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Torrent In Thailand


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I don't think I would download torrents within the US. I think you would be inviting a knock on the door wherever the computer is located in the US.

I think it's unlikely downloading torrents in the US would ever cause you trouble... hosting a highly popular tracker site located in the US might get you that knock on the door however.

Tell that to the lady that was just sued and now has to pay the recording industry $222,000 because she was sharing 24 mp3 files on her computer. It was Kazaa, not torrents, but pretty much the same in the laws eyes.

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In preferences, under download, you can select to have it add ".!UT" to the end of the incomplete file.

thanks for that!

Another question: I have some 100 downloads in the queue. No is it better using the default max. downloads of 5 (I think it was) or rather set them to 200 or so. My philosophy is let all downloads try their best, I don't care whether file A or file B comes in first as long as something is downloading. Am I right here or what do the pro leechers say?

I start off a bunch of files downloading. I then keep the fast ones going and add in a few really slow ones. Otherwise if you had 5 that were real slow out of your 100, all your other downloads are waiting on those 5 real slow downloads. If those 5 took 2 weeks, then the other 95 would not start for 2 weeks. You could down load the 95 first and then be using them for the next two weeks while the remainig 5 download.

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the power of torrents is best realized when you download just 2 or 3 files. you want to max out your number of connections between a few files not 20. i download 2 at a time. ive gotten well over 80GB of stuff in the past month so im fairly happy with the method.

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Otherwise if you had 5 that were real slow out of your 100, all your other downloads are waiting on those 5 real slow downloads. If those 5 took 2 weeks, then the other 95 would not start for 2 weeks. You could down load the 95 first and then be using them for the next two weeks while the remainig 5 download.

this part I do not really understand...what are those files waiting for? As to my understanding all 100 active downloads are independendly looking for seeders....or am I missing something?

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Otherwise if you had 5 that were real slow out of your 100, all your other downloads are waiting on those 5 real slow downloads. If those 5 took 2 weeks, then the other 95 would not start for 2 weeks. You could down load the 95 first and then be using them for the next two weeks while the remainig 5 download.

this part I do not really understand...what are those files waiting for? As to my understanding all 100 active downloads are independendly looking for seeders....or am I missing something?

They are in the download queue. You can set your client to download whatever number of download at one time. Like Samsara said, you do not want to dowload more than a few at a time.

So if you have 100 that you have selected to download, and you have your client set to only download 5 at a time,then the other 95 will be in the queue. When one of the 5 finishes, then the next in the queue will start.

What I was saying about running a bunch at once to begin with was to find out which ones will download the fastest. Usually just a few minutes. Then I set the fast ones to go first. That way, I have some to watch while the slow ones are still downloading.

Sometimes there are very few seeders and it may take a week to download something. If all 5 of your running downloads are real slow like this, then the fast ones will not download until those are finished. So I download the fast one first, maybe it takes 2 hours, then I download the slow one that takes a week. But unless you start many to begin with,you will not know which are the fast ones, and which are the slow ones.

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They are in the download queue. You can set your client to download whatever number of download at one time. Like Samsara said, you do not want to dowload more than a few at a time.

this is the point that I still don't understand....read further..

So if you have 100 that you have selected to download, and you have your client set to only download 5 at a time,then the other 95 will be in the queue. When one of the 5 finishes, then the next in the queue will start.

I allow 200 downloads at a time, having about 100 in the queue. My observation is, that a download that was quiet even for weeks suddenly becomes the fastest one!

What I was saying about running a bunch at once to begin with was to find out which ones will download the fastest. Usually just a few minutes. Then I set the fast ones to go first. That way, I have some to watch while the slow ones are still downloading.

Sometimes there are very few seeders and it may take a week to download something. If all 5 of your running downloads are real slow like this, then the fast ones will not download until those are finished. So I download the fast one first, maybe it takes 2 hours, then I download the slow one that takes a week. But unless you start many to begin with,you will not know which are the fast ones, and which are the slow ones.

this would speakfor a high number of simoultaneous downloads, doesnt it? Watching the download progress is somewhat related to watching paint dry.... :o

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rTorrent (Linux and Mac only) works great for me on an old laptop I use for bittorrent. Finding your way into some good private trackers will make you never want to use public trackers again. The difference in speed is usually pretty considerable, though you need to give back what you take.

I use some private trackers, but find it difficult to keep my ratio high. When you are downloading, you have 90+ seeders and only 5 leachers. So you get it fast, but then when you are trying to seed back, you are one of the 90+ that are fighting for the 5 leachers. It takes a long long time to seed as much as you leached, and by then, everyone that wants the file already has it, so you don't have anyone wanting to leach off you. I guess you need to be one of the first leachers, that way you will still have people interested in leaching off you when you are seeding.

it helps if you have some unique junk to up

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... any body out there use "Torrent Bully" I need an invite please :D

Ditto, much needed here too! :o

As of tomorrow (Friday), Demonoid will have been down three weeks. I imagine some hard work is going on behind the scenes. It may emerge, sooner or later, in another form for all we know.

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coming back to the uTorrent vs. BitComet discussion.

Although I understand now that uTorrent is the better software in terms of fairness, I get MUCH better download rates with BitComet.

I am using TT&T Maxnet, 1 Mbit connection. On BitComet I get at the moment 20-30 kBps (which is not exactly fantastic...) and on uTorrent only 1-3 MBps (which is not woth a mention...)

Bith clients have 98 (BC) resp. 51 (uT) torrents in the cue, effectively downloading two simultaneously although the max. setting is set to 200 on both of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

raro you are probably running out of max. simultaneous connections. you allow 200 downloads, but the #connections total is still capped. since 1 download can easily use 100 connections or more, and total is probably set to something like 300 you end up downloading only the top ones.

you can increase the total # allowed connections but it tends to kill routers if you have too many. e.g. the router might crash.

Does anyone know a good client for Mac? I tried Transmission but the download speed was less than 1/2 what I get with Azureus. Azureus, on the other hand, seems unable to keep the speed limit for uploads. That is Azureus will report a nice 20KB/s upload if I have set a 20KB/s cap, but all my native reporting tools show that I am actually uploading between 30 and 50KB/s. I don't know where these other bits that I am uploading go but it's a big problem b/c if the upload is too high it starves the download. Also I am worried that my upload is reported incorrectly which will make my downloads slower... if I am upping 50KB/s it should be reported as such...

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