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Curious “scam Or Genuine”


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Curious “Scam or genuine”

The following has been intriguing me for the last few weeks; if anyone can cast any light on the subject I will be content.

For the last few weeks in Tesco Lotus Pattaya (Sukumvit) around 10am on a Friday I have observed numerous people feeding the Siam ATM machine card after card. I am talking around 40 cards and bagging the cash.

The first was a Farang middle aged woman, she sounded eastern block when she spoke, harshly telling me to use the other machine (Kasikorn) as I stood behind her waiting for her to finish. When we had finished our shopping 40 min later she was still there feeding different ATM cards into the machine and stuffing the cash into her handbag.

The following Friday there were four Thai chaps. One stood at the machine taking cards out of his left pocket bagging the cash then put the used card into his right pocket. He then gave the receipt to one of his friends who then wrote something on it. After around half an hour I retuned to use the machine. He was still there, but he had taken a break, (more than likely RSI) so one of his other pals took over. When we finally left Tesco an hour later, they were still there.


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I don't think this is a scam. I have seen this happen many times and in different places. I once asked my wife why some Thais liked to play the ATM cash dispensers like slot machines. She replied that these people were money lenders. People obtained loans from a money lender and surrendered their ATM cards in exchange for cash. The money lender withdrew cash from the ATM machine each pay day until such time as the money had been repaid for the respective loan. Once the loan is repaid the ATM card is returned to the legitimate owner. It's one explanation - maybe there are others.

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I have also been told that it is a fairly common arrangment that if a short term loan is made to someone who is paid a salary by trasfer into their bank then the lender will hold the bank book and ATM card and make a withdrawal on pay-day themself.

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I saw this at an ATM in a hotel lobby in Vung Tau, Vietnam. Young local couple must have been on the machine for 45 minutes and left with a plastic bag of cash. Looks suspicious to the western eye but the hotel security guard had obviously seen it before so probably a benign local way of getting cash. I would subscribe to Nomads money lender pulling cash against a loan theory.

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I have witnessed this. It is not illegal. Remember that the maximum withdrawal from a Thai bank per day is 20,000-30,000 baht. These people are just schemers. Sucking the baht from the poor and illiterate.

Edited by libya 115
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Yes, most likely moneylenders. I used to avoid having to use an ATM machine on pay days like the plague as not only do they have many cards but they are not exactly quick with the withdrawals. Never seen foreigners doing it but I guess it must be due to the cash limit on withdrawals however AFAIK even using foreign debit/credit cards you are still limited by the local daily cash limit.

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what i find astonishing about the atm machines here in los is how casual they are about refilling them...i mean how little security there is. i was at a branch of bangkok bank here in pattaya and they had one of the atms open for refilling and there are 2 thai lady staff bringing out 3 trays about a foot and a half long full of 1000 and 500 baht notes. i don't know but must have been 400-500,000 baht or more in total. that's like USD 15,000. and the only security is the regular unarmed single guard. also, lots of other customers milling about the branch while this is occurring.

i know that in the philippines, they would have shut-down the branch and had 10-15 shotgun toting securing staff around whenever they refill an ATM :o

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I have witnessed this. It is not illegal. Remember that the maximum withdrawal from a Thai bank per day is 20,000-30,000 baht. These people are just schemers. Sucking the baht from the poor and illiterate.

You are right that the per withdrawl limit is 20 or 25 notes (thus 20k or 25k) but a basic Siam Commercial account will let you have Bt200k, Bangkok Bank can go up to Bt500k and I think kaisikorn is up there above Bt200k. You just have to enter the card again and again.

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