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Credit Card Security Insurance

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This is not specifically Thailand related but will no doubt effect a number of Brits using UK Credit Cards in Thailand.

I recently used my UK MasterCard, for the first time in over 7 months, to buy books on line from Amazpn - I was buying from several Amazon suppliers so several discrete purchases.

The third of which was refused with a message to contact my bank.

I called the bank to be told a security flag had been raised on my account - not because I had used my card on line but because my credit card had been used in 'Taiwan' the night before to buy GBP530 worth of whatever at a night club - I was in Saudi at the time. That 'Taiwan purchase had been stopped' and raised a flag.


So why did to later transactions go through?

And why is my card cloned now, by whom and when, since it has been locked in a safe for the last seven moths?)

OK says I - stop the card and replace it

The person at the bank was reluctanct to do this, but offered that I take out an insurance against illegal use.

Me: But I'm already covered for illegal use - now you say my card has been used, it can only have been cloned (when or how we don't know) - Stop the card and issue a new card.

The bank rep eventually agreed to follow my instruction.

A week later in the UK I collect my new card and call to activate it.

Card Activated I'm put throught to someone who wants to talk to me about CCard insurance - It is pointed out that this is more than just card protection.

I agree to talk to the rep.

I get the hard sell AND I MEAN HARD SELL.

Me: No, I will not buy this service without seeing the litterature.

Bank: Shall I send you the litterature?

Me: Yes please do

Bank: OK that will come in the post ..... and then.... under the financial services act I must tell you that you have 14 days......

Me: Hang on - 14 days to cancell what? I haven't agreed to anything yet.

Me: Balling out the bank rep .

Too many coincidences for my liking, too much of a mind game and too much hard sell.

Meanwhile - I arrive in Thailand, I try to use my card - STOPPED CALL YOUR BANK

I call, this is just a security check sir, there has been some un usual traffick on your account - details checked - OK we are taking the security lock off for 30 days...... would you be interested in hearing about the credit card insurance we can offer you????

I assured they guy that the bank will be hearing from me.

I'll keep interested parties posted.

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I have had this too.

Once I got caught out at the Nationwide when I was in Uk.

Was opening a new acct. , was doing a million things that day and was running late for a lunch appointment having queued for ages.

So not being in the brightest state of mind when the question was slotted in amongst asking personal acct details, I gave an affirmative (well I think I did).

That question about credit card insurance was really slotted in almost sublimal. I did do a double take but realised going back over all the details made me even later.

When the acct was opened , checked on line and sure enough 30 pounds down the drain. Talk about sneaky.

Also the woman at the bank had set it up to direct debit off my acct every year. How very thoughtful of her - err not! :o

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