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Hi Just to say all the best and dont worry it can be treated I have posted more or les the same question on here,

I dont know but if you can go back home and get treatment for free it might be the best plan,

From what people are saying it would cost a fair amount of cash here, but you can get first class treatment. Maybee best in Bkk if thats the only option, anyway its your health. If you have the cash get on with it the sooner the better.


I was diagnosed with early stage about 1 1/2 years ago. After doing a lot of research on the net and talking to 8 or 10 urologists and radiation oncologists I settled on the relatively new technique IGRT (Image Guided Radiation Therapy). From my research I was very reluctant to go with surgery because of the side effects. At the time there wasn't any equipment for the latest type of IGRT in Thailand so I went to Singapore. I've been extremely pleased with the result. The treatment was tedious, 5 days a week for 8 weeks, but no side effects at all during the radiation and none after. Everything still works as it should and my PSA has been around 0.5 for over a year. The only side effects from the entire process was from the hormone therapy that accompanied the radiation and that wore off after 3 or 4 months.

Among others I talked to Bangkok General and Bumrumgrad and while they sounded competent they didn't have the newer equipment but that might have changed by now. If you'd like further details I can PM you or if there's any interest I can post more in the forum.

But, echoing kennkate, early stage is very treatable and can be done without side effects so do something before it gets too late.


I'm interested to know how old you guy's are? I'll be going in next month for my yearly check up, already have an enlarged prostate that I control with medication. I'm 61 yrs. old.

fremmel if you don't mind me asking, what was the cost of the IGRT treatment not including the travel and accommodations?

Many thanks,



I was 61 when diagnosed. IGRT in Singapore was pricey. In mid-2006 it was about 700K baht. Fortunately my insurance covered it. The way medical prices are going here in Thailand I don't know whether it would be cheaper here even if they had the equipment.

I'm interested to know how old you guy's are? I'll be going in next month for my yearly check up, already have an enlarged prostate that I control with medication. I'm 61 yrs. old.

fremmel if you don't mind me asking, what was the cost of the IGRT treatment not including the travel and accommodations?

Many thanks,


What side effects have you got if you don,t mind me asking O/tan ?

I have a yearly examination and PSA test done to monitor the situation and check it doesn,t develop into a worse scenario.

I,m booked in for an MRI scan locally to check the Urinary tract and lower abdomen.

I may have one done on my prostrate later should it get into dodgy territory, but my G.P. reckons it,s just the natural aging process.

My urine and blood both test o.k. as per hospital investigations, hence my doctor says only a yearly examination is needed.

marshbags :D...................................I hope :o


Dr Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej hospital Bangkok is a top of the line, Western-trained urologist who several TV members as well as a good friend of mine have been very satisfied with.

Cost is another matter, if you are uninsured. But start by seeing him, just a consultation won't cost that much and he can advise as to what option is best for your particular case and the cost, at which point you can decide whether to proceed here or think about going back home (if you come from a place with National Health system, that is...).

Bring all your records (biopsy report, any scans) with you to avoid unnecesdsary repeat tests.

Good luck.

I'm interested to know how old you guy's are? I'll be going in next month for my yearly check up, already have an enlarged prostate that I control with medication. I'm 61 yrs. old.

fremmel if you don't mind me asking, what was the cost of the IGRT treatment not including the travel and accommodations?

Many thanks,


What side effects have you got if you don,t mind me asking O/tan ?

I have a yearly examination and PSA test done to monitor the situation and check it doesn,t develop into a worse scenario.

I,m booked in for an MRI scan locally to check the Urinary tract and lower abdomen.

I may have one done on my prostrate later should it get into dodgy territory, but my G.P. reckons it,s just the natural aging process.

My urine and blood both test o.k. as per hospital investigations, hence my doctor says only a yearly examination is needed.

marshbags :D...................................I hope :o

No side effects to taking the meds, Terazosin and Finateride...they allow a much better flow. Although I've quit taking them now for 4 months...trying to get the wife pregnant. Instead I've been taking two capsules of "600 Prostate Maintain" that contain Saw Palmetto and other vitamins, minerals, amino acids & herbs. It's working much better than I imagined.



Thanks for the additional info, O

I was getting readings around the 5 mark when i first did PSA tests and they were gradually rising.

I read an article that suggested Tomatoes ( Lypocene ) were a good additive to my diet and various specialist advised it, via my research.

I started using T.Ketchup as it also said there was more concentrated goodness in that, rather than fresh ones, that i always eat anyway.

Don,t know if it,s beneficial to others but my readings went down to 4.4,... 4.5 area and have been steady at this for the last 4 years without increasing.

There are those who agree within the health specialist arena and those who do not i might add.

In my case wether it,s coincidence or not, my readings have gone down.

Incidently my old GP of many years experience with his patients said anything under 10 isn,t so bad, but needs monitoring with regular PSA tests and rectal examinations for abnormalities.

If it continues to rise then further hospital checks are recommended and available on the NHS and in my area usually done within a few weeks, ( 4 )

When i said i was worried about my readings, which as stated were at the time just under 5, he told me this.


  • 3 weeks later...
.... at which point you can decide whether to proceed here or think about going back home (if you come from a place with National Health system, that is...).

Be careful about relying on treatment back home in the UK. National Health does not cover returning non-residents until they have been back as a resident in the country for 3 years - at least that was the case some years ago. However, if u pretend to be an illegal immigrant, they will treat anything for free!


There are a host of natural remedies that can asist with prostate problems.

For enlarged prostate and for men in the late forties you can get herbal supplements like PROSQN by Suisse which is a very very good supplement for prostate function. It has saw palmetto and zinc and some other things in it

Other things to do include the following:

Lose excess fat around waist

exercise regularly

Limit beef and dairy consumption

Don't drink beer and limit alcohol consumpition

Up your intake of soy products

Check out your zinc levels and eat zinc rich foods like oysters

All older men should consider taking these lifestyle changes if they want to preserve healthy prostate function. There is an epidemic of prostate problems developing and it is only going to get worse.


Don't confuse simple enlarged prostate (BPH: benign prostatic hypertrophy) which afflicts nearly all men as they age with cancer of the prostate. Two very different things.

For BPH, it is not dangerous except insofar as it may cause utrinary retention, otherwise it is more a nuisance than anything else, and try alternative remedies to your heart's content. They can't hurt and some may help.

For prostate cancer, especially in a relatively young man (i,.e. someone who could otherwise expect to live a good many more years), it's fine to try different diets and such but this should complement, not replace, modern medical care. Otherwise you are takuing a serious risk which may cost you your life.

For prostate cancer, especially in a relatively young man (i,.e. someone who could otherwise expect to live a good many more years), it's fine to try different diets and such but this should complement, not replace, modern medical care. Otherwise you are takuing a serious risk which may cost you your life.

You're probably right there as usual Sheryl.

I'm not a supplement and health food nut far from it, but there is amazing evidence of the efficacy of pomegranate juice or extract for atherosclerosis and also prostate cancer. I shall try to find a link for you.

Don't confuse simple enlarged prostate (BPH: benign prostatic hypertrophy) which afflicts nearly all men as they age with cancer of the prostate. Two very different things.

For BPH, it is not dangerous except insofar as it may cause utrinary retention, otherwise it is more a nuisance than anything else, and try alternative remedies to your heart's content. They can't hurt and some may help.

For prostate cancer, especially in a relatively young man (i,.e. someone who could otherwise expect to live a good many more years), it's fine to try different diets and such but this should complement, not replace, modern medical care. Otherwise you are takuing a serious risk which may cost you your life.

I was not giving advice to people who already had cancer.

However having said that depending on your age and how far advanced the cancer is it may be advisable not to treat it with surgery as you will more likely die of something else first.

My advice would be to thorougly research your options by reading as much material as you can get on the subject and of course go and talk to medical specialists in the area of expertise.

Take charge of your own health by being informed and don't be afraid to ask doctors why they are doing what they are doing. It is you health and well being that is at stake.

There is a wealth of information on the internet and it doesn't take too long to get informed.

I'm not a supplement and health food nut far from it, but there is amazing evidence of the efficacy of pomegranate juice or extract for atherosclerosis and also prostate cancer. I shall try to find a link for you.

As promised.....one of the loads of articles......and bear in mind the much greater effect on atherosclerosis makes this a possible double whammy......perhaps I should present it as a whole with it's own thread:

May Reduce Risk for All Men

A three year study at UCLA discovered that drinking one eight ounce glass of pomegranate juice a day lowered PSA levels and kept them stable nearly four times as long in men with treated prostate cancer that is expected to return.

The research, published in Clinical Cancer Research, studied 50 men who had undergone either EBRT or prostatectomy that experienced a quick return in their PSA numbers indicating that their cancer was returning.

Immediately after treatment for prostate cancer, PSA levels should be undetectable. If PSA is found, it is a sign of aggressive cancer that is likely to spread. In the UCLA study, all 50 men had detectable PSA levels immediately following treatment.

The researchers measured the "doubling time" -- how long it takes for the PSA level to double indicating that the cancer was returning. Patients with short doubling times have been found to be more likely to die from the cancer.

The average doubling time is about 15 months in high risk patients who had high Gleason scores. In the UCLA study, the average doubling time in these patients was extended to 54 months-- almost four times as long.

No side effects were reported from drinking the juice, and none of the men developed cancers that metastasized during the study.

For older men (aged 65-70) who are in watchful waiting after being treated for prostate cancer, a glass of pomegranate juice a day may make it possible for them to outlive their risk of dying of prostate cancer.

Hopefully, the juice can be used to delay or prevent the need for other treatments like chemotherapy or hormone therapy which both have many side effects.

The next step in the research will be to find out how the juice is stabilizing the PSA levels and suppressing the cancer return.

Pomegranate juice has high levels of antioxidants, offers an anti-inflammatory effect, and contains polyphenols, isoflavones, and ellagic acid.

A Phase III study will be conducted to further analyze the effects of pomegranate juice on prostate cancer. For more information on the Phase III trial, call (310) 825-5538.


This study has shown that for men at high risk for an inevitable return of their prostate cancer, one eight ounce glass of pomegranate juice extended the time before the cancer returned.

There are even some subjects in the study who still have not had their PSA levels rise.

Since are no side effects to drinking pomegranate juice, a man might consider adding it to their diet-- it might reduce your risk of a rising PSA.

Resources Used in Article Development

Pantuck, A. et al., Phase II Study of Pomegranate Juice for Men with Rising PSA following Surgery or Radiation for Prostate Cancer, Clinical Cancer Research, Jul 1, 2006.

Irwin, K., Pomegranate juice helps keep PSA levels stable in men with prostate cancer, UCLA Press Release found on Eurekalert.

Updated: July 1, 2006

So where is pomegranate juice found in Thailand? More specifically in Pattaya? TIA

Pomegranate seems to be in the market about half or two thirds of the time in CM. Some are grown in Thailand and a lot come across the Burmese border. You ask for ทับทิม or Tubtim. They are slow to juice but delicious. Usually 45-65 baht a kilo. A Turkish style press would speed up matters enormously. It needs a large capacity and a long arm. I think one could be made up easily in a local workshop. If anyone can get a photo of a Turkish one I'd love to see it. It could do Som-O as well!

So where is pomegranate juice found in Thailand? More specifically in Pattaya? TIA

Pomegranate seems to be in the market about half or two thirds of the time in CM. Some are grown in Thailand and a lot come across the Burmese border. You ask for ทับทิม or Tubtim. They are slow to juice but delicious. Usually 45-65 baht a kilo. A Turkish style press would speed up matters enormously. It needs a large capacity and a long arm. I think one could be made up easily in a local workshop. If anyone can get a photo of a Turkish one I'd love to see it. It could do Som-O as well!


I also read an article about the beneficial effects of pomegranate juice, seems there is quite a benefit to be had. Anyway the juice is readily available in 1 litre cartons in big C and is even sold in our local village store. 60-70 baht a carton. Tipco is the manufacturer and so far it has the highest % of pomegranate juice of any of the brands I have tried.

Although I do not have a problem it can't do any harm and it tastes great.

Good Luck



Yes the very best of luck with your problem.

You won't need luck though. As I understand it the prognosis is very positive for you. Some of the people who have advised you should have a Thai Visa gold star. Great advice.

  • 2 weeks later...
I'm interested to know how old you guy's are? I'll be going in next month for my yearly check up, already have an enlarged prostate that I control with medication. I'm 61 yrs. old.

fremmel if you don't mind me asking, what was the cost of the IGRT treatment not including the travel and accommodations?

Many thanks,


What side effects have you got if you don,t mind me asking O/tan ?

I have a yearly examination and PSA test done to monitor the situation and check it doesn,t develop into a worse scenario.

I,m booked in for an MRI scan locally to check the Urinary tract and lower abdomen.

I may have one done on my prostrate later should it get into dodgy territory, but my G.P. reckons it,s just the natural aging process.

My urine and blood both test o.k. as per hospital investigations, hence my doctor says only a yearly examination is needed.

marshbags :D...................................I hope :o

No side effects to taking the meds, Terazosin and Finateride...they allow a much better flow. Although I've quit taking them now for 4 months...trying to get the wife pregnant. Instead I've been taking two capsules of "600 Prostate Maintain" that contain Saw Palmetto and other vitamins, minerals, amino acids & herbs. It's working much better than I imagined.


Had the MRI scan today and got the following conclusions

Benign Prostatic hypertrohpy.

No evidence of P.Cancer

No evidence of obstructive uropathy

Both Kidneys normal.

They took loads of scans of my urinary tract ect.

My prostrate is confirmed as enlarged and this in turn is resting on my bladder, the inside of the prostrate shows thinning of the surrounding periheral zone with preserved signal intensity with " no abnormal enhancement on post contrast study "

This in turn is causing indentation ( some pressure on the bladder. )

I was taken through the report and shown in detail all it highlights.

The pressure on the bladder is in particular very visable at the lower right side of it.

In conclusion it cost me 14,000 baht and getting a positive result is a bonus in addition to the reassurance that at this time they were able to demonstrate their findings in relation to my situation.

These incidently concur totally with my local GP,s assessment on the possible causes, based on the above tests he carried out and results thereof.

I have a total of 14 films of my lower abdomen area to take home and show him in detail.

My pelvis, spine kidneys ect ect are very clear to see and show no apparent deterioration.

My prostrate problems it seems are down to getting older, i,m happy to say and nothing more serious.

I,d recommend anyone with doubts to have an MRI Scan, while it could be Neg or Pos., one way or the other you will at least be able to act accordingly, hopefully before things go to far, should it be the latter.

My report is very detailed with other information so i have just picked out obvious references that may or may not be of interest.

I would be more than happy to share any other conclusions that are within the report if specifically asked on certain findings that may be in it.

marshbags :D

If this post gives others confidence to go the same route, i will be genuinely very pleased about it.


Clearly there is much hope here. I can only emphasise the need for early treatment of the sort available at a good hospital and am heartened that a respected moderator has already said as much. Yes, sure use homeopathic medicine for your sore throat or athletes foot, but this is a more serious ailment where there is a proven reliable scientific cure. Good luck, but I don't think you'll need it, just good treatment will see you right. Definitely an area where modern medicine has got it bang on right.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All,

I have been reading with great interest, your comments on Prostrate Cancer, which are very enlightening . I have a quesstion which i know that you have probably neen asked many times. What sort of symtoms would you look for in coming to the conclusion that it was time to go and consult a Doctor concerning this terrible problem. I have been experiencing a problem lately, where I have difficulty in passing urine, it seems there is a form of blockage and I need to force it out. It is nnot present all the time but has been getting more frequent lately. I am 70 years old and thank goodness in the peek of health, I work out at the gym for 2 hours daily and look and feel much younger than my age, so I am worried that this urinal problem might be the start of something. I am living in the Philippines at present, but will be going home to good old Western Australia for a few weeks in April, I could leave it till I get home to consult my Doctor, but if it sounds as thaough I might need to see a Doctor before that then I obviosly would.

THank you friends for any infomation which would ease my thoughts and give me peace of mind. By the way I will be back in Bangkok on 5th. June, can't wait to get back there.

Cheers for now :o

Hello All,

I have been reading with great interest, your comments on Prostrate Cancer, which are very enlightening . I have a quesstion which i know that you have probably neen asked many times. What sort of symtoms would you look for in coming to the conclusion that it was time to go and consult a Doctor concerning this terrible problem.

Signs and symptoms

Prostate cancer often doesn't produce any symptoms in its early stages. That's why many cases of prostate cancer aren't detected until it has spread beyond the prostate.

When signs and symptoms do occur, they may include the following:

* Dull pain in your lower pelvic area

* Urgency of urination

* Difficulty starting urination

* Pain during urination

* Weak urine flow and dribbling

* Intermittent urine flow

* A sensation that your bladder doesn't empty

* Frequent urination at night

* Blood in your urine

* Painful ejaculation

* General pain in your lower back, hips or upper thighs

* Loss of appetite and weight

* Persistent bone pain

Source: Mayo Clinic

Hello All,

I have been reading with great interest, your comments on Prostrate Cancer, which are very enlightening . I have a quesstion which i know that you have probably neen asked many times. What sort of symtoms would you look for in coming to the conclusion that it was time to go and consult a Doctor concerning this terrible problem.

Signs and symptoms

Prostate cancer often doesn't produce any symptoms in its early stages. That's why many cases of prostate cancer aren't detected until it has spread beyond the prostate.

When signs and symptoms do occur, they may include the following:

* Dull pain in your lower pelvic area

* Urgency of urination

* Difficulty starting urination

* Pain during urination

* Weak urine flow and dribbling

* Intermittent urine flow

* A sensation that your bladder doesn't empty

* Frequent urination at night

* Blood in your urine

* Painful ejaculation

* General pain in your lower back, hips or upper thighs

* Loss of appetite and weight

* Persistent bone pain

Source: Mayo Clinic

Thank you so much, Camerata, for a most convincing and informative reply, going through your list of symptoms, you have motivated me to go and consult my Doctor when I get home, at least to have the test anyhow.

Thank you again.


May I add:

Because it is asymptomatic in the early (and m ost curable) stages, ALL men over age 50 should have an annual prostate exam (manual) and PSA level. If any family history of cancer, make that over age 40.


Decided to try the pomegrante juice so picked some up at Big C and tried it yesterday afternoon. Very pleasant taste. Last night rather than taking five minute to urinate it was just like the old days, could have written my name in the snow, if there was any. Very impressed at how quick it improved the stream and it continues to be OK. So thank you very much for the advise. :o


Pomegranate juice may interact with medications such as:

  • Antiarrhythmics - Amiodarone (Cordarone), disopyramide (Norpace), quinidine
  • Calcium channel blockers - Felodipine (Plendil), nicardipine (Cardene), nifedipine (Procardia), nimodipine (Nimotop), nisoldipine (Sular)
  • Statins - Atorvastatin (Lipitor), lovastatin (Mevacor), simvastatin (Zocor)
  • Immunosuppressants - Cyclosporine (Sandimmune, Neoral), tacrolimus (Prograf)
  • Protease inhibitors - Saquinavir (Fortovase)

See this article .


Go and see Dr. Viroj Chodchoy at Bumrungrad Hospital. He operated on me for Superficial Cancer of the Bladder, and I've been very happy with his care.


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