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Any Other Stories Similar To This?


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On the other hand you have Begs, who goes looking to attack said people and anyone else who might not agree everything is perfect, Begs labels us all as moaners, whingers, hard done by, etc etc, which is the true evil?? :D

I know everything is not perfect and I realise that fact.

But unlike certain posters i do not go into another country expecting that country to be the same as the country i came from.

Would i go to some sub Saharan African countries and complain that i saw hungry people?

Would i go to India and complain about street beggars?

Would i wear a gold chain in Rio or Sao Paulo?

Would i stay in a country that disturbed me, if i had the choice?

If i chose to stay would i spend my time bitching about the country i choose to be in?

The aswer to all the above is NO. How about you rooboy,would you ? :o

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On the other hand you have Begs, who goes looking to attack said people and anyone else who might not agree everything is perfect, Begs labels us all as moaners, whingers, hard done by, etc etc, which is the true evil?? :D

I know everything is not perfect and I realise that fact.

But unlike certain posters i do not go into another country expecting that country to be the same as the country i came from.

Would i go to some sub Saharan African countries and complain that i saw hungry people?

Would i go to India and complain about street beggars?

Would i wear a gold chain in Rio or Sao Paulo?

Would i stay in a country that disturbed me, if i had the choice?

If i chose to stay would i spend my time bitching about the country i choose to be in?

The aswer to all the above is NO. How about you rooboy,would you ? :o

No Begsy boy I wouldnt,

I would complain that I was charged more for my Sprite than the local Ethiopians

I would complain that my Indian hooker's STD book is a forgery

I would not bother walking in Rio, choosing to pay some poor schmuk a pittance to drive me everywhere.

I have stayed in many countries which disturb me, the biggest disturbance usually comes from the Western dregs of society who have gravitated to said countries and havent taken the Rose tinted specs off since arriving :D

I have chosen to stay in many places, I dont bitch about the country I am in, the countrys are usually lovely, its just the people there dummy! :D

TGT give up, we all know you are a sad little git sitting in an East end bedsitter with nothing better to do cept watch BBC1 and surf porn. You are probably an accountant or payroll clerk :D

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I was walking through a mall out Samut Prakarn way once and this guy comes up to me holding a baby and more or less stands in my way and shoves in it my face- he was making a ruckus, too, which though I'm not very good in Thai I'm pretty sure was not Thai language or maybe any language. STILL don't know what that was about- "I have a baby so give me money?" It was inside one of the stores. I smiled and nodded and behaved exactly as I felt- bemused- walked around him and kept on going.


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Apologies to Stickman and Dana for stealing a snippet of Dana's post. :o


I see a kite festival in a park in BKK and wander onto the grounds. I see a bench. I sit down. There is a Thai mother with a baby on the bench. We exchange smiles and hellos. I smile and make baby talk at the child. I say something about the kites in the sky being suay maak. She agrees and says I speak excellent Thai. I say "Nit noy Thai." More smiling and head bobbing. An excellent day in Thailand and a fun time with a real Thai. What could go wrong? Presently she turns and points to herself and points across the field and says "Hong naam". She has to go to the bathroom. She holds the baby towards me. She wants to know if I will hold her baby for her while she goes to the bathroom. Of course I will. I am flattered and proud to be asked. She walks away. In her absence I have the best time making baby talk. People walking by look on approvingly. I try to look nonchalant as if Thais are always trusting me with their children. It's great to be involved with the real Thailand and with real Thais and I am thrilled to be included in a teensy weensy way in the fabric of the culture. After about twenty minutes mom comes back. I return her child. The mom holds out her hand and says "100 baht". "What for?" I say. She wants me to give her 100 baht for helping her go to the bathroom by looking after her child. As I rise from the bench and take the first step my knee nearly fails me so disoriented and disappointed am I by the experience. Thailand. Sometimes I feel sorry for Thailand. You wouldn't wish this on any country. Later I wondered if she pulled this routine on five farangs a day. Sometimes people like to email me and tell me that I am not sensitive to the culture and that there is lots I don't know about the Kingdom. Maybe I am one of the lucky ones.

:D:D:wub:-_-:D WEIRD !!! :D

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I would love to see how many of the posters here would manage a family with no money. I would Take away your money and your jobs first, then give you a few rai of farmland up country and a buffalo, see how you get  on. That i would love to see.

We were! I genuinely had to pick fruit in the summer when I was a kid so we could afford to eat, which is something my mum only told me when I was old enough to understand. Being a widow with six hungry kids to feed probably wasn't too much fun.

I used to lighten the load on the larder by going to a mate's dad's farm, work there and then cram my belly full of grub in payment for the work. The missus there was a pukka cook. :D

Thinking about it: Begs probably got more to eat in his CH than I did. :o

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Thinking about it: Begs probably got more to eat in his CH than I did. :o

I Probably did, I was not in a workhouse!!

I was in the care of K.C.C. ( Kent county council), the my last year at school i sent to 'The Brtitish Seamans Boys Home' in Brixham, Devon. I was very lucky, i had a good time. :D

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'The Brtitish Seamans Boys Home' in Brixham, Devon. I was very lucky, i had a good time. :o

This is the next step up from being an altar boy isnt it?? No wonder you had a good time!!

Oh and your other replies are waaaay to predictable Begsy.. :D

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Could have been much worse. She could have accused you of attempting to take the child etc and demanded much more than 100 Baht.

Of course maybe the kid was called "Robert" (just sounded like "Loi Baht") and she was confused at you saying "no" when she told you his name. :o

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  • 1 year later...
My stories are mainly fiction?  I suggest you work on your reading skills.  Dana

Dana - you spoilsport I had been expecting said mum not to return nearly had a tear in my eye.

On a more realistic note I like IJWT's story and his actions - did not get upset - just skirted the confrontation (hence defused) and walked on.

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