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That joke was upstaged by the word 'Whizzy' which I am still sniggering at like an immature schoolboy.

Anyway, Kat - I did mean feminist in the sterotype/Millie Tant out of Viz comic type and I don't think you're one of those otherwise you wouldn't last long on here.

I did generalise the word 'feminist' but seeing as I don't know you I could hardly go into technicalities.

One question, if you ever saw a Whizzy for sale in Superdrug would you buy one and try it out? I bet you would, I would if I was a laydee. :D

Scampie, I can hardly go snorkeling without getting water in my mask, so I don't even want to think about handling one of those whizzy gadgets. I guess I can live with the "injustice" of sitting or squatting to piss. Everyone has to choose their battles I suppose :o

But, on a practical note, maybe some of those ladies in the ads for the whizzys aren't feminazis or bulldykes as Nemisis implies. Maybe they just want to be able to take a piss easily on the side of the road. As for myself, I guess you can say I am a traditionalist at least when it comes to pissing :D

oh yeah, and when it comes to setting up stereos and stuff.

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But, on a practical note, maybe some of those ladies in the ads for the whizzys aren't feminazis or bulldykes as Nemisis implies.

Undoubtedly. But it's more fun to poke fun at the feminazis.

btw: say what you like about me, but spel my name rite please. :o

I love it when my Thai wife and I are in the shower together STANDING face to face and pissing all over each others' feet. It's just bubblicious!

My goodness! :D:wub:-_-:D :D

I had no idea you and your wife were into "water sports".... :D

Is this reason # 87 to live in South East Asia? :o:(

But, on a practical note, maybe some of those ladies in the ads for the whizzys aren't feminazis or bulldykes as Nemisis implies.

Undoubtedly. But it's more fun to poke fun at the feminazis.

btw: say what you like about me, but spel my name rite please. :D

ok, ok, Mr. "opponent of ruinous harm" I can't spell. My secret is out. Just please don't force me to use one of the piss gadgets. But I have been known to use an empty men's bathroom when the women's room is full :o

ok, ok, Mr. "opponent of ruinous harm" I can't spell.

Just please don't force me to use one of the piss gadgets.

It was a joke. :o

Wouldn't think of it. But this just may be the ticket for ya.



ok, gentlemen, scamp, not scampie, but also scampy, and Nemesis - I've got to go ... And i don't mean to the loo at this moment. This internet is way too slow and keeps crashing. I'm on my way to the Perhentian Islands, so i won't be back on this thread for awhile. I'll be taking my next piss on the road somewhere. I'll think of you both fondly next time I take a whiz :o


Virgin Air scrapped plans to install urinals in the JFK airport lounge after the feminazis at NOW protested


"There's something wrong with someone who thinks that urinating symbolically into the mouth of a woman is quirky and fun," said Rita Haley, president of the city's chapter of the National Organization for Women. It displays a horrendous lack of social consciousness," Haley added. "The [urinals] are disgusting, degrading and humiliating to women and they encourage the abuse of women."

Meike van Schijndel, a 30-year-old woman from the Netherlands who designed the "Kisses" urinal, told the feminzis to ""Lighten up," she added. "[it's] just a cartoonish looking mouth. There are worse things in the world to get all worked up about."

No shit Meike. Shouldn't made a urinal in the likeness of Haley's mouth for men who have a shy bladder. Cure em quick pissin' into the likes of Feminazi Haley.

Gotta hand it to the folks at Virgin Air - unlike Haley, they gotta sense of humor.

Virgin Air scrapped plans to install urinals in the JFK airport lounge after the feminazis at NOW protested


"There's something wrong with someone who thinks that urinating symbolically into the mouth of a woman is quirky and fun," said Rita Haley, president of the city's chapter of the National Organization for Women. It displays a horrendous lack of social consciousness," Haley added. "The [urinals] are disgusting, degrading and humiliating to women and they encourage the abuse of women."

Meike van Schijndel, a 30-year-old woman from the Netherlands who designed the "Kisses" urinal, told the feminzis to ""Lighten up," she added. "[it's] just a cartoonish looking mouth. There are worse things in the world to get all worked up about."

No shit Meike. Shouldn't made a urinal in the likeness of Haley's mouth for men who have a shy bladder. Cure em quick pissin' into the likes of Feminazi Haley.

Gotta hand it to the folks at Virgin Air - unlike Haley, they gotta sense of humor.

I couldn't agree more - just looking at that picture wants me to go out and beat up women and wee in their mouths. :o

How daft - what do you think Kat?

What planet are you from? ignoring them will only let it get worse..

To which postings do you refer? and who should not be ignored?

If you refer to my posting, I do not ignore radical feminists, but I ignore such men, who submit to such 'women' and who are pissing into diapers to please them.....

Might be, for such men it is getting worse, but I cannot help....


what is the world coming to when a man can't pee & poo in his own home as he sees fit :o i get great enjoyment from peeing & singing whilst standing in front of my throne... god bless the queen... maam...

Yohan, I agree with you regarding your antipathy towards the feminazi regime (re: most modern western women).

In the west, there is a marriage strike.  Falang women are the least marriageable women on this planet.

I'm saving my pennies to get to the east for good this time.

As I said in my previous postings, radical feminists are a minority, however this minority presents a group of intelligent, strongly vocal, well organized aggressive man-hating women, who have some certain influence on educators, lawyers, or politicians....

What is missing is a strong voice from Western women - (and not from men) - against such pointless groups, rejecting openly such nonsense.

It is obviously difficult for a Farang woman to protect her own man against such attacks, because they are coming from (radical) Farang women against men....

If Western women prefer not to challenge their own radical sisters and remain silent, then men are correct in their suspicion, that such a Western wife might be less faithful and less trustful in a long-term man-woman relationship, compared to other women of different colour and culture.

Why should an European man really look for an Asian wife? Logically, for most of them this should be a marriage, which is much more difficult, compared with a local girl from his neighbourhood.....

Consider the long trips by airplane, hotel-invoices, language-problems, visa-regulations, different culture to get along with such a girl.....

Many Caucasian men however prefer to accept all these difficulties and risks and try it out nevertheless.....

There must be a reason, why they reject their own women in their own countries....

If you study carefully this PISS-story in this thread, then you should understand the reasons, why you should give a relationship with an Asian wife a chance.


The Borg have a singular goal, namely the consumption of technology, rather than wealth or political expansion as most species seek. According to their spokesman, in the form of an assimilated Captain Yohan, the Borg only want to "raise the quality of life" of the species they "assimilate." western women, for example, they view as primitive and obsolete. Born humanoid, they are almost immediately implanted with bio-chips that link their brains to a collective consciousness via a unique subspace frequency emitted by each drone. This collective consciousness is experienced by the Borg as "thousands" of voices — they are collectively aware, but not aware of themselves as separate individuals. Consequently, they never speak in singular pronouns, referring to themselves when required as merely "Married for 30 years," or "80% of salary" for instance.

The Borg ingest only energy to drive their technological system via the thaivisa.com conduit port. Their bio-chips synthesize any organic nutrients needed. Among the many advantages their collective consciousness affords them, the Borg hive-mind allows for instantaneous adaptations to abuse from fellow members and flamming frequency modulations in combat; they are also able to regenerate and repair their massive victorian ego with the power of their collective thoughts alone. The hive-mind drones do not register as individual life-signs when scanned, only as a mass reading and then at a bare minimum. The sick and injured are not healed but "reabsorbed" by the removal of the receiver piece, which leads to self-destructive dissolve. When shipboard during dormancy in their regenerative mode, power is minimal and the Yohan 3000 xbot post scanners cut off. They have a knock-out drug or procedure for Asians, using a drill-tap placed behind the left ear, that works immediately but wears off in less than a minute.


If you study carefully this PISS-story in this thread

Yohan, I think you have way to much spare time :o

Some men pay dearly over many years and lost almost everything they owned because they ignored Western feminist demands and did not study the related laws in their spare time. Not really such a funny topic....

The Borg have a singular goal, namely the consumption of technology, rather than wealth or political expansion as most species seek. According to their spokesman, in the form of an assimilated Captain Yohan, the Borg only want to "raise the quality of life" of the species they "assimilate." western women, for example, they view as primitive and obsolete. Born humanoid, they are almost immediately implanted with bio-chips that link their brains to a collective consciousness via a unique subspace frequency emitted by each drone. This collective consciousness is experienced by the Borg as "thousands" of voices — they are collectively aware, but not aware of themselves as separate individuals. Consequently, they never speak in singular pronouns, referring to themselves when required as merely "Married for 30 years," or "80% of salary" for instance.

The Borg ingest only energy to drive their technological system via the thaivisa.com conduit port. Their bio-chips synthesize any organic nutrients needed. Among the many advantages their collective consciousness affords them, the Borg hive-mind allows for instantaneous adaptations to abuse from fellow members and flamming frequency modulations in combat; they are also able to regenerate and repair their massive victorian ego with the power of their collective thoughts alone. The hive-mind drones do not register as individual life-signs when scanned, only as a mass reading and then at a bare minimum. The sick and injured are not healed but "reabsorbed" by the removal of the receiver piece, which leads to self-destructive dissolve. When shipboard during dormancy in their regenerative mode, power is minimal and the Yohan 3000 xbot post scanners cut off. They have a knock-out drug or procedure for Asians, using a drill-tap placed behind the left ear, that works immediately but wears off in less than a minute.

Topic: Why I Live In South East Asia, And not in a Western country?

Sorry, can you explain this a little bit more for me....

Do you now prefer living in Western countries, or in Asian countries?

The Borg have a singular goal, namely the consumption of technology, rather than wealth or political expansion as most species seek. According to their spokesman, in the form of an assimilated Captain Yohan, the Borg only want to "raise the quality of life" of the species they "assimilate." western women, for example, they view as primitive and obsolete. Born humanoid, they are almost immediately implanted with bio-chips that link their brains to a collective consciousness via a unique subspace frequency emitted by each drone. This collective consciousness is experienced by the Borg as "thousands" of voices — they are collectively aware, but not aware of themselves as separate individuals. Consequently, they never speak in singular pronouns, referring to themselves when required as merely "Married for 30 years," or "80% of salary" for instance.

The Borg ingest only energy to drive their technological system via the thaivisa.com conduit port. Their bio-chips synthesize any organic nutrients needed. Among the many advantages their collective consciousness affords them, the Borg hive-mind allows for instantaneous adaptations to abuse from fellow members and flamming frequency modulations in combat; they are also able to regenerate and repair their massive victorian ego with the power of their collective thoughts alone. The hive-mind drones do not register as individual life-signs when scanned, only as a mass reading and then at a bare minimum. The sick and injured are not healed but "reabsorbed" by the removal of the receiver piece, which leads to self-destructive dissolve. When shipboard during dormancy in their regenerative mode, power is minimal and the Yohan 3000 xbot post scanners cut off. They have a knock-out drug or procedure for Asians, using a drill-tap placed behind the left ear, that works immediately but wears off in less than a minute.

Topic: Why I Live In South East Asia, And not in a Western country?

Sorry, can you explain this a little bit more for me....

Do you now prefer living in Western countries, or in Asian countries?

I think he prefers to live in the Delta Quadrant.

When I pee, I make sure there is no splash factor. One of my pet peeves is the noise of pee going into the water in the toilet bowl (anyone else have this problem?).

me too!

I just don't pee directly into the water.

When I pee, I make sure there is no splash factor.  One of my pet peeves is the noise of pee going into the water in the toilet bowl (anyone else have this problem?).

me too!

I just don't pee directly into the water.

That's what the sink is for! :o

If this is true, then I have to agree that many white western feminists have definitely lost the plot. There are way bigger problems in the world concerning women, children, labour laws, and human rights.

Shit, if I could pee anywhere standing up with minimum effort, I sure would defend my right to do so. Pissers everywhere Unite! Just clean up after yourselves and every little thing's gonna be alright.

This is what we call feminism.(Kat's way of thinking)

Not the things mentioned earlier about the way of peeing of men in Germany. That is not feminism.(limited english ability. hope people understand what I am talking about) :o

Two guys were standing on a bridge takin' a piss. One guy says "Water's cold." The other guy says, 'Deep too.'

Nemesis, please stop eavesdropping on my conversations with my friend.



Do I know you?


Why haven't the feminist insist that us men not grow beards? Or Mustaches? I mean let's be consistent.

Feminists want control. I think what I like most about Asian countries is they are still Patriarchal societies. The Hong Kong woman who was released by the Queen after spending only 12 months of her 18 month sentence for lying about being raped would have been believed without question in the States and the men would have been imprisoned and definitely not released early by a man catering to the feminist's rants and shrill whinings about how Patriarchy has suppressed them for so long.


I think, this is a question, which feminists do no like to answer.

If a man rapes a woman, he might get well 18 years in prison....maybe release after 12 years....

If a woman is a liar, accusing a man, who is innocent for rape, and he can proof, that these allegations are untrue, the woman might get 18 months, release after 12 months.

Fair? Equality?

And what is, if the man cannot proof, that he is innocent?

Will police and courts still check the possibility, that the woman might be a liar?

The feminist's reaction is understandable, they are protecting the woman, innocent or guilty does not matter....

And they do not care about the man, innocent or guilty does not matter....

Yohan, I think you have way to much spare time

Let me say it again:

Some men pay dearly over many years and lost almost everything they owned because they ignored Western feminist demands and did not study the related laws in their spare time. Not really such a funny topic....

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