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Desk Top Computer On The Blink.............help *****

libya 115

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Woke up this morning, switched on the PC (Desktop) and the LCD monitor just remained blank.

The PC seems to be starting up; ie the fan and all the clicking starts but just no output signal to the monitor.

Is there any checks I should make? I checked for lose wires already. Is there any DIY I can attempt before boxing the whole thing up and taking it for repair? Or should I even bother? It is exactly two years old, pretty good spec.

I have a fairly recent back up disc of data.........

Any suggestions please> Thanks L115

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If you are capable to test the LCD monitor, which is highly likely the source of the problem. Because if it was your computer your LCD monitor would probably display something like "No Signal, check cable", of course this depends on what brand name. But we have 3 major LCD monitors one LG, Samsung and HP (HP also turn death a few days ago, and is now replaced by another LG) and all warn if the cable is disconnected...

How do you connect to the LCD do you use the DVI plug or just 15-D-sub plug? If possible you can check if you have signal, if you change interface.

If not the monitor, it can also be a VGA card problem, it is possible you not have a speaker connected to the mainboard, but it is possible that you set your BIOS not to hold on Errors then the computer will just boot even it has encountered a VGA/Display error.

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Woke up this morning, switched on the PC (Desktop) and the LCD monitor just remained blank.

The PC seems to be starting up; ie the fan and all the clicking starts but just no output signal to the monitor.

Is there any checks I should make? I checked for lose wires already. Is there any DIY I can attempt before boxing the whole thing up and taking it for repair? Or should I even bother? It is exactly two years old, pretty good spec.

I have a fairly recent back up disc of data.........

Any suggestions please> Thanks L115

If you know which BIOS is on your machine and if you can hear the faint "beeps", you can look up the code on the internet.


I would expect VGA card.

One final thing to check .. if your monitor is plugged?

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Thanks for the replies. It is not my LCD monitor because I'm using it now with my notebook.

So what is this VGA card; can I find it and replace it?

What should I do? Buy one in a store and fix it myself?

I am stuck really.

Thanks for any advice all.............

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So what is this VGA card; can I find it and replace it?

O dear…….. you can pay 1,000 baht to about 28,000 baht for a VGA card..

Do you have a VGA card? Or is it ‘onboard’ ? to check from outside is the monitor plugged in near the bottom at the back? =VGA card, or near the USB/mouse/keyboard block = onboard.

What motherboard? How old? What graphics chip set ?What do you do with the PC, makes a difference so you know what VGA card to buy..

Very easy to fit……… Myself have a GeForce 8600 GT, one of the newer ones and not that expensive, is very good for my needs.

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So what is this VGA card; can I find it and replace it?

O dear…….. you can pay 1,000 baht to about 28,000 baht for a VGA card..

Do you have a VGA card? Or is it ‘onboard’ ? to check from outside is the monitor plugged in near the bottom at the back? =VGA card, or near the USB/mouse/keyboard block = onboard.

What motherboard? How old? What graphics chip set ?What do you do with the PC, makes a difference so you know what VGA card to buy..

Very easy to fit……… Myself have a GeForce 8600 GT, one of the newer ones and not that expensive, is very good for my needs.

I have checked my desktop PC the monitor plugs in at the back next to the keyboarand mouse so I guess =onboard.

What is the next step? Do I buy a new VGA card and slot it in?


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So what is this VGA card; can I find it and replace it?

O dear…….. you can pay 1,000 baht to about 28,000 baht for a VGA card..

Do you have a VGA card? Or is it ‘onboard’ ? to check from outside is the monitor plugged in near the bottom at the back? =VGA card, or near the USB/mouse/keyboard block = onboard.

What motherboard? How old? What graphics chip set ?What do you do with the PC, makes a difference so you know what VGA card to buy..

Very easy to fit……… Myself have a GeForce 8600 GT, one of the newer ones and not that expensive, is very good for my needs.

I have checked my desktop PC the monitor plugs in at the back next to the keyboarand mouse so I guess =onboard.

What is the next step? Do I buy a new VGA card and slot it in?


Yup, buy a new one. But as it is quite apparant that the inner workings of a computer is not within your sphere of interest, in your case I would have the shop do it for you. Should take them about 2 seconds after opening it up. They have to disable the onboard card if that is what you have too.

But really, I talked my 60 year dad, who never uses computers, trough how to do it with my moms computer, after he fried her VGA card by unscrewing the fuse for the room she was sitting in using the computer....it really is simple. But once again....sure the shop can do it for you...

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So what is this VGA card; can I find it and replace it?

O dear…….. you can pay 1,000 baht to about 28,000 baht for a VGA card..

Do you have a VGA card? Or is it ‘onboard’ ? to check from outside is the monitor plugged in near the bottom at the back? =VGA card, or near the USB/mouse/keyboard block = onboard.

What motherboard? How old? What graphics chip set ?What do you do with the PC, makes a difference so you know what VGA card to buy..

Very easy to fit……… Myself have a GeForce 8600 GT, one of the newer ones and not that expensive, is very good for my needs.

I have checked my desktop PC the monitor plugs in at the back next to the keyboarand mouse so I guess =onboard.

What is the next step? Do I buy a new VGA card and slot it in?


Yup, buy a new one. But as it is quite apparant that the inner workings of a computer is not within your sphere of interest, in your case I would have the shop do it for you. Should take them about 2 seconds after opening it up. They have to disable the onboard card if that is what you have too.

But really, I talked my 60 year dad, who never uses computers, trough how to do it with my moms computer, after he fried her VGA card by unscrewing the fuse for the room she was sitting in using the computer....it really is simple. But once again....sure the shop can do it for you...

Thank you 'Gimbo, for the advice. Is it usual that a VGA card will last only 2 years before'burning out?

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So what is this VGA card; can I find it and replace it?

O dear…….. you can pay 1,000 baht to about 28,000 baht for a VGA card..

Do you have a VGA card? Or is it ‘onboard’ ? to check from outside is the monitor plugged in near the bottom at the back? =VGA card, or near the USB/mouse/keyboard block = onboard.

What motherboard? How old? What graphics chip set ?What do you do with the PC, makes a difference so you know what VGA card to buy..

Very easy to fit……… Myself have a GeForce 8600 GT, one of the newer ones and not that expensive, is very good for my needs.

I have checked my desktop PC the monitor plugs in at the back next to the keyboarand mouse so I guess =onboard.

What is the next step? Do I buy a new VGA card and slot it in?


Yup, buy a new one. But as it is quite apparant that the inner workings of a computer is not within your sphere of interest, in your case I would have the shop do it for you. Should take them about 2 seconds after opening it up. They have to disable the onboard card if that is what you have too.

But really, I talked my 60 year dad, who never uses computers, trough how to do it with my moms computer, after he fried her VGA card by unscrewing the fuse for the room she was sitting in using the computer....it really is simple. But once again....sure the shop can do it for you...

Thank you 'Gimbo, for the advice. Is it usual that a VGA card will last only 2 years before'burning out?

Not really, but often the first to go on the blink, especially if the electricity supply is a bit unreliable. Buy a UPS and a surge protector as well...

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To give you an idea go to http://www.shop4thai.com/en/category/?cat=19

there are 4 pages of graphic card on this site...

As I said I have the Asus Geforce


I bought it at Pantip 2, cost 4,390 baht, but this site will give you an idea... Myself needed the Dual DVI Output + the '8' Series is the next generation.... Do you need DVI ? is you monitor DVI conected? [myself have the DVI connected Dell 22' LCD monitor] do you have your PC linked to your TV?

Realy if you have no idea it is best to take it to someone that can do this, you need a graphics card for your PC...

You need to know what motherboard you have.... what do you use the PC for..... Can your motherboard handle DDR ? DDR 2? DDR 3 ?

Look here http://peripherals.about.com/od/videograph...allvideocar.htm

Another point what if it is not you graphics card? if you take it to a repair shop they will check it all for you... How old is you PC ? maybe your motherboard has given up ? If there is a problem with the motherboard, do they still make that motherboard? Buy a new one = you will without a dout need a new CPU = you will need to have your OS installed on your hard drive to work with a new mothereboard.... again can you do this ? a shop should ask you if you want everything saved and then re-installed, cost for doing this is between 300 - 500 baht, depending on how much stuff you have on your drives.

The problem is if your PC is over 3 years old you will need to find out what is wrong and the cost to repair.. = is it worth to repair... if you buy a new graphics card for your PC and it still will not work, what then ? you have a new graphics card that is [maybe] no use for a new motherboard.

Myself my motherboard is 16439 M2N-SLI Deluxe ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe 5,575 BAHT

4,200 baht at Pantip 2.

4x 1024 DD2 memory @ 1090 baht, but paid 4,000 baht.

Lets hope it is a simple repair.

Yes do have a UPS surge protector around 1,700 baht....... also if you have your PC on a lot buy a better heatsink for the CPU, myself have a G-force ICE cooler. 1.150 baht. if you have a CPU monitor, then you would see a big drop with a Cooler heatsink

Edited by ignis
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Just noticed

Thank you 'Gimbo, for the advice. Is it usual that a VGA card will last only 2 years before'burning out?

What motherboard do you have? Did you buy it already made? Most motherboards have a 3 yr warentee....

Maybe you can claim ? where did you buy it? can you take it back to that shop?

Just a thought, in 2 years have you ever opened up the case?

do you have a room fan where you live? do you find it gets covered in dust and mess? Do you cook anywhere near the PC = this dust will be sticky, do you smoke et etc.

It is the same with a PC, there are fans on the case [mine has 5 case fans] these draw air inside the case..

I have a Mini PC Vac [think was 199 baht for the boxed set] and open my PC every 4 - 6 months and give it a good clean... can ants get inside or any little bugs? these can go over your motherboard and short things out.

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I would strongly advise taking it to a shop to fix. Not all motherboards/bios seem to allow an external video card to just be plugged in and if you have no video out from MB it will be difficult to make any change I fear.

You have plugged the monitor back into your PC and tried again? Sometimes a PC can have a power problem and not provide the wake up signal - I had to pull electric supply to a computer in the past to get the monitor to be activated (where a soft reset did not work).

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