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No More New Hotmail - Accounts ?


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starting from the website "hotmail.com" or "hotmail.co.uk" or "hotmail.com.my" I just tried to create a new hotmail-account, but seems like the almighty Microsoft now wants u to install the complete "windows-live" - software on the computer before they let u create a new mail-account.

I wanna avoid to install that. How can I still create just a regular mail-account nowadays ?

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Sign up for Google Gmail, it's more reliable and has much better SPAM protection. Also, you can set it up as a POP3 account in either Outlook or Outlook Express if you desire. Do a Google search and sign up.

sorry but I think u did not read my post properly. I did not ask "can anybody recommend alternatives to hotmail". I asked a specific question about HOTMAIL and still hope somebody is able to give me a hint.

Thank you

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Sign up for Google Gmail, it's more reliable and has much better SPAM protection. Also, you can set it up as a POP3 account in either Outlook or Outlook Express if you desire. Do a Google search and sign up.

sorry but I think u did not read my post properly. I did not ask "can anybody recommend alternatives to hotmail". I asked a specific question about HOTMAIL and still hope somebody is able to give me a hint.

Thank you

You need to install Windows Live for to use a new Hotmail account right now! If you don't want the "Live", you need to use a different Mail Provider, like Gmail as suggested!

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Sign up for Google Gmail, it's more reliable and has much better SPAM protection. Also, you can set it up as a POP3 account in either Outlook or Outlook Express if you desire. Do a Google search and sign up.

sorry but I think u did not read my post properly. I did not ask "can anybody recommend alternatives to hotmail". I asked a specific question about HOTMAIL and still hope somebody is able to give me a hint.

Thank you

If you didn't like my response, why didn't you just ignore it; I was only trying to help.  I read your post quite clearly, but since I had no solution for your hotmail problem, I thought I would offer you a much better alternative to Hotmail.  Some people don't realize that you can setup a POP3 account with Gmail.  Gmail has a much faster and reliable download and a much better SPAM screener, I should know because I have 3 Hotmail accounts and 2 Gmail accounts.  I only keep the Hotmail accounts because some of my friends and business interests can't seem to take the hint and send correspondence to my Gmail address.

Anyway, if you like Hotmail so much then bite the bullet and download the Windows Live, however I still think that Hotmail is crap.

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Agreed. I stopped using Hotmail some time ago when I got fed up with their constant deactivation of my accounts, hence losing dozens of e-mails each time. Their spam protection is horrible, and their interface is too fancy. I used to have 5 hotmail accounts (from since around the time of hotmail's creation), now I only have one, which is active only because I need something to sign into messenger. I don't actually use it to send e-mail... I use Yahoo and Gmail for that.

And yeah, I know that I'm also not directly answering the OP's question. But seeing an asker being deliberately rude to someone who's trying to help doesn't make one a happy camper.

Edited by Firefoxx
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Agreed. I stopped using Hotmail some time ago when I got fed up with their constant deactivation of my accounts, hence losing dozens of e-mails each time. Their spam protection is horrible, and their interface is too fancy. I used to have 5 hotmail accounts (from since around the time of hotmail's creation), now I only have one, which is active only because I need something to sign into messenger. I don't actually use it to send e-mail... I use Yahoo and Gmail for that.

And yeah, I know that I'm also not directly answering the OP's question. But seeing an asker being deliberately rude to someone who's trying to help doesn't make one a happy camper.

You used to be able to use any account in messenger. It did not have to be a @live.com or @hotmail.com account.

Edited by jstumbo
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