum. ------------------------------------------------------- About 9/11 attack CIA/Pentagon has issued a statement recently saying that they suspect a connection between Iran and 9/11, coz some of the murderers crossed to US via Iran. Which means, US also should have a link with 9/11 attack, coz all of those murderers passed thru US airports to finally board into those flights. --------------------------------------------------------- So those officers who allowed them to board, checked visa, Australians who provided training and all others involved in this matter in Europe, US should be labeled as terrorists. Then "fight against terror" should first eliminate those officers/people linked to this in your own countries before jumping to other countries. Is this also a conspiracy?
kwiz117 Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Kwiz is a muslim extremist hitler lover. You have jumped to a conclusion like the way US discovered WMD in Iraq. I am Buddhist and not at all a hitler lover or a Muslim. I hate people killing innocent people for financial benefits. Whether it's Binladen killing thousands or US killings millions. To Khun... Who is always winning? US. Other countries are jealous about it. Those who support war should volunteer and go to Iraq. Guys who do not support war, are dumb A** H**** who do not see the reality or they support terrorist or they are extremist. Kwiz is one of them. Ordinary Iraqi's are praising the help what US have done. The country will be the 3rd fastest growing economy very soon. People will prosper and live happily and democracy will make all of them happy. Iraq will be like Thailand and will be one of the safest places to live. Good place to retire and build a home along the Tigris river. (may be to even have an Iraqi wife) Dr P and George will register another domain name US will be more safer without Sadam's era in Iraq and that is why US went to war. US has made the world a very safe place now and all can travel freely to any country without any terror threat. Khun can travel even to Iraq but Kwiz is scared. This is what you wanted to hear and labeled me as a Muslim. This is what you believe and what I don't believe. Do you agree?
NedKelly Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 What a croc of <deleted> much for democracy and 'freedom' that the yanks push down everyones throats around the world. So what if its a dodgy copy........its like marijuana......its illegal but everyone smokes it. Michael Morre should receive an award for his efforts.
PvtDick Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Ned, the point is that the Thai distributor has rights to show the movie here, and it is due to open (supposedly) next week. He paid for those rights, and has a right to make his money back on selling tickets to see it. What's so hard to understand about that?
ChiangMaiThai Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Not gonna happen Wait and see, some may think W is stupid, but the lad is a very shrewd politician and Kerry isnt much of a match for him. However guess well see 3 Nov. He is likable and personable to a certain segment of the American population. He's not an intelligent man my any stretch of the imagination. Shrewd, maybe. But I would venture to say that the people around him are far more so. Along these same lines, I highly recommend a new movie called 'Outfoxed'.
ChiangMaiThai Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 F911 is an excellent documentary. I think it was too conservative and it should have been more critical of Bush. He get away pretty well in that documentary. I was expecting more damaging evidence.of course the Conservatives Nazis over at Bear Pit (the new NeoCon drinking place) will say otherwise as they are too afraid of the debates and the truth it would reveal. Go see it, you won't regret it Ah Bitterfly, Moore only tells white lies and half truths, not blatant. Why did you expect more from Moore? So Cal, are you one of those people who think that Fox News really is fair and balanced? Just a huch. I apologize if I'm wrong. You might enjoy Outfoxed.
ChiangMaiThai Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Ned, the point is that the Thai distributor has rights to show the movie here, and it is due to open (supposedly) next week. He paid for those rights, and has a right to make his money back on selling tickets to see it.What's so hard to understand about that? Where are the ads and movie posters in the cinema for 9/11? If the rights have really been bought, they're doing a pretty shitty job in promoting it.
Khun ? Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Kwiz is a muslim extremist hitler lover. You have jumped to a conclusion like the way US discovered WMD in Iraq. I am Buddhist and not at all a hitler lover or a Muslim. I hate people killing innocent people for financial benefits. Whether it's Binladen killing thousands or US killings millions. To Khun... Who is always winning? US. Other countries are jealous about it. Those who support war should volunteer and go to Iraq. Guys who do not support war, are dumb A** H**** who do not see the reality or they support terrorist or they are extremist. Kwiz is one of them. Ordinary Iraqi's are praising the help what US have done. The country will be the 3rd fastest growing economy very soon. People will prosper and live happily and democracy will make all of them happy. Iraq will be like Thailand and will be one of the safest places to live. Good place to retire and build a home along the Tigris river. (may be to even have an Iraqi wife) Dr P and George will register another domain name US will be more safer without Sadam's era in Iraq and that is why US went to war. US has made the world a very safe place now and all can travel freely to any country without any terror threat. Khun can travel even to Iraq but Kwiz is scared. This is what you wanted to hear and labeled me as a Muslim. This is what you believe and what I don't believe. Do you agree? Kwiz I have been in the middle east for over 10 years now. I am not a couch potatoe activist that uses other peoples words to come to my conclusions. I was here for both wars also. I have also worked in korea and in europe for several years so just what is your experience. Keep reading your comic books some day you will have to get in the real world. You sit back in your nice comfortable enviroment then condemn those that sacrifice for your freedoms. As long as you have enough petro to fly from place to place or run your misguided arse around in a vehicle your happy. Your twisted facts are the same as Moore has done or any of us can do within the safety of our room which yours is most likely in your parents house. Someday you may have to sacrifice for others until then you need to get both sides of the story and do the rest of us a flavor get a bicycle ( with training wheels we would hate to see such a sap as you get hurt).
Tornado Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Has anyone seen this ? Now We Know For Sure They Lied About 911 By John Kaminski [email protected] 8-19-4 I challenge anyone to watch the new "911 In Plane Site" video and still believe the government's story that a jet airliner full of passengers hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. It simply can't be done. I'll bet anyone any amount of anything that they just can't do it. Utilizing footage from TV networks - often stuff that was shown only one time and never seen again - the Power Hour radio show's Dave Von Kleist methodically provides proof positive that the government lied about what happened in Washington on that fateful day, an event that was the culmination of the greatest sneak attack in American history. The damning images of flames raging inside the Pentagon behind an unbroken wall with many unbroken windows and an unbroken roof line clearly demonstrates that whatever caused the explosion and fire inside America's most secure building, coupled with no significant trace of airplane wreckage at any time during the disaster, was no giant airliner. It wasn't until long after the fire began that the roof finally collapsed, and even then, the hole that was created in no way resembles the ghastly imprint two other jets left when they struck the World Trade Center towers in New York City mere minutes before. What this means for the American people is that the story President Bush, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, and all those other government officials told the world that day is a lie, a gigantic and bald-faced lie. A hijacked airliner never hit the Pentagon, and this film proves it. As VonKleist, who both wrote and produced this masterpiece, asks in the film, "How does a plane 125 feet wide and 155 feet long fit into a hole which is only 16 feet across?" Since day one, the only thing that every single, skeptical 9/11 researcher has ever wanted during all the research they have undertaken during the past three years is one single, irrefutable fact that could disprove the government's blatant lie. Because proving one lie means their whole story is false. One provable lie means 9/11 is not what they said it was. This is the film that does it. And this is a development in the 9/11 story that no one in America or the world can afford to ignore. Indictments and arrests should begin immediately based on this film alone. Top members of the government lied about what happened. This is a statement that can no longer be challenged as false. It is now up to American law enforcement officials to act in this matter, or the American people will realize our leaders are allowed the break the law, and the laws no longer apply to them. And the Pentagon revelation is only the start of this remarkable film, a 70-minute documentary that delves into only four major aspects of Sept. 11. Having viewed this film with two relatives who did believe the government's story prior to viewing, I interpreted the ashen looks on their faces as a valid testament to the movie's power. Before seeing it, they basically believed what they'd heard on TV about what happened on 9/11. Afterwards, they both told me that they no longer did. After the Pentagon segment, Von Kleist turns his attention to the plume, a giant puff of smoke that rises from the base of the Twin Towers PRIOR to their collapse. Although Von Kleist doesn't say so (and doesn't really make any conclusions in his objective presentation of film fact), the viewer is left to contemplate whether this was the explosion that brought down the towers. A great clip of firemen describing how the buildings were demolished leaves viewers with that distinct impression. The most controversial aspect of the film, one which led me and other potential reviewers to express reservations about the film before we'd actually seen it, was the inclusion of material from Phil Jayhan's website, the most astounding aspect of which is footage that shows both jetliners appearing to fire missiles at the towers in the instant before impact. It simply sounded too preposterous. It sounded as untenable as the hologram theory. Many of us worried it was deliberate disinformation, designed to destroy the 9/11 skeptics movement. You need to see it. Four different people with four different cameras recorded it. I am no photographic expert. I can't tell you when a film has been tampered with or when it hasn't. I can only tell you what I saw. It looks real, and the patient pacing of Von Kleist's explanation will make it most difficult for you to deny what you are seeing. But my initial fear that the 9/11 truth movement could be hurt by this footage was completely erased after I saw the Pentagon segment, because if people watch that, they will have no alternative but to realize that their leaders are criminals - liars, traitors and mass murderers - who have covered up the truth about 9/11 because they were involved in it. This is not a conspiracy theory. These are facts recorded on film. See it for yourself. You can't afford not to. After all, what is at stake is the future of freedom, and that's not an exaggeration. And all the subsequent carnage that Bush and his criminal friends have inflicted on the world is predicated on this one colossal lie. No jetliner hit the Pentagon. This film proves it. This film proves the government lied - big time - about what happened on 9/11. Think about the people who are involved in this lie. Everybody on television. Everybody at the major newspapers. Everybody in the Congress. Thousands of people. Think about all the lives that have been needlessly thrown away as a result of this lie. Think about America. It's a lie. This film proves it. I talked with Phil Jayhan last night. I told him that I was not a film expert, but that the missile footage looked real to me. And I congratulated him on the tireless outreach he's done on this project. More than any other 9/11 researcher, he has contacted more people and produced more results than anybody else. We had argued about this issue in the past. I worried if the missile footage were proven to false or tampered with, the whole movement could be hurt. I no longer believe that the missile footage - should it somehow be proven false - can hurt the 9/11 skeptics movement, in large part because the Pentagon footage was so masterfully presented that no one in their right mind can deny that no hijacked airliner hit the Pentagon. I have previously advocated that the time the towers took to fall was the smoking gun of 9/11, because that indicated the WTC buildings had been demolished, since they fell at the same speed as debris off to the side. Jayhan responded that Twin Tower demolition could one day be explained away as a way to prevent more deaths than actually happened. I had to agree the perps could do that, if their demolition scheme were ever to be revealed to the public. But, Jayhan stressed, there can be no alternative reason for a plane firing missiles at the towers just before impact. See the film. Make your own decision. Writer/producer Von Kleist, director William Lewis and Power Hour Productions deserve all the credit possible for bringing this presentation to the world. This could in fact be the one item that finally overturns the coverup. Every American should see this film. And every cop, too. And perhaps if there is a prosecutor remaining in America with a scintilla of honesty and integrity, he should consider this video as prima facie evidence in the greatest crime in American history, and maybe do something about that. To order the film, go to To see clips of the missile firing, check out John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," a collection of his Internet essays seen on hundreds of websites around the world. More recently he has written "The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn't Believe the Official Story of What Happened on September 11, 2001," a 48-page booklet aimed at those who still believe the government's version of events on that fateful day. A second collection of his essays, titled "The Perfect Enemy," is in press and should be available in September 2004. For more information see
kat Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 I agree that there is more to 9/11 than the government has let on. I even entertain some conspiracy theories, that have merit. I also agree wholeheartedly that this administration and others in America's history have a hidden agenda. But to say that 9/11 was fabricated or that jetliners full of passengers did not slam into buildings is along the lines of saying that all the Jews that worked in the twin towers took the day off.
Khun ? Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 We know the jews hired Donald and GWB to fly the plane into the parking lot at the pentagon close to the building. they got into their limo and drove off at which time the plane detonated with hundreds of ficticious people aboard. What did you think about the movie with dinosaurs did we locate that place yet. It has to be somewhere it's in a movie.
Tornado Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 I agree that there is more to 9/11 than the government has let on. I even entertain some conspiracy theories, that have merit. I also agree wholeheartedly that this administration and others in America's history have a hidden agenda.But to say that 9/11 was fabricated or that jetliners full of passengers did not slam into buildings is along the lines of saying that all the Jews that worked in the twin towers took the day off. I think this line is what should be paramount in any and all arguments prior to seeing it "See the film. Make your own decision. " It does not sound conspirital to me as it is documented news footage, but then again that is heresay until I also see it. Where theres smoke there is fire - something is amiss here, what ????? The dimensions of the Pentagon hole is interesting.
Tornado Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 We know the jews hired Donald and GWB to fly the plane into the parking lot at the pentagon close to the building. they got into their limo and drove off at which time the plane detonated with hundreds of ficticious people aboard. What did you think about the movie with dinosaurs did we locate that place yet. It has to be somewhere it's in a movie. Khun my old mate, I have not seen it and neither have you so open your mind a bit before dribbling out silly things like your post. The world is not black and white mate. We can only state what we think, but that does not make it fact on any side of the argument. (the gentleman)
Khun ? Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 We know the jews hired Donald and GWB to fly the plane into the parking lot at the pentagon close to the building. they got into their limo and drove off at which time the plane detonated with hundreds of ficticious people aboard. What did you think about the movie with dinosaurs did we locate that place yet. It has to be somewhere it's in a movie. Khun my old mate, I have not seen it and neither have you so open your mind a bit before dribbling out silly things like your post. The world is not black and white mate. We can only state what we think, but that does not make it fact on any side of the argument. (the gentleman) Sorry there gentleman. I thought you was Kwiz the one that was adopted by little green people......
IamMaiC Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Movie is a bunch of BS anyway I saw it they show Iraq before the war and everyone is soooooo happy smiling Yeah right IMHO they should burn the movie and ship Micheal Moore to mars
Axel Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Well, what a thriller. I do not mean the Fahrenheit 911, I mean 8 pages in 4 days in this forum, most of the replies off topic. But let's face it all, pro or con good advertising for Michael Moore who should give a thank you to the posters here. Too hot for Thailand? I don't think so, athough it appears that the FCCT was kind of intimidated by unofficial statements of a foreign embassy in Thailand. Could it be it is too hot for the foreign embassy? No they just (unofficially?) pointed out it could be an illegitimate copy. How kind to warn the FCCT of this not so remote chance If the movie is really the crap some posters say it is, why all the exitement? Why not let the people in Thailand decide for themselves? For sure they do not need an outside interference.
drummer Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Dunno- I think alot of you scare me more than W. I have to laff at all of you yanks with conspiracy theories. Anyways I think we are way off topic here... I think everyone will agree that Moore's picture should be shown and let yourself decide if its rubbish or not. What more has to be said???? Everyone fails to realize that W haters aren't going to change the minds of W lovers and visa/versa! Some of 'em are pretty funny, I'll give ya that (That we didn't land on the moon is my all time favorite, though) I'd be curious to have them explain what actually happened to the plane and the people, and why they didn't actually fly it into the Pentagon. Its not like it couldn't withstand it, and its not like they'd be stupid enough to make only a 16 foot hole in the pentagon, if they were planning something like that. There do seem to be a lot of unanswered questions about that particular theory. re: scale ... I'd have to look it up, but I'm pretty darned sure that the Pentagon is a really, really sturdy, really really big building. The plane made a big hole in the big building. Makes sense to me. Re: detonating the towers... I've seen footage of at least a dozen demolitions, and they all collapse from one side to the other. The Towers seemed to fall in on itself... I guess I'd have to look at the movie to see what I think, though. But what part of my 'conspiracy' post do you disagree with? I'm not much on those kinds of things, but IMHO it is not at all inconvievable. You don't *seriously* think that no one would ever do something that awful would you? And I highly recommend reading -don't just peruse the highlights- those make them sound like standard Reaganites. Read farther in. These guys believe "Might Makes Right." I wouldn't put mugging their own grandma past 'em.
drummer Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Just looked around the Power Hour .... I'll bet you any amount of bhat that thing is absolutely fabricated. They have pictures of the "Entry Hole" and the "Exit hole" ... (1) its a plane crash, not a gunshot. The plane did not come back out. (2) Its the same **** hole! Same no parking sign, same grafiti, same burn marks... I doubt thats even The Pentagon. Prolly some wharehouse in France or something. Also, look at .... You may notice that while the page *says* reuters, there is no link to the article itself, and no mention of the year. BTW. This post was initially published in the Wall St. Journal. Can't find it? Look harder. And check out the site they got their information from. Its worth a laugh. Or a cry. I mean- I wouldn't be surprised if the guys knew about it. Wouldn't be the first time we've let something bad happen to achieve goals. They've even stated that something like that would be just what they needed. But this is just silly. You can't believe something just because someone says it- whether its George Bush or Dave VonKliest.
falong Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Just looked around the Power Hour ....I'll bet you any amount of bhat that thing is absolutely fabricated. They have pictures of the "Entry Hole" and the "Exit hole" ... (1) its a plane crash, not a gunshot. The plane did not come back out. (2) Its the same **** hole! Same no parking sign, same grafiti, same burn marks... I doubt thats even The Pentagon. Prolly some wharehouse in France or something. Also, look at .... You may notice that while the page *says* reuters, there is no link to the article itself, and no mention of the year. BTW. This post was initially published in the Wall St. Journal. Can't find it? Look harder. And check out the site they got their information from. Its worth a laugh. Or a cry. I mean- I wouldn't be surprised if the guys knew about it. Wouldn't be the first time we've let something bad happen to achieve goals. They've even stated that something like that would be just what they needed. But this is just silly. You can't believe something just because someone says it- whether its George Bush or Dave VonKliest. Just been talking to Elvis and we would like to know why anyone would fake a plane crach into the pentagon and why anyone would want to demolish the WTC?
stumonster Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 37V|5 crash a plane into the pentagon, destroy the WTC....just don't step on my blue suede shoes well I stopped in at fortune today and got myself a copy of farenheit 911, just so as I can watch it and make up my own mind.....please direct my warning from the american embassy, telling me it might be an illegal copy, to [email protected]
Boon Mee Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 Linda Ronstadt was right: Michael Moore is a great American patriot. And Linda Ronstadt is a washed-up, bloated old gas-bag. Just another "celebrity" with an opinion...
Boon Mee Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 THEY KNOW IT WHEN THEY SEE IT: Michael Moore's contentious film Fahrenheit 9/11 has opened in Poland, with some film critics likening it to totalitarian propaganda. Gazeta Wyborcza reviewer Jacek Szczerba called the film a "foul pamphlet". He said it was too biased to be called a documentary and was similar to Nazi propaganda director Leni Riefenstahl. . . . "In criticising Moore, I have to admit that he has certain abilities - Leni Riefenstahl had them too," Mr Szczerba said in his review. Ouch. Ann Althouse observes: It is heartening to see that exposure to propaganda breeds resistance to it. There are many huge differences between Moore and Leni Riefenstahl, though. Quite aside from the fact that she was working in support of Hitler and Moore is working against Bush (and Bush is no Hitler, despite some noise to the contrary), Riefenstahl would have snorted at the lack of artistry in Moore's work. No doubt.
drummer Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 And Linda Ronstadt is a washed-up, bloated old gas-bag. Just another "celebrity" with an opinion... Thats right, Bon Mee .... You don't like what a person is saying so you call them names. Extremely productive. You keep turning up aces, mate. I actually rather suspect you and I agree on a number of issues. Far more than you'd think. But I do think you have your head in the sand. Farenheit 9/11 was a pro-military, anti-war documentary. I agree- the military is an invaluable necesity. But I can't agree with enforcing our nations interests abroad with "constabulary" action. Logically, either you do agree with those policies, and won't admit it, or you have your head in the sand.
drummer Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 THEY KNOW IT WHEN THEY SEE IT: Michael Moore's contentious film Fahrenheit 9/11 has opened in Poland, with some film critics likening it to totalitarian propaganda. Gazeta Wyborcza reviewer Jacek Szczerba called the film a "foul pamphlet". He said it was too biased to be called a documentary and was similar to Nazi propaganda director Leni Riefenstahl. . . . "In criticising Moore, I have to admit that he has certain abilities - Leni Riefenstahl had them too," Mr Szczerba said in his review. Ouch. Ann Althouse observes: It is heartening to see that exposure to propaganda breeds resistance to it. There are many huge differences between Moore and Leni Riefenstahl, though. Quite aside from the fact that she was working in support of Hitler and Moore is working against Bush (and Bush is no Hitler, despite some noise to the contrary), Riefenstahl would have snorted at the lack of artistry in Moore's work. No doubt. Wheres the part when they say that Hitler actually wrote the film? I mean, you can say what you like, but "lack of artistry"? That just shoots your credibility. But to summarize .... "Moore is a wannabe Nazi?" *chuckle* Incidentally, I happened to talk to a couple of Poles last night who liked the film, and likened Bush to a totalitarian. (No joke- I really did!) I guess that makes 3 out of every 4 Poles that like the film. So there! "stttttpht!" (They say that 67% of stastics are made up on the spot) Actually, its no surprise that the squeeze they are putting on LoS isn't limited to SE Asia.
drummer Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 No doubt. This site also supports the Swiftboat Veterans For Truth, (Which even Bill O'Rielly of Fox News has called "out of bounds" and the Rev. Sun Yung Moon's (a biiig Bush contributor and cult leader) newspaper paper the Washington Post reported as boldface liars. hOWEVER, this site says "MICKEY KAUS has much more on the SwiftVets story, and reports: "Respectable big-time journalist friends who met with the anti-Kerry vets recently found them a lot more credible than expected.", and, in support of the group, wait for it, "Indeed. But that "inconveniently messy issue of truth" is getting harder to avoid." A few problems with the Swiftboat Vets... (1) vet says he treated Kerry in Vietnam for one of his Purple Heart injuries. He says Kerry injured himself to try to get out of Vietnam. *PROBLEM*: His name isn't on the records as the Dr. who treated Kerry, someone else's is. OH- he wasn't actually in Vietnam when Kerry was either. (2) Kerry's immediate CO says Kerry's Bronze Star was undeserved, that despite Kerry's claims, there was no enemy fire that day. *PROBLEM*: *HE* wrote the recomendation for Kerry. His own records show that "all 5 swiftboats were under" small arms and automatic fire. OH- he recieved a Bronz Star HIMSELF that same day for assisting another swiftboat that hit a mine. Also, he has previously campaigned for Kerry. But yes, Bon Mee, no doubt they are "much more credible than you'd expect." You know, for liars. Cripes! even FOX news is more fair and balanced!
ChiangMaiThai Posted August 22, 2004 Posted August 22, 2004 We know the jews hired Donald and GWB to fly the plane into the parking lot at the pentagon close to the building. they got into their limo and drove off at which time the plane detonated with hundreds of ficticious people aboard. What did you think about the movie with dinosaurs did we locate that place yet. It has to be somewhere it's in a movie. I don't know what happened on Sep 11, but complete contempt for any explanation that doesn't fit with the party line is somewhat disturbing. Do we all believe that everything the White House tells the world is the truth, that everyone there wants nothing more than to bring peace, love and freedom to the world? Turn off your TV and start reading a little.
ChiangMaiThai Posted August 22, 2004 Posted August 22, 2004 What do you make of this?
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