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Libido Enhancer For Men


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maybe its just me but i think this stuff actually works

went to chai nat on a whim

stepped into one of the loveliest pharmacies / everything shops i have ever seen and smelled

i asked on another whim if there was any natural herbs for virility for men

at first the lady said no, but soon showed me 4 or 5 items

(so funny and odd how quickly a no turns to yes or vice versa in Thailand)

so i tried a small pack of three bottles of something made by siribuncha

i did notice a higher libido level when i used it

so for what its worth

at 39 baht give it a try

its mostly all in Thai

and i tried the website

but the English doesn't work

i suspect there are a zillion cheap useful herbal remedies for everything

hoping there is nothing harmful in it too

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  • 1 month later...

A few more details would be useful, please:

- what was the stuff called?

- where is the place that you bought it?

- did you take all three bottles at once?

- how long before it took effect?

- what were the effects?

- what is the address of the website you mentioned?

Thanks! :o

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i went to siribuncha.com i believe

please read my post again

but its all in Thai

apparently this it the brand name and they make many Thai herbal products

and the box is all in Thai too so i cant tell you the name yet

i am having a difficult time finding the stuff in bkk

there were many different brands of this stuff

i tried the cheapest

three small bottles in a box for 40 baht

i bought it at a great all purpose pharmacy in chai nit on a main street

the owner was wonderful

pm me for her phone number is a possibility

i drank one whole bottle but later a Thai told me the instructions said you only need a spoonful or 2

i think it acts quickly (liquid)

the effect was stronger sexual intensity

maybe just placebo effect

maybe just a good day

i also find a great libido enhancer

is abstinence

not so easy to do in Thailand if a man

also it helps to not have an orgasm

that takes some discipline and training

exercise and diet (fish/protien) and rest and low stress and some other substances may also be helpful

many thoughts on this topic

id love to hear what works for other guys

i found the conventional pills like viagra did not help me and i did not care for the side effects

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A few more details would be useful, please:

- what was the stuff called?

- where is the place that you bought it?

- did you take all three bottles at once?

- how long before it took effect?

- what were the effects?

- what is the address of the website you mentioned?

Thanks! :o

You wish Pippi to become PAPPA...right ? :D


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There is this herb I bought in Malaysia once that really blew me away, so to speak. It was almost too strong. Now I forget what it's called.

My guess is 'Tongkat Ali', which literally means 'Ali's walking stick'. No prizes for guessing why. When business took me to Jakarta, there were a number of stalls that advertised this. Looked like little coffee shops, and I suppose the locals stopped off for a quick swig.

Indonesia and Malaysia have a lot in common, this and jamu herbal remedies that originate from Indo and are also found in Malaysia among other things.

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i went to siribuncha.com i believe

please read my post again

but its all in Thai

apparently this it the brand name and they make many Thai herbal products

and the box is all in Thai too so i cant tell you the name yet

i am having a difficult time finding the stuff in bkk

there were many different brands of this stuff

i tried the cheapest

three small bottles in a box for 40 baht

i bought it at a great all purpose pharmacy in chai nit on a main street

the owner was wonderful

pm me for her phone number is a possibility

i drank one whole bottle but later a Thai told me the instructions said you only need a spoonful or 2

i think it acts quickly (liquid)

the effect was stronger sexual intensity

maybe just placebo effect

maybe just a good day

i also find a great libido enhancer

is abstinence

not so easy to do in Thailand if a man

also it helps to not have an orgasm

that takes some discipline and training

exercise and diet (fish/protien) and rest and low stress and some other substances may also be helpful

many thoughts on this topic

id love to hear what works for other guys

i found the conventional pills like viagra did not help me and i did not care for the side effects

Now, at the risk of sounding a bit pedantic here, to what are you actually referring? Low libido or ED? Although each can lead to the other through reduced confidence, low self-esteem etc, they are not the same thing. A man can have libido in skip-loads but be plagued by ED. He can also have perfectly functioning wedding-tackle but just not give a rat's-arse about sex.

So which is it, deejah? If this is something to combat low libido, I'd be interested as my TW can be a bit, ahem, demanding at times... :o

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honestly i don't know what it is for :o

its all in Thai and the translations i am getting are mixed

i asked for something to make 'sex strong' or something like that

i was lucky enough at the time to neither require ED help nor was my libido lacking at the time (oh if only always) :D

i wrote the post because the sensations i had were more intense than usual

i was excited

wanted to share my discovery

and learn more

could be placebo effect

i have had no such luck with ginseng though it could be due to quality

any other useful tonics? :D

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OK here is the skinny

first off the post should be called Thai aphrodisiacs since that is what i am looking for

how do you say that in Thai?

what i got is 'for men'

the primary Thai herb is called something like go chai but of course something gets lost in the transliteration :o

i only saved the side panel of the box

but if you read my description you can try it pretty cheap and i am sure it has other ingredients

sorry i do not have a scanner

should have saved the whole box

not easy to find the stuff

but you can find that herb easy, alone or in other products i believe

i learned today there is a Thai herb called butea superba, again 'for men'

i suppose one could goggle Thai herb aphrodisiacs

there must be a zillion on the planet

fascinating stuff

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There is this herb I bought in Malaysia once that really blew me away, so to speak. It was almost too strong. Now I forget what it's called.

My guess is 'Tongkat Ali', which literally means 'Ali's walking stick'. No prizes for guessing why. When business took me to Jakarta, there were a number of stalls that advertised this. Looked like little coffee shops, and I suppose the locals stopped off for a quick swig.

Indonesia and Malaysia have a lot in common, this and jamu herbal remedies that originate from Indo and are also found in Malaysia among other things.

Yes, it was 'Tongkat Ali' and this is not a placebo, its the real deal. Is this available and legal in Thailand? In Malaysia, it appears to be quite legal.

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green-colored M & M's...
Now I know what's wrong, I thought it was the blue ones.....


OMG! :o NOOOO!!! :D The blue ones cause man-boobs.... and its not just the placebo effect. They really do. That they are readily available in Thailand is a horrific thing.

Edited by sriracha john
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There is this herb I bought in Malaysia once that really blew me away, so to speak. It was almost too strong. Now I forget what it's called.

My guess is 'Tongkat Ali', which literally means 'Ali's walking stick'. No prizes for guessing why. When business took me to Jakarta, there were a number of stalls that advertised this. Looked like little coffee shops, and I suppose the locals stopped off for a quick swig.

Indonesia and Malaysia have a lot in common, this and jamu herbal remedies that originate from Indo and are also found in Malaysia among other things.

Yes, it was 'Tongkat Ali' and this is not a placebo, its the real deal. Is this available and legal in Thailand? In Malaysia, it appears to be quite legal.

Tried it huh???? :o

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There is this herb I bought in Malaysia once that really blew me away, so to speak. It was almost too strong. Now I forget what it's called.

My guess is 'Tongkat Ali', which literally means 'Ali's walking stick'. No prizes for guessing why. When business took me to Jakarta, there were a number of stalls that advertised this. Looked like little coffee shops, and I suppose the locals stopped off for a quick swig.

Indonesia and Malaysia have a lot in common, this and jamu herbal remedies that originate from Indo and are also found in Malaysia among other things.

Yes, it was 'Tongkat Ali' and this is not a placebo, its the real deal. Is this available and legal in Thailand? In Malaysia, it appears to be quite legal.

Tried it huh???? :o

Naah... The bra I'm wearing is just a fashion item....

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  • 11 months later...
This thread brings to mind what Willie Nelson had to say on his 75th birthday "I have outlived my dick". I don't think that is a uncommon occurance. So my advice is to get all you can while you can. If you can get something to help you achieve that, go for it.

At 76 , My young wife has few complaints , I cannot manage 3 times a day any more , but there are other methods of stimulation she thoroughly enjoys , something like learnig a new language , should you not be able to pronounce a certain word to get your message home , use sign language .

I was looking for 'Nitro ' one time for the occassional heavy heart beat , went to a chinese hospital who presribed Yuman Baiyao which works by opening up arteries and increases blood flow , the directions said it can also be used as a regular therapy .Fixed the heart beats 'In a beat ' so to speak , continued its use for a week , the results were amazing to say the least . My wife is my libido enhancer just by a look or a touch , the medication supplied the HARDER , LONGER format so much required by many ladies . It suggests 4 pills per application 4 times a day . there are 50 pills per bottle , you get 2 bottles for $10.00 , you get 25 treatments per supply , that is cheap and very enjoyable for your wife to say the least . Tried it for a friend who suffers with ED at 65 , did not work , seems to indicate if the flesh ain't willing , try a different partner , as I became older I needed to find a lady who gave me a 'Stir 'in the nether regions or all was lost , now I have my particular antidote to that particular problem . My wife is also an excellent cook and house-keeper , far from just a 'Sex kitten ' . Try it you may like it , but if successfull your wife/gf will literally love you to death , I always maintained I wanted to die in a strange bed enjoying the pleasures of a sexual partner , my dreams are coming true for me , how about you ? :o:D

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  • 2 months later...
This thread brings to mind what Willie Nelson had to say on his 75th birthday "I have outlived my dick". I don't think that is a uncommon occurance. So my advice is to get all you can while you can. If you can get something to help you achieve that, go for it.

At 76 , My young wife has few complaints , I cannot manage 3 times a day any more , but there are other methods of stimulation she thoroughly enjoys , something like learnig a new language , should you not be able to pronounce a certain word to get your message home , use sign language .

I was looking for 'Nitro ' one time for the occassional heavy heart beat , went to a chinese hospital who presribed Yuman Baiyao which works by opening up arteries and increases blood flow , the directions said it can also be used as a regular therapy .Fixed the heart beats 'In a beat ' so to speak , continued its use for a week , the results were amazing to say the least . My wife is my libido enhancer just by a look or a touch , the medication supplied the HARDER , LONGER format so much required by many ladies . It suggests 4 pills per application 4 times a day . there are 50 pills per bottle , you get 2 bottles for $10.00 , you get 25 treatments per supply , that is cheap and very enjoyable for your wife to say the least . Tried it for a friend who suffers with ED at 65 , did not work , seems to indicate if the flesh ain't willing , try a different partner , as I became older I needed to find a lady who gave me a 'Stir 'in the nether regions or all was lost , now I have my particular antidote to that particular problem . My wife is also an excellent cook and house-keeper , far from just a 'Sex kitten ' . Try it you may like it , but if successfull your wife/gf will literally love you to death , I always maintained I wanted to die in a strange bed enjoying the pleasures of a sexual partner , my dreams are coming true for me , how about you ? :o:D

What you're referring to is Yunnan Baiyao. It was included in the first aid kits of the North Vietnamese during the war and is the only Chinese herb remedy that doesn't list the ingredients. It was meant for serious wounds to use topically or orally. I have used this together with Aloe Vera for healing very bad cuts & wounds. It comes in power form and in gel capsules/blister pack. In the small bottles there is also a very small red pill (ball) to be eaten for gunshot wounds or knife wounds for stopping the bleeding. I've never seen it in Thailand but available in Hong Kong at some herb shops.....as for natural viagra, there's a very effective herb that grows in Issan that definitely works and can be purchased in some herb shops and is quite inexpensive. There is also an incredible herb for eliminating kidney stones that work. I had kidney stones a few years back and was scheduled for the Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) at a cost of 50,000 baht but my wife went out back and picked some herbs, boiled them and on the third day after drinking the very bitter stuff, the stones broke up and passed when I pissed....lots of good herbs in Thailand but be careful not to eat certain foods while taking them..

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Sometimes I think it would be a blessing to not be 'driven' by my small head....even at 60+, I still need 'it' often and have made several wrong moves in the past just to get 'it'.

I've definately slowed down and am now settled with a woman for 8 yrs and the thought of chasing 'it' seems so rediculous, but I still dream about 'it' most of the time and wish i could channel that energy into something more constructive.

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Low testosterone levels is one of the major causes of low libido in older men.

I was prescribed Andriol Testocaps in Oz to combat hot flushes but soon found that the other benefit is increased libido.

They are available in Thailand where most chemists are aware of the libido benefits of them (in fact most think that is their only use).

They come in a gel capsule and should be taken after a blood test to ascertain your actual testosterone level.

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You know I have had a lot more peaceful life here since the guy down stairs stopped directing travel LOL.

There are many things that can effect this in my case the other medications I have to take.

Conducting actitivity in the early in the day seems to get the deal done LOL

The pussy cat down the street really wants my wife to wake up early.

Yes it would nice to have a sex drive again, But, in all honesty better to check with a Dr. very little control on what is put in these things. But each to his own, it's yuor life live it the way you see fit and enjoy as much of it as you can.

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