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Britain's Stupidest Laws Revealed. Not Thai Related But!


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This is currently posted on ABC Australia News Online.

Die and you're under arrest! Britain's stupidest laws revealed

Posted 7 hours 21 minutes ago

Updated 4 hours 50 minutes ago

Queen Elizabeth II's speech in the British Parliament overnight may have been routine, but at least nobody got bored to death. That would have been against the law.

Dying in Parliament is an offence and is also by far the most absurd law in Britain, according to a survey of nearly 4,000 people by a television channel showing a legal drama series.

And though the lords were clad in their red and white cloaks and ambassadors from around the world wore colourful national costumes, at least nobody turned up in a suit of armour. Illegal.

Other rules deemed utterly stupid included one that permits a pregnant woman to urinate in a policeman's hat and and another that says it is OK to murder bow-and-arrow-carrying Scotsmen within the city walls of York, northern England.

A law stating that in Liverpool, only a clerk in a tropical fish store is allowed to be publicly topless, was also ridiculous, said a poll of 3,931 people for UKTV Gold television.

Nearly half of those surveyed admitted to breaking the ban on eating mince pies on Christmas Day, which dates back to the 17th century and was originally designed to outlaw gluttony during the rule of the Puritan Oliver Cromwell.

The laws and other regulations were culled from published research into ancient legislation that has never been repealed although subsequent statutes have rendered them obsolete.

Respondents were given a shortlist and asked to vote.

Most ridiculous British laws

1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament (27 per cent)

2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down (7 per cent)

3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (6 per cent)

4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day (5 per cent)

5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter (3 per cent)

6. A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet (4 per cent)

7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail belongs to the queen (3.5 percent)

8. It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing (3 per cent)

9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour (3 per cent)

10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow (2 per cent)

I guess most of our home countries have dumb laws. Lets add some to this list - must be factual.

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Your right, this isn't Thai related, however, I am sure there must be some interesting laws in Thailand to report on.

The 14:00-17:00 alcohol law is a rather silly one.


just in case nobody was aware that it is silly.

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Your right, this isn't Thai related, however, I am sure there must be some interesting laws in Thailand to report on.

The 14:00-17:00 alcohol law is a rather silly one.


just in case nobody was aware that it is silly.

Absolutely argree with you there! Why impose such a SILLY restriction on the selling of alcohol? Mind-boggling :D

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Here's one for ya! It's actually a semi-recent addition to the law books in the state of Colorado, USA. It's actually known as the "Make My Day Law"! Wanna read it? Here it goes:

“... (A)ny occupant of a dwelling is justified in using any degree of physical force, including deadly physical force, against another person when that other person has made an unlawful entry into the dwelling, and when the occupant has a reasonable belief that such other person has committed a crime in the dwelling in addition to the uninvited entry, or is committing or intends to commit a crime against a person or property in addition to the uninvited entry, and when the occupant reasonably believes that such other person might use any physical force, no matter how slight, against any occupant."

“... Any occupant of a dwelling using physical force, including deadly physical force ... shall be immune from criminal prosecution (or) civil liability for injuries or death resulting from the use of such force.”

So, in short, if someone (anyone) enters your house (or shack) and you believe they might possibly hurt you, your family, your dog or even your collection of porcelain ballerina statues, you can blow their head off. The consequences? Zip, zilch, nada, nothing....

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So, in short, if someone (anyone) enters your house (or shack) and you believe they might possibly hurt you, your family, your dog or even your collection of porcelain ballerina statues, you can blow their head off. The consequences? Zip, zilch, nada, nothing....

And what's wrong with that? What was the scum doing in your house in the first place?

It's sure is better than what we have in the UK. Burglar enters home, Burglar then beats Granny to a pulp, Grandad slaps Burglar. Grandad gets locked up and Burglar get's compensation.

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Althought they are not laws and have nothing to do with Thailand but the thing in the US that really make mad as hel_l are those ridiculous court case that award people money for stupid thing.

They are called Stella Awards. Stella was a lady who won a lawsuit against McDonald because she spilled hot cup of coffee on her lap. She won 2.9 million claiming the coffee was too and that they were no warning on the cup letting her know how hot the coffee was.

You can do a search for the Setella Award on Google to read some more of those ridiculous lawsuits, like the man who was driving his brand new motorhome put it on cruise control and walk in the back to make coffee. Of course he crashed but call the manufacturer to court and won milloin plus a brand new motorhome saying they did not make it clear to he could not do that.

It's for stupid things like that any, manuels are so big and products have pages and pages of warning..


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Althought they are not laws and have nothing to do with Thailand but the thing in the US that really make mad as hel_l are those ridiculous court case that award people money for stupid thing.

They are called Stella Awards. Stella was a lady who won a lawsuit against McDonald because she spilled hot cup of coffee on her lap. She won 2.9 million claiming the coffee was too and that they were no warning on the cup letting her know how hot the coffee was.

You can do a search for the Setella Award on Google to read some more of those ridiculous lawsuits, like the man who was driving his brand new motorhome put it on cruise control and walk in the back to make coffee. Of course he crashed but call the manufacturer to court and won milloin plus a brand new motorhome saying they did not make it clear to he could not do that.

It's for stupid things like that any, manuels are so big and products have pages and pages of warning..


You just can't "idiot proof" the world. It is a crime that these Darwinian retrogrades are awarded for being morons. Of course half the blame goes to the smarmy lawyers also getting rich thru these idiots. What was that thing Shakespear said ??

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So, in short, if someone (anyone) enters your house (or shack) and you believe they might possibly hurt you, your family, your dog or even your collection of porcelain ballerina statues, you can blow their head off. The consequences? Zip, zilch, nada, nothing....

And what's wrong with that? What was the scum doing in your house in the first place?

It's sure is better than what we have in the UK. Burglar enters home, Burglar then beats Granny to a pulp, Grandad slaps Burglar. Grandad gets locked up and Burglar get's compensation.

Nothing, so long as it wasn't your daughter's new boyfriend that you just murdered. Then again....

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So, in short, if someone (anyone) enters your house (or shack) and you believe they might possibly hurt you, your family, your dog or even your collection of porcelain ballerina statues, you can blow their head off. The consequences? Zip, zilch, nada, nothing....

And what's wrong with that? What was the scum doing in your house in the first place?

It's sure is better than what we have in the UK. Burglar enters home, Burglar then beats Granny to a pulp, Grandad slaps Burglar. Grandad gets locked up and Burglar get's compensation.

Nothing, so long as it wasn't your daughter's new boyfriend that you just murdered. Then again....

If your daughter's new boyfriend is clearly there to commit crime or inflict harm as believed by a reasonable owner, good riddens....

He better stay away from my place too.

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Okay, perhaps you didn't read the law.

"...when the occupant has a reasonable belief that such other person has committed a crime..."

It's not that they're CLEARLY there to commit a crime at all! You can blast someone in the head for appearing as if they might have committed a crime.. and in redneck, rilfe-toting Colorado? Fair?

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I especially like number 3 :D:bah::bah::o:o:D:D

3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (6 per cent

How do they come to the conclusion of a law like that ?? Someone having a larf or what ? :D

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I especially like number 3 :bah::bah::o;):D:D:D

3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (6 per cent

How do they come to the conclusion of a law like that ?? Someone having a larf or what ? :D

Well if the female is inside a very big Fish tank and treating a sick fish, the sick fish may need a bouyancy aid :o

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Clear as a bell. Yea, if you look like trouble, watch out.

Checkout the Texas law if that one scares you...

I just noticed, you're from W. Va..... never mind, it's obviously useless.

Here's one for ya!!!: In Chico, California, you will be fined $500 for detonating a nuclear device.

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Here's one for ya!!!: In Chico, California, you will be fined $500 for detonating a nuclear device.

Is it OK to detonate it from say, 10,000 miles away. That way i could save the $500 fine on the airfare :D And i'd be nowhere near the explosion of course :o

Actually, there's a serious point there. I don't know how the law works in the US of A. If the law only stands in CA and you detonate it from a different state, which state would you be tried in ? And under which law, the state you committed the crime in or the state you where in when you committed the crime :D

Edited by mrbojangles
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The 1363 Archery Law is still on the statute books. On sundays and public holidays you must practice with a Long Bow. The upside is if you accidentally ( and who's to say) kill some one during this practice. Well mai pen rai, you can't be prosecuted. :o

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Clear as a bell. Yea, if you look like trouble, watch out.

Checkout the Texas law if that one scares you...

I just noticed, you're from W. Va..... never mind, it's obviously useless.

Here's one for ya!!!: In Chico, California, you will be fined $500 for detonating a nuclear device.

I didn't notice a W in front of my Va. Perhaps you have some other facts incorrect as well.

After your 18 yr. old daughter is murdered by her Husband, then come back and tell ME all about gun laws.

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I didn't notice a W in front of my Va. Perhaps you have some other facts incorrect as well.

After your 18 yr. old daughter is murdered by her Husband, then come back and tell ME all about gun laws.

I'm not sure that's something I, or anyone should, admit on internet. Especially in a pointless argument about some which was obviously meant to be a joke.

And that's too bad about your daughter....

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This is currently posted on ABC Australia News Online.
Die and you're under arrest! Britain's stupidest laws revealed

Posted 7 hours 21 minutes ago

Updated 4 hours 50 minutes ago

Queen Elizabeth II's speech in the British Parliament overnight may have been routine, but at least nobody got bored to death. That would have been against the law.

Dying in Parliament is an offence and is also by far the most absurd law in Britain, according to a survey of nearly 4,000 people by a television channel showing a legal drama series.

And though the lords were clad in their red and white cloaks and ambassadors from around the world wore colourful national costumes, at least nobody turned up in a suit of armour. Illegal.

Other rules deemed utterly stupid included one that permits a pregnant woman to urinate in a policeman's hat and and another that says it is OK to murder bow-and-arrow-carrying Scotsmen within the city walls of York, northern England.

A law stating that in Liverpool, only a clerk in a tropical fish store is allowed to be publicly topless, was also ridiculous, said a poll of 3,931 people for UKTV Gold television.

Nearly half of those surveyed admitted to breaking the ban on eating mince pies on Christmas Day, which dates back to the 17th century and was originally designed to outlaw gluttony during the rule of the Puritan Oliver Cromwell.

The laws and other regulations were culled from published research into ancient legislation that has never been repealed although subsequent statutes have rendered them obsolete.

Respondents were given a shortlist and asked to vote.

Most ridiculous British laws

1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament (27 per cent)

2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down (7 per cent)

3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (6 per cent)

4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day (5 per cent)

5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter (3 per cent)

6. A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet (4 per cent)

7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail belongs to the queen (3.5 percent)

8. It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing (3 per cent)

9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour (3 per cent)

10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow (2 per cent)

I guess most of our home countries have dumb laws. Lets add some to this list - must be factual.

:o In Massachusetts we used to have the Blue Laws that dated from back in the 1780 to 1820 era. Most are now repealed, but there were some good ones. One law stated that if a man kissed an unmarried woman 3 times in public, she could then force him to marry her on the basis that her honor had been violated. I don't think anyone ever actually sucessfully used this law to force marriage.

Another law regulated what could be sold in stores on Sundays. It was legal to sell certain items, that were regarded as necessities (bread for example) but not others. (You could sell the bread, but not the butter to spread on it).

One of the laws that was actually used by a wife to commit her husband to a mental instituion was called The Public Morals Act. It seems that it was once possible to force a person to take a mental exam in a state mental institution if that person:

1. Was determined to have commited and offense against the public decency

2. Was presently commiting an offense against the public decency

3. Or, determined to be likely to in the future, commit an offense against the public decency.

(Whatever it means to commit an offense against the public decency,I have no idea.

Anyhow, a woman whose husband was quite wealthy would not divorce her for religious reasons (he didn't believe in divorce). She and her boyfriend, a lawyer, had her husband detained for a mental sanity exam in a state mental institution based on her assertion that her husband had violated the Public Morals Act. While he was in the mental institution, she and her boyfried tried to take everything of value her husband had (she filed against him as being incompatant to handle his own affairs). However, before they could get his money, the instituion found him sane. So the wife and her boyfriend got nothing, and had to leave the country before they were arrested.

Most of the Blue Laws were repealed between 1940 and 1960. I can remember, however in the 1950's, when I could go to the local grocery store on Sunday to buy milk and bread, but couldn't buy any butter to put on it.


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I didn't notice a W in front of my Va. Perhaps you have some other facts incorrect as well.

After your 18 yr. old daughter is murdered by her Husband, then come back and tell ME all about gun laws.

I'm not sure that's something I, or anyone should, admit on internet. Especially in a pointless argument about some which was obviously meant to be a joke.

And that's too bad about your daughter....


Well, it's no secret. It was in all the papers. Public record and all that.

I apoligize to have seemed like an ass, I get a bit wound up sometimes when it comes to politicians in general and gun laws in particular.

I'll try to lighten up a bit .... :o

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Reply to bonviveur,

I remember some of the Stella case and it is not so simple,

Stella was sitting in her car and in order to remove the lid of a paper coffee cup she squeezed the container to much resulting in hot coffee being spilt on her vaginal area.

Stella's medical bills came to something in the area of 14.000$ her insurance provider would only pay 8.000$ and she asked MacDonald’s to help pay the rest. McDonald's of course refused.

At the trial the jury were initially against Stella thinking that their time was being wasted on a frivolous court case but a lawyer for MacDonald's made a critical error saying something like.

"MacDonald's serve "X" million cups of coffee every year and only 15.000 people have been burned or some decimal point of the total”

At that point the jury turned around saying that you can not injure so many people and claim your product is safe.

Stella was later awarded approx 600.000$

The important thing about this case is that ever since this judgment, corporations in America have lobbied for tort reform and Stella's story and others have been continuously distorted in order to influence public opinion in favor of tort reform.

The end game of tort reform in America is to make it impossible for any poor person to sue a giant corporation

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the UK when I was doing my BIG OE, there was a dismissal of a charge of indecent exposure.

A guy was caught relieving himself on the street.

It seems there is/was a law that allowed a driver of a horse and cart, to relieve himself on the front offside wheel.

Dunno if it is still on the books, it was 1957 when I was there that trip.

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