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Is it still possible to buy viagra over the counter in thailand or has there been a clampdown on this?

I had no problem in 2006, but in 2007 january and july i tried a few chemists in bangkok and patong (near C&N) and they all said "only from doctor"

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Is it still possible to buy viagra over the counter in thailand ...

Wow, I have to say that it takes guts to post that question here. I am sure this will generate some chatter. I always get bombarded with guys selling it on Bangla, not saying I am a frequent visitor, but Viagra has been known to hurt more than it helps. This may have something to do with it being so hard to find.

Try Cialis or Livetra, (Spelling wrong)

They are just as good, and won't leave you with a kickstand when trying to sleep after....

Viagra, I have heard, has killed some farangs in Pattaya.

Be careful!

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As a prescription drug Viagra sold over the counter is illegal which is why you are getting told "only from doctor". That chemists have done it in the past is an indication of the level of disregard certain Thai people have for human life versus profit. The stuff offered in the street is more likely to be fake and possibly dangerous as well. I know that a while back the police in Pattaya had a crackdown (another? :o ) on rogue pharmacies selling the stuff but can't comment regarding current situation. Also can't comment on the alternatives suggested by Wf.

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Old Croc - dont need enhancers yet! still life in the old fella :o .

It does amaze me how many people ask me to bring back Kamagra everytime I go to Thailand. I would be a liar to say I've never tried it but I found it more of a hinderance than a benefit, the following morning/lunchtime it was still feeling the effect. :D

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Old Croc - dont need enhancers yet! still life in the old fella :o .

It does amaze me how many people ask me to bring back Kamagra everytime I go to Thailand. I would be a liar to say I've never tried it but I found it more of a hinderance than a benefit, the following morning/lunchtime it was still feeling the effect.]

Is Kamagra a prescription drug?

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I think it's a generic version of viagra.

Some farangs would get it from Ranong whilst on a visa run and then try and sell them on to the bars in Hua Hin.

Trouble is the immigration tend to have shakedowns and a few farangs have ended up with big fines or a short spell in the slammer.

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A Urologist at Bumrungrad told me earlier this year about a study conducted by Pfizer. They bought Viagra over the counter at something like 280 different pharmacies in Bangkok and then sent the products to their labs. The study found that a whopping 90%+ were not the original product and were Chinese or Indian copies containing anywhere between 15% and 65% of the necessary ingredients. If you are in doubt regarding these claims you should go along to a major hospital such as Bumrungrad and get a (expensive) prescription for the real thing and contrast the difference.

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Is it still possible to buy viagra over the counter in thailand or has there been a clampdown on this?

I had no problem in 2006, but in 2007 january and july i tried a few chemists in bangkok and patong (near C&N) and they all said "only from doctor"

In pattaya its available everywhere,. ( almost )certainly in all walking st pharmacies,, even the car park attendants and taxi drivers in foodland are selling it ! 700 for 4 he told me,genuine pziser, being the ( natural ) stud i am, i declined of course ! ahem,..
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It does amaze me how many people ask me to bring back Kamagra everytime I go to Thailand. I would be a liar to say I've never tried it but I found it more of a hinderance than a benefit, the following morning/lunchtime it was still feeling the effect. :D

a mate of mine tried kamagra in pattaya. said he thought his face was going to explode for the next 24hrs or so. :D:o

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Thanks for frightening me off..........LOL

One trip to Chalong I was bushed, but me lil Thaigal was insistant.

Not having been there for cupla months, and I was so tired.

Went to chemist, he sold me a lil blue and white bubble type pack of sumfin.

It worked very well, no after effects, wish I had kept the pack for reference.

Shudda bought more....... for emergencies.

Yeah..... rite......... hehehe

Edited by Zpete
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Less than an hour ago I just walked into a pharmacy in Patong and asked if they sold Cialis and had no problem buying it with no questions asked. I have a prescription for it from my doctor back home in Canada but wasn't able to get it filled before coming here earlier this week. It APPEARS to be the real thing tho I've heard the counterfeit stuff can look just the same.... but at the price I paid - it better be the real stuff!!

Is it still possible to buy viagra over the counter in thailand ...

Wow, I have to say that it takes guts to post that question here. I am sure this will generate some chatter. I always get bombarded with guys selling it on Bangla, not saying I am a frequent visitor, but Viagra has been known to hurt more than it helps. This may have something to do with it being so hard to find.

Try Cialis or Livetra, (Spelling wrong)

They are just as good, and won't leave you with a kickstand when trying to sleep after....

Viagra, I have heard, has killed some farangs in Pattaya.

Be careful!

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Less than an hour ago I just walked into a pharmacy in Patong and asked if they sold Cialis and had no problem buying it with no questions asked. I have a prescription for it from my doctor back home in Canada but wasn't able to get it filled before coming here earlier this week. It APPEARS to be the real thing tho I've heard the counterfeit stuff can look just the same.... but at the price I paid - it better be the real stuff!!
Is it still possible to buy viagra over the counter in thailand ...

Wow, I have to say that it takes guts to post that question here. I am sure this will generate some chatter. I always get bombarded with guys selling it on Bangla, not saying I am a frequent visitor, but Viagra has been known to hurt more than it helps. This may have something to do with it being so hard to find.

Try Cialis or Livetra, (Spelling wrong)

They are just as good, and won't leave you with a kickstand when trying to sleep after....

Viagra, I have heard, has killed some farangs in Pattaya.

Be careful!

We will all be pleased to learn if it is the real thing - let us know.

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After last night's and this morning's testing, I'd say preliminary results are VERY positive... :o No noticeable difference from the genuine stuff back home at all... and slightly cheaper than back home.. 450bht per tab - I think he said 1700 for a 4-pack but he only had 3 tabs left so I bought out his existing stock.... He said more were on order and would be in soon.

Less than an hour ago I just walked into a pharmacy in Patong and asked if they sold Cialis and had no problem buying it with no questions asked. I have a prescription for it from my doctor back home in Canada but wasn't able to get it filled before coming here earlier this week. It APPEARS to be the real thing tho I've heard the counterfeit stuff can look just the same.... but at the price I paid - it better be the real stuff!!

We will all be pleased to learn if it is the real thing - let us know.

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After last night's and this morning's testing, I'd say preliminary results are VERY positive... :D No noticeable difference from the genuine stuff back home at all... and slightly cheaper than back home.. 450bht per tab - I think he said 1700 for a 4-pack but he only had 3 tabs left so I bought out his existing stock.... He said more were on order and would be in soon.
Less than an hour ago I just walked into a pharmacy in Patong and asked if they sold Cialis and had no problem buying it with no questions asked. I have a prescription for it from my doctor back home in Canada but wasn't able to get it filled before coming here earlier this week. It APPEARS to be the real thing tho I've heard the counterfeit stuff can look just the same.... but at the price I paid - it better be the real stuff!!

We will all be pleased to learn if it is the real thing - let us know.

did you take all 3 ? ! :o
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LOL no no.... 1/2 a pill still works for me.. good for 36+ hours... :D

After last night's and this morning's testing, I'd say preliminary results are VERY positive... :D No noticeable difference from the genuine stuff back home at all... and slightly cheaper than back home.. 450bht per tab - I think he said 1700 for a 4-pack but he only had 3 tabs left so I bought out his existing stock.... He said more were on order and would be in soon.
Less than an hour ago I just walked into a pharmacy in Patong and asked if they sold Cialis and had no problem buying it with no questions asked. I have a prescription for it from my doctor back home in Canada but wasn't able to get it filled before coming here earlier this week. It APPEARS to be the real thing tho I've heard the counterfeit stuff can look just the same.... but at the price I paid - it better be the real stuff!!

We will all be pleased to learn if it is the real thing - let us know.

did you take all 3 ? ! :o

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... and slightly cheaper than back home.. 450bht per tab - I think he said 1700 for a 4-pack but he only had 3 tabs left so I bought out his existing stock.... He said more were on order and would be in soon.

In Singapore in the alley behind Desker Road (Little India), one can buy a box of 4 Cialis for 15 SGD (~85 baht per pill) and 5 boxes for 40 SGD. I never had a problem bringing them back (take the 2-pill foil sheets out of the boxes & rubber band them together & I put them in my bathroom shaving kit thinga-ma-jig). Some say "oh it's counterfeit sh*t from China" but works like a champ for me every time. Cialis is supposedly the next generation of Viagra and comes without the feverish overheating and afterward heartburn... Walk from Mustafa's over to the alley behind Desker (there's an outdoor bar there that a bunch of Indians will be watching "Pro Wrestling"), hang a left and talk to one of the first 2 old Chinese guys. They bargain very easy and have been there for years.

If you can't make it to SG and have like-minded friends coming from SG to visit Phuket, a good trade is Valium or Xanax that is dirt cheap and over the counter here, but can't get in SG.

Of course, all this information I got from a good friend.

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LOL no no.... 1/2 a pill still works for me.. good for 36+ hours... :D
After last night's and this morning's testing, I'd say preliminary results are VERY positive... :D No noticeable difference from the genuine stuff back home at all... and slightly cheaper than back home.. 450bht per tab - I think he said 1700 for a 4-pack but he only had 3 tabs left so I bought out his existing stock.... He said more were on order and would be in soon.
Less than an hour ago I just walked into a pharmacy in Patong and asked if they sold Cialis and had no problem buying it with no questions asked. I have a prescription for it from my doctor back home in Canada but wasn't able to get it filled before coming here earlier this week. It APPEARS to be the real thing tho I've heard the counterfeit stuff can look just the same.... but at the price I paid - it better be the real stuff!!

We will all be pleased to learn if it is the real thing - let us know.

did you take all 3 ? ! :o

In which Pharmacy in Patong did you find Cialis? Anybody knows a place in Chalong or Rawai where it is available? The next 2 weekends will be very long with all the bars closed, so got to be organized.

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  • 2 months later...

I agree that Cialis is better (so I've heard) but I'm afraid that most of the stuff in Thailand is copied and some is pretty useless (so I've heard) However I have ueard that if you buy the generic stuff Tadalis for example (Tadafil is the ingredient in Cialis) it seems to be cheaper and works good (so I've heard). See this guy told me that the people who make the fake stuff don't care about stealing from you after all they are stealing from billion dollar drug companies, however the makers of the generic stuff want you to come bake and buy their product so....... eh so I've heard. And yes it is pretty easy tto get but prices can be pretty up and down (no pun intended) and the price dosen't affect the quality. There is a liquid version around too which isn't bad (so I've heard). Hey whats wrong with a 3 day party for $10 (so I've heard)

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Viagra is just speed for your dick; the only reason it is legal is that the target market is flaccid old men.

Whoops. My Doctor friend told me that you really dont need it, just change your partner every week !! seemed to work :o

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  • 1 year later...

cialic better, realy...

But today I went to pharmacy and wanted to buy only 4 tablets cialic brand. Price 2000 THB. ask a question: if I buy a pack of 40 tablets? what price? seller say: THB 500 one tablet.

I was very surprised. where I buy a fixed price packages 40 tablets Brand = 10000THB +/- and generic cialic = 6500 +/- (120 pills). I wanted to cry because it is a robbery.

PS: I wanted to cry a lot more time because the chicken was already in bed :D , and I was so tired that he could not do anything :)

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When purchasing products such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra; does the pharmacist ascertain whether these products will be safe in each case? Do they check if you are taking any other medications, have any other medical conditions, or have any allergies?

I'm a pharmacist in Oz and these medications are not for everyone! Just wondering if they do all the necessary checks beforehand?

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When purchasing products such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra; does the pharmacist ascertain whether these products will be safe in each case? Do they check if you are taking any other medications, have any other medical conditions, or have any allergies?

I'm a pharmacist in Oz and these medications are not for everyone! Just wondering if they do all the necessary checks beforehand?

No they do not. It;s technically illegal for pharmacies to sell Viagra et al without a doctors prescription but where it is sold without one it's just another sale of another medication and no health checks or questions are asked.

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When purchasing products such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra; does the pharmacist ascertain whether these products will be safe in each case? Do they check if you are taking any other medications, have any other medical conditions, or have any allergies?

I'm a pharmacist in Oz and these medications are not for everyone! Just wondering if they do all the necessary checks beforehand?

No as they are illegal currently I doubt any other drug dealer is going to care about the health of his purchasers either..

Buyer beware..

I also know for a fact that Phuket pharmacies often punt off the Burmese el cheapo copies as 100% legit originals.. Lord alone knows whats in them.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Viagra goes to new lengths in Phuket

PHUKET: Viagra will soon be sold in Phuket pharmacies following a decision by Thailand's Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The drug was previously only available through hospitals or illegally on the black market.

The drug, sildenafil citrate, most commonly known under the Pfizer company trade name 'Viagra', alleviates erectile dysfunction syndrome (EDS or male impotence).

In a bid to stem the illegal sale of EDS drugs, the FDA has announced that Phuket pharmacies that meet new 'high quality' FDA standards will be soon be permitted to sell the drug nationwide.

Phuket Provincial Health Office (PPHO) has been tasked with carrying out the new FDA checks in Phuket.

Pharmacies that meet the requirements will stand to make substantial profits from selling the drug.

But many pharmacies could miss out on the lucrative FDA approval, according to PPHO director Dr Pongsawas Ratanasang, who said that many Phuket pharmacies do not have a pharmacist and therefore do not meet the new FDA requirements.

Assistant FDA Director Dr Pipat Yingsaelee told the Gazette his agency had seized 244,101 EDS tablets from black market traders over the past four years, worth approximately 97 million baht.

Dr Pipat said that worldwide, "37.5 percent of males aged 40 to 70 years old suffer erectile dysfunction," and as a result were potential customers for EDS drugs.

The new measures would stop deaths caused by 'fake' EDS drug concoctions sold on the black market, he said.

Tourists who want to buy Viagra in Phuket will need prescriptions from a Thai doctor.

Other EDS drugs that are included under the regulatory change are Tadalafil (marketed as Cialis) and Vardenafil (most commonly known as Levitra), as well as Elonza and Tonafil.

For the Pfizer company, which sells Viagra in more than one hundred countries, the new measures have been a long time coming.

In 2003, Thailand's FDA ordered Viagra be listed as a controlled drug and sales restricted to hospitals.

In January the Central Administrative Court ruled against the Pfizer company's appeal to overturn that FDA restriction.

Pfizer posted revenues of US$48.3 billion worldwide in 2008, US$2.4 billion of which was derived from sales of Viagra. spacer.gif– Khunakorn Terdkiatkhachorn


-- Phuket Gazette 2009-09-25

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I used to buy "Viagra" in Myanmar (Kauwthang) for 25 baht each. I was told Thai customs would accept 20 as for personal use, but was never checked.....like the 70 baht cartons of cigarettes - only one allowed.

They work ! And I believe certain bar owners ( certainly not including me) could sell them to tourists at 400 baht a time.....

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