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Security Guard Arrested For Allegedly Serial-killing 7 Colleagues

sriracha john

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''We only take a nap, not a deep sleep


We all feel much safer knowing that.

"He confessed to killing the victims because he hated those who take naps at work, and he thought they were taking advantage of their employers," Piyapun told AFP.

Ironic, in a way, given the complaints we sometimes make :D .

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5,000 illegal immigrants working as security guards

Five thousand illegal immigrants have been cleared to work as security guards at some of the UK's most sensitive buildings.

In yet another Government blunder, the Home Office has allowed the immigrants to take up posts at ports and airports - and even at Whitehall - despite having no legal right to be in the country.

And checks on the man who is in charge of guarding Gordon Brown's prime ministerial car against terrorist booby-traps revealed he was in the country illegally.


Do you feel safe now? :o

Kan Win :D

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"He confessed to killing the victims because he hated those who take naps at work, and he thought they were taking advantage of their employers," Piyapun told AFP.

Ironic, in a way, given the complaints we sometimes make :o .

The one guy with a strong work ethic turns out to be a psycho killer. Beyond ironic.

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Security Guard Accused Of Murdering Counterparts Who Fell Asleep On The Job

He was supposed to be guarding his post. Instead, he's accused of watching others to see how well they were guarding theirs and then allegedly attacking them if they didn't meet his exacting standards. A Bangkok, Thailand security official is accused of beating ten of his counterparts to death and seriously wounding eight more in a spree that lasted an entire year.

Why did Wittaya Jaikhan supposedly go after so many people watching over their posts? Authorities allege it's because he found some of them asleep on the job or not paying attention to their duties. "I used to wake them up, but they scolded me," the 30-year-old told the Bangkok Post. "So I've remained enraged since then."

Wittaya apparently told police that when he finished his shift at a local hospital, he would start cruising the streets of Bangkok, observing security guards whom he felt weren't earning their keep. If he found them sleeping, he'd try and wake them. But if they refused to be roused, cops contend he would beat them with an iron pipe or a stick he'd brought along for the purpose.

At least 18 guards have been attacked since January, the last one on November 4th when a night watchman at a pawnshop was found beaten to death. How did detectives finally catch their suspect? In an irony that can't be lost on the accused, he was apparently caught on security video last July during what police say was one of the murders at a car dealership. Cops say Wittaya used a victim's cell phone to make a call and they were able to trace it right back to him.

"We found an iron pipe, a wooden stick, and a mobile phone we believe belonged to one of his victims," Bangkok police chief Assawin Kwanmuang alleges.

The suspect is now undergoing psychiatric assessment and is expected to be charged with murder and theft.

- City News (Canada)

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SJ: I don't quite understand what you are disputing in my assessment. I am wondering if it was covered in the press before the reports of the last few days. It seems that killing 10 guards (as reported in the BKK Post as of today), would garner some attention. It's not too often that serial killers get by with that many murders without someone wondering what is going on.

So much for all the security they have around here....they are only napping and they would be alert of anything was happening...seems they can't wake up when someone hits them with a board!

In all seriousness, though, I do feel very sorry for the victims and their families. I also feel sorry for a lot of the guards who work extremely long hours in sometimes miserable conditions--heat, pollution etc. It doesn't excuse sleeping on the job, but it makes it understandable.

I think the jig is up on these guys and people will now know--including the bad guys--that security is a joke.

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Why yesterday, where I work, the guard and the maid were both sleeping, the maid was sleeping soundly enough that she fell off her stool, startling the guard awake, who then fell--it was a comical sight.
Sorry to dispute Scott's assessment, but Khun Sanguan says otherwise..... :o

''We only take a nap, not a deep sleep,'' said Sanguan Chumchimplee

SJ: I don't quite understand what you are disputing in my assessment.

Posts cleared of extraneous material in order to make my facetious post more evident. As your first post succinctly points out, clearly they DO sleep deeply, in contradiction to Khun Sanguan's denial.

I apologize if it was an overly obtuse facetious statement.

Edited by sriracha john
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