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Which Dog To Get..

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Hi everybody, i'm still pretty new to the forum but i've read quite alot about pets problem. I'm quite new to Bangkok and still looking around..

1)What kind of dog was suitable living in Bangkok, i've 2 choices, either getting a retriever or a chihuahua.As for the retriever, i believe the "hairless" one might suit the weather here but no sure of the long hair type.

2)Where can i find a pet shop in Bangkok where i can see pet for sale, like hamster, rabbit...etc.

I live quite near to Onnut station and i only know the way from Home-Office-Home.Maybe central world is not a problem for me too.. :o

Hope to hear more from veterans here...

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Agree, Thai mixes make great pets and you can get them in all sizes and long, halg-long and short haired. Besides they are for free, if you get the dog from a dog rescue organisation, such as Soi Dog Rescue, the dog is already vaccinated, generally in good health, and when older also spayed or neutered.

As for having a retriever in BKK; they need lots of exercise, meaning that is something that needs to be kept in mind. At least three times a day the dog need to be led out on the elad, with at least once a day aerobic exrcise.

A chihuahua, which is a complete different dog than a retriever both in appearance and in behavior, can be kept in a rather small area becasue of its size. Nevertheless, still this dog requires to be taken out on the lead at least 3 times a day.

What kind of dog is good for you completely depends on your likes and your circumstances.


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Thanks for the reply guys, i believe there's alot of soi puppies around my office but most of them look quite sick and always make me sad and wonder why ppl "discard" then when they wanted them so much.

Maybe chihuahua might suit the place i live as my studio appartment is not that very big, maybe a night walk at the garden shouldnt be a problem for my 9-5 job.

Btw anywhere i can find a pet shop near any BTS station..?

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or get a hamster instead..

i think the op just wants something warm and furry for when she comes home , a companion since she is new to the area. not sure she really wants a dog per se (she asked about rabbits, hamsters etc also)...

for an all day job worker, soi dogs dont fit (c'mon, they need tons of exercise and for someone that hasnt a clue about dogs as she seems to be, a soi dog?? )...

maybe a night walk at the garden shouldnt be a problem for my 9-5 job.

go for the rabbits or hamsters or a parakeet or a guinea pig (cavia) or a fish (my fish communicate with me, they throw rocks from their substrate at us in the evening when we sit down to eat) : all the furries above come in all colours and hair styles : long, fluffy, short, curly. see if it works out or even (shudder) a cat... i cant believe i just recommended cats...

or adopt an older small dog as someone said: a puppy from a pet store regardless of country u are in, still needs to be worked with which needs time.


c'mon guys/ladies, or soon u will be reading the OP has finished job and now has to place said dog since being transferred again or something to that sort (am i reading too much into the post? )

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i was having a bad fur morning. . ..

funnily enough, i just read up about alpacas since we are going to get two more; the guy that raises them has them come in to his house in the evening to be with his family! (they can be potty trained and are quiet, feet dont ruin floors, etc.) ideal house pets but very big...

perhaps suitable for a bangkok apartment?...

:o) bina


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You could not be further apart in your choice of dogs. Retriever or Chihuahua. For the former you have two types. "Golden" or "Labrador". Very similar in nature..good with children..hopless guard dogs. The Golden is the long haired version. Labradors have a much shorter coat. Quite often you will find puppies that are a mix of both breeds. Being bred in Thailand now for many years they are used to the warmer weather. My long haired Golden lives quite happily in my garden moving around to find the coolest spot which is most often the ceramic tiled porch. They need plenty of excercise and water to drink. They are not really suited to apartment living and excercising can be a problem. Where can you exercise a large dog (Golden's can grow to 30kg or more) in Bangkok? New laws state that a dog must be on a leash if on public land; and the leash should be no longer than 50cm. How you are supposed to excercise a dog under those conditions I have no idea. I live in Pattaya and have permission from a local land owner to exercise my dog every day on his 10 rai of land until such time as he sells it for housing development. I also take my dog swimming once a week at Ban Ampur beach. So unless you can find somewhere to exercise a Golden/Labrador don't get one. You could keep it locked up in an apartment or small garden but you won't have a happy dog and could face animal abuse charges if I find that you do.

A chihuahua is the complete opposite of a Golden. In Thai they are called "Ma Kapow". "Pocket dog", as they will literally fit in your pocket. They bond well with their owner but don't take to strangers. They tend to yap at anything unusual to them, like stangers, cats, other dogs etc. You should be able to keep it in an apartment as being small a run around the living room is enough excercise. Check with your apartment owner first as most don't allow pets of any description.

The best selection of pets can be found at Chatuchak weekend market. Go on Sat or Sunday morning to Chatuchak Skytrain (BTS) station and follow the crowds. There you'll find just about every legal pet from snakes to grasshoppers, dogs and cats and a huge selection of birds and fish. You'll also see a few illegal ones. Years ago you could buy crocodiles there but I not seen one of those for sale in years.

Mostly the dogs don't come with pedigree. For a Golden aim at about Baht 5,000 maximum. More than that and you'll be overcharged.

Edited by KKK
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Yes, Chatuchak has the selection but many times the animals are not healthy, are ill-treated and come from puppy mills. Better to buy a breed magazine (thai language) and look up breeders that way

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or get a hamster instead..

i think the op just wants something warm and furry for when she comes home , a companion since she is new to the area. not sure she really wants a dog per se (she asked about rabbits, hamsters etc also)...

for an all day job worker, soi dogs dont fit (c'mon, they need tons of exercise and for someone that hasnt a clue about dogs as she seems to be, a soi dog?? )...

maybe a night walk at the garden shouldnt be a problem for my 9-5 job.

go for the rabbits or hamsters or a parakeet or a guinea pig (cavia) or a fish (my fish communicate with me, they throw rocks from their substrate at us in the evening when we sit down to eat) : all the furries above come in all colours and hair styles : long, fluffy, short, curly. see if it works out or even (shudder) a cat... i cant believe i just recommended cats...

or adopt an older small dog as someone said: a puppy from a pet store regardless of country u are in, still needs to be worked with which needs time.


c'mon guys/ladies, or soon u will be reading the OP has finished job and now has to place said dog since being transferred again or something to that sort (am i reading too much into the post? )

Could not have said it better myself !

Also sounds like the OP has no experience with dogs, and doesnt realise the HUGE responsibility that goes with them and that they require LOTS of love, attention, discipline, etc.... Basically like having a child. In fact, owning dogs since I was 18 made having my first child and first time parenthood at 31 made parenting a breeze. The fact that our female dog was a pup when our daughter was born was a bonus because I was already used to getting up a couple of during the night to let her (our dog) outside for toilet breaks, which also coincided with our newborns feeding times. Most rules apply to both for the nurturing, discipline and demands of personal time :D:o

My best advice is get a pet like fish, birds and the like that doesn't require full time human contact.

OT - Bina, we've become first time fish owners (last six months) and I (and my husband) can't believe they actually do have personalities and recognition of us. My husband spins out when I walk up to their aquarium, they all immediately swim up to the area I feed them - but will continue swimming around normally if he or our daughter walks up to or stands in front of them. Our turtle is even funnier - he will eat mealworms that are handfed to him by our daughter but not from me or my husband. :D

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Yes, Chatuchak has the selection but many times the animals are not healthy, are ill-treated and come from puppy mills. Better to buy a breed magazine (thai language) and look up breeders that way

I've bought many animals; dogs, cats, birds, fish, squirrels etc from Chatuchak and never had a problem. They all die reaching their expected life-span or are killed by overdosing vaccinations administered by a Thai vetinarian. So far 3, otherwise healthy, soi puppies died within 24 hours of vaccination.

My latest "Golden" came from a Pattaya market. I had heard rumours about this place too selling sick animals. "Honey" now 7 months old and in my care for 4 months couldn't be in better health according to my new, caring, vet yesterday.

A breeder could also be classified "puppy mill" as that's their business...bredding puppies for sale.

Buy 'em young...get a good vet...train, care and feed 'em well and your pet will last as long as in any country.

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Thanks for the great info people, especially kkk, your info is great.

bina: I'm thinking guinea pig or hamster would be a good idea for now, maybe when i move to a bigger condo, Labrador would be a good choice. My gf will be able to bring them for a walk downstair once a while.

Well my apartment actually dont allow pet but i think maybe a chihuahua might do the trick cos i once saw some foreigner with chihuahua and putting them in a animal cage(bag) before going back to their house. Also do chuhuahua and labrador/golden make good friends?

OK the only place i saw shop selling hamster and rabbit is at seacon square but where can i get a guinea pig??

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Yes, Chatuchak has the selection but many times the animals are not healthy, are ill-treated and come from puppy mills. Better to buy a breed magazine (thai language) and look up breeders that way

I've bought many animals; dogs, cats, birds, fish, squirrels etc from Chatuchak and never had a problem. They all die reaching their expected life-span or are killed by overdosing vaccinations administered by a Thai vetinarian. So far 3, otherwise healthy, soi puppies died within 24 hours of vaccination.

My latest "Golden" came from a Pattaya market. I had heard rumours about this place too selling sick animals. "Honey" now 7 months old and in my care for 4 months couldn't be in better health according to my new, caring, vet yesterday.

A breeder could also be classified "puppy mill" as that's their business...bredding puppies for sale.

Buy 'em young...get a good vet...train, care and feed 'em well and your pet will last as long as in any country.

My vet begs to differ. She is regularly treating dogs that are bought from Chatuchak and finds them with major health issues. But perhaps you are a more informed buyer and know what a healthy dog is supposed to look like. From the sounds of it, OP is not. And frankly, if all he can think of is he can take the dog for a walk once in a while, should not be getting a dog at all.

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JAKTUJAK market at the mo chit BTS stop has hundreds of people selling puppies. I walk through to look at them every time I go because I miss my pups so much. :o I have seen some beautiful little bull dog pups up there. Short hair and excellent inside dogs. But the guy had something when he told you to take care of a soi dog. Think about it, only the most intelligent ones are able to survive. They are only sick because no one takes care of them. People in BKK are cold hearted. They will just sit their and watch the animals in pain and do nothing. My wife has 7 of them and the stories she told me about how she got them will give you nightmares. The things that were done to them. One was beat blind for amusement and another she caught some teens that worked at a makro behind the store sodomizing a puppy with a stick trying to kill it. She took it from them and hid it from them in the store until she could get it home. Personally I would have life in prison for murder had I been there.

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