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Another "i'm Getting Tired Thread"

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OK here goes.

I'm getting tired of certain members constantly posting negative things. jingjing really really I am. are they just trying to troll or genuinely unhappy about so many things, including themselves.

I'm not a member of the love or leave it brigade, but if things are so bad here, simple matter to just pack up and leave to more conducive or hospitable grounds.

reminds me of the story about the monk who accidentally stepped in a load of doggy poop with his sandals. He kept moving from temple to temple, complaining each time that it smelled like doggy poop. Until realizing that he carried the smell with him on his own sandals.

OK go ahead, flame away

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So.. doesn't your post qualify as a negative one? :D

Are some sour people you don't know on some discussion forum really bothering you that much? Just let them be.

Or, do what I do.. When you go around town and at some point you notice a really sad looking foreign individual (a.k.a 'PBMAF's) then smile inwardly and think "THATS" one of those miserable gits who divide up their time equally between drinking beer, dressing badly, and being nasty on Thaivisa.com!

Personally I do feel strongly about certain issues in both Thailand and this forum that I perhaps better not get into here.

That however doesn't change the fact that :oI LOVE THIS COUNTRY. :D

In fact not a week goes by without me thinking "I love this country" a couple times.

Heck there's even a few people on this forum that I, um, consider fairly tolerable. :D


Yah.. It's not that black and white though. Like you can love Thailand but have strong opinions about some things. This may or may not include things that cannot be expressed freely, or that are cut short for other reasons. Then people get a bit more bitter, but it's hardly directed against Thailand in general.

Love it or leave it Thailand haters!


this extreme and narrow-sighted view sums up pretty nicely 90% of the grief I have here with residing Expats. Anybody here ever heard of 'sabai sabai', 'mai bpen rai', 'live and let live'?

Funnily, the local Thais do not give me a fraction of stress...

Love it or leave it Thailand haters!


this extreme and narrow-sighted view sums up pretty nicely 90% of the grief I have here with residing Expats. Anybody here ever heard of 'sabai sabai', 'mai bpen rai', 'live and let live'?

Funnily, the local Thais do not give me a fraction of stress...

I am positively tired of negative people pretending to be positive and saying negative things when they are really saying positive things about negative things that are sometimes positive in a positively negative world that has its positive head way up its negative.....there....I finally said it!

OK here goes.

I'm getting tired of certain members constantly posting negative things. jingjing really really I am. are they just trying to troll or genuinely unhappy about so many things, including themselves.

I'm not a member of the love or leave it brigade, but if things are so bad here, simple matter to just pack up and leave to more conducive or hospitable grounds.

reminds me of the story about the monk who accidentally stepped in a load of doggy poop with his sandals. He kept moving from temple to temple, complaining each time that it smelled like doggy poop. Until realizing that he carried the smell with him on his own sandals.

OK go ahead, flame away

Stop being negative. :o


The negative postings bother me, too. If I owned this forum, I'd kick them out, but then there wouldn't be a forum. So, let's see if we more mellowed and reasonable posters can nonviolently overpower the nasty old bast-ads with love. Start some positive topics. Try to make positive contributions. If you have the urge to really lambast somebody or some idea, take a long breath and walk away. Don't take the bait. I had a good night last night, meeting lots of (old, gay, farang) men who knew how to tell jokes without some person or group being the victim. Choose your friends wisely, and treat them well.

And don't listen to anybody who uses Peter Pan as his avatar! :o


I can only profess a great fondness for Thailand.

Wonder if those who claim they love, do they exhibit the same patriot feeling and fervor toward Thailand, as they would for their native countries?


are they actively seeking Thai citizenship so they an actively participate in the political arena.

'm getting tired of certain members constantly posting negative things. jingjing really really I am.

You simply do not understand me. I am not negative on Thailand. Thailand is my favorite country. I like living here much more than living in my home country. There is no other county on earth I want to live in more. I truly think Thailand is a unique country with a special flavor, a special flavor I love. I think alot of this special flavor is the result of Thai insularity: the good part for us is the special flavor, the bad part for us, well I have a brain and like to comment about that part too. Frankly, I think if you have been reading the totality of my posts and you were a perceptive person, you would see the love, loud and clear. Observing things and being critical sometimes doesn't mean you don't love something, a person, a country, etc. And if you say I am critical all the time about everything in Thailand, again, you are not paying attention.

One of my biggest problems with Thailand is that I am not allowed to work towards permanent residence here. Does that sound like the frustration of a person who doesn't want to be here?

BTW, I am not a troll poster, well mostly not. Its just that my thinking is layered, complex and PLAYFUL, and so many people don't want to invest the energy to figure out what I am really saying. Instead many just knee jerk react about it. Can't control how people react. A great example was the farang poll. People labeled me as saying that farang was a negative word, something I never said, and never believed. It was actually fascinating to observe.

BTW, I am still very curious for the answer about the Somchai, Johnny, and Lek story, but PB (who has come out of the closet with his bias here) kind of put the kabosh on that very sincere inquiry.

I can only profess a great fondness for Thailand.

Wonder if those who claim they love, do they exhibit the same patriot feeling and fervor toward Thailand, as they would for their native countries?


are they actively seeking Thai citizenship so they an actively participate in the political arena.

Huh? Whatever.........here is a nice song for the people that are tired of all of the so-called "negative" posts (most of which are expressing a form of positive negativism):

I love you

You love me

We're a happy family

With a great big hug

And a kiss from me to you

Won't you say you love me too?

I love you

You love me

We're best friends

Like friends should be

With a great big hug

And a kiss from me to you

Won't you say you love me too?

:D:o:D :D :D

I can only profess a great fondness for Thailand.

Wonder if those who claim they love, do they exhibit the same patriot feeling and fervor toward Thailand, as they would for their native countries?


are they actively seeking Thai citizenship so they an actively participate in the political arena.

Huh? Whatever.........here is a nice song for the people that are tired of all of the so-called "negative" posts (most of which are expressing a form of positive negativism):

I love you

You love me

We're a happy family

With a great big hug

And a kiss from me to you

Won't you say you love me too?

I love you

You love me

We're best friends

Like friends should be

With a great big hug

And a kiss from me to you

Won't you say you love me too?

:D:o:D :D :D

Been watching too much of "Mr. Roger's neighborhood"?


It's not the negative posts which bug me. It's the flame-baiters I can't stand, especially when hiding behind some anonymous cyber-identity which emboldens them to say things they would never, never, never say to one's face for fear of being taught a lesson. I also find these fools unable to communicate in common English as they think multi-syllabled phrases deifies (read carefully) them over the rest of us.


I'm bothered with the fact that so many people only want the positive and so obviously don't understand Buddhism, as they miss balance and so don't belong here : be positive and negative or go home ... there you have it !

etrigan, It's not the negative posts which bug me. It's the flame-baiters I can't stand, especially when hiding behind some anonymous cyber-identity which emboldens them to say things they would never, never, never say to one's face for fear of being taught a lesson. I also find these fools unable to communicate in common English as they think multi-syllabled phrases deifies (read carefully) them over the rest of us.



'm getting tired of certain members constantly posting negative things. jingjing really really I am.

You simply do not understand me. I am not negative on Thailand. Thailand is my favorite country. I like living here much more than living in my home country. Frankly, I think if you have been reading the totality of my posts and you were a perceptive person, you would see the love, loud and clear. Observing things and being critical sometimes doesn't mean you don't love something, a person, a country, etc. And if you say I am critical all the time about everything in Thailand, again, you are not paying attention.

To paraphrase that Carly Simon song "You're so vain You probably think this thread is about you...", cm happy said 'jingjing' and not 'jingthing'!

I can only profess a great fondness for Thailand.

Wonder if those who claim they love, do they exhibit the same patriot feeling and fervor toward Thailand, as they would for their native countries?

or are they actively seeking Thai citizenship so they an actively participate in the political arena.

1. I feel zero patriottic feeling towards my native country. That's why I'm not on any online forums in or about my native country. I honestly don't care what happens to it. (Except during the World Cup, but that's mostly because Thailand isn't in it.)

2. I feel some patriottic feeling towards Thailand. I.e.: " I care" If I didn't care I wouldn't be so opinionated, I'd be swigging Changs and watch the tide come in.

3. Seeking Thai citizenship is quite unlikely for most Western foreigners. Residency is just about achievable: A mere 200,000 baht, 5 years continulously in Thailand, language ability and dedication would most likely do it. After that you get to call yourself 'resident', however you still can't vote or own land. So there wouldn't be a whole lot of participating in any political arena.

I'm bothered with the fact that so many people only want the positive and so obviously don't understand Buddhism, as they miss balance and so don't belong here : be positive and negative or go home ... there you have it !

at least I'm aware when I make statements like above that I'm talking out of my @ss !

To paraphrase that Carly Simon song "You're so vain You probably think this thread is about you...", cm happy said 'jingjing' and not 'jingthing'!

Yeah, I still think he meant jingthing, people have made that mistake before.

Also, I don't see how anyone could imagine jing jing a troll poster (check her posting history) so yes I do think he was referring to me.

Doesn't really matter, because I have had my say to the people who think I am troller/negative on Thailand person.

It's not the negative posts which bug me. It's the flame-baiters I can't stand, especially when hiding behind some anonymous cyber-identity which emboldens them to say things they would never, never, never say to one's face for fear of being taught a lesson. I also find these fools unable to communicate in common English as they think multi-syllabled phrases deifies (read carefully) them over the rest of us.

Indeed. I remember when I did my IT degree a lecturer said you should never say anything in an email or post anything to a forum that you wouldn't say to someone's face.

Some of the best advcice I've ever been given

The negative postings bother me, too. If I owned this forum, I'd kick them out, but then there wouldn't be a forum.

Indeed. Then it would be a Happy Teletubbies Episode. Big Hugs al around. :o

So, let's see if we more mellowed and reasonable posters can nonviolently overpower the nasty old bast-ads with love. Start some positive topics. Try to make positive contributions. If you have the urge to really lambast somebody or some idea, take a long breath and walk away.

I hope you're joking. How many discussion forums have you been on? You do realize the whole point is to flame each other to death exchange viewpoints?

And don't listen to anybody who uses Peter Pan as his avatar!

Well, only because you brought it up yourself, but you would make a lot more sense with this guy in your avatar. :D


I am positively tired of negative people pretending to be positive and saying negative things when they are really saying positive things about negative things that are sometimes positive in a positively negative world that has its positive head way up its negative.....there....I finally said it!

:o needed to reread that 3 times :D

Most of the times when I read a negative or flaming post I need to smile and think that I'm pretty lucky NOT to be in the skin of that particular poster. Plus that I hope for that poster that these negative feelings are only temporarily. Can you imagine to walk around with grumpy feelings most of the time, while at other times pretending you feel good? Pretty miserable.


It's only successful because we make it successful.

I give alot of credit to the people running it. But if all the posts allowed by the management were bland and smiley face, imagine the hits decreasing on a daily basis.


i think people should recosider what they expect from both thailand and thaivisa and look to themselves to get what they want out of life.

you are not required to frequent either


People advocating that others who complain about Thailand should go home (uproot their lives and belongings again, probably at great expense and no small amount of bother) can surely see the sense (and ease) of taking a little of their own advice and moving on to the next post.

Most of the negative comments made here are kept active with dozens of posts from people who believe they are the sole arbiters of what can and cannot be said on this forum about life in Thailand.

They are not - That is the job of the forum rules and the moderators.

If you don't like a post - pass right on.

It will soon disappear off the bottom of the page.

I'm bothered with the fact that so many people only want the positive and so obviously don't understand Buddhism, as they miss balance and so don't belong here : be positive and negative or go home ... there you have it !

What balance? I think the OP is discussing how there ISN'T a balance of positive and negative but rather an overwhelming number of negative.

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