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Global Warming Do You Care?


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I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)

In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint".

We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith.

Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care.

Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.

Edited by howtoescape
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No, I don't care about global warming because there is absolutely nothing that I or any other human being on this planet can do about. Mankind's impact to the global climate is in the minutae when compared to massive natural forces such as the sun, the oceans, the winds, the geology and gravity.

I am deeply concerned about the massive amounts of fictionalized propaganda being used by governments and individuals to create confusion among the masses for the sole purpose of increasing taxes and exerting more control over peoples' lives. The <deleted>' BBC and government agencies are increasingly rife with this nonsense. Going back to the 1880's it is proven that the mass media runs in 20-30 cycles of global climate change. Thirty-three years ago, the cover title of "Science News" magazine was "The Ice Age Cometh?"

I am also concerned about pollution control, because this can have a direct impact to peoples' lives and there is something than man can do about it. Governments, corporations and individuals do have a responsible place and part in pollution control. The situation in large Thailand cities such as Bangkok is proof enough of the problem. Just don't confuse man-made pollution and global climate because there is no correlating evidence.

Edited by Spee
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Ofcourse I do care .

Did you know that thailand is the biggest consumer and importer of oil per GBP in Asia ?

I'm sure you are correct but can you please expand on that statement or point to some comparative evidence please? Just want to understand the implications of what you wrote, that's all.

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Of course I do care .

So what have you done to prove you care? I am presuming you only fly and drive when absolutely necessary, walk to most places and rarely throw away food.

Are all you electronic systems switched off and not on stand by when not in usage.

I do not have to prove to anybody I care !

I do not think it is that a small individual like me , can make such a difference .

Big factories and governments should make the effort first to show the way ,

I am not busy to show I am a front runner or model for my neighbors .

They do not spend much electricity anyway , reason ? cause they do not have to much

cash to do so .

I do not fly too often , nor drive the car too much , I do bicycle but not for the global reason,

for exercise in fact , if the food is not eatable why I should keep it ?

No I think you should look at it in a different way , i understand you philosophy though ,

we all together make a big difference , but honestly i think nobody would care .

If the governments choose to make green electricity from wind and solar , the people

would not care , probably think is a good thing if they do , but oil is sadly so the most valuable

asset in the world , to much politics to ever stop that until its dried up .

but that is just my opinion .

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No, I don't care about global warming because there is absolutely nothing that I or any other human being on this planet can do about.

If it were to be accepted as what gravity is, then there is something we could do, stop using all fossil fuels.

Now back to the real world my basic knowledge leads me to believe that fossil fuels especially oil are such a good way of making energy in comparison to any renewable sources of energy creation that it is inevitable for us to get through them.

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Ofcourse I do care .

Did you know that thailand is the biggest consumer and importer of oil per GBP in Asia ?

I'm sure you are correct but can you please expand on that statement or point to some comparative evidence please? Just want to understand the implications of what you wrote, that's all.

I can't give you the link , just read it somewhere at www.atimes.com ,

the South east asia section , the Thailand columns , interesting site .

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I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)

In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint".

We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith.

Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care.

Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.


Do I care.....well not really.

In my 61 years I have gradually come to learn that the human race is prety much a useless bunch of fools anyhow.

When they are all dead and rotting the world will be a better place.

Pollute yourself to death, kill all your own children and grandchildren with your own waste.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Maybe the cockroaches will do better when they take over.

Hopefully the first to go will be the capitalist pigs that now run America for there own profit and greed.

(And there bend-over lackeys in the U.K.)


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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As with most things I think people will deal with the symptoms and ignore the cause. In my opinion things will get much, much worse before anything is done and by then it will most likely be too late. Historically people are not proactive and many people refuse to believe in the science as can be seen by many of the posts herein.

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As with most things I think people will deal with the symptoms and ignore the cause. In my opinion things will get much, much worse before anything is done and by then it will most likely be too late. Historically people are not proactive and many people refuse to believe in the science as can be seen by many of the posts herein.

Because the science is false - any scientist without political funding (not bought) will show clear evidence that global warming is not man made. Planets further away from the sun are also heating up - fact.

A good way to introduce yet more restrictions on personal freedoms and a great money spinner. Try doing some independant research - not fox, CNN or the BBC, or corporate media

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I am very pleased to see that the global warming mantra has not penetrated Thai Visa members to the extent that I had thought.

For the record, I would care about global warming if I believed it was caused by humans and we had the power to control it. If I did believe, I would be happy to adjust my life within reason. I would also adjust to an extent that was painful IF those who thought I should change to that degree were willing to feel the same pain FIRST. I think we all know they are not so <deleted> them.

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I think they should start taxing fresh air ! That wouldn't affect people living in Bangkok though :o

Seriously though, I don't give a flying one, I'll be long gone by the time the planet starts to rot, and I don't intend on having any kids :D

Selfish, but honest !

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My father was a fairly smart man and one of the many things I remember him for was something he said to me in 1970. He said something akin to, "this global warming nonsense is scandalous and all of it created by the media just to sell newspapers". What troubles me is that, if all of the global warming nonsense is just, well, nonsense, why were people talking about it, albeit with very small and low voices, back in 1970 and if it has nothing to do with what we think it is all about, what's it all about?. Clearly it has nothing to do with selling newspapers.

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I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)

In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint".

We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith.

Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care.

Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.

In Thailand ,yes, England, no
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I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)

In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint".

We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith.

Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care.

Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.


Do I care.....well not really.

In my 61 years I have gradually come to learn that the human race is prety much a useless bunch of fools anyhow.

When they are all dead and rotting the world will be a better place.

Pollute yourself to death, kill all your own children and grandchildren with your own waste.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Maybe the cockroaches will do better when they take over.

Hopefully the first to go will be the capitalist pigs that now run America for there own profit and greed.

(And there bend-over lackeys in the U.K.)


Bad hair ( peice ) day ? :D
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Global warming mantra has become a psuedo-religion of sorts and is big business oriented. Anyone cares to debate them - they are thrown overboard even with legitimate evidence to refute their claims.

Is it good to be pro-environment sure, but one has to be logical about it and not go to one extreme. :o

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Global warming mantra has become a psuedo-religion of sorts and is big business oriented. Anyone cares to debate them - they are thrown overboard even with legitimate evidence to refute their claims.

Is it good to be pro-environment sure, but one has to be logical about it and not go to one extreme. :D

whatve you been drinking ? not like your normal replies brit ! :o
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I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)

In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint".

We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith.

Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care.

Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.

The looney left have certainly taken over the poor old beeb.

Shadow of its former self, presenters picked accoding to how many speach defects or facial ticks they have, to address some perceived balance problems from generations ago.

Its virtually the African Broadcasting Service these days and their obsession with the backward continent (they have had the same amount of time as us and the same chances) is only surpassed by their hatred of the yanks, men in general (as for ones the same colour as this page!#(!)#$%) god forbid that one should be mentioned except in a very negative role) and their advanced terminal political correctness.

Sterotypes abound though, look at the way they report from Thailand. Jonathon Head is actually very good, but the other looney hacks just get here a write rubbish about bars, destitution and enforced prostitution. That Sky and Al Jazeera are now considered more reliable by many is witness itself to the demise of the beeb.

Thai News was more balanced under old whatsizname.

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I care very much, even if it's not true.

If we lived according to the parameters that would "theoretically" reduce global warming

It would be much more respectful to the earth and truly considerate of future generations.

Honestly to say you don't give a s_it is just plain ignorant.

Unless you're a republican... :o

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Ofcourse I do care .

So what have you done to prove you care? I am presuming you only fly and drive when absolutely necessary, walk to most places and rarely throw away food.

Are all you electronic systems switched off and not on stand by when not in usage.


To show I care I have canceled all future air travel to LOS and air dry my laundry.

Actually, I,ve air dried my laundry for many, many years now... :o

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