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Okay, I've heard all the jokes and quack remedies (and no, its not due to eating lots of duck and chicken :D ).

I'm 41, not overweight; keep fit regularly at the gym; non-smoker; moderate drinker and meat-eater; but this year especially, I have been suffering with gout more than ever before.

I first developed gout about 5 years ago, and only suffered mild attacks every 4-5 months or so. After a day or more; the attacks would clear up.

Now I have attacks quite frequently, and the medicines I normally take to banish attacks (Celebrex; Indocin; or other generic treatments) do not seem to be helping.

I will have to go to a specialist in the UK at the end of this year if things don't improve here. The Thai doctors I've seen suggest "cutting down on parties". Yes. Right. :o

Does anyone else suffer with gout and have any remedies or advice to pass on?

I'm in quite a bit of pain sometimes and lack of mobility is rather depressing when you're used to being normally athletic and fit. Any suggestions?

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You are taking Allopurinol to lower your uriac acid I hope? I have had (family history) for last 16 years but 300mg of Allopurinol per day has prevented any recurrence. I have Colchicine .6mg as treatment if it does return but bet my money on the Allopurinol to keep free from it and so far have.

It is really, really hard to make anyone understand the pain that one swollen toe can cause. :o

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It is really, really hard to make anyone understand the pain that one swollen toe can cause. :o

Absolutely :D

I don't get it often, when I do one of the medicines containing Ibuprofen clears it up in a day or two (helps dissolve those pesky urea crystals that cause the pain).

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Bang on lopburi3.Only other thing to add is drink lots and lots of water.A good anti-inflamatary like voltarin also helps with the pain etc during an attack.

BTW, many western Doctors are not prescribing Colchicine any more, but if it works and doesn't give you a case of the screaming shites...go for it. :-)

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You are taking Allopurinol to lower your uriac acid I hope? I have had (family history) for last 16 years but 300mg of Allopurinol per day has prevented any recurrence. I have Colchicine .6mg as treatment if it does return but bet my money on the Allopurinol to keep free from it and so far have.

It is really, really hard to make anyone understand the pain that one swollen toe can cause. :D

No, lopburi. I've taken Colchicine regularly, but never heard of Allopurinol before. :o Is it widely available here?

Thanks for the advice. :D

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Every pharmacy or hospital will have Allopurinol on the shelf. Both the rather expensive (for Thailand) brand name and much cheaper local made versions. Normal size is 100mg and 300mg. I take one after breakfast each day.

As chuchak says the Colchicine is not a user friendly drug so it is much better to prevent. I also spent a few years not knowing - few days of hurt but not sure what causing - only after it became almost impossiable to press the break pedal did I see doctor and get on the Allopurinol routine. Also do blood tests every 3 months - such care here is not expensive but it was well worth it even at US price.

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kmart, as lop has said, Allopurinol is the way to go

It works by causing less uric acid to be produced by the body. Allopurinol will not relieve a gout attack that has already started. but it will help to prevent gout attacks. It is not an instant cure,and only really works after taking it for a few weeks at least.

One of the biggest pluses of Allopurinol, is that it also helps prevent kidney problems associated with a high uric acid content in the blood.eg:kidney stones

Colchicine prevents or relieves gout attacks by reducing inflammation.it does not get rid of the problem.taken over a long period it can be quite toxic to the body.A short dose over a few days is generally ok.Still, buyer beware.

Believe it or not, gout is approx 80% hereditary.If you have any Pacific island blood lines, you are 5 times more prevalent to getting gout than the average whitey.Being overweight is also a large contributer to this disese.

Food high in purines is also a no no


Beer, other alcoholic beverages.

Anchovies, sardines in oil, fish roes, herring.


liver, kidneys, sweetbreads etc

beans, peas

Meat extracts, consomme, gravies.

Mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower.

Stress can also bring on an attack, because during stress, the body can sometimes produce large amounts of uric acid.

Most of my family (blokes) were cronic sufferers.My uncle had a three year study done on him by a medical Universety Prof.He was actually brought in to talk to med students in lectures to describe what it was all about.

I have personally had more pricks than a dart board when it comes to having cortizone (the last resort) injections in my joints. If it ever goes from the feet to the knees, then the pain can be undescribable....and having it in the big toe or ankle is way bad enough!!

Prevention is everything.When you actually get gout and it hurts, you are doing damage to your joints.The uric acid crystals that form, dig into your ball and socket...The longer it goes on, the more damage you are doing.

And don't forget to drink lots of water. :o

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Hi Kmart,

Gout attacks can be so painful they can break tears in the eyes of the toughest among us.

I believe you know what I am writing about.

I've been living in Thailand for over five years now, and like many expats in Thailand, I love my beer (in my case, Thai style: on the rocks :o )

The climate being so hot and humid, to me, nothing is more refreshing than a cold beer but my gout condition does not always approve my taste for the amber nectar and every now and then, I wake up with a seriously swollen big toe. The pain is so excruciating that I can hardly walk, let alone put my shoes on.

I have done some internet research about the condition, and as I’m quite reluctant to taking any sort of drug, I found some excellent general information about gout on the following non-commercial website: http://www.icuredmygout.org/

The answer to gout, according to this informative site, is as simple as taking small doses of baking soda in a large glass of water. I could hardly believe it myself, but I eventually tried it out, and it worked wonders for me.

Check out the info available there, and see for yourself whether you wish to give it a try (see your doctor first).

Quack remedy or not, baking soda is available in any local store or supermarket in Thailand, it’s an alternative to expensive and sometimes unavailable medicines in Thailand and it won’t break the bank. Lastly, it’ll ease up heartburn.

Hope this info is helping out!

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As all have said this is the meds for gout, also the pain killer used in the UK was indomethacin, I think?

I was treated for this some years ago, it didn't work, mainly because it was mis-diagnosed, I had arthritis not gout :o

good Luck


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I used to get minor cases of gout, and the periodic stronger episodes. I, also, am in pretty good shape. The doctor threatened to put me on meds, colchinase, so I did some research.

Came across an article on ginseng, specifically Korean red ginseng.

I've been taking it now for 3 years, and not a touch of gout. Told 2 others, and they are having the same results.

There are many types, but I use that Korean red. Maybe other types will have the same effect, but it's not expensive, and works for me.

Good Luck!!

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I read this thread yesterday and woke up with gout in my foot this morning.

I blame you bastards! :D

The power of suggestion, eh? :D Therein lies the cure maybe?

Good advice here. Up 'til now I've been treating gout defensively, ie; waiting for attacks to occur, before seeking medication / help. I'm sure that preventative medicine "Allopurinol" is the way to go on this.

Thanks for some sterling advice, chaps! (Convinced this is only a male disease)

I've tried to cut down on purine-rich foods for the last few years and swapped the beer for a glass of vodka, but my genetics are not helping. All my family have some arthritic problems.

I'm just lucky that up 'til now I've not had any kidney stones.... :o

Thanks again :D


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fresh vegetable juices like Carrot Clelery and Beetroot everyday will do the trick and also have heard apple cider vinegar works as well...along with certain dietary restrictions as mentioned by a previous poster....again i wouldn't take pharmaceuticals for this condition on a long term basis as you can cure it without taking them and not have to worry about side effects of the medicines.

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fresh vegetable juices like Carrot Clelery and Beetroot everyday will do the trick and also have heard apple cider vinegar works as well...along with certain dietary restrictions as mentioned by a previous poster....again i wouldn't take pharmaceuticals for this condition on a long term basis as you can cure it without taking them and not have to worry about side effects of the medicines.

I'm wary about being dependant on medicine for the rest of my life too. Unfortunately, I've tried various foods;diets; and supposedly low purine regimes, and it seems to have made no difference.

Stress could be a big factor too.

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I got an attack about 4 years ago(left foot) and I agree with writers about the pain !!!!!

I am a non drinker and non smoker with medium sport activity.

My doctor (in Indonesia)advised me to take 1/2 tablet of Zyloric 300 (as prevention)

In Thailand this was replaced by Allopurinol 300 at the cost of 5 baht per tablet (6 sept 2006)

I have my uric acid checked twice a year (lab costs 200 baht)

Normal range of measurements should be between 3,4 and 7.

If it becomes higher,you can sign in for an attack !

Edited by dutch
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I got an attack about 4 years ago(left foot) and I agree with writers about the pain !!!!!

I am a non drinker and non smoker with medium sport activity.

My doctor (in Indonesia)advised me to take 1/2 tablet of Zyloric 300 (as prevention)

In Thailand this was replaced by Allopurinol 300 at the cost of 5 baht per tablet (6 sept 2006)

I have my uric acid checked twice a year (lab costs 200 baht)

Normal range of measurements should be between 3,4 and 7.

If it becomes higher,you can sign in for an attack !

Will point out the active ingredient of Zyloric is Allopurinol. That is the high priced UK brand name it is sold under here in Thailand, and obviously Indonesia.

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You are taking allopurinol to lower your uric acid? I have been taking 300mg per day for the last 20 years and have not had to use anything else (although have colchicine if required). Sorry don't know the alternative medications as have been lucky so far.

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had gout for 20 years took many different medications, but somebody said they tried cranberry juice everyday and had no problem, i have done the same for last 10 months and not had a problem, except when i stopped for a short while. started again and its ok .

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