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Need Some Advice


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Hello there

I am looking to do a tefl or celta course course in Phuket and so far am very confused. The Celta courses Ive seen so far all start in a months time which leaves me with not much to do for a month, and the tefl training centres Ive seen so far seem pretty bogus and give the type of certificate that wouldnt do me much good once I left Thailand. I think I am going to go for the online tefl but again am not sure which one to do and what it really entails. If anyone can recommend a good schooll which will give me a decnt certificate which holds some sort of educational weight and or an online one which will do the same that would be much appreciated.



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The celta teaching couyse centre also said that to get a work permit I need a degree, is that true??? I dont have a degree, any advice guys??? I have hard about people working on a tourist Visa but I fear I wont get another one...??? I have one and was crapping it with that.. Anyway around this ??

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Sorry, we don't do TEFL course recommendations here at the moment. Look at our sponsors, do your homework, shop around, ask a lot of questions, and be a good consumer. If you search through past TEFL threads here you may find some of the information you seek, but we've had too many of these (essentially unanswerable) questions here recently, as virtually no one takes more than one TEFL course so there's no way any of us can compare them.


P.S. Loaded, your odds win again!

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