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California Wow Pattaya


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Apart from the fact that it is suspect morally and legally to post pics of people without their express permission. In this case I'd get it in writing first...

Can of worms.

By letting someone else take a photo you are consenting to that person ownership of said "snapshot in time" & therefore up to them what they do with it.

Same applies to the media. If they needed to get express permission from every person captured on video & then aired on the nightly news - where would that leave us?

<deleted> :o this is Thailand not good old USA... try explaining snapshot in time to daddy while he stabbing you with his garden sheers

Edited by zorro1
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Ok. You are not a tourist. You live here.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, no doubt. But the " most beautiful girl in Thailand" is probably stretching it a bit.

Still..............if you say that to her everyday then no doubt she will be one happy Thai girl !

She refers to herself as Hi-So is DEFINATELY stretching it. She would not be working in Big C for a start.

Go to Bangkok to see some REAL Thai Hi-So,s. ( don,t wear shorts and a t-shirt ok? )

AS for the posters talking about " kneecaps " and inferring violence.................probably just foreigner keyboard warriors. It makes them feel big.

Let me take a wild guess................they " know someone. Connected. Police. Mafia"


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So the manager told your girlfriend that you told him that you don't pay for the sex..

I find it hard to believe.

u find it hard to believe that the manager told her or that he dont pay for sex :o

ive met said manager and agree the blokes a wonker......or words to that effect.

personally i dont like hard sales tactics when i look around a gym........shows theyre more interested in your money than your health.....good if your on their board of directors but not so good if your a customer. :D

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Insecurity runs through this thread like viagra-pumped blood in a muscle. As for "California Woe" and its manager - who can blame him for hitting on her? That's what most people do here!

great attitude......so its ok for the manager to hit on his girl,lie as to what the boyfriend has said while also taking his money for a membership package he dont want.........i hope you have a sister and she comes on holiday here and looks around the gym and meets said slimey manager and he hits on her just coz shes in pattaya then lies to her behind your back saying you said she is a ho.......still ok???? :o

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About two weeks ago my girlfriend took me to the gym that she’d just joined.

At the risk of sounding arrogant my girlfriend is beautiful and I don’t just mean pretty. She is one of the most beautiful girls in Thailand if not THE most beautiful and she knows it and is acutely embarrassed about it. She’s a University educated, Hiso girl whose father, now retired was the king’s gardener and she’d met him hundreds of times and saw herself as being hugely privileged because of this. What she was doing with me is anybody’s guess but I feel like the luckiest man alive because of this.

Welbeck, you live in Pattaya with the most beautiful girl in Thailand (I didn't see the pic before you removed it) and you get upset when someone hits on her.

What a joke!

Everyone knows where you found her...what do you expect them to think about a beautiful girl with a Farang in Pattaya, and especially since she's the most beautiful girl in Thailand? As far as the Thais are concerned she's anyone's game. If you can't handle this, leave Pattaya and live somewhere else...maybe an isolated farm or island where contact with other men is limited.

You should get a grip, because if this minor incident bothers you, you don't have what it takes to hang on to her.

I am curious as to why the most beautiful woman in Thailand wants to be with a cry baby?

You should get a copy of the songs "When you're in love with a beautiful woman" and "suicidal".

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About two weeks ago my girlfriend took me to the gym that she'd just joined.

At the risk of sounding arrogant my girlfriend is beautiful and I don't just mean pretty. She is one of the most beautiful girls in Thailand if not THE most beautiful and she knows it and is acutely embarrassed about it. She's a University educated, Hiso girl whose father, now retired was the king's gardener and she'd met him hundreds of times and saw herself as being hugely privileged because of this. What she was doing with me is anybody's guess but I feel like the luckiest man alive because of this.

Welbeck, you live in Pattaya with the most beautiful girl in Thailand (I didn't see the pic before you removed it) and you get upset when someone hits on her.

What a joke!

Everyone knows where you found her...what do you expect them to think about a beautiful girl with a Farang in Pattaya, and especially since she's the most beautiful girl in Thailand? As far as the Thais are concerned she's anyone's game. If you can't handle this, leave Pattaya and live somewhere else...maybe an isolated farm or island where contact with other men is limited.

You should get a grip, because if this minor incident bothers you, you don't have what it takes to hang on to her.

I am curious as to why the most beautiful woman in Thailand wants to be with a cry baby?

You should get a copy of the songs "When you're in love with a beautiful woman" and "suicidal".

i dont think he has had trouble with thais thinking shes anyones game.....im sure most thais dont hit on her in the way farangs do.

also im not sure that it was the hitting on her that bothers him as she could probably handle that, as must happen often if she really is so beautiful(didnt see pic also) but the problem is that a slimey farang(manager) has implied that he knows her boyfriend and that he has been saying things behind her back to him......now thats out of order as now he may have lost his lady due to this wonker messing with peoples lives.....thats more than just hitting on her!!! personally i think he deserves a smack and thats the least he would get if he did same to me.

maybe i shouldnt be allowed to live in pattaya either!!!

its bad enough that the thai ladies go around making up stories to get farangs in trouble with there girlfriends,we dont need the guys doing same.....cmon we"re bigger than that surely. :o

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I guess it is just my bad luck that I missed seeing the picture of the prettiest girl in Thailand as it has been removed. Oh well maybe I will be quicker next time and will get a chance to see a pretty pic. :o There has been so much written previously in this forum about California WOW and its sleazy business practices (which from personal experience I totally agree) so I am not so sure what the shocker is about them having a sleazeball manager. The unfortunate thing is that the club has such nice equipment but is being run by a corporation being managed by a group of charlatans.

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i dont think he has had trouble with thais thinking shes anyones game.....im sure most thais dont hit on her in the way farangs do.

also im not sure that it was the hitting on her that bothers him as she could probably handle that, as must happen often if she really is so beautiful(didnt see pic also) but the problem is that a slimey farang(manager) has implied that he knows her boyfriend and that he has been saying things behind her back to him......now thats out of order as now he may have lost his lady due to this wonker messing with peoples lives.....thats more than just hitting on her!!! personally i think he deserves a smack and thats the least he would get if he did same to me.

maybe i shouldnt be allowed to live in pattaya either!!!

its bad enough that the thai ladies go around making up stories to get farangs in trouble with there girlfriends,we dont need the guys doing same.....cmon we"re bigger than that surely. :o

Are you serious? An old (don't know for sure if the OP is old, but it's likely) Farang cruises with the most beautiful lady in Thailand (university educated and hi-society too) and you don't think Thais would hit on her? It's even easier for them because they can converse in Thai.

He's lucky he's living in Thailand because in Farangland this guy would have even more trouble hanging on to her.

It doesn't really matter who's been the catalyst to this relationship break-up, it was bound to happen sooner or later. You don't keep ladies like that, merely borrow them for a while.

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I have probably met this American guy, before they opened I went shopping at Lotus on Pattaya 3rd road and they had a promotion stand there.

As I am a yoga freak I decided to go in to ask for some info.

First of all the techno music there was so <deleted>***ing load that I could not hear what this promotion girl was talking about, so I kept my mouth shut and looked at those speakers...then she reduced the volume and we could talk.

I asked for a price qoute, just a simple question: How much is a year membership.

She came with all kinds of silly answers and finally called this American guy.

What a creep and what an arrogant idiot!

Ten times I told him I wanted to think a day about his offer.

He kept asking me:Where is your credit-card, why not sign up now, why are you so difficult etc etc.

He asked me my phone number and I replied I didn't know it by head.

The arrogant mother f***ker just snatched my phone out of my hands and dialed his mobile so he had my number.

Had a few calls from them which I never answered because I had already made up my mind: Not in a lifetime a membership with them!

Not even for free!

Good news is that True Fittness will open in Pattaya soon!

Have great experience with them in Singapore and Bangkok!

I can only advise: Do not become a member of this california wow shit, never!!

Wait for True Fitness to open!

And...don;t post private pictures of your girlfriend on internet...

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I'm a member of California Wow. I just want to say, once you get pass the joining stage, the clubs are awesome. I love it so far (close to a year). But I still haven't been inside the Pattaya club yet.

OP: If your girl is "Hi-So", I don't see why this salesman can be confused and ask her which bar she works in. If she was "Hi-So", then it would be difficult to confuse that, since "Hi-So" ladies try hard to differentiate themselves from low class ladies, especially those that would work in a bar. Unless if a girl appears "Hi-So pben nok", then that is something else.

Anyway, your girl shouldn't break up with you over something like that. Clearly there are other things going on that caused her to turn sour, not just this farrang salesman.

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Anyway, your girl shouldn't break up with you over something like that. Clearly there are other things going on that caused her to turn sour, not just this farrang salesman.

This is what's eating at me on this. Why is she angry that some guy knows that her boyfirend doesn't pay her for sex?

The only reason I can think of is that this made the other guy angry (the guy who does pay).

This really rings the "true bell" for me, with the OP talking about his "too good to be true" situation.

I've known a few women in Pattaya who had farang boyfriends, who snuck away from them late at night to "freelance".

Or actually worked in bars as waitresses, with their boyfriends not knowing that they went with customers for short times.

Their boyfriends were either oblivious, or understanding of the fact that they coudn't give their girlfriend the same money they would make by doing this.

As for California WOW, I'll take Tony's Fitness any day because of the swimming pool option.

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I was about to start my own thread on this place, but I saw this message first, so I will join in on the conversation (and will probably start a new thread as well).

I am a member of California Fitness/Silom in Bangkok, and really have liked the place. Great facilities, good staff, not pushy, no hassle environment. So when I was in Pattaya, I was really excited about using their facility there. Wow, what a mistake.

First, the would not honor my Silom membership and made me pay a very high one day fee. But I really wanted a work-out so I figured why not and paid. Then the fun began. From the moment I entered the club, I was hounded by hordes of "fitness trainers" trying to get me to buy overpriced sessions. That started before I even got to change clothes in the locker room. When I proceeded to the upper level gym floor, they literally were standing at the head of the escalator and blocked my access to the floor. One particularly aggressive one (who had started to hassle me in the locker room), shadowed me and blabbered on non-stop about how good he was. I am an easy going guy and wanted a thorough work-out so I finally agreed to a one-time with him. He insisted on two hours. This is what I got: he stood there and watched me on a treadmill for 20 minutes. Then he gave me a perfunctory sequence of exercises to do (on machines, not free weights -- I always do free-weight workout). And to add insult to injury, he actually had other clients arriving during "my" time with him. At the end, he even dissed his other clients to give me yet another aggressive sales push.

This place is a nightmare and should be avoided by all. I plan on seeking redress against them and will publicize my experiences widely.

Bottom line: stay away from this place. Do not even go near it -- you will regret it!

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Anyway, your girl shouldn't break up with you over something like that. Clearly there are other things going on that caused her to turn sour, not just this farrang salesman.

This is what's eating at me on this. Why is she angry that some guy knows that her boyfirend doesn't pay her for sex?

The only reason I can think of is that this made the other guy angry (the guy who does pay).

This really rings the "true bell" for me, with the OP talking about his "too good to be true" situation.

The point was that I'd alegedly had a discussion about her sex live and she had been put in a very uncomfortable position because of this and felt betrayed by me. We were having a bit of a rocky time but this was just what ti needed to push it over the edge.

As for being old, I'm 40 is this old?

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40 too old? never too old to stop learning, this guy pissed ya off, he wont be first or last, gyms a con, you got conned, wont be first or last, forget it, its over with, maybe show this whole thread to ya girl, be honest about the photo let her know ya made mistakes and bottom line you want her back and hopefully she might spaek out when somone says somthing again, and hopefully next time you will stand up for yourselfe and her by telling the guy he is an pr@ck and if ya get tw@ted so what, youll feel better!

Good luck anyway and if the lady really likes you this aint gonna be a big problem, and if it is well your in the right area to find another!

again good luck


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Welbeck, you live in Pattaya with the most beautiful girl in Thailand (I didn't see the pic before you removed it) and you get upset when someone hits on her.

What a joke!

Everyone knows where you found her...what do you expect them to think about a beautiful girl with a Farang in Pattaya, and especially since she's the most beautiful girl in Thailand? As far as the Thais are concerned she's anyone's game. If you can't handle this, leave Pattaya and live somewhere else...maybe an isolated farm or island where contact with other men is limited.

You should get a grip, because if this minor incident bothers you, you don't have what it takes to hang on to her.

I am curious as to why the most beautiful woman in Thailand wants to be with a cry baby?

Where did I find her and what makes me a crybaby?

I highlighted this incident to bring to light unprofesional working practices and to let people know what to expect when they walk in this place I couldn't give a toss what other people think about what happens in my personal life.

Edited by welbeck
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I have probably met this American guy, before they opened I went shopping at Lotus on Pattaya 3rd road and they had a promotion stand there.

As I am a yoga freak I decided to go in to ask for some info.

First of all the techno music there was so <deleted>***ing load that I could not hear what this promotion girl was talking about, so I kept my mouth shut and looked at those speakers...then she reduced the volume and we could talk.

I asked for a price qoute, just a simple question: How much is a year membership.

She came with all kinds of silly answers and finally called this American guy.

What a creep and what an arrogant idiot!

Ten times I told him I wanted to think a day about his offer.

He kept asking me:Where is your credit-card, why not sign up now, why are you so difficult etc etc.

He asked me my phone number and I replied I didn't know it by head.

The arrogant mother f***ker just snatched my phone out of my hands and dialed his mobile so he had my number.

Had a few calls from them which I never answered because I had already made up my mind: Not in a lifetime a membership with them!

Not even for free!

Good news is that True Fittness will open in Pattaya soon!

Have great experience with them in Singapore and Bangkok!

I can only advise: Do not become a member of this california wow shit, never!!

Wait for True Fitness to open!

And...don;t post private pictures of your girlfriend on internet...

Agreed about the Yank, I left las night as he "gave" me a few mintues to decide if I wanted to sign up and pay 28k there and then for the wife and I even after stating quite clearly that I want to discuss it further. Even asked me how much money I had on me and where my credit cards were. :o

Nice looking gym and we were very interested in joining but the bullshit pressure sales began to seriously piss me off & that with the feeling that we'd never be able to do a workout there without being hassled has put us off.

Hope California Wow is reading this topic and takes notes.


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I have probably met this American guy, before they opened I went shopping at Lotus on Pattaya 3rd road and they had a promotion stand there.

As I am a yoga freak I decided to go in to ask for some info.

First of all the techno music there was so <deleted>***ing load that I could not hear what this promotion girl was talking about, so I kept my mouth shut and looked at those speakers...then she reduced the volume and we could talk.

I asked for a price qoute, just a simple question: How much is a year membership.

She came with all kinds of silly answers and finally called this American guy.

What a creep and what an arrogant idiot!

Ten times I told him I wanted to think a day about his offer.

He kept asking me:Where is your credit-card, why not sign up now, why are you so difficult etc etc.

He asked me my phone number and I replied I didn't know it by head.

The arrogant mother f***ker just snatched my phone out of my hands and dialed his mobile so he had my number.

Had a few calls from them which I never answered because I had already made up my mind: Not in a lifetime a membership with them!

Not even for free!

Good news is that True Fittness will open in Pattaya soon!

Have great experience with them in Singapore and Bangkok!

I can only advise: Do not become a member of this california wow shit, never!!

Wait for True Fitness to open!

And...don;t post private pictures of your girlfriend on internet...

Agreed about the Yank, I left las night as he "gave" me a few mintues to decide if I wanted to sign up and pay 28k there and then for the wife and I even after stating quite clearly that I want to discuss it further. Even asked me how much money I had on me and where my credit cards were. :o

Nice looking gym and we were very interested in joining but the bullshit pressure sales began to seriously piss me off & that with the feeling that we'd never be able to do a workout there without being hassled has put us off.

Hope California Wow is reading this topic and takes notes.


I met this "Yank" as well, I am sure. He is a stupid, ugly creature who speaks poor English and it is likely the only book he has ever opened in his life is one of those self-improvement things they sell at Wal-Mart.

But he is no worse than the pushy trainers who interrupt you when you are trying to work out, who demand you hand over your credit card on the gym floor, who cannot even manage to give effective training tips. It is so clear that they are only there to meet a sales quota and have no experience or training in physical fitness.

This place is such a disgrace it should be shut down at best or boycotted at a minimum.

Shame on you, "California" Fitness!

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As for being old, I'm 40 is this old?

Not if you're healthy and stay in shape.

35-40 is the pique for some men, their strength and body shape.

As for me, 40 is only a few years down the road (though most people guess I'm in my late 20's).

I was fairly in shape till September when my digestive system broke and almost killed me. A month in a London Hospital losing 19kg from when I went in and 8 weeks recouperation and I'm in pretty bad shape now. Best get my ass to Tonys

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Where did I find her and what makes me a crybaby?

I highlighted this incident to bring to light unprofesional working practices and to let people know what to expect when they walk in this place I couldn't give a toss what other people think about what happens in my personal life.

What was meant by that comment was that all people will assume you found her in a bar...period. A 40 year old guy with the most beautiful woman in Thailand...think about it. One way or another no one will believe you don't pay for sex. I don't either.

I'm living with a young Filipino (the most beautiful girl in the Philippines of course) in Pattaya...everyone assumes she is a young Thai bargirl. You live in Pattaya, you have to learn to live with everyone's perceptions.

Cry baby? Yes, your whole post is evidence of that. If you'd spent less time talking up the virtues of your girl and your relationship it would have come across better. You pay for a membership, it's done. No point crying to the manager for a refund...you were just making a fool of yourself. Going to the tourist police? What did you expect them to do?

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I was fairly in shape till September when my digestive system broke and almost killed me. A month in a London Hospital losing 19kg from when I went in and 8 weeks recouperation and I'm in pretty bad shape now. Best get my ass to Tonys

Now the truth is coming out. You don't live full-time with the most beautiful girl in Thailand but you leave her alone for months at a time while you're in England.

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I was fairly in shape till September when my digestive system broke and almost killed me. A month in a London Hospital losing 19kg from when I went in and 8 weeks recouperation and I'm in pretty bad shape now. Best get my ass to Tonys

Now the truth is coming out. You don't live full-time with the most beautiful girl in Thailand but you leave her alone for months at a time while you're in England.

Read My first post then kiss my....

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My first post[/url] then kiss my....

Look, I understand you're upset about losing the best looking girl in Thailand, but instead of blaming the "American" manager at California Wow who speaks perfect Thai (why do you consider him to be a Yank?), perhaps you need to face the facts that your girl was merely looking for a reason to break up with you.

We have no reason to believe that what your girl told you about what this manager said is true.

Your link provides evidence that you are a sex-mongerer anyway because you spent time in Angeles City (why else would a person go there?) What was your beautiful Thai lady doing while you spent time in the sex capital of the Philippines? Were you looking for the most beautiful girl in the Philippines too?

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My first post[/url] then kiss my....

Your link provides evidence that you are a sex-mongerer anyway because you spent time in Angeles City (why else would a person go there?) What was your beautiful Thai lady doing while you spent time in the sex capital of the Philippines? Were you looking for the most beautiful girl in the Philippines too?

I went to Subic Bay for a job interview but spent a few days in AC because a number of friends were there amongst other things. But if I want to fxxk anything that moves then that would be my decision.

As for "why do I consider him a Yank?" what are you talking about? He spoke with an LA accent. Besides I never called him a yank, I called him American if you care to read the thread instead of looking for an excuse to turn this into a slagging match

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I went to Subic Bay for a job interview but spent a few days in AC because a number of friends were there amongst other things. But if I want to fxxk anything that moves then that would be my decision.

As for "why do I consider him a Yank?" what are you talking about? He spoke with an LA accent. Besides I never called him a yank, I called him American if you care to read the thread instead of looking for an excuse to turn this into a slagging match

Far from it, I don't wish to slag you, merely help you wake up from your dream. You posted a story of woe on here, so don't expect everyone to see things the way you do.

You mentioned he's an "American" speaking fluent Thai, another poster mentioned he's not a Yank and doesn't speak English too well. Maybe they're two different people. I haven't been there so I don't know. I think I'll visit there soon to find out for myself as I frequently shop at the Villa next door.

You come across as an insecure, jealous guy who couldn't handle a fit young man acting friendly to his incredibly beautiful girl. By your own account you're practically an invalid yet you talk about feeding this guy to the fish.

You come across as one of those guys who needs to impress upon everyone that their girl is different and "not of those bargirls". In the Philippines and Thailand we hear this every day.

Perhaps this tale of woe will help you to wake up.

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