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Anti-american T Shirts For Sale In Thailand


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For years we have all seen the anti-Bush t-shirts. The most famous one is probably Good Bush, Bad Bush, and there is the one with Bush and Bin Laden on the same shirt, funny. I like those shirts because I agree with the sentiments. Bush is probably the worse American president in history and even the clueless wonders who voted for him twice are mostly cursing him now. But Bush is not the country nor the people nor the flag of America, just a tragically bad leader.

But last night I saw a T shirt on Pattaya beach road that I think goes too far.

It pictured a Nazi swastika next to the American flag with the text:

Same (word for excrement) Different (word for anus)

Funny? Maybe in a sick way, sure. Do some people agree? I suppose. But doesn't this go to far attacking an entire country this way? What if similar anti-Thai t-shirts were on sale in Miami?

Yes, I know it is just a t-shirt, so don't bothering saying that.

Edited by Jingthing
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For years we have all seen the anti-Bush t-shirts. The most famous one is probably Good Bush, Bad Bush, and there is the one with Bush and Bin Laden on the same shirt, funny. I like those shirts because I agree with the sentiments. Bush is probably the worse American president in history and even the clueless wonders who voted for him twice are mostly cursing him now. But Bush is not the country nor the people of America, just a tragically bad leader.

But last night I saw a T shirt on Pattaya beach road that I think goes too far.

It pictured a Nazi swastika next to the American flag with the text:

Same (word for excrement) Different (word for anus)

Funny? Maybe in a sick way, sure. Do some people agree? I suppose. But doesn't this go to far attacking an entire country this way? What if similar anti-Thai t-shirts were on sale in Miami?

Yes, I know it is just a t-shirt, so don't bothering saying that.

Same poo, different sphincter? :o

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Maybe they should have a picture of Bush next to some oil drums and a bag of cash?

That would be OK but too obvious and not so funny.

I don't know if that is human's nature like to humiliate others in every way they can? In this case, to make money?!?

Who would have the cajones to wear that Nazi equals America shirt? I would be surprised to see someone wear it in Pattaya. Do Iranians buy these and wear them back home?

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It doesn't offend me, no. However, I choose not to take offense. Others, feel free to be offended at your leisure...

Psychobabble. You are either offended or you are not. It is a gut reaction. I was actually shocked when I saw the shirt, and it takes alot to shock me.

Or maybe you don't feel about Nazis the way alot of us do.

bush serves an important role in many of the lives of people who wear those shirts.

I would agree with that. I am the same way. Hating Bush feels good. But the American flag and Bush are not the same, is my point.

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they are the same.

I understand some people feel that way. But most Americans don't think that even most of the anti-Bush ones. The flag of our country means something to us, yes, even the left wing ones like me.

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For years we have all seen the anti-Bush t-shirts. The most famous one is probably Good Bush, Bad Bush, and there is the one with Bush and Bin Laden on the same shirt, funny. I like those shirts because I agree with the sentiments. Bush is probably the worse American president in history and even the clueless wonders who voted for him twice are mostly cursing him now. But Bush is not the country nor the people nor the flag of America, just a tragically bad leader.

But last night I saw a T shirt on Pattaya beach road that I think goes too far.

It pictured a Nazi swastika next to the American flag with the text:

Same (word for excrement) Different (word for anus)

Funny? Maybe in a sick way, sure. Do some people agree? I suppose. But doesn't this go to far attacking an entire country this way? What if similar anti-Thai t-shirts were on sale in Miami?

Yes, I know it is just a t-shirt, so don't bothering saying that.

I know how you feel, kind of like when someone says shooting a person with a bb gun due to their religion is a good idea. BTW that happened to me before. Truthfully it didn't hurt that bad and it was a sniper shot from a window... coward.

At least when someone wears a t-shirt bashing someone there is no cowardice in that. It is up front and in your face. But I do agree with you, slamming on shrub is fine with me, I would like some of those t-shirts.

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It's not offensive. It is a harmless print on a cotton T-shirt. It's signified value is transitory and humourous. Not that much different than the famous "Frankie" T-shirts of the 80's.

"Offensive" is when christian far right fundamentalist world leaders take it upon themselves to utter phrases such as, and I quote, "World War 3". There is the offense.

Personally I agree with the message printed on the T-shirt.

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Not that much different than the famous "Frankie" T-shirts of the 80's

I missed that, could you provide more details?

You say it is not offensive, but if (as I think) the majority of Americans would indeed be offended at our flag being compared with Nazis, a movement we as a country sacrificed so much to defeat, then who are you to say it is not offensive? Not offensive to you, yes, that is all you can say.

In an age where an English lady was almost brutally whipped for allowing a teddy bear to be named Mohammed, can't westerners be offended when their dear symbols, their flag, is desecrated this way? It seems there is a real double standard going on here.

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It doesn't offend me, no. However, I choose not to take offense. Others, feel free to be offended at your leisure...

Psychobabble. You are either offended or you are not. It is a gut reaction. I was actually shocked when I saw the shirt, and it takes alot to shock me.

Or maybe you don't feel about Nazis the way alot of us do.

bush serves an important role in many of the lives of people who wear those shirts.

I would agree with that. I am the same way. Hating Bush feels good. But the American flag and Bush are not the same, is my point.

In your case the designer of the tshirt succeeded in his mission. It was designed to shock and anger. If you give into them, you are just playing their game. Oh, and feel free to stick that "pychobabble" in your pipe and smoke it...

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So.. JT, what do you propose? Somewhere in your constitution it says something about freedom of expression. I think the shirt you mention is way WAY off, inappropriate and just plain ridiculous. But.. Come on JT, I think you need a day job, you have far too much time to spend on feeling offended. :o

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"The flag of our country means something to us, yes, even the left wing ones like me."

As an American you're falling into the trap of Ameri-centric thinking. Sure your flag means something to you but to the world who have had it shoved down their throats it means something quite different.US politicians come and go but the flag as a symbol of Americas divine right to bully the world remains consistent, and unquestioned in the US. It's pretty easy to see a connection between the symbols of the US flag and the Nazi swastika: both internationally reviled as symbols of oppression,blind self-interest and intolerance of others with different religions,colour of skin,sexual orientation,political systems. As symbols are often used to provoke a gut level reaction, irrespective of logic,I can see how those 2 would fit together. I'm not saying I agree with it, but I understand where it's coming from.

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US politics and policies or British or French or whoever are fodder for flames and trolls. And since the marginal Thailand interest has now been sidetracked by those who insist on bringing in politics, this thread is headed for closure fast.

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Not that much different than the famous "Frankie" T-shirts of the 80's

I missed that, could you provide more details?

You say it is not offensive, but if (as I think) the majority of Americans would indeed be offended at our flag being compared with Nazis, a movement we as a country sacrificed so much to defeat, then who are you to say it is not offensive? Not offensive to you, yes, that is all you can say.

In an age where an English lady was almost brutally whipped for allowing a teddy bear to be named Mohammed, can't westerners be offended when their dear symbols, their flag, is desecrated this way? It seems there is a real double standard going on here.

I think you are on a loser here.

Its the majority of Americans (or whatever the expression it is for the group of people who voted for Bush) who are represented by the Bush administration which can be depicted as neo Nazi's.


PS I know some very nice people who are citizens of the U.S. of A.

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"The flag of our country means something to us, yes, even the left wing ones like me."

As an American you're falling into the trap of Ameri-centric thinking. Sure your flag means something to you but to the world who have had it shoved down their throats it means something quite different.US politicians come and go but the flag as a symbol of Americas divine right to bully the world remains consistent, and unquestioned in the US. It's pretty easy to see a connection between the symbols of the US flag and the Nazi swastika: both internationally reviled as symbols of oppression,blind self-interest and intolerance of others with different religions,colour of skin,sexual orientation,political systems. As symbols are often used to provoke a gut level reaction, irrespective of logic,I can see how those 2 would fit together. I'm not saying I agree with it, but I understand where it's coming from.

Yes, I understand that. But people who do think that way, consider what the flag means to many Americans, even though we are losing these values:

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Protest, the right to vote out bad leaders like Bush, Tolerance and Inclusion of all Races and Nationalities, and our exceptionally good Constitution.

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