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Moving Back To Thailand

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I will be moving to Thailand in about two years with my Thai wife. I have heard that a Thai citezen can move back to Thailand and take his/her possesions once in a lifetime without having to pay an import duty on them. Has anyone done this or have knowledge about this? It would make a big difference to me. Also, do you know if that would include a car?

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this is true, although it is not possible for cars.

Thai's can import personal as long as they can prove they have lived outside of Thailand for more than one year. While theoretically you can handle the customs clearance yourself, I HIGHLY recommend you use a well established shipping agent (eg Transpro, Four Winds) to handle the receiving of your goods here given Customs are notoriusly corrupt, and will likely try it on you if you do it yourself.

A good company can process your documentation on your behalf (and deliver it to your door). Sufficient evidence to show your wife has been away for a year would be a Thai passport showing at least one year between her last exit, and then re-entry into Thailand.

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Thai wife and I shipped household goods 5 years ago and had no problems. We moved from US using a Thai shippinp company located in LA that handled everything including the delivery to house in Korat. We packed everything ourselves and delivered to shipper in LA and he handled everything from that point. Wife was not even required at customs to clear shipment.

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When the wife and I move out here 2 years ago we found customs to be very helpful,

It's the agents that are corrupt by telling you it's the customs that want more money,

when in reality its they who are ripping you off.

(This was our experience anyway)

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