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America To Require 10 Fingerprints At All Airports

sriracha john

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quoted....."Haha, you get nervous every time you take a flight? Dude, you are pathetic. What else scares you? I'm guessing everything.

BTW, it was the US government who perpetrated 9/11, not some people in caves in Afghanistan, fyi. The only thing you should fear (and fight) is your own government"...


Oh no , another emotion driven US hater.

At least one should try to supply a little supportive information, will you ?

What a pity soul indeed.

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10-Fingerprint Scanners Take less than 30 sec usally 15 . If people dont want to give them they really they are free to not go to the US. Up to them as the Thai,s say

I have heard that soon at most ports of entry in the US as well as the UK you will be able to use a renta scan to go thur faster, I hope so hate the lines.

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BTW, it was the US government who perpetrated 9/11, not some people in caves in Afghanistan, fyi. The only thing you should fear (and fight) is your own government.

I'd like a further explanation of that last statement, then I would like to find out where you got what you are smoking, and then I'd like your address...

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American here in LOS. I've been back twice traveling through JFK and Honolulu Int airports. Because I was a victim of identity theft in the US severasl years ago, I was harrased by the Homeland security people at JFK. My passport was taken away and I was hustled into some windowless room and told to be quiet. <deleted> did I do?

After a long wait, I was asked if I had ever been arrested. I responded by telling the gestapo man that if he checked Hawaii's records, he would see that my identity had been stolen and the thief had been arrested in Georgia with a Mug shot taken, and he skipped bail and never returned for his trial. He could easily check with the authorities in Georgie and match his mug shot to mine DUH!

A year later, the exact same thing happens in Honolulu. When I asked why this information from my previous trip through JFK was NOT updated in their Homeland bulllshit data system, I received no reply other than to contact some buercracy in Wash. DC So there you go, Homeland Gestapo is on top of things, don't you worry. I suspect the same thing will happen next year when I go back.

Bush and the regime have stripped Americans of their basic civil liberties period. All this crap and charades about safety is a pretense to further that goal. Consider this quote from a great American, Benjamin Franklin:

Those that give up their liberty for a measure of safety, deserver neither :o


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