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Horrendous Tot Phone Bill


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This month's phone bill from ToT is jusy a little larger than I'm used to - about 600% bigger in fact! This is for my land line, which is basically used only for internet access (local call rate) and the very occasional call to UK. Any other calls are made from my AIS mobile.

The list of dialed numbers (not local) is very long - 122 calls in October - and I recognise none of them. All seem to be to mobile numbers within Thailand and about half are listed as being to YTEL numbers. I think that YTEL is a wifi network thingy? Why would I be making calls from my land line to a wifi number? Anyone know anything about YTEL?

I really don't feel like paying this bill as I'm sure that it's grossly in error - but of course ToT would never admit this. I have had some problems with ToT billing previously - last time took about 3 months to sort out and involved having some words with the Manager in Pattaya. The problem eventually went away but I never got an explanation and never got any money refunded. I guess that I'm going to have to confront them again but I'm not optimistic.

Anyone else out there having / had similar problems? I'm not too far away from closing the account, the only problem being that ToT have a monopoly on the lines where I live, otherwise I would switch to TT&T. What's it like getting internet access via a mobile these days? Used to be expensive and excrutiatingly slow but may have to go that way if I can't resolve this issue.


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You mention internet access: are you using a dial up modem?

If yes, you probably have a 'dialer' installed. This is a program which will dial up automatically, usually to a number which gives a hacker some profit. This was a common hacker game some years ago in Europe, but with ADSL and cable is not so common there now.

You may need a program which checks your computer for malware. Since I use a mac myself, I do not know what program will be good for you.



PS: disconnect your computer from the phone line, whenever you do not need internet.

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Agree that if you're using dail-up, then looks like you got a 'dialer'

Initially try spybot search and destroy Link.

By the by what are the prefixes for the YTEL numbers?


/edit PS since in another thread you list your 'anti-virus' protection, might I also suggest you add Comodo BOClean

Edited by A_Traveller
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May someone "use" your phone line by connecting a phone somewhere "on the way"!

I would check to calling the frequent called number and if that's are Thais on the other end, I would let call a Thai from a different number to find out who is that! May you can find out something on this way!

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Thanks for that advice - unfortunately though things are not so simple. The system has been thoroughly checked and is clean - no dialers, viruses, trojans, malware. Also, there is no correlation between the times and durations of the listed calls and the time when the PC has been powered up. The listed numbers (18 of them, although 122 in total) are all to mobile numbers. The only people getting any benefit would be ToT and, possibly, YTEL - but maybe they're ToT anyway.

I don't normally disconnect the phone line when I'm not on-line as the PC is then, normally, turned off and is therefore incapable of doing anything. Mind you, just try convincing ToT of this - I've been down that road before! Anyway, no correlation between the call times and anything that I've been doing either on or off line.


You mention internet access: are you using a dial up modem?

If yes, you probably have a 'dialer' installed. This is a program which will dial up automatically, usually to a number which gives a hacker some profit. This was a common hacker game some years ago in Europe, but with ADSL and cable is not so common there now.

You may need a program which checks your computer for malware. Since I use a mac myself, I do not know what program will be good for you.



PS: disconnect your computer from the phone line, whenever you do not need internet.

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Noting your posts in another thread was this when you had Easy CD Extractor 10 installed?


1. Are you on dial-up?

2. If so can you access your dial up account records? This will allow you to show when the PC is on-line and when it is not. Also, of course, should show any wake-ups you are not aware of

3. All the numbers are 08*? If so what is the third digit and have you tried calling the number to see who/what answers?


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Noting your posts in another thread was this when you had Easy CD Extractor 10 installed?


1. Are you on dial-up?

2. If so can you access your dial up account records? This will allow you to show when the PC is on-line and when it is not. Also, of course, should show any wake-ups you are not aware of

3. All the numbers are 08*? If so what is the third digit and have you tried calling the number to see who/what answers?


1. Yes - CSLOXInfo

2. Yes - no correlation between internet access and 'rogue' calls.

3. No, most are but there are 2s and 5s as well. The 5s are to ToT land line numbers (only a couple) and the 2s are to True numbers (a few). Third digit on 08 calls is variable. Currently persuading Missus to check the numbers (of which there are 18 different ones!)

Edited to include info. on non-08 numbers.


Edited by doctormann
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Agree that if you're using dail-up, then looks like you got a 'dialer'

Initially try spybot search and destroy Link.

By the by what are the prefixes for the YTEL numbers?


/edit PS since in another thread you list your 'anti-virus' protection, might I also suggest you add Comodo BOClean

Have done a system check - no dialers.

Spybot S&D has been on my system for ever and is updated regularly - finds nothing.

I sort of expected a 1234 prefix for the YTEL numbers but they just start 08 etc. like any normal mobile number. Those calls are all designated YT on the bill.


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May someone "use" your phone line by connecting a phone somewhere "on the way"!

I would check to calling the frequent called number and if that's are Thais on the other end, I would let call a Thai from a different number to find out who is that! May you can find out something on this way!

That, of course, is always a possibility. I had problems before but these went away after much complaining to the Pattaya ToT Manager. Nothing ever proved one way or the other.

Missus is going to check the numbers.


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First idea that popped to my mind was also a hooked-up phone line.

Indeed, check the numbers and try to find out who from Pattaya called. Tell TOT about it andmake your stand with the managers...I did that before several times for various reasons and if they see determination in your eyes, you have a fair chance to win the battle! :o

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