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List Of Unfriendly Thai Embassys And Consulates Needed

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I just read a post by a traveler who was denied a Tourist Visa at the Thai Consulate Guangshou China for reasons beyond absurdity. This combined with the new rules in Penang about issuance of not more than three TVs has me thinking that it would be nice to see a list or database of Thai consulates and how they would rate in terms of friendliness to travelers and long time stayers.

This list should be published on the net to give warning to all concerned as this is possibly becoming an international human rights issue.

Personally right now I'm interested in knowing how other consulates in China rate especially Kunming if anyone has some info to share. Ive all but given up the hope of staying much longer in Thailand on tourist visas and border walks but was thinking it might be possible to stay six months in Kunming and then come to Thailand with a tourist visa for three months and then make three border walks.

Is one tourist visa per year too much to ask?

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Besides, 90% of the time the attitude of the embassy staff has a direct relation to the attitude, manners and dress of the applicant...

I beg to differ.

I went to the consulate in Sydney, smartly dressed, and with all the right papers to obtain a Multi-Entry Non Imm visa.

I got angry when they told me, that contrary to the Imm web site, the consulate would not issue multi-entry visa.

A consistent approach from all embassies/consulates would help.

This was several years ago.

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.............A consistent approach from all embassies/consulates would help.

You know that's never gonna happen!! What may work is a special section in Thaivisa dedicated to each and every consulate around the world; how they behave towards applicants in both helpfulness and documentation required and this should be updated on every application.

Just my 2 satangs worth.

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Your friendly conulates for Thai visas will always be in your home country.

A visa refusal is not a human rights issue all countries reserve the right to decide who will enter their country.

I am sympathetic with the OP.........BUT, the assumption is that there are friendly Thai consulates........ :o:D :D

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I think the problem with listing unfriendly embassies and Consulates is that it is not like likely to be very reliable.

I remember a few years back been told that the Thai consulate back in my home country wasn't very good.

I have never had a problem with them.

Problems with embassies and consulates may often be due to personalities more than anything else.

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I just read a post by a traveler who was denied a Tourist Visa at the Thai Consulate Guangshou China for reasons beyond absurdity. This combined with the new rules in Penang about issuance of not more than three TVs has me thinking that it would be nice to see a list or database of Thai consulates and how they would rate in terms of friendliness to travelers and long time stayers.

This list should be published on the net to give warning to all concerned as this is possibly becoming an international human rights issue.

Personally right now I'm interested in knowing how other consulates in China rate especially Kunming if anyone has some info to share. Ive all but given up the hope of staying much longer in Thailand on tourist visas and border walks but was thinking it might be possible to stay six months in Kunming and then come to Thailand with a tourist visa for three months and then make three border walks.

Is one tourist visa per year too much to ask?

List Of Unfriendly Thai Embassys And Consulates Needed

I think you're walking on thin ice here, trying to publish (where ever) such a list.

A list like that would only attract negative comments and those experiences are individual ones based upon individuals, working at those Embassies/Consulates, who might or might not have been wrong in individual cases, supplying a visa.

One never hear about the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Visas going smoothly.

Personally, my wife -Chinese- and I -Farang- had several visas issued at different Consulate locations in China with Thailand Consulates. Never ever a single problem.


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This list should be published on the net to give warning to all concerned as this is possibly becoming an international human rights issue.


Please elaborate on the "possible international human rights issue".

I don't think he can do that :o

Well I guess its not really a human rights issue since we don't have any rights anyway except to spend money but if we did then it might be..

The fact is that all immigration issues are human rights issues and this one is deeper than it appears to the casual observer.

Thousands of lives are affected by the ambiguous and constantly changing whims of the Thai government.

What is the difference between a Farang English teacher who was lured to stay in Thailand when the visa rules were very lax and a Mexican who was lured to the US to work farm labor that no one else would do and then persecuted by a hostile government because he doesnt have the right credentials?

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Your friendly conulates for Thai visas will always be in your home country.

Not always true

For many years the visa section in London was ruled by an old dragon....... :o

Well hope i will not be accused of Thaibashing here , but to tell the fact (proved by years of experience) the only 'friendly Thai legations, are the one's without thais !!>Which includes most of honorary consulates, like B'ham ,Hull etc.. No thai staff>no general predjudice, or like i was told by friendly embassy clerk in my home country(sorry hav 2 keep secret, not to expose the guy :D) 'whatever i put in front of Consul's nose,he signs' Now those are the places you'll have success in :D find'em & use'm with discretion ..(because if they get overwhelmed, by needy masses, they'll tighten the rules faster, than you can do your visa-run :D

Edited by asiaworld
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This list should be published on the net to give warning to all concerned as this is possibly becoming an international human rights issue.


Please elaborate on the "possible international human rights issue".

I don't think he can do that :o

The fact is that all immigration issues are human rights issues and this one is deeper than it appears to the casual observer.

Thousands of lives are affected by the ambiguous and constantly changing whims of the Thai government.

I deleted some of your post because the rights and wrongs of Mexican labourers have no bearing on Thailands Immigration policy.

This is not a " human rights issue "

All countries have the right to decide on the criteria for immigration.

Look no furthur than Australia and the UK for their tests on allowing foreign nationals to reside and work in the country. ( we are not talking about refugees from persecution etc )

All countries have the right to change their policies. Whether that is allowed to be retrospective or not is another matter.

If Thailand wants to restrict the amount of Tourist Visa,s issued to an individual then that is their right.

How can you be considered to be a tourist when you are on your 4th , 5th , 6th continuous TV?

( Look up definitions of tourist )

Sorry to sound harsh but if you are on about " human rights issues " then waste shed loads of money on a lawyer.

You won,t win

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For the OP.

I work for the UN in Bangkok in a HR role.

Human rights is an issue which is constantly on the UN,s agenda. I can assure you there are NO human rights issues on a countries immigration policies regarding foreign nationals from another country. Immigration policy is for the country to decide. Not the courts.

For example. You have a Thai wife. You are from, lets say the USA. You have a criminal record for drugs. The host country you apply to has the right to refuse you entry as an undesirable alien. It matters not that you have Thai family.

Tourist visa,s are a tricky problem as there are several different definitions of what construes a "tourist"

Thailand is starting to restrict the amount of TV,s that can be obtained by an individual and as such instructions have gone out to all Embassies and Consulates regarding this. Likewise, this also applies to the amount of Multi non Imm B,s that can be obtained. It is feasable for the country to assume that if you are on your 3rd and 4th Non Imm B......you are not really seeking business or work. The logic being that you would have obtained work within that time and would be going through the Work Permit procedure.

Human rights issues will only come into play regarding safety and persecution. This applies to persons seeking refugee status.

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I'll get dished for this but it seems that the people who complain the most about how the Thais issue their visas 9 out of 10 times donot qualify for the visa they want; to young, not enough income, no job, not married to a Thai, and have been living in Thailand on tourist visas. These people become angry and want to blame the Thai government for their inability to qualify for a visa and they continue to look for ways to scam the system.

And I agree that individual immagration, embassy, and consulate personal can be caprecious in their interpetation of the rules usually requireing extra documentation but it is stated clearly in the rules they can do this.

The only recourse it seems is to go home and qualify for the visa you want; get older, get the qualifications you need for a job in thailand, qualify for retirement, marry a Thai, and wait a bit until you qualify for another tourist visa.

OK guys let me have it.

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funny that nobody has even tried to answer the original question.

Okay here goes

Unfriendly Thai consulates. Depends on your definition of unfriendly

very unfriendly

PP Cambodia

Manila Phillipines

Yangoon Myanmar

Katmandu Nepal

Lankawi Malaysia

Not so friendly after 1 Tourist visa or no proof of onward ticket


HCMC or Hanoi Vietnam

Tokyo Japan

Hong Kong

I am sure others can ad more unfriendly ones

The friendlier consulates in the region are

Penang, KL, and Kota Baru Malaysia

Ventiane Laos

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funny that nobody has even tried to answer the original question.

Okay here goes

Unfriendly Thai consulates. Depends on your definition of unfriendly

very unfriendly

PP Cambodia

Manila Phillipines

Yangoon Myanmar

Katmandu Nepal

Lankawi Malaysia

Not so friendly after 1 Tourist visa or no proof of onward ticket


HCMC or Hanoi Vietnam

Tokyo Japan

Hong Kong

I am sure others can ad more unfriendly ones

The friendlier consulates in the region are

Penang, KL, and Kota Baru Malaysia

Ventiane Laos

I will hazard a guess that you are only aware of this because of previous reports from OTHER posters. Or have you actual experience of each and every one?

The rules are changing as we speak. Literally

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I really don't see the point of flogging a dead horse and rehashing information already discussed in the past.

Fact remains, every country has the right to limit the number of foreign nationals entering their country, for better or worse.

That not really our problem, is it.

If you're smart, you'll play by the rules.

If you're smarter, you'll find a way around the rules.

If you're smarter still, you'll find a way around the rules and not get caught in the process.

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... since we don't have any rights anyway except to spend money ...

Where did you get the idea that there is such a right?

This is not a right, but a concession! I admit that this concession is granted in most every country :D:D:o

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I really don't see the point of flogging a dead horse and rehashing information already discussed in the past.


That not really our problem, is it.


What a sour grape. These subjects is what this forum is made for. If not your problem try another forum.

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Might as well add Guangzhou, China, to the top list.

Maybe I wasn't dressed like a businessman, maybe i didn't enter on my knees. But I was not dressed like a beachbum, nor was I rude.

Contrary to what some might think.

I'm sure you were perfectly presentable. Thanks for posting this.

At the very least, it might increase the chance of somebody searching for

touristvisa and china, finding your post, and decide that perhaps they'll be better off going

somewhere else, or trying to get it by bribing via an agency, as your update suggests.

Too bad some people some more inclinded to post meaningless drivel along the lines

"everything changes", "the next day is not the same as day before", "it varies from

person to person".

As should be obvious to anybody but the most negligible mentaly, some embassies and

consulates have a, more than likely not completly underserved, reputation for beeing less

than friendly to the frequent Thailand tourist.

It can only help to share that information, thus possibly help other members avoid

wasting their money and time.

Currently the only way to find this information seems to be to search the forum for the

embassy in question. No doubt it would be a lot easier if this information was grouped

together on one "sticky" page, to which people could post updates.

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A list like that would only attract negative comments and those experiences are individual ones based upon individuals,

Not true. I've read many kudos for Thai Embassies and Consulates on this forum. But, the most kudos have been for the honorary consulates. And, unfortunately, that may have been counterproductive.

Example. In the States, some honorary consulates (Colorado, Florida, and Alabama, at least) no longer accept visa applications from out-of-state. And, in Colorado's case, have put out notice that they will not be so lenient on meeting requirements in the future. Apparently, the MFA put out guidance to tighten up, including accepting all comers. (I guess they read this and similar forums -- they'd be remiss if they did not, I would think.) Fortunately, not all honorary consulates listened to this guidance -- the one situation where marching to different drummers is helpful, not annoying.

I know for sure a couple. But, I won't mention names. However, if you speak "you all" lingo, and like yellow roses and pickup trucks, you might be able to locate a few. :o

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I think the problem with listing unfriendly embassies and Consulates is that it is not like likely to be very reliable.

I remember a few years back been told that the Thai consulate back in my home country wasn't very good.

I have never had a problem with them.

Problems with embassies and consulates may often be due to personalities more than anything else.

It's even possible that a particular consulate/embassy may have good and bad days. It may also depend on who's in charge on any given day.

A good consulate could turn "bad" at any time due to a change of management. Penang is a good example of that. With a bit of luck the reverse may also be true ie. that a "bad" consulate will turn "good" due to change of management.

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I know for sure a couple. But, I won't mention names. However, if you speak "you all" lingo, and like yellow roses and pickup trucks, you might be able to locate a few. :o

Subtle as an air raid that one!

Best to keep mum if you have found an amenable honorary consul IMHO. Their bosses DO read these forums and when they suddenly see a flood of resident/tourist/sexpat/teacher applicants at one location, you can bet that will be nipped in the bud pretty pronto.

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Besides, 90% of the time the attitude of the embassy staff has a direct relation to the attitude, manners and dress of the applicant...

I always have to laugh at these posts. Like the people that dress well at the airport or consulate get treated better. These are officials just doing their jobs. They are looking at your nationality, perhaps your pic, your history, perhaps computer info. Of course if you insult by wearing dirty clothes, perhaps even shorts at one time. That will not bode well for you.

If you think about it logically, its the backpacker that would be applying for a TR visa. Personally, I would question all the more some flash runner who is obviously living in Thailand over a simply dressed person looking for a single TR.

90% of this crackdown is Thailand fed up with people working illegally in Thailand. So go ahead, get all dressed up. Carry that laptop and cradle the phone in a hushed business call because - youre important.

Same at the airport. You show up with your silly laptop, sportcoat - to me that spells; I work in Thailand (even if you dont).

Like I said before. This is Asia, no one wears ties (except HKG perhaps). I always laugh at guys that are all dressed up in some silly siut and tie not near Silom. Its obvious they are just teachers (with no money). So you look like a poser. Im not convinced, doubt they are. Thats just your style, we wouldnt find you in shorts and a nice light cotton collar shirt out on the beach anyway.

This is also the type that goe to NaNa and dresses like an faux Armani fashion model. They are not any more 'lucky' than the tourist in slaps, shorts and a decent shirt (double in Pattaya)

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