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International driver's license?

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For a car rental in Thailand, does one need (or must have) an International Driver's License?  I have a USA driver's License but I am guessing that it does not suffice for Thailand.  

Does anyone have experience with Thai police, rental car agencies and what is necessary, and what is the law?

Thank You


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Legally, an international drivers permit is required as a foreigner to drive in Thailand however this does not appear to be enforced.

Problems may occur with Thai Police if you are involved in an accident and do not hold a valid international driving permit. In a serious accidents, I have heard of cases where foreigners without valid licences are imprisoned, especially those involving harm to a Thai national.

You should have no problem renting a vehicle without an international driving permit. I have rented vehicles many times by just producing a foreign licence, through Avis, Budget, etc.

If you want to be safe, I would recommend obtaining an international driving permit, and carrying this as well as your foreign licence.

Hope this helps.

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My Worry would always be INSURANCE.

Valid Insurance always depends on a Valid Drivers Licence.

If an accident resulted in a loss of Limb or Life,

and your Insurance was not valid - then

the Victim or their Relatives could sue you in Court

for ALL you might be worth AND more.

Car Hire staff may well not be aware of the Implications

of their not following the Rules.

So this situation would depend on the Car Hire

Company's Insurance Policy - which will probably be in Thai

- but would presumaby say - "Valid Drivers Licence" required

and in Thailand a Valid Drivers Licence is NOT an American


Valid Drivers Licence = (I Think - please Check)

Thai, Malaysia, Singapore, International


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As far as Asean countries are concerned/agreement,

an International driving license is not required for Singapore,

Malaysia and Laos. The reason is very obvious...... we are just next door neighbours..... nearby. Every given day, thousands of Malaysian and Singapore registered cars cross over the Thai border.... to and back. The only important thing we must do is to purchase a " Third Party " car insurance policy at the Malaysia - Thai border check point. We can purchase say, for one week, one month or one year's policy as the case maybe. The only real fear/problem is that if your car is lost, stolen and etc,....then you may have to pay the   import/excise tax duties. So drive carefully and take care. :o

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An International Drivers Licence is required in Thailand.

Most people drive with their Country of origin Licence and never have a problem UNTILL they have a problem!

In the event of a accident involving a Thai national you are unlikely to go to Prison (unless it's drink related) but automatically the Thai Police will hold your Passport untill the trail or out of court compensation has been settled (not forgetting a contribution to the Police funds)which is generally excessive to say the least.



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