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I was surprised at how much I enjoy beet root on a burger. Of course, it is a special kind that is soaked in vinegar.

I don't know how anyone that could come up with something this good, could also like the awful taste of Vegemite! :o

Like many things, the Aussies claim that beetroot on a burger was an Australian thing.It's not.Started in NZ by humans (Kiwis :D ) .McDonalds even copied it for a few years and called it a Kiwi Burger.

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Like many things, the Aussies claim that beetroot on a burger was an Australian thing.It's not.Started in NZ by humans (Kiwis :o ) .McDonalds even copied it for a few years and called it a Kiwi Burger.

Ah you kiwis are so predictable - Oz has had the McDonalds Oz burger for years as most of your compatriates ensconsed in bedsits across Bondi will fully be aware.

Beetroot was first canned by Golden Circle in the early 60's but was fairly commonly put on burgers before then. I would be really interested to see your supporting information as to who this burger tosser in EnZed that started all this.

Welcome back to the forum mate


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Like many things, the Aussies claim that beetroot on a burger was an Australian thing.It's not.Started in NZ by humans (Kiwis :o ) .McDonalds even copied it for a few years and called it a Kiwi Burger.

Ah you kiwis are so predictable - Oz has had the McDonalds Oz burger for years as most of your compatriates ensconsed in bedsits across Bondi will fully be aware.

Beetroot was first canned by Golden Circle in the early 60's but was fairly commonly put on burgers before then. I would be really interested to see your supporting information as to who this burger tosser in EnZed that started all this.

Welcome back to the forum mate


Well , whilst ever so slightly off-topic, I need to say that one thing that the Aussies and the Kiwis have in common is that they both have birds that can't fly.

but the Aussie Burger , like the Emu bird IS bigger and better than any Kiwi bird or Kiwi -Burger ( now extinct).

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie......Oiy! Oiy! Oiy!

I'm off to Woody's.


Edited by SwaziBird
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Like many things, the Aussies claim that beetroot on a burger was an Australian thing.It's not.Started in NZ by humans (Kiwis :D ) .McDonalds even copied it for a few years and called it a Kiwi Burger.

Ah you kiwis are so predictable - Oz has had the McDonalds Oz burger for years as most of your compatriates ensconsed in bedsits across Bondi will fully be aware.

Beetroot was first canned by Golden Circle in the early 60's but was fairly commonly put on burgers before then. I would be really interested to see your supporting information as to who this burger tosser in EnZed that started all this.

Welcome back to the forum mate


We were bottling beetroot before mr golden bloody circle found out that the lite coloured liquid that came shooting out from between his buttocks,was not in fact...sun light!

Just like Pavlova and Pharlap, you Aussies really know how to claim something that is not yours.BTW, Crowded House is Kiwi too. :o

Id like to see who the illegitimate son of a criminal is that started this ugly but totally unfounded rumour anyway.

Nice to be back. :D

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good lord chuchok! that was one heck of a post.

My dad would like your style. His grandfather could swear for 15 minutes straight and never repeat a word. :o

Anyway, back to burgers in Chiang Mai.......

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Like many things, the Aussies claim that beetroot on a burger was an Australian thing.It's not.Started in NZ by humans (Kiwis :D ) .McDonalds even copied it for a few years and called it a Kiwi Burger.

Ah you kiwis are so predictable - Oz has had the McDonalds Oz burger for years as most of your compatriates ensconsed in bedsits across Bondi will fully be aware.

Beetroot was first canned by Golden Circle in the early 60's but was fairly commonly put on burgers before then. I would be really interested to see your supporting information as to who this burger tosser in EnZed that started all this.

Welcome back to the forum mate


We were bottling beetroot before mr golden bloody circle found out that the lite coloured liquid that came shooting out from between his buttocks,was not in fact...sun light!

Ah so like so often when confronted with a polite request for you to provide supporting evidence for your statement you run back into jingoistic breastbeating and abuse but still not answer the question - ie who, when and where is this mythical Kiwi burger tosser who first thought to put a slice of beetroot on a burger. I am not disputing your statement because I don't know but am interested in the actual source.

Just like Pavlova and Pharlap, you Aussies really know how to claim something that is not yours.BTW, Crowded House is Kiwi too. :o

Kiwi horses are well know for their speed as has been proven in many a Melbourne Cup - similar to your sheep they need this natural defence to avoid the local farmers with their wool lined wellingtons and a lonely heart.

Crowded House nee Split Enz had to come to Oz to sell more than a couple of hundred records back in the land of the long white dole queue, they recognised the fact they had to go to Oz to get a recording contract and play in places where beer isn't normally drunk directly from the jug. You forgot to mention Russel Crowe and Nichole Kidman who have successfully hidden their New Zealand birthright even to the point of getting Australian citizenship. Olivia Newton John was so desperate to avoid being called a Kiwi - born there she even went so far as to revert to her English parentage. I could go on but it gets too easy and loses the challenge :D

Id like to see who the illegitimate son of a criminal is that started this ugly but totally unfounded rumour anyway.
Well you stated that the beetroot was from New Zealand so I can only assume you mean yourself - unusual for a Kiwi to do so more a thing one of the convict decendents from the penal states would do. Seeing that my family came out to the gold mines as free settlers and settled in South Australia to avoid the taint of Convicts and New Zealanders in their home state I can only be grateful for their foresight and good taste.

Oh yeah back on topic - I have had a couple of burgers at the Guitarman over the last few weeks. They are not American in style ie no soft, sweet doughy bun with a greasy slab of meat like substance hidden under a slice of plastic cheese - and don't start me on those dam_n pickles :D Nor are they Australian with at least two food substances removed from a can. These are English - yes you may scoff but laugh all you like they are really good. I did suggest to Nick (head dude and guitar thrasher of punk background) to put some beetroot, pineapple, cheese and an egg on one for me and he looked at me like I had just suggested that he play something from Wet Wet Wet. Suffice to say he didn't play that (for which I will be eternally grateful) and I didn't get my pineapple but I did have a great night of good music and an excellent burger.

Check it out - Guitarman, bottom end of Loi Kroh - past the night bazaar and keep going to Th. Charoen Prathet as if you are going to cross the small, one way bridge to Dukes and Rimping Supermarket.

Nice to be back. :D

Always a pleasure to see you on line mate, hope to see you back in town soon


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  • 1 month later...

I didn't get any replies on how the Watties beetroot compares to the Golden Circle, but I have opened a tin and can report now myself. This was a 400g tin bought at Rimping. It doesn't taste the same as GC. Not as sweet and the pieces are firmer and also a lot smaller in size. Something else is either lacking or added, but I'm not sure what it is. Just not the same. Watties is 'close, but no cigar' according to this Aussies tastebuds.

Perhaps we should have separate jars and serve the Kiwis Watties and serve the Circle to the Aussies. Everyone else can use up the German stuff that I bought in desperation before I found the Watties. LOL! :D:D:o

Edited by whimsy
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