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Marriage Disaster?


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14 years ago I was married to my lovely Thai wife at Kings Cross registery office in London. My bride to be and I were in a bit of a rush to marry as her visa was short but never the less everything was in order.The problem arose about 10 mins before we were to sign the certificates when the "best man"(unreliable Eddie) crashed through the doors shouting "sorry everyone the line was down at tottenham" He then informed me that he didn't know where the 2 Thai witnesses that we needed to translate the ceremony were .I looked into everyones eyes at that moment(a moment I will never forget)and just thought what the hel_l am I going to say to my girlfriend!All the guests got together and started discussing solutions but then Eddie said to the wedding party before us who had just finished marrying"your not Thai by any chance?"..........the rest as they say is history. :bah::o:D:D:D:D

Edited by dee123
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14 years ago I was married to my lovely Thai wife at Kings Cross registery office in London. My bride to be and I were in a bit of a rush to marry as her visa was short but never the less everything was in order.The problem arose about 10 mins before we were to sign the certificates when the "best man"(unreliable Eddie) crashed through the doors shouting "sorry everyone the line was down at tottenham" He then informed me that he didn't know where the 2 Thai witnesses that we needed to translate the ceremony were .I looked into everyones eyes at that moment(a moment I will never forget)and just thought what the hel_l am I going to say to my girlfriend!All the guests got together and started discussing solutions but then Eddie said to the wedding party before us who had just finished marrying"your not Thai by any chance?"..........the rest as they say is history. :bah::o:D:D:D:D

Is this supposed to be a joke? If it is, I don't get it!

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