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The topic on how much to tip reminded me of many of the women I have talked to. We see them when we go to the pub, the shop, the food stall. Working women. I wonder how many of us realise how many hours these women work in one week?

I admit to understanding many work fairly long hours but, having talked to quite a few lately, I now have a better understanding. Many are divorced / widowed and have children to support as well as families to help. What I did not realise is how many will start their main employment at, say, 5 p.m. and work until 2 a.m. The next morning they are up to begin work at 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. or so. On their one day off from their main employment they are working at a third place. The hours vary depending on their work but in the main so many seem to be working such long hours 7 days a week 52 weeks a year. Okay, many are not exactly rushed off their feet at work but then again, the boredom factor of sitting around doing nothing for periods of time can also be tiring in itself. Many also seem to eat while working too not even getting a luch break . Add too the disrupted sleep patterns.

All for so little pay and yet they can still offer service with a smile even though they are so tired. I think many of these people deserve a pat on the back.

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And much of the money is sent back to the family! My gf used to work a day shift from 8 - 5, then a night shift from 5:30 - 1:30, then attend two university classes on the weekend. With this money she takes care of herself and two sons (with occasional help from the father), and the extra is sent to mom to take care of her three nephews from her sister who doesn't help up but feels free to hit her mother up for money whenever she feels the need (and even put a black market mortgage on the mothers house without her consent/knowledge).

Many people here seem to think of most Thai's as lazy, drunks, etc., but there are clearly just as many hard workers out there sending money to those lazy types to take care of them and their children.

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