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Farangs Dangerous?  

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What is for you, reading your posting, the TRASH?

I take it you mean my post is trash?? And here was my response in an earlier posting.


What is for you, reading your posting, the TRASH?

View it as you please. I am sure there are some or many will call it trash.

You keep repeating your statements thinking that I have not answered you. I think I have and I believe you are implying more that what it is there. Anyway I will responde to you later as I have more time using your facts. It will several days as I am taking off for the weekend.

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hkthai Posted on Tue 2004-08-31, 23:29:38

Plenty of "trash" from other countries coming in to Thailand...western males included. As a matter of fact some just shows up and don't speak one word of Thai ??? Imagine that!!

I was not referring to your postings, but referring to the foreigners in Thailand you mentioned, and who YOU are calling plenty of TRASH........

I was asking you, what kind of foreigners are that?

Workers, who are coming from countries poorer than Thailand? And who are receiving a much lower pay than the Thais?


foreign tourists, who are not willing to spend too much?

some backpacker, who is from a rich country, but not a rich individual


only foreigners, who are using Thailand for criminal activity? Often with good co-operation with local Thai criminal


foreign corrupt businessmen, who are sharing the same commercial adventures with Thai policitians and/or businessmen?

or who?

I am NOT repeating my statements....I am asking questions to see if your complaints are reasonable or not.

It was you, who was starting to complain about foreigners in Thailand....and visa regulations for the Thai, when travelling overseas....

Complaints should be reasonable, with much evidence, or they are nothing more than gossip of a disappointed querulant.


Rooboy is back with wax in his ears.  That's the problem with people like you Rooboy.  You don't listen nor do you read.
Oh I listen very well matey, and I read, I am still waiting to see if you can answer Yohans better put questions, I am too busy rubbing you up to word my posts so eloquently :o
Responde if you like but you are a waste of my time (I am sure the feeling is mutual).  I have to making a living and you are a no value added product.

Yes you need to get ready for work, that Cantonese restaurant doesnt like its kitchen staff to be late! :D

You see the difference is, a farang with no money in the bank would not go to the travel agent and just buy a ticket to Thailand, not unless he had money in the bank/CC's that could support him on holiday. Logic mate, something You guys lack..

Unless he is the type of Farang that comes to Thailand with 3,600 Ecstacy Pills in his body cream tub.

This comment has nothing to do with screening and processing of visa applications for Thais travelling overseas. It has also nothing to do with the 30-days visa exception for foreign tourists visiting Thailand.

Please do not mix up Immigration Rules with Customs and Security.

A Thai national, arriving from overseas, needs no visa when entering Thailand, but might carry illegal goods with him/her as well.

It is up to Thai customs to check for dutyable goods and for illegal imports of arriving passengers, not only the arriving foreigners, but of course also the arriving Thai nationals

Thailand had about 10 million foreign tourists in 2003, spending was about baht 3700,- per person per day. Revenue 309,269 million baht......

source: Thailand Tourism Authority


There are foreign criminals among them, too. 10 million foreign visitors, and not even one criminal among them, this is not possible.


I am astonished to see some people voting YES in this thread for

Farangs Dangerous

Farangs have a bad influence on thai culture

Protecting Thailand ..., From Exploitation by Farangs

and I wonder, if they are Thai or foreigners.

/Edited By Wolfie.

Luckily High Society of Thailand do not only welcome Farangs in Thailand, they are travelling even overseas to meet them, to stay in their countries and to study about their culture.

Beside the Royal Family, Thailand's politicians and businessmen all have very strong connections to foreign countries.... Thank you!

And Farangs do not have a bad influence on Thai culture....what a nonsense!


Please excuse me for this long, long Yohanish type posting.


Refer back to my posting. I gave you an answer and obviously you have not read it or implied too much as to what you thought I was saying.

But let me provide you with some thoughts

Point 1 – Trash. OK. So I misunderstood your remarks…

In reference to Rooboy’s posting that a Thai will show up to NZ door holding a tool box and not speaking a word of English, my response with a healthy dose of sarcasm was Thailand does not need the kind of “trash” showing up here speaking only English as well.

My reference to trash are those people showing up in Thailand who have cut ties to their own countries and living on sustenance level here. So let me elaborate some more. Further to this group there are elements of people from anywhere in the world who will travel to countries to engage in criminal activities as they perceive that country to be a safe haven for them. Thailand I am sure is full of these types. The Chinese mafias specializing in human smuggling for prostitution or cheap labor who are using Thailand as the transit point to first world countries. The Russian mafia gang that you read about involved in prostitution in Pattaya. The Thai Mafia (some elements of the police, armforce) engaged in loan shark activities in the nighteries area and also “protection” and “enforcement” services. The Indians involved in loan sharking activities to the street and market vendors.

Oh, and thank you for mentioning that these illegal activities are all possible with the help from influential Thais. You may have perceived that I conveniently blame the foreigner as the only party engaging in these types of activities by mentioning the helpful Thais in your statement. I think you will find that I am not that blind to the fallacy of Thai society which I have stated times and again.

Point 2 – Visa denial

Yes, I don’t know that much about visa procedures. As I stated, I was pissed…was pissed for a couple of hours, did my thing and consider it water under the bridge and moved on. There’s not much more too it. When the next time it may come up again, we will look to the procedures and if it’s too much of a hassle, we’ll just go somewhere. Not much to it really.

Pont 3 – 30 days visa free entry

A perception you seem to have is that I am complaining about the 30 days visa free exemption. Why don’t you show me where I’ve took a stance against the 30 days visa exemption and try not putting too much words in my mouth. Perhaps you are linking what I said about “trash” to 30 days visa free? And as explained earlier, the trash comment was a sarcastic response to Miss Pauline Hanson known as Rooboy.

However, as I see you are so curious, let’s talk about tourist/immigration visa. I initially stated that it is easy for many places to enter Thailand on a short stay but is a lot more difficult for those who want to immigrate here. Again, there is NO HIDDEN MESSAGE behind what is just a factual statement. I also stated that tourism is a supported industry in most countries. Directly it provides for foreign income and employment through tourism related activities. In Thailand this is particularly so bringing in close to 10 billion US in tourism related activities from ALL nationalities and not just Western tourists.

Point 4 – All Thais are poor

While we are on the subject of perception, you stated that I think ALL Thais are very poor. You further stated that in fact, there are well off Thais with some such as your friends making 200k per month. Throughout my remarks, I have stated often about a rich class of Thais. I don’t know what I was thinking; I guess I was fully fantasizing about this group of rich Thais and making them up as I write? You tell me Yohan, was I imagining these richer Thais??? Further, I guess my salary that I make (not rich by the way) is a figment of my imagination. Or the house I live in, the car I drive, the plane that I catch to fly to Thailand, or the food I buy to eat. I guess these are all figments of my imagination and bought with Monopoly money or grown out in the rice fields?? Since surely I think all Thais are very poor. Certainly I am a Thai and I must be poor and must not be able to afford these things that I mentioned.

What I actually stated was the belief that 75% of Thais will never be granted a visa due to their personal economic status. It was a factual statement not meant or implied or construed in anyway as a complaint. Aaahhh but here we can also use one of your statistics given that I am so poor in my knowledge of economic facts. Let’s use your example of Japan as the benchmark for the rest of the first world. You’ve stated that 9M out of total population of 60M+ in Thais will qualify for a visa to Japan. Well my math is not that poor. I believe that is about 15% who will qualify for a visa. Let’s put in a fudge factor of 5% for those who will not qualify, but because of support from other countries/people etc. etc. This brings it up to 20%. Well the inverse is 80% who will probably not qualify. My ballpark statistic is pretty close I must say to your “researched” figures.

That’s enough for now. Gotta run to the Cantonese restaurant. We have special dignitaries in tonight which calls for a special menu.

Crème de la Roo Alamode to complement the distinguish Pauline Hanson.

Roo on a stick Sichuan style for the Australian Aboriginies.

I am astonished to see some people voting YES in this thread for

Farangs Dangerous

Farangs have a bad influence on thai culture

Protecting Thailand ..., From Exploitation by Farangs

and I wonder, if they are Thai or foreigners.

Let's play Yohan and put some words in your mouth.

What do you think Yohan? Tell me what are you implying?


What I have noticed from my years living in Thailand is that most Farangs think they are the most important foreigners in Thailand, the center of the universe in Thailand, the dog's <deleted> of Thailand. :o:D:D Hahahahahahahahahahaha :D:D:wub:-_- !

Crème de la Roo Alamode to complement the distinguish Pauline Hanson.

Roo on a stick Sichuan style for the Australian Aboriginies.

You still dont seem to get what Yohan was saying...sigh..

Kangaroo is a beautiful meat, better than steak if properly cooked, your chinese masters will most likely burn it!

Pauline is a sad woman who was used by two blokes in their efforts to make a shitload of money for themselves, she should have stuck to cooking fish n chips..

As Derrin Hinch would have said, Shame, Shame shame HKThai... :o

Look at the effect letting people in had on the US  Muslim extremists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Sorry there all you conspiracy theorists, but "Muslim extremists'" didn't crash any planes into the WTC or the Pentagon.

The recently released video 911 in Plane Site refutes the lie that the Pentagon was even hit by a plane at all quite convincingly using CNN FOXNEWS and other publically available material and videos in its presentation. A must see.

911 Plane Site video excerpts

Michael Ruppert, in a recent speech given at the Commonwealth Club in San Fransisco, arguable the most prestigious Club in California if not the West Coast, claims to have "overwhelming evidence" of the guilt of the leaders of the American Government, including Richard Cheney, and would be "proud and confident" to place that evidence before a District Attorney or a jury.

Michael Ruppert was trained as a police officer and detective for years and has been an investigative journalist for many more. His website is

Michael Ruppert's Site

Ruppert's new book is called, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Oil Age In his book Ruppert claims to provide over 1000 endnotes to back his claim that US leaders were behind the alleged attack on September 11, 2001

Furthermore, 50% of New Yorkers, the site of the WTC 'attack," believe that the US government had prior knowledge of the attacks and did nothing to prevent them. Additionally, 66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions by Congress or New York's Attorney General, according to a New Zogby International Poll.

Zogby International Poll re: 911

do you feel that stricter immigration laws are necessary to help protect the thais from farangs who exploit the favorable exchange rates, and the normally good nature of the thai people, in order to pursue their indulgences...

Not sure about changing laws, immegration or other to protect Thai from farlang. Maybe it should be the other way round. People applying for jobs with genuine qualifications just to get ripped of, the bias of the police, who will prosecute farlang involved in any offence, even when the victim. Getting ripped of on tax payments by your employer, then getting stiffed with the bill and fine.Then there's always the danger you might Accidently commit suicide. Just a few of the cases I've heard of and experienced.

Good natured Thai's, only if your outside of BKK and the larger tourist areas. God bless Isaan folk, you know the ones Thais sneer at and make jokes about. The only decent friendly people I've met in Thailand.

As for taking advantage of the exchange rate, good for tourists, not that good for the folks who sold up to come here and keep their savings in thai banks.

Crème de la Roo Alamode to complement the distinguish Pauline Hanson.

Roo on a stick Sichuan style for the Australian Aboriginies.

You still dont seem to get what Yohan was saying...sigh..

Kangaroo is a beautiful meat, better than steak if properly cooked, your chinese masters will most likely burn it!

Pauline is a sad woman who was used by two blokes in their efforts to make a shitload of money for themselves, she should have stuck to cooking fish n chips..

As Derrin Hinch would have said, Shame, Shame shame HKThai... :o


You are just a wind up artist with nothing much to say. Shame on me for falling for your load of hotair!!

All they really want is our money.

A collecting box at the airport would save a lot of trouble with visa's etc.

Just deposit the money and get back on the plane.

That is the best suggestion of the day.

I am tired of the Farangs that try to Justify their existance as a sex tourist by stating that they bring good money to Thailand, Thailand needs their money!

Astral has the perfect solution. Leave the money and turn round on the next available flight, better still, just send it by bank transfer, you can send more cos you saved the airfare.

Begs, you are sick.

Sorry there all you conspiracy theorists, but "Muslim extremists'" didn't crash any planes into the WTC or the Pentagon.

Did you buy the video? :o:D:D:D:D

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