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Far Too Hot For The Season


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sorry, guys, I couldn't wait until April....sitting on the patio and it is for sure too hot for the season! It is 31° now after 9 pm...Please help me whining....

Ok..........I,ll help.

Its global warming of course. ( Unless you,re an American then of course global warming does not exist. )

Maybe you are Chinese? In which case you are too busy making money to give two hoots about global warmimg.

Iraqi? Does not matter....you don,t have a job, country is divided and the USA and the UK are going to take all your oil away anyway.........so maybe global warmimg will be good for you. Keep you warm on the roof tops at night.

I hope this helps with your whining. :o

Edited by stevemiddie
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good start! No, I am not American, so I could blame it on global warming.

got back in the house and cranked the aircon up.

You are welcome. I always find myself cranking up aircons too............when friends come round complaining about global warming.

They don,t seem to mind the cooler air. Strange that. :o

I also like to drool over big trucks too..............but thats another story.

Edited by stevemiddie
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good start! No, I am not American, so I could blame it on global warming.

got back in the house and cranked the aircon up.

I've had the air on all evening. Very comfortable. Pattaya really never gets too cool, but your right this year we have only had one week of cooler evenings.


Barry.......please stick to the topic. Raro wants to whine..............so we have to help him. Ok? :o

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good start! No, I am not American, so I could blame it on global warming.

got back in the house and cranked the aircon up.

I've had the air on all evening. Very comfortable. Pattaya really never gets too cool, but your right this year we have only had one week of cooler evenings.


Barry.......please stick to the topic. Raro wants to whine..............so we have to help him. Ok? :o

Barry, don't worry! I won't report you to the mods...thanks for your input! Let's keep this thread up as the period to complain about the cold was indeed to short this month...

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sorry, guys, I couldn't wait until April....sitting on the patio and it is for sure too hot for the season! It is 31° now after 9 pm...Please help me whining....

Ok..........I,ll help.

Its global warming of course. ( Unless you,re an American then of course global warming does not exist. )

Maybe you are Chinese? In which case you are too busy making money to give two hoots about global warmimg.

Iraqi? Does not matter....you don,t have a job, country is divided and the USA and the UK are going to take all your oil away anyway.........so maybe global warmimg will be good for you. Keep you warm on the roof tops at night.

I hope this helps with your whining. :o

Yes, blame everything on global warming. What was your excuse 2 weeks ago when the temperatures were far below normal?

Even if you believe the climate is changing due to global warming, it's going to be such a slow process that no one will be able to distinguish it from yearly NORMAL temperature fluctuations.

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Yes, blame everything on global warming. What was your excuse 2 weeks ago when the temperatures were far below normal?

Even if you believe the climate is changing due to global warming, it's going to be such a slow process that no one will be able to distinguish it from yearly NORMAL temperature fluctuations.

Are you sure that those are still normal fluctuations? 2 weeks ago it was freezing 20° on some patios (board members reported...) and this week it is back to aircon!

Maybe the CIA has to do with it....will ask some ex-agents in Soi 7 tomorrow...

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sorry, guys, I couldn't wait until April....sitting on the patio and it is for sure too hot for the season! It is 31° now after 9 pm...Please help me whining....

Ok..........I,ll help.

Its global warming of course. ( Unless you,re an American then of course global warming does not exist. )

Maybe you are Chinese? In which case you are too busy making money to give two hoots about global warmimg.

Iraqi? Does not matter....you don,t have a job, country is divided and the USA and the UK are going to take all your oil away anyway.........so maybe global warmimg will be good for you. Keep you warm on the roof tops at night.

I hope this helps with your whining. :D


Is that why it's bitterly cold with below seasonal average temperatures in the UK? Severe winter storms in the US & Canada?

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Yes, blame everything on global warming. What was your excuse 2 weeks ago when the temperatures were far below normal?

Even if you believe the climate is changing due to global warming, it's going to be such a slow process that no one will be able to distinguish it from yearly NORMAL temperature fluctuations.

Are you sure that those are still normal fluctuations? 2 weeks ago it was freezing 20° on some patios (board members reported...) and this week it is back to aircon!

Maybe the CIA has to do with it....will ask some ex-agents in Soi 7 tomorrow...

If you compiled statistics on temperatures over many years you'd probably find that significant temperature fluctuations are quite normal for this time of year.

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The global warming bandwagon has got to be the greatest scam since the 'millennium bug' fiasco. Instead of whining about how unseasonably hot/cold the weather is, we should be creating a 'get rich quick' scheme to take advantage of those that seriously think imposing such things as a 'carbon tax' and investing money into nebulously named 'renewables' is going to make a halfpence worth of difference in the lifetimes of us, our children and our children's children.

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sorry, guys, I couldn't wait until April....sitting on the patio and it is for sure too hot for the season! It is 31° now after 9 pm...Please help me whining....

Ok..........I,ll help.

Its global warming of course. ( Unless you,re an American then of course global warming does not exist. )

Maybe you are Chinese? In which case you are too busy making money to give two hoots about global warmimg.

Iraqi? Does not matter....you don,t have a job, country is divided and the USA and the UK are going to take all your oil away anyway.........so maybe global warmimg will be good for you. Keep you warm on the roof tops at night.

I hope this helps with your whining. :o

Yes, blame everything on global warming. What was your excuse 2 weeks ago when the temperatures were far below normal?

That was easy ! Duh ! I jumped on the global cooling bandwagon. I,m kinda flexible you see.

Even if you believe the climate is changing due to global warming, it's going to be such a slow process that no one will be able to distinguish it from yearly NORMAL temperature fluctuations.

True. I have no idea why scientists are LYING to us! They could never see this! ANY OF YOU LYING SCIENTISTS READING THIS?? Go see TROPO ! HE THE MAN !

TROPO.............this is a thread about whining. I must admit..................you are the clear winner here.

Edited by stevemiddie
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Just at the end of that mini cool spell a couple of weeks ago, I took my wife's family from Sa Kaeo on a trip to their 'roots' in Chaiyaphoom and Kon Kaen.

They were all doled up in woolly jumpers, balaclavas, thick socks, gloves, jackets and goodness knows what else.

When we arrived at the family villages, I noticed that most of the local populace were similarly dressed.

But it wasn't cold!!! :D

Everyone was sweating like pigs in their winter garb. :D

It really wasn't cold - the cool spell spell was over, but nobody seemed to have realised. The wife and I were the only ones dressed normally (T-shirts and shorts) and even in the small hours it was still 30 degrees or more.

Maybe they thought that wrapping up for winter would encourage the cool weather to return :o

Very strange..... :D

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it is a bit warm,for the time of year.but global warming,what a load of crap,only twenty years ago i remember being told by the experts that a new ice age was on the way.

mind you when the cavemen were around it must have been all the fires that they lit changed the climate then.

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Yeah...what the h3ll happened to our "cool" season. I mean, to start with, we only get 3 months or so of temps below 90 degrees..usually from November to February is our cool season but for the last couple weeks it's been darn hot. Been having to run the aircons day and nite again :o

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sorry, guys, I couldn't wait until April....sitting on the patio and it is for sure too hot for the season! It is 31° now after 9 pm...Please help me whining....

Ok..........I,ll help.

Its global warming of course. ( Unless you,re an American then of course global warming does not exist. )

Maybe you are Chinese? In which case you are too busy making money to give two hoots about global warmimg.

Iraqi? Does not matter....you don,t have a job, country is divided and the USA and the UK are going to take all your oil away anyway.........so maybe global warmimg will be good for you. Keep you warm on the roof tops at night.

I hope this helps with your whining. :o

Yes, blame everything on global warming. What was your excuse 2 weeks ago when the temperatures were far below normal?

That was easy ! Duh ! I jumped on the global cooling bandwagon. I,m kinda flexible you see.

Even if you believe the climate is changing due to global warming, it's going to be such a slow process that no one will be able to distinguish it from yearly NORMAL temperature fluctuations.

True. I have no idea why scientists are LYING to us! They could never see this! ANY OF YOU LYING SCIENTISTS READING THIS?? Go see TROPO ! HE THE MAN !

TROPO.............this is a thread about whining. I must admit..................you are the clear winner here.

STEVEMIDDIE........judging by your quotes within quotes you get pretty whiney when someone disagrees with you.....don't you? Perhaps first place belongs with you.

Edited by tropo
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The global warming bandwagon has got to be the greatest scam since the 'millennium bug' fiasco. Instead of whining about how unseasonably hot/cold the weather is, we should be creating a 'get rich quick' scheme to take advantage of those that seriously think imposing such things as a 'carbon tax' and investing money into nebulously named 'renewables' is going to make a halfpence worth of difference in the lifetimes of us, our children and our children's children.

My thoughts exactly. Al Gore sure is getting rich from all this.

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Yeah...what the h3ll happened to our "cool" season. I mean, to start with, we only get 3 months or so of temps below 90 degrees..usually from November to February is our cool season but for the last couple weeks it's been darn hot. Been having to run the aircons day and nite again :o

It could be worse; you could be running central heating day and night somewhere really cold. So, stop complaining. :D

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It could be worse; you could be running central heating day and night somewhere really cold. So, stop complaining. :D

Funny, this brings up the issue of whether humans are more uncomfortably affected by extreme heat (as like Thailand - all the time) or extreme cold (like many a farangland in winter). I guess people adapt better to the heat than the cold as there are many more people residing in the world's tropical zones than in areas of equivalent cold (Arctic circle and Antarctica (never settled by humans).

So I will continue to "enjoy" the excessive heat we are now experiencing this cool season and just reach for the air con remote :o

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So I will continue to "enjoy" the excessive heat we are now experiencing this cool season and just reach for the air con remote :D

please stay on topic and whine a bit more, thanks!

O.K. reverse whine. Every morning I sit at my office desk wearing my big leather jacket and sitting on my hands for warmth. And this lasts from December to April. :o

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So I will continue to "enjoy" the excessive heat we are now experiencing this cool season and just reach for the air con remote :D

please stay on topic and whine a bit more, thanks!

I'd like to whine, but I can't.

Right now (1.30 p.m.) it is a not an unpleasant 32 degrees (88F) out at the Mobi mansion in Pong, with a pleasant breeze wafting over the garden.

By 5 p.m. I will expect the temperature to have dropped into the mid-high 20's, and by the time I take my evening meal on the pool terrace, I doubt I'll even need to turn on a fan.

One of the many advantages of living on the "Darkside" :o

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It could be worse; you could be running central heating day and night somewhere really cold. So, stop complaining. :D

Funny, this brings up the issue of whether humans are more uncomfortably affected by extreme heat (as like Thailand - all the time) or extreme cold (like many a farangland in winter). I guess people adapt better to the heat than the cold as there are many more people residing in the world's tropical zones than in areas of equivalent cold (Arctic circle and Antarctica (never settled by humans).

So I will continue to "enjoy" the excessive heat we are now experiencing this cool season and just reach for the air con remote :o

The food doesn't grow there, that's the problem in very cold climates.

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sorry, guys, I couldn't wait until April....sitting on the patio and it is for sure too hot for the season! It is 31° now after 9 pm...Please help me whining....

Ok..........I,ll help.

Its global warming of course. ( Unless you,re an American then of course global warming does not exist. )

Maybe you are Chinese? In which case you are too busy making money to give two hoots about global warmimg.

Iraqi? Does not matter....you don,t have a job, country is divided and the USA and the UK are going to take all your oil away anyway.........so maybe global warmimg will be good for you. Keep you warm on the roof tops at night.

I hope this helps with your whining. :o

Yes, blame everything on global warming. What was your excuse 2 weeks ago when the temperatures were far below normal?

That was easy ! Duh ! I jumped on the global cooling bandwagon. I,m kinda flexible you see.

Even if you believe the climate is changing due to global warming, it's going to be such a slow process that no one will be able to distinguish it from yearly NORMAL temperature fluctuations.

True. I have no idea why scientists are LYING to us! They could never see this! ANY OF YOU LYING SCIENTISTS READING THIS?? Go see TROPO ! HE THE MAN !

TROPO.............this is a thread about whining. I must admit..................you are the clear winner here.

STEVEMIDDIE........judging by your quotes within quotes you get pretty whiney when someone disagrees with you.....don't you? Perhaps first place belongs with you.

I like to whine. The OP wanted to whine so i figured I could do this along with the best of them..........i.e YOU

I like people to disagree with me. It makes my heart warm. If EVERYONE agreed with me..........I would have a problem with the old " Big Head " syndrome.

I am curious about your avatar. :D

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I like to whine. The OP wanted to whine so i figured I could do this along with the best of them..........i.e YOUI like people to disagree with me. It makes my heart warm. If EVERYONE agreed with me..........I would have a problem with the old " Big Head " syndrome.

I am curious about your avatar. :o

Your replies are nothing more than bait.

I haven't whined about current or past temperatures and merely made a comment indicating that global warming MAY not be as factual as many people believe and have nothing at all to do with current climatic conditions in Pattaya.

This is called debating, not whining.

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