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Sending Money To Thai Bargirls


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When Thai bargirls are talking amongst each other they refer to their foreign boyfriends as "sponsors".

Liverpool football club are sponsored by Carlsberg beer. The logo for this yummy beer can be seen proudly on all Liverpool FC shirts, but is this their only sponsor?

###### NO!

On the sidelines you'll find Heineken, Stella, WH Smith, Ladbrokes, ###### you'll even find Mcdonalds! Do you think Liverpool like Mcdonalds? NO! They probably think its a fat behemoth of a company with nothing but grease, absolutely disgusting and no doubt unhealthy to put in the mouth, but it gives them money.

Now I ask you this, if the Mcdonalds, Smith's & Carlsberg's stopped paying money to Liverpool what would happen?

Kicked from the sidelines for sure, no doubt , 100%.

One more thing, when you were at school and you did a sponsored walk, when the dear old lady up the road pledged 50p or cents did you stop there? Of course not! You knocked on every door in your street (probably the neighborhood) because you wanted as many people to sponsor you as possible.

Imagine the girl looking with the same mind frame and you're probably close to how she views you.

Why would you do it? :o

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Why would you do it? :o

Why would a person not do it if they liked her and did not miss the money anyway?

I think the people that cannot understand a gift of money, are in fact low on money themselves and jealous of Thai girls that do get money sent to them. I have never complained about sending my gf money, but then again, i am in a good position financially, i do not miss 100 Pounds a week, i would spend more for a meal for 2 and a bottle of wine in my local restaurant.

I am sure you would like someone to send you money.


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Perhaps the girl I 'sponsor' could have a logo on her t-shirt also. Maybe with my picture and the slogan 'This prat gives me money' :D (But for some girls they would need quite a few t-shirts with different pictures....) :o

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A richman will give a 5000 baht tip to someone and not think anything of it, a poorman would think the richman was crazy and tell all his friends about the fool that had given a 5000 Baht tip.

The original poster is poor, he just does not underestand. :o

A real rich man would earn that 5000 baht back in interest on his cash investments in the time it took to unfold the bills from his moneyclip.

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The truth is somewhere in between I suppose. When you grow up poor in a hard society with clear strata and a minimum of support from anyone except your closest family, if you are lucky, you learn to become a business-minded person, and greed becomes a strong motivating factor in your life. You learn to manipulate and lie to other people to get some extra cash. Not pretty, but there you have it.

People do what they want with their money. If all the money going to bar girls went directly to disadvantaged children though, I reckon they would do a lot more good.

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A richman will give a 5000 baht tip to someone and not think anything of it, a poorman would think the richman was crazy and tell all his friends about the fool that had given a 5000 Baht tip.

The original poster is poor, he just does not underestand.  :o

A real rich man would earn that 5000 baht back in interest on his cash investments in the time it took to unfold the bills from his moneyclip.

I just did a quick calculation on my "toungue n cheek" comment.

5 seconds to pull 5000 B from the wallet ~ $788,400,000 USD per year interest..haha..very very very rich man

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A richman will give a 5000 baht tip to someone and not think anything of it, a poorman would think the richman was crazy and tell all his friends about the fool that had given a 5000 Baht tip.

The original poster is poor, he just does not underestand.   :o

A real rich man would earn that 5000 baht back in interest on his cash investments in the time it took to unfold the bills from his moneyclip.

I just did a quick calculation on my "toungue n cheek" comment.

5 seconds to pull 5000 B from the wallet ~ $788,400,000 USD per year interest..haha..very very very rich man

But if it was a tip for a meal, he probably took an hour to eat the meal, so that brings it down to a sensible number.

I earn well, but put in a lot of hours in a week, so my hourly rate does not match up to many others. But it still provides a living for a family, with some left over. Depends on what one expects for one's family.

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I think if all the money the rich men had were given to all the poor (children, bargirls, trolls, lizards, etc.) then they would all be equally poor. :D

I think a real rich [man, bargirl, troll, lizard] became really rich by doing other things with his money than giving it away.

I think very few real rich people discuss their money on internet forums.



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A real rich man would earn that 5000 baht back in interest on his cash investments in the time it took to unfold the bills from his moneyclip.

A real rich man would have rolled that 5000 baht investment profit back over into another investment.

Rich people don't get (or stay) rich by spending their own money. They get rich by spending (and losing) OTHER people's money.

But a truly rich man--rich in the sense of richness of character--would have given that money to a homeless shelter, or an orphanage, or a school for disadvantaged kids, or a foreign relief charity, etc....

If someone really cared about helping poor upcountry farm girls better themselves, they'd invest some money in a vocational training school and help those girls find jobs and start companies of their own.

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I think a real rich [man, bargirl, troll, lizard] became really rich by doing other things with his money than giving it away.

I think very few real rich people discuss their money on internet forums.



A 5000 Baht tip would be about 80 Pounds, I went for a meal with 5 Business colleagues and we each tipped 20 pounds for the waitress, quite normal amongst my circle of friends and colleagues.

Are there rich people that discuss their money on an open forum? I would not think so.


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Rich people don't get (or stay) rich by spending their own money.  They get rich by spending (and losing) OTHER people's money.

Do you think rich people do not give tips?

You obviously have limited contact with rich people.


That's not what was said.

If you can borrow money (shares, bank-loan for instance) and use that money to generate more than the cost of borrowing - then you are on your way to becoming rich. This is roughly what was said - in a different way.

Part of that generation of greter returns may well included keeping the minions happy. Thus tips and bonuses.

But if it was your grandfather or before who made the money, and you are just the inheritor of said money, then there is a different outlook. You've never known what it is like to be without and may take several different attitudes to the hoi polloi, depending on your own nature.

What has this to do with Thailand, now?

Thought we were discussing sending money to TBGs - who are seldom rich, because they have very demanding families back home. And herds of sick buffaloes.

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Do you think rich people do not give tips?

You obviously have limited contact with rich people.

Actually, in my experience as a waiter/bartender in restaurants all over the States, I'd have to say that on average, the weathlier the person is, the smaller the tip is.

This isn't universally true, and certainly an antecdote based on personal experience, so you may well have a different opinion. But I know what I know based on what I've seen with my own eyes.

When I worked at a golf course, the weathly golfers would run my ass ragged fetching them beers and ice. Then they'd tip me a dollar at the end of the DAY (and act like I should be thanking them for the privilege of their company).

When I worked in a restaurant in South Florida, the wealthy tourists wouldn't blink at leaving the CHANGE as a tip even though they knew full well that the gratuity was not included on the bill and that it was expected. But then again, most of the tourists were French-Canadian and they're a bunch of pricks anyway. But I do remember busting my ass on a 12-hour CHRISTMAS day shift and coming home with THREE DOLLARS in tips. And don't forget, they calculate your taxes based on your sales, so a lot of times, I'd make NEGATIVE money (sure, you get it back at the end of the year, but that means little when you're trying to pay today's bills).

I've got a lot more examples of penny-pinching misers, but I also know full well there are lots of generous rich people too. Just saying, that when it comes to tipping, it's been my experience that the best tippers are NOT rich.

On the flip side, I made great tips working the nightshift at Denny's. Mostly because all the staff at the bars and clubs nearby would tip very well when they got out of work, because they know what it's like to work for tips.

Also, when I worked at a biker bar (I bounced and bartended), I got great tips. Mostly for keeping my mouth shut :o.

The best tip I ever got, though, was from a tired working mom, who gave me a $40 tip on a $60 meal because I took care of her kids so she and her husband could eat a meal in peace.

Working people just seem to appreciate good service more because they know what it's like to do those kinds of jobs.

When I worked in restaurants, I always used to say that people should not be allowed to EAT in a restaurant until they get a membership-card that verifies that they've WORKED in a restaurant for at least two weeks. Of course, I was just being facetious, but there certainly would be a lot fewer useless pricks dining out if they had to experience their stupidity from the server's perspective.

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A real rich man would earn that 5000 baht back in interest on his cash investments in the time it took to unfold the bills from his moneyclip.

A real rich man would have rolled that 5000 baht investment profit back over into another investment.

Rich people don't get (or stay) rich by spending their own money. They get rich by spending (and losing) OTHER people's money.

But a truly rich man--rich in the sense of richness of character--would have given that money to a homeless shelter, or an orphanage, or a school for disadvantaged kids, or a foreign relief charity, etc....

If someone really cared about helping poor upcountry farm girls better themselves, they'd invest some money in a vocational training school and help those girls find jobs and start companies of their own.

Very good point, thankyou.

Within this industry I can neither be called frivolous with my money or a cheap Charlie because I don't take part. I am a happily married family man with no desire to take part.

But I really don't see that tipping in a restaurant (which on good service I do generously) is the same as sending a bar girl money.

When I eat in restaurants I am not told by the waiter that I have his/her sole love, or that her buffalo is sick. I am not tricked, if I was I wouldn't tip.

In order to get tipped these girls will manipulate and trick and lie and lie and lie and lie.

Most men that send money are sending it to an entirely alternate reality to what they think they are sending it to.

What I am saying is that sending money is not like tipping in a restaurant it is like sending money to a Nigerian con artist (who probably have children to and need the money, does that make it right?). Whilst you are in Western Union they are probably with someone else trying to get their money.

If you want to look at it like a charity then it is like the salvation army who whilst receiving everybody's trusted money they were spunking it up the wall.

Thinking of other needy causes would be a much better way. Charity whilst thinking with your knob is just plain daft as everybody must (even secretly) know. Its obvious! :o

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A 5000 Baht tip would be about 80 Pounds, I went for a meal with 5 Business colleagues and we each tipped 20 pounds for the waitress, quite normal amongst my circle of friends and colleagues.

Are there rich people that discuss their money on an open forum? I would not think so.



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When I worked in a restaurant in South Florida, the wealthy tourists wouldn't blink at leaving the CHANGE as a tip even though they knew full well that the gratuity was not included on the bill and that it was expected.

But this is where a cashier should know the business.

When running a bar I made sure the cashier gave out plenty of small change - not many one baht or five baht coins, but 10 baht coins, twenty and fifty baht notes, even when the check-bin was for round hundreds. This way the staff get tips.

I rarely find this in LOS, mostly, for a 195 baht bill you will get 5 baht coin and hundred / five hundred baht notes. So the tip is frequently 5 baht. Not the way to keep your staff happy.

If necessary, include the cashier in the tronc. It can really make a difference.

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If all the money going to bar girls went directly to disadvantaged children though, I reckon they would do a lot more good.

Many Bargirls have children, many of those children would be disadvantaged if not for their Mothers money.

The Mother will accept all donations.

Wouldn't you?

He dosen't understand ThaiGirlTeen My Mom before meeting my Dad worked in a Bar but she was a hostess This was back when the US military was in Thailand during the vietnam war. The Soldiers gladly gave tips The Money they got did not do much in the US and it was a kings ransom in Thailand. My Dad use to get 125 US dollars a month this was back in 1970

Bargirls that have so called "Sponsoring Boyfriend" I say Great if the man feels this way towards the bargirl then that's his business and if he has enough income to send then so be it

If the bargirl has children I can see why she would greatly take his money.

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I can understand the need and even the occasional sincerity of the bargirls, and I don't blame them for getting money that way if they can. However, I think it is a kind of social problem- NOT about foreigners being "bad," but about good intentions gone bad. If these ladies have not been trained to understand their situation (and the life cycle of their vocation) things can go very hard for them.

Say a bargirl has a 10-12 year shelf-life (IF that, it's a rough job that wears people out quickly). Unless she's developed OTHER skills, it's unlikely she'll ever make anything close to that kind of money from her labor again. After she's in her late 20s, she's going to be limited to hairstyling, restaurants, and soi jobs for the rest of her life unless she:

1. finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after (unlikely);

2. saved up enough money to start a legitimate business to support the rest of her life (difficult but possible); or

3. trained herself in the meantime to do some other kind of work (unlikely given the hours and the constraints of her original job).

I think point 2 is the most likely route to ultimate security for bargirls, but they are rarely able to think about the future enough to realize the need for savings or plan for what to do with them.


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I can understand the need and even the occasional sincerity of the bargirls, and I don't blame them for getting money that way if they can. However, I think it is a kind of social problem- NOT about foreigners being "bad," but about good intentions gone bad. If these ladies have not been trained to understand their situation (and the life cycle of their vocation) things can go very hard for them.

Say a bargirl has a 10-12 year shelf-life (IF that, it's a rough job that wears people out quickly). Unless she's developed OTHER skills, it's unlikely she'll ever make anything close to that kind of money from her labor again. After she's in her late 20s, she's going to be limited to hairstyling, restaurants, and soi jobs for the rest of her life unless she:

1. finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after (unlikely);

2. saved up enough money to start a legitimate business to support the rest of her life (difficult but possible); or

3. trained herself in the meantime to do some other kind of work (unlikely given the hours and the constraints of her original job).

I think point 2 is the most likely route to ultimate security for bargirls, but they are rarely able to think about the future enough to realize the need for savings or plan for what to do with them.


I would think a bargirl that has been doing it that long would be looking for a better life, To find a Prince Charming and have a nice family life or train to do something else or have enough money to live on.

I have a Question Can a Bargirl now be able to go to another country say if she did get married to someone from the US or UK etc etc etc.

Is their a stygma to being a bargirl I have heard some things that it is very difficult for them, even more difficult than the average Thai Person

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Dam* that sounds just like a beer. Is their a list of needy BGs.

you'll even find Mcdonalds! Do you think Liverpool like Mcdonalds? NO! They probably think its a fat behemoth of a company with nothing but grease, absolutely disgusting and no doubt unhealthy to put in the mouth, but it gives them money.

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everyone knows many good looking BGs operate a scam where they con a number of farangs they have met into sending them money.

if they are sincere with one guy its not really a problem they may have future prosepcts together but its more of a scam where they hoodwink a number of guys into sending them money so they can stop working the bar.

its all built on a pack of lies ,thats the problem .

deception and lies is the business they are in.

the gal i have just finished with was operating a con on several guys to send her money , one in France named alain and another in Las Vegas named dave..

and there may have been others ,but you can be sure that they didnt know about each other

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I have a few bar-girl friends....if indeed there are such creatures.

I'm not sure how we got into the friendship zone, but they are quite happy to go out now and again with me (when they have no customer for the night). I insist they pay for their stuff (food, drinks etc) and very occasionally get a free root! But still they want to go out for a giggle even though I'm a "cheap charlie".

The only anology that I can think of is it's a bit like looking at a dog as either food (Sakhon Nakhon) or a pet.

A pet you create a fairly healthy relationship with that is based on mutual gain. Food just stops you being hungry for a short time!

Saying that though. They're all mercenary buggers and I wouldn't trust 'em to look after my dog in case they sold it or ate it!!!!!!


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