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My Life And My Families Lives Have Just Been Threatned.

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loss of face? what face?

It's a 21st century, not middle ages. Go to police, write report, period.

Mafia my ***! Bunch of idiots who watched too many action movies to digest.

If there wouldn't be law in Thailand, the whole country would be run by angry tuk-tuks and booze punters.

I hope you are not saying that loss of face is not an issue in Thailand?

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Just to get this all in perspective, see it from the brothel keeper's er, 'mafia' friend's point of view. Are they seriously going to put themselves out on behalf of some old tart whose husband made a faux pas involving a kohnchai (servant).

If money is not involved (and the maengda - 'mamasan' - you've all been reading too much Charlie Chan - she's a whoremonger) would have to come up with something very much worth their while) nothing's going to happen. Would you? And choose your friends more wisely in the future.

If I had 100 baht for every time someone threatened me with the, sorry, ha hahahaaa, 'mafia' ...



After all the fabulous feedback, and especially from what Kiwi/Thai said, I am feeling much better about the situation, and I am glad to know that I am not the only one who has had trouble with locals.

I would prefer not to have my chin smacked, thanks. If I was home right now, and not away at work, I would have probably handled this much differently.

Thanks again all for the posts.

Consider this topic finished.


i have been in chalong a longtime and i can tell you this there is no mafia in chalong they like to think there is but no not here and the big powerful guy forget it i know who you are talking about and what bar so take it from me its not going to happen

Just to get this all in perspective, see it from the brothel keeper's er, 'mafia' friend's point of view. Are they seriously going to put themselves out on behalf of some old tart whose husband made a faux pas involving a kohnchai (servant).

If money is not involved (and the maengda - 'mamasan' - you've all been reading too much Charlie Chan - she's a whoremonger) would have to come up with something very much worth their while) nothing's going to happen. Would you? And choose your friends more wisely in the future.

If I had 100 baht for every time someone threatened me with the, sorry, ha hahahaaa, 'mafia' ...

This is where I was heading too.

There is Mafia in Phuket, but if she is thinking that a falang Mafia boss is going to waste time or take a risk on your "hitting on some one issue" that just ain't going to happen..

I'm a father here now too so I can appreciate your angst about that it has caused me to bite my tongue on a few occasions myself.

But, another poster also said it, standing up to them was the right thing to do they will respect that. Based on your story there was no face lost because your entire conversation was on the phone and she was probably more mad at her husband than you. Regardless of his claims that she "allows" him to seek other soft stuff, I'm pretty certain she doesn't appreciate him taking her up on that and she certainly wears the pants since she owns the bar..

If she knows some Thai mafia on the other hand that might be another issue because the Thai's have little regard for life it seems based on a simple ride around Thailand or reading virtually any media source, so it's likely they would't care about you or yours for even the slightest amount of money. But then she would be opening herself up to a very serious issue over what amounts to her loss of face to her husband not you.. She probably doesn't get too much feed back on his exploits like this...

if you are really concerned than see about having your wife go by a local police box, not making a big deal about it, or filing charges, but just descreetly ask a couple of them to take a ride by there for a 1000b or so and having a talk, they probably know the lady anyway, and they'll have a beer or 2 while they're there.. Once she relises it has been brought out in the open but is not really some sort of charge against her then it will die a rapid, painless death..

If all else fails send me an email I'm in Phuket and I have credentials to watch your family, though I don't work for Thai rates.. But then again you shouldn't skimp on your family's safety if your that concerned either..

As a home owner your wife can buy herself a gun. Under Thai law anybody entering your house uninvited at night is fair game.

I agree with everything else in your post except this. He has kids. Guns+Kids+absent dad+ scared mom = tragedy. Besides, even if she wings some idiot, the aggravation and revenge nonsense that would follow isn't worth it. Many of us have at some time been threatened and it's usually by some loser drunk that has a chip on his shoulder. Once the dust settles and the drunk wakes up in the usual pool of vomit and piss, the threat goes away. So I reckon, the best advice given has been from those of you that say keep a low profile, remain calm and let time pass.


I understand if some readers think this to be childish mellow drama, and I apologize to you in advance, but this is very serious, and would appreciate serious feedback.

I would like to hear what this forum thinks of a situation that has occurred, and if it is inappropriate to discuss here, please let me know.

I have a Thai wife, and two girls, 1 at 4 years, 1 at 7 months. We live in Phuket South of Chalong, and have for 3 years. I also have a live in maid that has been with us for 1 year, and she is family, and very close us. We think the world of her, and I consider her to be irreplaceable.

I have very few friends on the island because I adore privacy, but have managed to become friends with a man who is more like a stray dog I brought home rather than a friend. We have been "friends" for around 1.5 years, and he is a real drag, but I remain friends with him because my wife likes his wife, and my 4 year old likes his 4 year old, but I really don't care for his friendship, I just tolerate it.

I am at work in Australia, and during this time, he came to my house uninvited, and attempted to negotiate sex with my maid. I consider this to be a horrible act, and will not stand for it. I am out of country at the moment, and there is little I can do. Not that I would do him harm, but I would definitely cease our friendship. So far, it has been emails, and phone calls. I am very upset about this and have spoken to both my wife and my maid, and when I spoke with her, she filled me in on the disgusting details of exactly what he said to her. This man is sick.

His wife doesn't seem to mind him with other women as long as it doesn't reflect on her, and he takes advantage of this as much as he can. But, with no job, and limited funds, he is forced to use whatever means available. His wife, the Bar Owner spoke rudely to my wife at his daughter's birthday and called her and myself names.

Sorry for the details, but to understand my position, I needed to explain. The point to this topic is this:

I called her to tell her (bar owner and wife of friend) that I was angry with the way she humiliated my wife, and she threatened to sick the mafia on me and hurt me or my family. Also, she has threatened to involve a very powerful farang here in the South to hurt me, and bring harm to my family.

I know this sounds like school drama, so you can save the comments. I am truly worried about this and have no idea what to do about it. I bring this topic up here because of all the useful information I have seen and read. I have not contacted the police, but we have recently moved to a new house and have not told anyone where.

Is this a common thing in Phuket? Is there a Mafia here that will hurt me if she asks them to?

Does anyone know of a Thai(s) that can provide 24 hour security for my family? I have been to her bar, and I have seen the Men she is referring to. These are very powerful men, and I know that one word from her and it could be bad for me. I think I am in real trouble here and it is all because my friend tried to bang my maid. Of all the people to choose, on this island, in this Country.

Thanks :o

Its probably too late now, i would have had the maid report it straight away to police, with no influence /help from you or your wife, that way he would not know you interviened and the police would/may have scared him off and you could have said as there has been a problem you would rather he didnt come to your house,
I still say that threats of an over glorified mamasan that says she will set 'mafia' on you for something you didnt cause is 99% talk.. Try not to be too paniced and relax. Has there been any evidence she is actually trying to cause physical harm or is this purely her word / threat ??

Tho I struggle to see such a need to react simply because someone hits on your maid.. As an adult I would expect her to be able to say not to slime balls and certainly would not be making calls to Thais while not in the country to set them straight about thier husband !!

Good luck.

As there is no money involved here i doubt threts will be carried through, who will pay the mafia ?

Phuket is too small an island to make enemies. If someone wants to f-ck you up, they'll do it. Otherwise, it just threats and is best eased out with diplomacy.

  • 3 weeks later...
Phuket is too small an island to make enemies. If someone wants to f-ck you up, they'll do it. Otherwise, it just threats and is best eased out with diplomacy.

I agree with above quote.

I have lived here over 30 years and I can say this: never say anything to anybody that is Thai without sleeping on it. Thai's are macho crazy but if I were you I would sac the maid and tell the land lord that I must move because of the gangsters that threaten you. This way the Thai Mafioso knows that Thai people other than your wife lose. They have just made an enemy of your land lord because they have broken his rice bowl. Leave the house were you live and they feel they won and get on with your life. You can possibly hire the maid later.


The OP is away so naturally he is more worried as he is hearing everything second hand and not there to protect his family.

The bad friend waited till the OP was away before hitting on the maid so he knows he is in the wrong.

I agree that it’s best to swallow the macho image and let the Thais sort things out for themselves. In a former life a friend of mine ran a pub in a rough neighborhood. Whenever there was any trouble in the pub his wife would go and sort it out. Nothing pussy about that and the trouble never escalated into anything serious.

Being wise after the event would it not have been easier and cheaper just to send the maid back home for a few days.

Merry Xmas



Although I do appreciate the input, I don't appreciate
He sounds like a puss and you sound worse (sorry)..

My normal reactions are forbidden here, so I must say I am reporting you to the moderators.

I can assure you that I am no puss, and to be called that on this site from someone is very annoying. Knowing there is no way to defend such an accusation, and I refuse to get involved with name calling. Sticks and Stones...friend.

I am not used to the 'Mafia' and I must say that to hear about some of the things that go on here, like murders, and violent crime, I am right to be a bit intimidated. Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap isn't just the name of a song.

Thanks all for the input, and a special thanks to LivinLOS for sharing.

This seems to be the type of overreation that got you into this mess in the first place.

Seems all on you.

You bring the "stray friend" around, then you get all riled up when he hits on the maid and freak out. Lessons learned.

"Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff"

This seems to be the type of overreation that got you into this mess in the first place.

Seems all on you.

You bring the "stray friend" around, then you get all riled up when he hits on the maid and freak out. Lessons learned.

"Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff"

Say Huggy, Did you even read the OP? Let me ask you something, Why would you come over to hit on my maid, who happens to be family, (somehow, but I am not sure how TiT) when there are hundreds if not thousands of girls just waiting to be hit on here. Men want what they can't have and some men are so low that they have to hit on the maids, dregs, sloppy seconds, or whatever. You must be one of those guys. Being that you side with the man who was asked "please don't <removed> with my maid". He was asked, and he was warned. Then he does it when I am not there. Sounds like you doesn't it.

Any MAN in his right mind would take my side, and as for name calling, it just isn't appropriate. You can call me all the names you want in my front yard, but please, tough guy, try to remain professional here. I can understand your insight though. All on me you say? Sir, you just admitted to the forum you would do the same thing. Rather than go on the prowl, hunting for one no one has ever seen, you go outside and <removed> the neighbors cat, and call it an accomplishment. I spoke with a few blokes in the 'know' here and had I done so before this situation, I would have felt differently about it, but as for you, good luck with the cat. You TIGER, You!!!

After reading all the posts, I felt more relaxed knowing that Thai Mafia can be bought and sold and created from the workers across the street. I live here because of the freedom, but when people like you chime in, it makes me think I am surrounded by idiots. Phuket isn't just for the retired, it is for the young and viral as well. So try to stay focused.

This seems to be the type of overreation that got you into this mess in the first place.

Seems all on you.

You bring the "stray friend" around, then you get all riled up when he hits on the maid and freak out. Lessons learned.

"Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff"

Say Huggy, Did you even read the OP? Let me ask you something, Why would you come over to hit on my maid, who happens to be family, (somehow, but I am not sure how TiT) when there are hundreds if not thousands of girls just waiting to be hit on here. Men want what they can't have and some men are so low that they have to hit on the maids, dregs, sloppy seconds, or whatever. You must be one of those guys. Being that you side with the man who was asked "please don't <removed> with my maid". He was asked, and he was warned. Then he does it when I am not there. Sounds like you doesn't it.

Any MAN in his right mind would take my side, and as for name calling, it just isn't appropriate. You can call me all the names you want in my front yard, but please, tough guy, try to remain professional here. I can understand your insight though. All on me you say? Sir, you just admitted to the forum you would do the same thing. Rather than go on the prowl, hunting for one no one has ever seen, you go outside and <removed> the neighbors cat, and call it an accomplishment. I spoke with a few blokes in the 'know' here and had I done so before this situation, I would have felt differently about it, but as for you, good luck with the cat. You TIGER, You!!!

After reading all the posts, I felt more relaxed knowing that Thai Mafia can be bought and sold and created from the workers across the street. I live here because of the freedom, but when people like you chime in, it makes me think I am surrounded by idiots. Phuket isn't just for the retired, it is for the young and viral as well. So try to stay focused.

I'll reiterate and am not name calling, you have a problem with overreaction.

Also I am surprised the moderators here allow you to get away with inferences to bestiality.

You need a clue and a decent psychiatrist.


You can't expect to say something as stupid as what you said and expect any other reaction than an over reaction.

There are certian things in life that warrant an over reaction. Messing with family is one of mine. Excuse me for

over reacting, and excuse me for hitting a nerve.

If I ask you to not do something, and you do it when I am not around, that will probably get an over-reaction being

that I considered you smart enough to respect the request.

I am truly sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I can assure you if you took the time to put yourself in my shoes,

and knew this person as I did, you would probably see things in a different way. Instead, you chose to

accuse me of being in the wrong. You read that I clearly over reacted, which is apparent to ALL, (As you can

see, I am clearly admitting to) from the original post, and you chose to add fuel to the fire by pointing out the

obvious. Thanks for the insight, but family to me is the Golden Circle.

Not that I want to drag this out any further, as in a previous post, I said thanks and considered the topic closed,

but what would you do? No need to answer, just think about it.

Your recent reply tells me all I need to know. I ate my Psychaitrist, with Kidney Beans, an Omlette with Mushrooms, and some Ripple.


Since this has degenerated into a slanging match and the OP is not receiving any more helpful advice


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