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Buying A Bar Or Nightclub?


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I am Half Thai and Half Farang I live in the states and I am 35 just turned 35 this month and been toying with the idea of living in Thailand when I retire. I am also married to a Thai Woman, She would have to buy the Bar?? Correct? and if she were to become a citizen of the US Then what? is she still a citizen of Thailand? Can she be a dual citizen?

Or is this just a pipe dream I have?? Is it not possible at all or possible?

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Well this is along way off but it's good to think ahead i was just thinking of the idea of spending 6 months in thailand and 6 months in the US when i retire until my wife brought up the idea about a business

I thought of the bar but would it do good?? I mean just a regular bar not with bargirls or anything of the sort. I mean people love to drink and carry on. :o just a place friends could meet and hang out with each other.

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owning a bar here is as easy as pie, pick a name, start a company to put the bar in, you will have 49%, your wife will have 51% then your wife signs the share transfer giving you full control (if thats what you want).

the down sides.- setting up the company is relatively cheap, licenses and legal paperwork to run the bar, thats another matter.

Not sure if this is true or not but a mate told me if you have a thai mum or dad and its on your birth certificate you can apply for a thai passport?

Anyway the most important point is, i'm blabbing on about how easy it is to get a bar when the difficult bit is it doing well and providing you with an income. (i was lucky as the basic structure of my place was already set up, not brilliantly but the basics were there)

Good Luck with your future plans.

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But DT your's is a specialist place really. Plenty of custom, fairly high prices to cover the entertainment and so on. Hope you keep doing well.

If it is a shop-house type of thing, cost of building (in Pattaya) about 4 mill., you have the possibility of serving food as well as drink. Don't mean a full-blown restaurant, but to keep regulars you should cater to several needs.

If you are looking at an open-air 'bar beer' then you are relying on passing trade and active girls.

It is not a guarantee of success to open any bar. The more prosperous you become, the more the unofficial 'licences' become. And nowadays the proper licences are a pain.

If you have previous experience, go for it. If not, do not invest your life savings. just some 'play money'.

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But DT your's is a specialist place really. Plenty of custom, fairly high prices to cover the entertainment and so on. Hope you keep doing well.

If it is a shop-house type of thing, cost of building (in Pattaya) about 4 mill., you have the possibility of serving food as well as drink. Don't mean a full-blown restaurant, but to keep regulars you should cater to several needs.

If you are looking at an open-air 'bar beer' then you are relying on passing trade and active girls.

It is not a guarantee of success to open any bar. The more prosperous you become, the more the unofficial 'licences' become. And nowadays the proper licences are a pain.

If you have previous experience, go for it. If not, do not invest your life savings. just some 'play money'.

But DT your's is a specialist place really. Plenty of custom, fairly high prices to cover the entertainment and so on. Hope you keep doing well.

Me too because i've got <deleted> all if it goes up the wall. :o:D

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I can't believe my wife!!!! she is toying with the idea of having bargirls work there!! She never said anything like this before to me a real surprise :o Thanks for the answers I am Half thai but dont have my birth certificate just something the US military made up and gave to my dad. then he gave to me when i was older.

He was in the US Air Force during the vietnam war.

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I can't believe my wife!!!!  she is toying with the idea of having bargirls work there!! 

When in Rome, and so forth.....not really that'a big deal is it?

You're still just 35 and a few weeks...give it some time and you'll be OK...

// dfw

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When in Rome, and so forth.....not really that'a big deal is it?

You're still just 35 and a few weeks...give it some time and you'll be OK...

// dfw

Ha!! It's not that big a deal i just guess i didn't know my wife well enough or maybe she's just kidding!! see what i would say to it I didn't get too excited after she said it to me so i guess it didn't have the desired effect for her :o

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When in Rome, and so forth.....not really that'a big deal is it?

You're still just 35 and a few weeks...give it some time and you'll be OK...

// dfw

Ha!! It's not that big a deal i just guess i didn't know my wife well enough or maybe she's just kidding!! see what i would say to it I didn't get too excited after she said it to me so i guess it didn't have the desired effect for her :D

This could be the beginning of a beautiful new era between the two of you perhaps...? Being married myself to a Thai lady (whom I sometimes perceive as shy - but that's not really the case) I do know that they are FULL of surprises...

Keep us in the loop, OK?

/// dfw :o

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Wow!!! she told me she was shy also :D are you talking about my wife!!!! :D well I know they are full of surprises we had been watching the news and they were showing some story in pattaya and showed a girl walking through a bunch of people pretty much naked I mean she had a bikini on and my wife said she felt sorry for those girls :o and now she tells me this stuff the other day.

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Wow!!! she told me she was shy also :D are you talking about my wife!!!! :D well I know they are full of surprises we had been watching the news and they were showing some story in pattaya and showed a girl walking through a bunch of people pretty much naked I mean she had a bikini on and my wife said she felt sorry for those girls :o and now she tells me this stuff the other day.

:D:wub:-_- ,,


I'm really shy though, what can I do?? You guys need a silent partner? :D

/// dfw

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Wow!!! she told me she was shy also :D are you talking about my wife!!!! :D well I know they are full of surprises we had been watching the news and they were showing some story in pattaya and showed a girl walking through a bunch of people pretty much naked I mean she had a bikini on and my wife said she felt sorry for those girls :o and now she tells me this stuff the other day.

If you are half Thai you can register your birth ( albeit belatedly ) and apply for a Thai passport. Then you can own whatever you want because you'll be Thai.

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Our two youngest kids are fully entitled to Thai citizenship etc...

As long as you do it in the right order you're OK...

/// dfw

what's the right order? DFW and my wife said you can be a silent partner you can hold the video camera she said :o

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