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For men there is the Silom Community Clinic in Bangkok Christian Hospital, which is partly/fully funded by a US organisation.

However, for women, I have heard there are similar setup elsewhere. Problem is I dont know where and wondered if anyone knew where a woman could go to get a range of STD test done for free or very low cost ?

I am aware of the Thai Red Cross, however, the testign done in their anonymous clinic is limited.



There are government STI clinics throughout the country, although I don't know the locations. The other point I don't know about is how well they treat clients in terms of respect etc.

A better option might be one of the PDA clinics, I'm pretty (but not 100%) sure they can provide STI testing and they would certainly be sensitive. Call:

Population and Community Development Association

8 Sukhumvit Soi 12, Bangkok, 10110, Thailand.

Tel +66 2 229 4611, fax +66 2 229 4632


Thanks for the reply Sheryl

Do you know the name of the government STI clinics ? (In english and/or Thai?)

From my first post, I may have given the impression that anonymity is important. Sorry, this is not so important, it is more cost, reliability and range of tests performed, that are. Before this I did a few google searches and only found the Thai Red Cross offering a limited range of tests for a small cost.

Is there any other suggestions for places a woman could go ?

Thanks in advance.

There are government STI clinics throughout the country, although I don't know the locations. The other point I don't know about is how well they treat clients in terms of respect etc.

A better option might be one of the PDA clinics, I'm pretty (but not 100%) sure they can provide STI testing and they would certainly be sensitive. Call:

Population and Community Development Association

8 Sukhumvit Soi 12, Bangkok, 10110, Thailand.

Tel +66 2 229 4611, fax +66 2 229 4632


Afraid I don't know the Thai names or locations of the government clinics but perhaps one of the Thai members reading this could advice? My main concern with government STI clinics is that the manner of the staff may be rude or stigmatizing. I have no specific experience with government STI clinics in Thailand but this tends to be the case in most countries, and rudeness/brusqueness I have observed to be the norm in all government health facilities I've encountered (along with insufficent explanations).

Thai mores being what they are, men can probably walk in and out of an STI clinic without much stigma but a woman will likely be assumed to be a sex worker and the staff may -- if they have not been specially selected and trained to be otherwise -- be less than respectful as a result. Of course, if the woman in question is a sex worker, she has probably already had that experience in many settings, but still...I hate to think of it happening, so would again suggest trying a PDA clinic first (but call to be see they offer what is needed).

If money were not a constraint, any large hospital gyn department would be fine.


Thanks very much Sheryl - you have provided some very useful and valuable information.

Afraid I don't know the Thai names or locations of the government clinics but perhaps one of the Thai members reading this could advice? My main concern with government STI clinics is that the manner of the staff may be rude or stigmatizing. I have no specific experience with government STI clinics in Thailand but this tends to be the case in most countries, and rudeness/brusqueness I have observed to be the norm in all government health facilities I've encountered (along with insufficent explanations).

Thai mores being what they are, men can probably walk in and out of an STI clinic without much stigma but a woman will likely be assumed to be a sex worker and the staff may -- if they have not been specially selected and trained to be otherwise -- be less than respectful as a result. Of course, if the woman in question is a sex worker, she has probably already had that experience in many settings, but still...I hate to think of it happening, so would again suggest trying a PDA clinic first (but call to be see they offer what is needed).

If money were not a constraint, any large hospital gyn department would be fine.


As Sheryl points out if money no object the big hospitals but I would have to relate my experiences about HIV testing at Bumrungrad.

I thought i needed it doing for my Employment Pass in Singapore so went to Bumrungrad for this as well as other tests.

When the results were given it was in the waiting area and were not handed to me but to my girlfriend in front of everybody. I complained about this and a nursing manager came to see me.

Yes she aplogised profusely but did come out with two statements which did not give me confidence

"I have told them not to do that many times"

"If you had been positive the Dr would have taken you in his office to ell you"

I do know of other horros stories which are pretty similar about a clinic in Pattaya and the Police Generl Hospital in Bangkok - the bad thing about this though was these cases were positive and the details not kept private.

Keep in mind though this is just anecdotal evidence about what happened to myself and two people i know - I hope we were just unlucky and its not prevalent.

Its not just Thailand though - I have just had my yearly health screening in Singapore. STD testing was not down on the sheet for me to have but they did it. I was not happy with this being done withoput informed consent and made it plain to the Dr even quoting GCP etc (I work in clinical Trals and informed consent is very big!)

The Singapore Dr also tried to prescribe me over 400 SGD worth of medication I did not need - I have since had no less than three other Dr's opinions on this including my GP who I see monthly and they agree no medication required.

I have been prescribed med's in Thailand that were not required but this high end clinic in Singapore is worse than anything i have ever experienced in Thailand

The best one was he tried to get me to have a Hep B booster with my antibodies well over the required amount already. I questioned this and he told me completely the wrong info. I will be kind and say he probably did not know the latest reseach and how long Hep B Vacc lasts - I will not ay he lied to me ;-)

PS: I have worked on Hep B studies with data going out 23 years now ;-))


I am both saddened and dismayed by what I have read. This is not what is supposed to be happening and there is specific training given at the major hospitals that serve foreign clients (patients) in respect to the delivery of test results. A few observations;

1. If the test is for you (i.e. expat or tourist) please just pay for the test. The free testing is intended to target the "at risk" locals who do not have the means to pay for the tests. The use of the resources by those that can pay chews up the testing budget allocations and means that there is less money to go around for the higher risk groups. (No offense intended if you have limited resources to pay for the tests.)

2. The giving of the results in a public setting, while a violation of protocol, is understandable within the cultural context. The view is that hey it's great news and that if you brought a friend with you, particularly one perceived as a significant other, than the sharing of good news is meant to reassure all parties concerned. There is no shame in good news. This does not excuse the actions, but there is no bad intent (usually). Keep in mind too that the waiting areas are always filled with stressed out folks, many on the verge of panic. They want their results asap. Some staff err in rushing to get the results to a client fast because they are trying to be compassionate or helpful so as to alleviate that stress.

I remember back when I was working in the lab as an undergrad, I was convinced I was contracting HIV or some other bug, so I would go and get tested regularly. It got to the point where the nurses would see me walking in for the results and smile and say off you go, or no worries sweetie, breaking all the rules about having a counsellor tell me. They knew I was hyper so they fixed it fast. I was happy not to have to wait for the good news.

3. On the subject of females and tests, if they are in the sex trade, then chances are that they are tested at the workplace. While, there is a chance that someone might be an "independent" the MoH has over the past year issued directives year urging all health professionals to "promote and encourage testing". The likelihood that a female presenting for tests has contracted it from her partner is more likely than it is from a customer. The testing environment is supposed to accomodate that likelihood.

And if you read this far, please do not let some idiot at a hospital prevent you from getting tested. Getting tested and making sure you don't spread a bug around is the responsible and right thing to do. If someone has the courage to go get tested, they deserve a thank you and a hug :o



"And if you read this far, please do not let some idiot at a hospital prevent you from getting tested. Getting tested and making sure you don't spread a bug around is the responsible and right thing to do.

Absolutely agree with this!

However results were not given in the public area of a STD clinic with stressed out people waiting so my good new may have been of help - it was in the main waiting area at Bumrungrad in the general medical area.

I work in clinical Trials and am well aware o good clinical prctice etc.

The view of why she did it was discussed and it was suggested it was due to her being scared to use English and thus took the easy option of speaking Thai to the GF - whatever it was a hospital of that repuutation has a staff taining problem. I was going to write to the IEC/IRB Committee about it as we do use that hospital for clinical trials.

As for the other two cases

First one was ap lwhose wife had gone for a medical for her via to a European country. She called him in tears saying there is something wrong please come here. He drove for two hours in BKK traffic but by the time he got there the Dr had gone and his assistant was waiting with test results. She handed them to him and not his wife who had not seen them. He looked down and saw a few negatives for Hep B etc and the the HIV+ result.

This is just plan wrong how that happened.

Second case at a Pattaya Clinic. Cousin of ex-GF above and their friend go fo a test. Couple of days later they go back for results. One staff member at the clinic came out and asked who is so and so and who is so and so. They identified themselves and she turned around and said you are OK to one but you are positive to the other.

This was in the waiting room too.

Is it Asia that this stuff happens - in my yearly medical mentioned above they tsted me for STD's etc when it was not on the list to do so and I had not given informed consent - the old Uncle of a Dr tried to laugh it off by saying they threw the tests in for free but I can tell you it was a very nevous laughas he knew who I worked for and how much business we put his way - I am of course taking this case to the company and have the support of senior research medics for both this and the over prescription of medication that was not needed that I mentioned in the post above - their view is that at least I knew what was happening and protested but what about others?


For what its worth - I use only hospitals. I dont trust clinics either being sloppy with result, tell me I have something when I do not (sell meds and I take antib when I dont need them not good!) or they dont even run the tests to save money - you ok. pay bar :-)

My last trip to hospital I was not at all pleased. I had batter of tests for liver, hep b and hep c. All were negative BUT i should have been pos for Anti B as I have vaccine twice and was tested and shown high titer level only three years ago..now negative <deleted>?!

Thailands younger workers are very, very sloppy and was reminded of this by the owner of the travel agency I use just today.

  • 3 weeks later...

i have often gotten lab tests at local clinics and i really wonder how accurate the results are

i can try and look for the lab name

the print out sure looks on the up and up often giving the acceptable levels you should fall between,

note often different than those levels in the USA, maybe for thai people

on the note of HIV testing

there are these tests for about 350 baht

not unlike a preg test where you get to see the results right away

one band neg two positive

not sure how reliable but i am sure if it came up positive one should have further tests

seems like a minor miracle to have such things available

As Sheryl points out if money no object the big hospitals but I would have to relate my experiences about HIV testing at Bumrungrad.

I thought i needed it doing for my Employment Pass in Singapore so went to Bumrungrad for this as well as other tests.

When the results were given it was in the waiting area and were not handed to me but to my girlfriend in front of everybody. I complained about this and a nursing manager came to see me.

Yes she aplogised profusely but did come out with two statements which did not give me confidence

"I have told them not to do that many times"

"If you had been positive the Dr would have taken you in his office to ell you"

I do know of other horros stories which are pretty similar about a clinic in Pattaya and the Police Generl Hospital in Bangkok - the bad thing about this though was these cases were positive and the details not kept private.

Keep in mind though this is just anecdotal evidence about what happened to myself and two people i know - I hope we were just unlucky and its not prevalent.

Its not just Thailand though - I have just had my yearly health screening in Singapore. STD testing was not down on the sheet for me to have but they did it. I was not happy with this being done withoput informed consent and made it plain to the Dr even quoting GCP etc (I work in clinical Trals and informed consent is very big!)

The Singapore Dr also tried to prescribe me over 400 SGD worth of medication I did not need - I have since had no less than three other Dr's opinions on this including my GP who I see monthly and they agree no medication required.

I have been prescribed med's in Thailand that were not required but this high end clinic in Singapore is worse than anything i have ever experienced in Thailand

The best one was he tried to get me to have a Hep B booster with my antibodies well over the required amount already. I questioned this and he told me completely the wrong info. I will be kind and say he probably did not know the latest reseach and how long Hep B Vacc lasts - I will not ay he lied to me ;-)

PS: I have worked on Hep B studies with data going out 23 years now ;-))

Off subject , but your advice and kind words really helped me regarding the above , but just to let you know prakanong, im on the beer again and god its good to be healthy and clear.

But jees did it scare the living crap out of me !

  • 6 months later...

I am not looking for free testing, but I am looking to find a reasonably priced, reliable, hopefully considerate place for routine testing... After reading here, I sent an email inquiry to Bumrungrad, and got the following response below...

I'd be interested in comments on what they say below.... I don't know what all those test terms relate to, or which ones would be considered the standard approach to testing...

Regarding your inquiry, as there are several tests for infection screening (HIV/STD test) based on the patient's consideration and doctor's consideration.

Following are some primary tests for the disease:

* Anti HIV – 765 baht

* Urinalysis – 225 baht

* VDRL – 215 baht

* CD Profile – (CD3/CD4/CD8) – 2,200 baht

Viral Load Test for HIV – approximately 6,430 Baht, not include doctor fee

Schedule only as follows:

Tuesday and Friday before 10:00 hrs. – Results receive on the same day at 18:00 hrs.

Sunday after 19:00 hrs. – Results Monday at 09:00 hrs.

However, we would suggest you to see our physician first for initial consultation so that the doctor could recommend you with suitable treatment plan, as treatment method and price may vary based on each patient’s condition.

Doctor’s Consultation Fee ranges from 600-1500 baht


  • 2 years later...

Hi Sheryl,

I just wanted to reply to your advice about STI/HIV testing for women, as I read this thread looking for information before I went to a clinic.

In Canada, STI clinics are the best places to get tested (vs a normal clinic) as the staff tends to be more sensitive and open-minded, and many of them are anonymous to encourage people to go.

So I thought I would try the Community Planning clinic (with Cabbages and Condoms). Having tried it, I would encourage anyone to avoid it, it's absolutely awful. I called ahead about what tests they could do, and would they take female patients, as well as foreigners. The nurse on the phone said no problem. When I arrived, the doctor looked furious to even see me, and asked me why I didn't go to a hospital. He claimed they didn't do the tests the nurse confirmed they do on the phone. After arguing with him, then he ordered me to "go to the back" Confused, I went to the back room, to see a nurse looking at me like she was drinking vinegar and saw an gyn examination table --- um, yeah, like after that I was going to let this rude and angry doctor give me a gyn exam? I think not. I told him forget it and left.

I felt sooo horrible when I left. I was almost going to cry. What an awful place! I hope I'm not sounding too dramatic, but I felt like they thought I must be some kind of diseased whore for even wanting to get tested, instead of someone who just wants to be safe and take care of my health. Not a fan of that attitude!

Then I read someone's comments about Red Cross being super nice, and so I thought I would try them. They were awesome! Super nice, compassionate. There was counselling before by a nice old lady who asked me if my partner was male or female...I didn't expect such open-mindedness from a clinic in Thailand, honestly, with no hint of judgment. I was able to talk frankly about sex with her, and she was really nice and kind. The testing is anonymous, and for HIV it costs 200B to get the results in 1-2 hours. They do other STI testing but the old woman said for others I should only get the tests if I had symptoms. They also do pap smears and other blood testing type things.

They were really busy when I went but all the staff treated people kindly and without judgment -- it's a pretty no frills setup, but I really liked their attitude compared to much more luxury Bangkok hospitals where the staff can come off as a bit prudish and judgmental...at least towards women. The only thing is that the level of English is not great...they speak some but not a lot, so if you just want a simple HIV test it's probably OK, but if you have questions or want more complicated tests, you might want to bring a Thai friend with you.

Anyways, hope this information can help someone else!

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