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Hi Guys,

I am a 64 year old man from England, i have been divorced for 15 years after the breakdown of my 2nd marriage.

I am not a poor man, and have never been a drinker or gambler or much of a womaniser come to that, so i have managed to save quite a large sum of money, and will never have any financial problems in my lifetime.

I came to Thailand on a holiday late last year and i met a girl and felt 18 again, it was great, i plan to spend a lot of time in Thailand, although some of my associates in England are trying to tell me that i am being stupid, and trying to tell me to stay in England and foget her. I can't, is it such a crime to be happy?

Yes she is younger than me, but do i want one that is older?

Can she only want me for my money? Of course she can, i can afford it so why not. I am quite taken with this girl and have never met anyone like her before, she makes me feel alive again, is that so bad?

I will be dead in 20 years or less, i cannot take my money with me, i never did have children of my own which i regret now. There must be other people like me in Thailand. Any on this site that have had a similar experience to the one i am planning?

And please no bargirl comments, i met my second wife (who was English) at church, she had an affair with my brother.

Thanks for looking at my post.

is it such a crime to be happy?
Yes she is younger than me, but do i want one that is older?

Every man can answer this - no you probably don't want one that is older.

Can she only want me for my money?
Probably, but that doesn't mean she won't find you interesting or funny either.
she makes me feel alive again, is that so bad?

Of course not.....go for it. :o


I'm a firm believer that sometimes money can buy happiness... :o

More power to you, Heartache. Forget all the nay sayers- unless they're making sense :D


I am with you Heartache .... best of luck mate ..... just enjoy yourself for the rest of your time on mother earth!

Your mates in UK are probably jealous and can't believe that you have the balls to make a major upheaval in the persuit of happiness.

Once again good luck to you :o


If your happy, go for it mate!!!

Like you say, you can't take it with you, you have earned it, so enjoy it while you can.

Good luck.



Rhetorical advice ahoy, but just make sure you don't leave common sense behind. A lot of people do...

Other than that, all the best :o


As long as you are careful - protect yourself financially (keep the bulk of your money abroad - a nice SAFE tax haven is the ticket - Lichtenstein for example) - transfer wehat you need to meet the VISA restrictions and to live on.

The girl may be great, but the neigh-sayer are responding on statictics. We all know someonw that has been burned. If you are willing to loose a house, contents, car etc then buy it - else rent!

Give your little women an allowance and make it clear that she pays for Great Unclue Samut's sick buffalo out of that, otherwise she can save for her nearly-original Rolex. Gifts occasionally to keep her smiling and the suprise there, but don't make it too regular as it will become an expectation.

A little common sense, and all should be OK. Remember, never a lender nor a borrower be - and keep her away from the card dens!

Use protection. If you want to have kids, get her tested - say it's a legal requirement to have your and her blood tested as part of your Visa or something.

Make sure she stays away from the 'job' - by keeping it fun and her happy. Don't deny her from seeing her friends, but let her know the boundaries. Most girls are OK, some go back, others don't. Some will burn you most won't. Same the world over.

Only invest what you are willing to loose.

Having said all that, good luck mate - enjoy the sun, laid back life and the amazing love a Thai girl can bring to the party. :o

I will be dead in 20 years or less, i cannot take my money with me, i never did have children of my own which i regret now.

It's not too late for that, is it...? Go for it.

I will be dead in 20 years or less, i cannot take my money with me, i  never did have children of my own which i regret now. There must be other people like me in Thailand. Any on this site that have had a similar experience to the one i am planning?

And please  no bargirl comments, i met my second wife (who was English) at church, she had an affair with my brother. 

Thanks for looking at my post.

I will be just like you in 31 years from now.

Then again maybe in the year 2035, we will just put a helmet and goggles on, a rubber sensor suit and a virtual slut girl program and off we go. :o

Yes she is younger than me, but do i want one that is older?

My GF turn-out to be 6 yrs older than me but I'm not counting so who cares.

Just go for it and have fun :o .


My advice is go for it, as Wolfie said "risk what you can afford to loose" that is what I have done, one house in my wife's name and thats it, any other property I buy is in the sky and will be mine. A bit younger than you but after several failed marriages to Farang women (I am not tarring them all with the same brush- just my PERSONAL experience), my Thai wife treats me better, we have "an arrangement" I suppose, I take care of her financial and accomodation needs and she takes care of my every whim without question, we love each other (well I know I love her) :o

It can work , but nothing lasts forever, I am enjoying what I have NOW and am only to aware of the pitfalls, I live for TODAY, I may be dead tomorrow and so may you, Happiness is a state of mind and most people are as happy as they want to be or as miserable as they want to be. Enjoy and have fun, I have been with my Tilac nearly two years and it is without doubt the single best thing I have ever done in my life.



Wolf 5370 A men with knowledge and conviction I take my hat off to you.

Life is so short to be happy for just a moment in time to love and to be loved.

In the blink of an eyelid, time passes by and then we are gone.


Have you ever been miserable, lonely, tired, frustrated?

I know I have

Have you had any of these feelings while in Thailand with this girl?

I do not think so.

Well Heartache be happy. Live what is left of your years in bliss and F**** the


Read carefully what Wolf5370 has said it is sound advice.



Heartache, God love you man, good for you!

Stay the course, you have the funds so follow your heart.

You have been smart so far in life, you will be the same now.

Enjoy your gf, spend as much time as possible and above post...

some good advise there too.:o

Ps. you know if one does lots of low impact exercise, yoga, meditation,

eat lots of that wonderful fruit in Thailand, one will pass the 20 years and live

much longer than one expects... Keep her in your 90s


Thankyou for the posts chaps,

It's quite encouraging to see so many positive posts on this subject.

As far as having children goes, i am too old for that now, i believe that a man should grow up with his children, if i was to father a child at 65 they would be left without a father whilst very young as I will die soon.

Regarding money, i have always been a good manager of money, hence i have managed to aquire quite a large ammount in the Bank, and as previously stated i have no worries over money for as long as i live.

If money can buy me happiness and some nice company in my twilight years, then i am certainly interested in using some of my money for that purpose.

I have put a sizable ammount of money aside for my gf, it is certainly a very sizable ammount in Thai terms and would certainly lay to rest any doubts that she would have over my intentions, it is enough to secure her future, but it is not going to hurt me if i lost it. I would survive.

One thing i do not want to be is the richest man in the graveyard.

Thankyou again for the posts.

I came to Thailand on a holiday late last year and i met a girl and felt 18 again, it was great, i plan to spend a lot of time in Thailand, although some of my associates in England are trying to tell me that i am being stupid, and trying to tell me to stay in England and foget her.   I can't, is it such a crime to be happy?

Yes she is younger than me, but do i want one that is older?



I would not stay in England, but I recommend you to keep a good part of your money out of Thailand....


I recommend you to buy your own condominium in Thailand, because the distance is too long, it is not comfortable to stay a bit here and a bit there.....


Clear all important questions first, like

Retirement visa,

where to find medical care and so on


About girl: make a budget, how much you will spend per month.....never act like a rich man, spending beyond control. Regardless what the girl tells you.

About their family members, as I said in several other threads, NO CASH!

Stay in the business-line with them!


No problem seen about the age difference.....enjoy!


If you prefer a Thai woman not so young, around 35 - 50 years old, who has her own money and business, this is a different matter, but also a good option.....up to you....


Your post suggests you are still in UK. If so, one of the things to do before venturing over here is to acquire the best Bupa package you can get that includes MEDVAC. Set up an account for all the direct debit payments you may (willingly) incur while you are here. Ebay can be a lot of fun if you don't need the money, and with 12hr day/nights it is easy to get bored quickly if you are not occupied. Many guys here who are similar to you in age if not wealth do seem to be sucked into the nightlife to absorb the time. As a non drinker/gambler the remaining pre-occupations are limited. The TV sucks here, and if children are not part of your plan then perhaps you could start a little business that both you and the wife/gf can enjoy, leaving it for the wife to continue with when you undoubtedly find other forms of distraction.

All the advice from posters above is sound, but one question.

Re- children

If you have no descendants at home and intend none here in Thailand. Who will you bequeath your wealth to???

If you start now and remain reasonably healthy, you can still get at least 6 years of joy with your kid/s ( assuming the wife/g/f is capable) and leave a grand trust for them. This will ease any heartaches of losing a father and satisfy that last "wish i had" feeling when you click you heels.




Definitely do not listen to the nay sayer "friends" in the UK. You can take the safest road in your grave. It is your life and you should go with your feeling of potential happiness. You will find lots of support from fellow expats who know exactly how you feel. Just be careful to hold onto enough of your money so you continue to have options. If it turns out you are not happy in Thailand, you are never too far from an airport back.

I loved your line about bargirls, and meeting your ex in church.

As far as having children goes, i am too old for that now, i believe that a man should grow up with his children, if i was to father a child at 65 they would be left without a father whilst very young as I will die soon.

65 is not too old. Besides, having children around you will probably give you a few extra years.

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