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I've been in India on and off since march. In that time I've had Delhi Belly, Mumbai Murder and right now Bangalore Botty :D:(:D

My, er, movements, are getting back to normal (like once a day not once a minute) but worryingly are somewhat lighter in colour than I'm used to. No I don't normally make a habit of examining the contents of the toilet bowl but when you get to know it like I have .....

Now, I know that if a dog has white pooh he's pretty sick :D Mine's nowhere near that but should I be worried? Maybe wait a week or so after I get back to Thailand before worrying?

I don't want to end up scooting across the lawn using my front legs and dragging my backside :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I'd guess that dietary changes could cause this *condition* but you'd best have a check-up. You may need to take a sample with you (store in frige and don't let anyone pop it into the microwave when craving a snack :o ) .

Quite a bit of hepatitis in India, of course.

Hope it's nothing serious.

Stools that are pale, or clay- or putty-colored may result from problems in the biliary system (the drainage system of the gallbladder, liver, and pancreas).

Jaundiced (yellow) skin often accompanies clay-colored stools.

The liver excretes bile salts into the stool, giving it a normal brown color. Obstruction to the flow of bile out of the liver (you may see the word "cholestasis"), or liver infections like viral hepatitis, may produce clay-colored stools.

Possible causes for clay-colored stool result from problems in the biliary system, and may include:

* Cancer or benign tumors

* Strictures (narrowings)

* Congenital anatomic problems (present at birth)

* Gallstones

* Cysts

* Medications

* Sclerosing cholangitis

* Biliary cirrhosis

* Protein or infectious infiltration

* Alcoholic hepatitis

* Viral hepatitis (A,B, or C)

The underlying cause should be investigated.


Lovely breakfast reading :o

Before folks get you get truly frightened and you crap yourself, relax. Let's go through the simple steps first before you are diagnosed you as having liver failure or consumed with some deadly parasite, ok? First off, if you had chronic diarhea for awhile then you may have indeed picked something up. Don't panic. This can be dealt with, but it means you need to see a qualified medical care provider without delay.

However, because you state that you are back to a once a day evacuation, chances are, you may have just strained your entire digestive system. A viral/bacterial/parasitic infection would more likely than not have left at the multi toilet visit stage and dehydrated.

If you had hepatitis you would certainly have other symptoms. Disruptive bowel movements are usually one of the milder symptoms.

First thing to remember is that what we eat has a strong influence on what we poop. For example, if you have been eating a lot of rice with no red meat and no vegetables or a lot of raw milk/cheese, you will end up with pale feces. The next thing to consider is the nature and dimensions of your product. Now I know some people will laugh, but Dr. Bristol came up with his Bristol chart to use the feces as an indicator of the problem. If you are producing 5-6 type products now, you probably have an infection. If you are a regular 3-4type, then it's most likely diet. I suggest you give it another 24-48 hours with some change in your diet to see if there is an impact. If you are still producing pale poop, have a friend take you to a medical facility and bring a stool sample. (It will save time.) However, if in that interval, you develop a fever or dizziness or any type of nausea, proceed immediately to the nearest ER with someone and of course a stool sample. Most important of all, don't stress.


Gotta love Dr Bristol :D

Well, after another 'bowel related event' I'm back on a fluffy No6 :o

I certainly don't fancy seeing a local quack (although 90% of UK Docs are Indian) and collecting a sample is likely to result in its contamination when I throw up. I'll grin and bear it for another week until back in LoS and if after loads of decent Wifeys cooking things haven't calmed down significantly I'll go and see the man.

I think I was overly worried about the colour, it's darkened down quite a bit overnight so I suspect it was just diet related, still got the trotts though.

I thought I was pretty bomb proof in the guts department, having lived all over Asia for 13 years and eaten some pretty iffy grub with no significant effects but India just kills me :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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