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I'm moving to Thailand very soon and considering bringing along a Nintendo Gamecube since its a very compact system (and the only one I own). I have two questins regarding it:

1 - Do they sell gamecube games on the streets? I know there are tons of playstations games and such, I just can't remember if there were Gamecube games and i'm concerned about this because they require special (i think), smaller cds. I only have one game and I want to be able to stock up while I'm there.

2 - Is there any issue regarding a US sold Gamecube vs an asian Gamecube? Kind of like the different continent based formats for DVDs (although i think most players read all types now). Also similar to how a nintendo games in Japan use to not work with US systems. if they do sell the games cheap, I just want to make I won't have problems regarding different formats.

Anyone have Gamecube experience? Bring one from the US and how did it work?


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I have a gamecube. Nobody has found a way to pirate the discs (only way to play pirate games is via a networked PC-Gamecube with the PC storing image files - way too much trouble for me)

I get my GC games in MBK. I tend to average 1 a month as I only get the GC exclusives (can't wait for Pikmin 2 in about 2 weeks). MBK get the US versions about 7-10 days after the US release date.

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Imported GC games? US ones right? I'm in a spot with my X Box. I won't mod it so all I buy are legit games from Singapore and US. Since I'm paying the same price anyway, I'm looking for a more local source. Can you suggest one? All the stores I've been to sell the weird looking pirated ones.

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Yes EVERY GC game you see on sale in Thailand is an original. Due to the unique format (and the lack of demand compared to PS2 & Xbox) the pirates never got around to duping GC games.

I wish there was a place to buy US original Xbox games - I've mentioned this several times to the vendors at MBK but they never seem to bother - they have a few Singapoe copies (where the Xbox is VERY popular) though but I want US versions, especially Halo 2 in November

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Singapore copies don't work on US X Boxes? I was told by some sellers in Singapore that as long as it had NTSC on the back it was OK. I didn't have my Box with me so I didn't purchase it. But can you confirm this? That Singapore games even thought NTSC do not work on US X Boxes?

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