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but too many times I've seen parents just make a half hearted attempt in the belief that because their baby is crying or having a tantrum

agreed, on our way back from LOS in september my lo made not a peep for 13hrs except for when he was awake, making a giggle & coo but a couple seated alongside us had no control over their 14 month old & she threw toys & food, screamed, squealed & generally played up the whole flight with mum & dad making halfhearted attempts at keeping her amused, at one point they were both asleep & the child was sitting in the skycot, she could have fallen or anything but they just didn't seem to care.

The older couple behind us actually came up to us at the baggage claim & commended us on such a well behaved baby :o Like I had much control over that but neither me or hubby got any sleep cause a baby or toddler needs to be watched & kept occupied in close quarters, something this other couple didn't seem to think about!!!

But if he had been distressed (not naughty) then I maintain that I would have to focus on him alone & screw everyone else. :D

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but too many times I've seen parents just make a half hearted attempt in the belief that because their baby is crying or having a tantrum

agreed, on our way back from LOS in september my lo made not a peep for 13hrs except for when he was awake, making a giggle & coo but a couple seated alongside us had no control over their 14 month old & she threw toys & food, screamed, squealed & generally played up the whole flight with mum & dad making halfhearted attempts at keeping her amused, at one point they were both asleep & the child was sitting in the skycot, she could have fallen or anything but they just didn't seem to care.

The older couple behind us actually came up to us at the baggage claim & commended us on such a well behaved baby :o Like I had much control over that but neither me or hubby got any sleep cause a baby or toddler needs to be watched & kept occupied in close quarters, something this other couple didn't seem to think about!!!

But if he had been distressed (not naughty) then I maintain that I would have to focus on him alone & screw everyone else. :D

Fair point, I'll find out in 19 days how easy it is to take a baby on a plane but it's like another poster said, "It all depends on the baby" and that is so true.

My wifes sister has a daughter and when they travelled up for our wedding 1 year ago, London to Edinburgh, their daughter who was 1 year old at the time, screamed and through a tantrum the whole hour, her husband said it was the worst hour of his life and that is the one thing I dread.


You always put your baby first and I couldn't give a hoot nor holler about anything else regardless, however I have seen it from all sides, as a confirmed singleton in the past and someone else's kid kicked off, some were moaning, but it is just one of them things, can you do anything about it, No, so get on and do something that you can, in this case probably nothing to do with the kid, so watch a movie with head phones on.

I also travelled to Italy, late last year and my boy kicked off big time, almost everybody was sympathetic as the wife mostly tried to console and comfort, but it was me who walked up and down the aisle trying to get him off to sleep.

Apart from one man, who gave me a dirty look and shook his head, as my blood began to rise, a kindly old woman gave me some wise words and stopped me from doing something I would have regretted, however, walking him up the aisle I did get him off to sleep, to a round of ( muffled ) applause and some relieved and sympathetic looks.

Your life does revolve around your boy/girl, if they they are distressed then you are doubly so and to he_l with the rest, although I understand the negativity toward toward the half-hearted attempts at resolving any disruption.



I think kids should be kept out of airplanes until they are old enough to deal with the physical discomfort. I know sometimes it is necessary but selfish parents who want to go on holiday halfway around the world with their 6 month old baby are being inconsiderate to the other 400 people on the jumbo.

I think kids should be kept out of airplanes until they are old enough to deal with the physical discomfort. I know sometimes it is necessary but selfish parents who want to go on holiday halfway around the world with their 6 month old baby are being inconsiderate to the other 400 people on the jumbo.

Having learnt from our first trip and discussed it on this forum, we ensured that the boy was either eating something or drinking from a bottle on take off and landing, nary a peep nor shout nor cry from him the whole trip.

What he did bring was smiles, laughs and enjoyment to all who encountered him, he was picked up, cuddled, photographed and videoed, every time we went for a walk.

Now which would you prefer, a smiling baby bringing joy to all who encountered him, or loud mouthed Europeans who drink to excess, sing songs, speak at the top of their voice, including stating, ' Why can't Thais even say Fried Rice, they call it Flied Rice', repeatedly, on a plane with Thai passengers and Crew and when they are not denigrating the Thais, they are telling the Crew what is safe and not safe, in the improbable belief they know better.

In between talking incessant nonsense and ordering another Whiskey, whilst trying to put their child to sleep in a sky cot.

So tell me Torrenova, which would you prefer, a selfish parent or an a European Bore and associated actions that have no place as responsible adults and I use that term in it's most loose sense.

Tell me Torrenova, it wasn't you We were sat next to was it.


I think kids should be kept out of airplanes until they are old enough to deal with the physical discomfort. I know sometimes it is necessary but selfish parents who want to go on holiday halfway around the world with their 6 month old baby are being inconsiderate to the other 400 people on the jumbo.

Having learnt from our first trip and discussed it on this forum, we ensured that the boy was either eating something or drinking from a bottle on take off and landing, nary a peep nor shout nor cry from him the whole trip.

What he did bring was smiles, laughs and enjoyment to all who encountered him, he was picked up, cuddled, photographed and videoed, every time we went for a walk.

Now which would you prefer, a smiling baby bringing joy to all who encountered him, or loud mouthed Europeans who drink to excess, sing songs, speak at the top of their voice, including stating, ' Why can't Thais even say Fried Rice, they call it Flied Rice', repeatedly, on a plane with Thai passengers and Crew and when they are not denigrating the Thais, they are telling the Crew what is safe and not safe, in the improbable belief they know better.

In between talking incessant nonsense and ordering another Whiskey, whilst trying to put their child to sleep in a sky cot.

So tell me Torrenova, which would you prefer, a selfish parent or an a European Bore and associated actions that have no place as responsible adults and I use that term in it's most loose sense.

Tell me Torrenova, it wasn't you We were sat next to was it.


Well Moss, weren't you the foresighted one to do your research ? And pray, what if it had all been to no avail ? and the baby screamed for 12 hours ? I hope you would have still enjoyed your flight and holiday.

As for your argument, well it is pathetic. In attempting to justify your potentially upsetting hundreds of people with your screaming baby you make an argument that the only other alternative to your screaming child is a group of drunked loud mouthed europeans (not quite sure why they have to be europeans, perhaps you are american ?). Not content with one loud drunken european there must be a group of them. Sad really that you stoop so low to justify your own desires and purport to defend your actions with a ridiculous hypothetical argument which pits your child against a group of adults.

As for sitting next to me, I seriously doubt it but then perhaps you had not even taken the time to inform the airline that you needed a seat more conducive to taking care of a baby.

Seriously, I think you did well with your research and you got lucky but the underlying point is that the selfishness of the parents often dictates that others unfortunate enough to be on the same flight are in for an uncomfortable journey. Your making up some argument to defend your decision is laughable.


come on now, lets at least try to keep this part of the forum a nice flame free place.

Quite honestly, if I chose to take my baby on a plane & some other people don't like it well there is always the option of them not going. Or else book a private flight, to me planes are like trains or buses, public transport & avaiable to all who can afford to use it.

Whatever my reasons for going is nothing to do with anyone else but very unlikely to be selfish (more like family commitments, elderly rellies unable to travel & want to see us, no holiday for me organising the trip & spending weeks in the middle of nowhere) but like I said, IMO it is public transport & I paid for my tickets same as everyone else. :o


My apologies Boo et al,

Shouldn't have got agitated in this particular forum and as you say, it is no holiday a lot of the time and our primary purpose was exactly what you said, to visit elderly parents and particularly a daughter who had just had her first baby, who we were seeing for the first time.

Holiday in the boonies and being selfish, just don't go hand in hand.

But like I said, I shouldn't have got agitated here.

:o to all


  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if tis helps but when I travel with my baby ( we have had about 8 long flights and I don't count how many short ones in her 2 years and 2 months time ) I try to keep her up awaike all te time before we get into the plane AND hungry... as the plane starts to take off I give her to suck on the bottle it really helps with avoiding ear pain from changing pressure, so she will feed and then fall asleep because she is tiered, and I try to repeat the trick with feeding on landing to also let her ge smootly with the changing preasuure... it helped me at all times.


last year i flew to the UK with my Daughter,16 hour flight,stop-over,she was 3 months,at that age they do sleep alot,she was fine taking off[bottle to feed on as soon as you hear that engine go!] landing was a bit tricky,as the desent takes so long she got bored feeding,stopped,then the ears started hurting.

1 tip,on the way back to thailand a couple next to me had a 5 week old with them[brave] they gave the little un salt water drops up her nose,they also gave my daughter some too,it worked,no crying on landing :o

im doing the same trip again this April[she is now 13 months] and im more worried now then i was when she was a tiny babby.

as for other passengers,well,i always say 'sorry' to whoever is unlucky enough to be sat next to us.......


If you are having doubts maybe you could consider leaving the children with relatives , in a foster care home or kennels .

You would have a restful flight not having to worry about the childrens heads exploding because of blocked sinuses ets and the other passengers would not have to suffer their screams.

And pray, what if it had all been to no avail ? and the baby screamed for 12 hours ? I hope you would have still enjoyed your flight and holiday.



Nothing Hypothetical about that at all, old boy :D

you had not even taken the time to inform the airline that you needed a seat more conducive to taking care of a baby.

Unfortunately, you are off the mark again old boy, all very informed and suitable placement guaranteed long before hand.

Your making up some argument to defend your decision is laughable.

Nothing made up here old boy, keep trying, the more you post, there will have to be a time when you get something right, hopefully :D

As for being a Yank :o

come on now, lets at least try to keep this part of the forum a nice flame free place.

Well, Boo, I did try, not much of a Flame there :D


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