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Lyc Chiang Mai Update


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The first major event of the Chiang Mai Long Yang Club (LYC) was a buffet at the Chiang Mai Grandview Hotel on December 16.

Nineteen people reserved, and twenty-four showed up! We had a great time! Hope you can join us next time. Join our mailing list by sending a note to

[email protected]

Our preliminary website is up. Hey, it's not much, but it's a start! You can see pictures of our buffet there.

You can find our new site by going to the LYC international website at:


and using the drop down menu at the top; choose Chiang Mai.

Or, you can go directly by going here: http://lyc.cnx.googlepages.com/

Despite the suggestive nature of our name in English, I thought I'd set everyone straight (so to speak) and explain the REAL origin of the club name:

(from http://www.colorq.org/Articles/article.asp...&x=chistory )

Lord Long Yang 龙阳君 is one of the most romanticised icons of male-male love from the Warring States period. Hundreds of years later, the famous Three Kingdoms poet Ruan Ji would write poems extolling this ancient beauty.1 The term Long Yang is still used today as a term for a pretty boy in a homosexual relationship.

An excerpt from The History of Wei, Book IV, Chapter 25:2

King (Anli) of Wei was fishing in a boat with Lord Long Yang. Lord Long Yang caught more than 10 fish and began to weep. The king asked, "Is there something troubling you? If so, why don't you tell me?" He replied: "Your servant dares not be troubled." The king inquired, "Then why do you weep?" He said "Your subject is like a fish that my king has caught." The King said, "Why do you say so?"

Long Yang answered, "When I first caught a fish, I was happy. But when I landed a bigger catch, I wanted to abandon what I had previously caught. Now I am of unpleasant appearance; yet I gained the opportunity of brushing the king's pillow and mat. Today I hold a noble title, I can walk in the Court, and people make way for me on the street. But within the four seas, there are many beautiful people. Those who hear that I have your intimate favor will surely raise their garments and hasten to my king. I also worry that I would be as the fish I have caught; I too will be abandoned. Can I not weep?"

The king said, "It is not so. If you had such a heart, why did you not confide in me?" And he decreed to all within the four corners of his realm that "Whoever dares to speak of (another) beauty (would have his/her entire) family (executed)."


well, we promise not to execute anybody, but hopefully we'll inspire love as great!

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  • 4 weeks later...

It works for me as well. Congratulations to you all. I'm in BKK and always wanted to join the one here -- quite a few years ago, but the b/f absolutely forbid it! And, knowing me, I figured I'd get myself into some complicated mess.

Keep us posted as to your activities. I just may have to make a trip to CM!

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You can find our new site by going to the LYC international website at:


and using the drop down menu at the top; choose Chiang Mai.

can not

Who is the cutie pie in the brown shirt standng on the right side of the 1st photo.http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?act=Post&CODE=02&f=27&t=159207&qpid=1753103#


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Who is the cutie pie in the brown shirt standng on the right side of the 1st photo.http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?act=Post&CODE=02&f=27&t=159207&qpid=1753103#


Could it be me? :D

PB, you're too modest!

My heart went pitter-patter when I saw him! Hmm time to visit the cardiologist again.

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How many Thais and how many farangs in the 24 who turned up?

From the photos it looks like a ratio of about 1 to 5.

A target rich environment for Thai gold-diggers :o

I think you underestimate both Thai men and Western men (I'm not referring to numbers)

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