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Devastated- Dumped by my beautiful TGF


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I am Half thai Born in Thailand but grew up in the states  So I may be foreign man but my wife and I have many things in common  :D

Yes i noticed that you do not have an air of superiority, i think that serves you well.

Thats obviously the Thai half of you, so what part of you is American? :o

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I am Half thai Born in Thailand but grew up in the states  So I may be foreign man but my wife and I have many things in common   :D

Yes i noticed that you do not have an air of superiority, i think that serves you well.

Thats obviously the Thai half of you, so what part of you is American? :o

I don't think I am superior to anyone I treat people like i want to be treated Actually I am Amerasian According to my Dad But I do consider myself Thai

I've seen how some Farang act in thailand Like little children My Mom's friend her friend had her american boyfriend over in thailand He complained about everything The flight The Food and even his girlfriend He even shouted at her in front of everyone.

I guess he was under the impression he was better than the Thai People, I even had to tell him not the show anger in public He said how come my GF didn't tell me. Maybe because you were too busy yelling at her.

They then went to bangkok and he ran out of money so he had his father wire money to him I'll never forget him

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I've seen how some Farang act in thailand Like little children My Mom's friend her friend had her american boyfriend over in thailand He complained about everything The flight The Food and even his girlfriend He even shouted at her in front of everyone.

I guess he was under the impression he was better than the Thai People, I even had to tell him not the show anger in public He said how come my GF didn't tell me. Maybe because you were too busy yelling at her.

They then went to bangkok and he ran out of money so he had his father wire money to him I'll never forget him

I know exactly where you are coming from, i have had a few run ins with some Farangs that think they are so superior also.

Everything is always better where they come from according to them, so why the F#*K did they ever leave it?

I think inside many Thai people just give up with rude farangs, and just accept that farangs are like that, it's all about acceptance, but Farangs want Thai people to alter their ways to suit them.

I am Farang by the way, but i don't like the way most of them act in Thailand.

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I've seen how some Farang act in thailand   Like little children  My Mom's friend  her friend had her american boyfriend over in thailand  He complained about everything   The flight  The Food and even his girlfriend   He even shouted at her in front of everyone.

I guess he was under the impression he was better than the Thai People,  I even had to tell him not the show anger in public   He said how come my GF didn't tell me.  Maybe because you were too busy yelling at her. 

They then went to bangkok and he ran out of money  so he had his father wire money to him   I'll never forget him

I know exactly where you are coming from, i have had a few run ins with some Farangs that think they are so superior also.

Everything is always better where they come from according to them, so why the F#*K did they ever leave it?

I think inside many Thai people just give up with rude farangs, and just accept that farangs are like that, it's all about acceptance, but Farangs want Thai people to alter their ways to suit them.

I am Farang by the way, but i don't like the way most of them act in Thailand.

I was born in thailand but grew up in the US I do security at a residential community, I guess I look asian My Mom is not so sure, But I had a guy come in and I didn't hear what he said at first They have model homes I could have swore he said bottles I didn't know what he meant, Then he shoots me a Line "I Guess your not from around here" What the ###### does that mean Because I'm asian looking I'm not from the US?? Very Rude of him in my opinion.

I didn't get angry at first but after a while I was upset but didn't show it to him,

When I was in Thailand in the past I've seen Farang haggling for a cheaper price The thing what they wanted was like 5 or 6 dollars already. :o

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I feel a lot after reading the writings here...

Sometimes I really wonder based on what the 'relationship' is built on? Relationship that transcends sensibleness... language, background, common interests, etc... could it be as simple as 'true love'?

Sadly, not even by boyfriend could explain this...

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I feel a lot after reading the writings here...

Sometimes I really wonder based on what the 'relationship' is built on? Relationship that transcends sensibleness... language, background, common interests, etc... could it be as simple as 'true love'?

Sadly, not even by boyfriend could explain this...

How can you have a relationship with a dancer in a bar if your just going to shovle money in her direction?? The relationship is not based on Love I don't feel bad for the girl the threadstarter knew Actually I applaud her. She got what she wanted By the thread starter not using common sense She got some money and some gifts and then got what she really wanted a baby by another man :o

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I feel a lot after reading the writings here...

Sometimes I really wonder based on what the 'relationship' is built on? Relationship that transcends sensibleness... language, background, common interests, etc... could it be as simple as 'true love'?

Sadly, not even by boyfriend could explain this...

Sorry honey no such thing as true love.........if you or your boyfriend move on you will find someone new, its more a question of compatability that forms the basis of a long relationship in my opinion. As for "bar girls" long as the money is there so are they, you run out of money they run out as well.........its just the way things are! :o

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I feel a lot after reading the writings here...

Sometimes I really wonder based on what the 'relationship' is built on? Relationship that transcends sensibleness... language, background, common interests, etc... could it be as simple as 'true love'?

Sadly, not even by boyfriend could explain this...

Sorry honey no such thing as true love.........if you or your boyfriend move on you will find someone new, its more a question of compatability that forms the basis of a long relationship in my opinion. As for "bar girls" long as the money is there so are they, you run out of money they run out as well.........its just the way things are! :o

I certainly understand that all she wanted was $$$. But what I don't is... why there are so many guys having relationship with girls whom they can't even have a proper smooth conversation with??? so, where is the most basic 'compatibility'?

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The Compatibility is the easy night at the hotel I think Other then that what do they have in common?? Last time I was in bangkok My Dad got me a room at the nana plaza hotel Big Mistake Number one my wife didn't like it. But where else are we going to stay I mean my dad paid for it and it is close to the US embassy in case we needed to go there.

I saw endless farangs in the area and many of them had a thai girl on their lap in the bars, The only compatibility is money also. To this day I still feel bad that I stayed over there But my wife has gotten over it. "Mai Pen Rai" Right!! :o

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Most of the bar girls I know (actually, all of the bar girls I know) make upwards of 350 000 baht a month.

No offence - but this is thanks to guys just like you.

To make you feel better though, it would not be unusual if the affection, etc, she showed you was actually real. Just like humans everywhere, bargirls like to feel and have fun and be affectionate. Her desire for gain overshadowed her desire to continue her affections with you, but they were likely genuine affections nonetheless.

This is especially true if you were anything of a fatherly figure to her (sounds like you were).

Prostitute psychology..round 36547.

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Why is it always "..oh but where else am I SUPPOSED to meet the girl of my dreams, the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the world who will live happily ever after with me and never step in a bar or look at another man again other than in a GIRLIE BAR????

or better yet...

But I am only 40 years older than she is and so what if I don't speak her language. Why wouldn't she want to be with me. After all I am a FARANG!

WAKE UP! I used to walk by a pharmacy every day and smile at the salesgirl. Very attractive and yes, 13 years my junior. Been living together over 3 years and she is still working everyday. Know how much "allowance" I pay. ZERO

Know how much her family has asked me for....DIDDLYSQUAT!

CLIMB OUT OF THE BOTTLE AND OPEN YOUR EYES! The answer is "NO" it isn't always that way and "NO" it doesn't have to be!

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I can sympathize, but once again: Date a bar girl, get a bar girl. If you want "reality," get a long-stay visa and look for girls with real jobs- it means your selection will be limited, you'll have to court a longer time, and almost certainly wind up getting married- and it means you may have a cold, empty bed for a little while- but it'll be real.

The "relative in XXXX European country" always means visiting another client. There are no relatives in Europe for 99.999999999% of these bar workers.

If you insist on dating dodgy people, before you give them money insist on them showing you their bank balance after withdrawing money. That'll give you new perspective.

Good luck.


Sorry, but my kids ain't going to the school where you teach!

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Forget about BG or not BG, just a normal girl who changed her mind, or found somebody (in her opinion) better.

Happens all over the world, every day.

Years ago, (naturally) I was devastated a few times, when broke up. Once in a while I meet the same 'girl' after so many years, look at her and boy am I glad, it did not work out at that time. :o

BTW, for Friday afternoon I am not going to move this 'letter' to the jokes:

"Dear John,

could not wait any longer for you, married your father.



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Most of the bar girls I know (actually, all of the bar girls I know) make upwards of 350 000 baht a month.

I think that's one zero to many?

Nope, and I can completely understand your disbelief. First time I saw a bankstatement I immediately asked to see another..and another...and another..

The industry as a whole has alot more money in it than I ever first imagined, too. Something that surprised me was being told by the Mamasan at a bar in Nana that her female boss had to pay 10m baht just for the property (the walls and roof, literally) due to its location. I haven't confirmed that amount though (and I remain seriously sceptical) whereas I have seen many a wealthy BG bankstatement.

This is a smallish bar too. Owner is only 22!

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Sorry Will but that is utter exaggeration , you're talking about £5,000 equivalent.

This may be feasible for the odd " Superstar " , but maybe you hang with some very "speshun" BG's....

To avoid confusion, I (off the top of my head) have viewed the bankstatements (or bank 'books') of 13 separate bargirls. 8 of them work in the same bar, then 2 in another and 2 'freelance' and one japanese club girl. The least well off had a general monthly income of 350 000 baht from working three days out of seven.

If you cannot imagine how, I am not going to give the game away! (but it's not rocket science.)

Believe me or not, up to you of course :o I am sure there are many bargirls who earn much less, but the facts I have seen would seem to suggest not -that- many.

I am quite 'speshun' though, yes.

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Most of the bar girls I know (actually, all of the bar girls I know) make upwards of 350 000 baht a month.

I think that's one zero to many?

Nope, and I can completely understand your disbelief. First time I saw a bankstatement I immediately asked to see another..and another...and another..

The industry as a whole has alot more money in it than I ever first imagined, too. Something that surprised me was being told by the Mamasan at a bar in Nana that her female boss had to pay 10m baht just for the property (the walls and roof, literally) due to its location. I haven't confirmed that amount though (and I remain seriously sceptical) whereas I have seen many a wealthy BG bankstatement.

This is a smallish bar too. Owner is only 22!

So how much she charge for a night then?

The only way she makes this kind of money would be if she has multiple falang boyfriend wiring in money each month.

That could very well be possible but in that case I would not define her as a BG; entrepreneur (i'm not sure I spell this right) would be a better description.

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Sorry Will but that is utter exaggeration , you're talking about £5,000 equivalent.

This may be feasible for the odd " Superstar " , but maybe you hang with some very "speshun" BG's....

I/d agree with Chonabot..........only way it would be possible is if the girl had 10 guys sending her 20k/month each and she was still working.

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