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Thailand's Reputation


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Before I set foot in Thailand, I knew very little about it. I did not know Thailand from Taiwan. The only thing I knew of Thailand was from the movie Anna and the King and the song One Night in Bangkok....

Then one day I open a travel magazine and say I will visit the place my finger lands on... Next thing you know I am booking and researching my trip to Thailand.....

Over the years when I would return from my yearly trip to Thailand, I would come home and tell others about all the wonders I encountered. The beautiful sights I had seen.... The charming people who befriended me.... The wonders I saw in the entertainment venues..... I love it here and I wanted them to love it to and to go visit.

Then the news of Child Molesters seem to stay in the news.... One after the other.... Causing our news to do special reports on the "Child Sex Industry" with the focus on Thailand and Laos. On Sixty Minutes (A investigative news magazine here in the USA). did a story on the industry, they followed an American (Or he was Canadian) from Thailand to Laos and talked to him on hidden camera. Over the days he told the undercover reporter where to find children, how much to pay and not to worry about police. He went on to tell him to tell everyone back home that you are visiting Thailand and not to mention Laos... Never tell them you visited Laos! Talk about the Temples in Thailand and the people there, but never tell them you visited Laos.......

So over the years the comments some would make to me about Thailand have changed. In the beginning they would joke with me not to come back home with a Thai wife... Now the comments are... Your going to Thailand? That is where all the pedophiles are going now isn't it?

I also find myself defending Thailand by reminding them that the USA has its own problem with adults having sex with children; Priests, Teachers, Aunts, Uncles, Coaches and others as well as a host of abductions to the point that we created what is known as an Amber Alert to notify a given area when a child is missing and suspected of being abducted.

Anyway.... I decided that when I return to Thailand I will say nothing. No one will know I am vacationing in Thailand and if I am asked where I was for so long, I won't tell them. I will make something up but I won't tell them I went back to Thailand.

I also found that I am not the only one keeping his Thai vacation secret. I was in chat with some of my friends (We chat on MSN in group. We all love Thailand) some of them are professionals but most of us are not and when I talked about my keeping my next visit to Thailand a secret, most of them told me they have been doing just that for some time now. But some of them had different reasons for doing so.

(On a side note, I use to chat with a guy on Yahoo, and we shared information we found related to Thailand. It was going to be our first visit to Thailand and we both were on pins and needles... He was going to visit 1 month before me... When he came back he told me about his trip and even felt comfortable telling me, a stranger in reality, that he had sexual relations with children! After that admission our conversation ended and I never spoke to him again).

To sum it all up in a question.... Is Thailand suffering a negative reputation in your homeland to the point that it bothers you enough to keep your visit a secret, not admit to teaching if you are a teacher in Thailand?

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Sure, what you are desribing is real.

There is also more than a grain of truth to the negative stereotypes. When a single man visits here again and again, there is more than a fair chance he is not here for more temple tours.

I never went so far as to lie about it, but sometimes I avoided announcing it. My mother when she was alive was distressed about it. She used to say, Thailand, again ??? However, in her case it was more about why not someplace new, not anything specifically negative about Thailand.

Edited by Jingthing
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When I first returned to Thailand after a thirty year period between visits, my thoughts weren't on women, well not particularily :D I had wanted a closure visit to Vietnam and then some diving in Thailand was an after thought, due to a conversation I had with an American family in Hong Kong. I didn't see much of Thailand just Bangkok and Kohs Samui and Phangan. But it was enough to keep me returning for a couple of months every year, :o

Very few of the people I associate with ever brought up the sleazier aspects of Thailand, and through the copius amount of photos I took every year most have a decidedly favorable opinion, to the point, maybe a dozen of them have traveled to and been enchanted by Thailand. One couple (in their sixties) have been 3 times in the last 8 years since I've met them. As they own a travel company among their businesses it pretty easy for them. Some photos and a catered diner party at their home caused their travel, but Thailand caused their return.

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Before I set foot in Thailand, I knew very little about it. I did not know Thailand from Taiwan. The only thing I knew of Thailand was from the movie Anna and the King and the song One Night in Bangkok....

Then one day I open a travel magazine and say I will visit the place my finger lands on... Next thing you know I am booking and researching my trip to Thailand.....

Over the years when I would return from my yearly trip to Thailand, I would come home and tell others about all the wonders I encountered. The beautiful sights I had seen.... The charming people who befriended me.... The wonders I saw in the entertainment venues..... I love it here and I wanted them to love it to and to go visit.

Then the news of Child Molesters seem to stay in the news.... One after the other.... Causing our news to do special reports on the "Child Sex Industry" with the focus on Thailand and Laos. On Sixty Minutes (A investigative news magazine here in the USA). did a story on the industry, they followed an American (Or he was Canadian) from Thailand to Laos and talked to him on hidden camera. Over the days he told the undercover reporter where to find children, how much to pay and not to worry about police. He went on to tell him to tell everyone back home that you are visiting Thailand and not to mention Laos... Never tell them you visited Laos! Talk about the Temples in Thailand and the people there, but never tell them you visited Laos.......

So over the years the comments some would make to me about Thailand have changed. In the beginning they would joke with me not to come back home with a Thai wife... Now the comments are... Your going to Thailand? That is where all the pedophiles are going now isn't it?

I also find myself defending Thailand by reminding them that the USA has its own problem with adults having sex with children; Priests, Teachers, Aunts, Uncles, Coaches and others as well as a host of abductions to the point that we created what is known as an Amber Alert to notify a given area when a child is missing and suspected of being abducted.

Anyway.... I decided that when I return to Thailand I will say nothing. No one will know I am vacationing in Thailand and if I am asked where I was for so long, I won't tell them. I will make something up but I won't tell them I went back to Thailand.

I also found that I am not the only one keeping his Thai vacation secret. I was in chat with some of my friends (We chat on MSN in group. We all love Thailand) some of them are professionals but most of us are not and when I talked about my keeping my next visit to Thailand a secret, most of them told me they have been doing just that for some time now. But some of them had different reasons for doing so.

(On a side note, I use to chat with a guy on Yahoo, and we shared information we found related to Thailand. It was going to be our first visit to Thailand and we both were on pins and needles... He was going to visit 1 month before me... When he came back he told me about his trip and even felt comfortable telling me, a stranger in reality, that he had sexual relations with children! After that admission our conversation ended and I never spoke to him again).

To sum it all up in a question.... Is Thailand suffering a negative reputation in your homeland to the point that it bothers you enough to keep your visit a secret, not admit to teaching if you are a teacher in Thailand?

:D I wouldn't worry that much about Thailand's reputation.

I'm now 61 years old, and I've been coming to Thailand at least twice a year since 1977.

I still have people assume I must be going to Thailand for the sex and booze.

The idea that at 61 years old I am still capable of chasing 20 year old women who could be my grand-daughter is flattering, but not a reality any longer.

Simple minds always need a stereotype to shape their opinions. The stereotype is Thailand the land of pedeophiles and child sex.

Everybody knows that if you go to San Francisco, Ca. you will find everyone is gay. If you go to London, you will find everyone drunk in pubs all day, and all of them are football hooligans. If you go to Dublin, everyone knows all Irishmen are drunken bums. These are all simple stereotypes that have no truth.

Thailand has a fantastic and diverse culture and people. It is well beyond a simple stereotype.

So I wouldn't pay too much attention to what simple minds think. They can't comprehend the diverse and complicated truth of a culture or country.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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One bad fish stinks the whole ocean!! and how many do we have now? Too many. Not being so negative here but seems like it takes up time to do some' good and it takes only one to ruin it all in a second.


Edited by legag
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I don't get that uncomfortable feeling now as i go with my Thai wife but i used to. The first time i went to Thailand in 2000 was as part of a tour group with the sole purpose of fullfilling a long held dream of mine to visit a real jungle! (which turned out to be a bit dissapointing, only ever saw one spider!) Then i noticed how beautiful the women were and thats when my adventure began, and yes i visited the bars and had some fun no regrets at all. So what if thats why some guys go there good on them for go getting what they want.

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I first came to Thailand back in the sixties. Not stopped since!

Two Thai wives and forty years later my father decided to ask what was it I so loved about Thailand?

My answer was to bring him along.

Three weeks later had to drag him back to the airport, he never did stop talking about it thereafter!

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Tell them you are going to thailand and be proud of it. If start ribbing you about dodgey thailand, I'd start in on their country of residence because we all know how perfect their country is. :D

Spot on! :o

To be honest most of the intelligent people see the hyped up media dross for what it is, just a lurid headline sales pitch for newspapers. Those that can't see through the crap are, in general, the kind of person I avoid anyway. It is unfortunate and embarrasing when a paedophile from the home country gets picked up but with the UK's liberal "community care" treatment it can be said "well you put them back in circulation".

And to add to IMA FARANG's list of stereotypes and one that's perpetuated here on TV at times: Any male who lives, or holidays, in Pattaya is an ugly, drunken, shaven headed, fat, tattooed, sex tourist hooligan but enough of their good points.

When anyone asks me why I go to Thailand so often I answer honestly. It's the one country I have discovered, so far, that suits me with the easy going lifestyle, great weather, great food and if I want a bit of company it's not an issue plus I can get by with the language after twelve years working there. I must admit I am warming to Viet Nam but jeeez the language is a real toughie but, with a little help from my friend, I am doing my best. :D

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When I first told my parents I was staying in Thailand they asked me if I had drugs problem.

I had just graduated medical school and had never taken drugs, never mind having a problem! But that's what jumped in to their mind as Thailand back in the early 90s was famous for heroin with the Golden Triangle.

Thailand's now famous for sex, rather than drugs. The Thai authorities may well manage to stamp that out as well, or something even worse will come along!

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Thank you, Paul. This is the best thread I have ever read. With a tinkle of sadness to know of the shame one could have for visiting Thailand, I cannot offer any right answer but express great surprise of the predominance of such an image.

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The thing what bothers me most is the fact that , why be ashamed or

be worried what people think ?

I mean you know what you do or don't , you know what kind of person

you are or aren't .....I don't let anyone rule my world , whatever they

think if not done intelligently ( happens more then often) , that thought

comes from ignorance , so in fact are just dumb ....

Let them and be proud what you know is right and makes you feel good ,

they can learn something from that .

About the child molesting subject is of-course sensitive material , its not wrong

people are talking about it. The police seem to become more serious these days and we can

be happy with this change . Maybe because of international pressure .

But its a nice thread for a change Paul .

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Many "home" countries...especially the USA have a very naive and parochial view of the world....I really don't think it's worth bothering with these sort of people.....let them stew in their own ignorance.

In defense of the people of the USA, every single one of my real friends back there has come over here and visited me, sometimes multiple times, and each one wants to come back. Don't lie about it, buy them a ticket!

Edited by Jingthing
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Thanks EVERYONE for the great feedback. Although I posted this in the wrong forum (I thought I was posting this in the "General" forum), I am glad it ended up in this forum and allowing me to enjoy the non-hostile responses.

** Back on topic **

I wish I could ignore the opinions of others but the others I speak of are co-workers and in our work environment their opinion can have an untold influence. I have worked here for 20 years and LOVE my job. So the reality of the situation for me is that I have to read my situation and act accordingly. But if I was giving advice to others on the same situation, I too would suggest to be honest and proud of their visit to Thailand and if there are any repercussions and consequences.... Well... Um.... I would then remind them that they did not tell us that there could he repercussions and or consequences... LOL

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I met a really sweet girl on Kaosan road today. The girl is half cambodian and half Laos, and I told her that I think she is really beautiful, and that I would consider her marriage material. She took delight of me, and she offered to make me a child. She is 29 years old, umarried, and is very sweet. I told her that I wanted to impregnate her first, to make sure she is serious about loving me.

I need to find a hotel in Bangkok that will allow me to bring her in where I could start impregnating her on our first date. It is exciting knowing that here, there is someone beautiful that is willing to love me and give me a chance at life.



Are you serious?



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No, he isn't. Just trolling I suppose.

By the way, this topic turned out to be not what I expected. "All the negative media reporting" I assumed referred to the current political situation, the military coup and the mess that followed.

It's almost reassuring to see that people still find the sex scene an issue. :o I recenlty watched Yet Another Docutainment thingy, from Channel 4 this time. All VERY harmless..

I agree with Emperor Tud: Thailand deservedly has this reputation; my advise to both the Thais as well as everyone here would be to accept it and be proud of it. It adds a sense of adventure to travel to Thailand; face it, if it wasn't for the sex thing to spice things up, it would be as boring a destination as the Maldives or Malaysia.

So... say it Loud... I'm fat, 56, riding loud motorcycle with 20 year old chick on the back AND I'm proud. :D

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This topic makes me think of the old story about, "Six blind men and an elephant". Each one touching different parts of the elephant, and each man coming up with different discriptions of the elephant.

There are many who have opinions that never visited thailand. Based on others opinion. This mindset almost motivated me not to go.

Next time someone at work ask me why, I'm going a second time, my answer will be, the food. Then I gonna just walk away.

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Thailand is seldom mentioned on US television unless there is some expose' being done on child prostitution where they inevitably link it to Southeast Asia. Beyond that, it is generally out of sight...out of mind .

Unfortunately, when there is a story that makes primetime national news headlines and Thailand is involved, it has been where high profile suspects such as John Karr or Christopher Neil are apprehended. The media doesn't use the story as an example of Thai Police doing a good job in apprehending them as much as they use it to reinforce the stereotype that it is a haven for pedophiles.

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Yeah just tel 'em...."Come to Thailand it's cheaper than wanking!" that's wot they do at home isn't it?

Right, and I'm sure you do a lot to dispel the negative image.

Thailand is seldom mentioned on US television unless there is some expose' being done on child prostitution where they inevitably link it to Southeast Asia. Beyond that, it is generally out of sight...out of mind .

Unfortunately, when there is a story that makes primetime national news headlines and Thailand is involved, it has been where high profile suspects such as John Karr or Christopher Neil are apprehended. The media doesn't use the story as an example of Thai Police doing a good job in apprehending them as much as they use it to reinforce the stereotype that it is a haven for pedophiles.

Actually, it's not a stereotype, it's a fact, although I will admit that it is quickly changing from being a haven. The Thai police seem to do a good job when there is an international man hunt involved, with the help of interpol and Western immigration and legal enforcement. Otherwise, they wouldn't care less, which is why it did become a haven in the first place.

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Paulusa302, some of those news programs in the states come-up with these sensationalistic

stories about foreigners travelling to some poverty stricken, 3rd world country to abuse the

locals because it sells. And yes it does occaisonally happen as it happens in our own country.

In fact if you were here for any length of time and read about the disturbing number of young

girls raped by their classmates or abused by their uncles you would wonder why that doesn't

get any press coverage? Sure, some of these really undesirable types exist here, but in no way

to the extent that is portrayed on the news. I'm actually more concerned why the abuses

some Thais are able to inflict upon each other because of status or class are so easily ignored?

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Well, it's also true that the local scene is much more rampant, and the reason THAT doesn't get any press is because it is kept as quiet as possible here. Western media is concerned with a Western angle. If you can't see how the local scene, the lax legal enforcement, and rampant corruption have contributed to making this a destination for criminals and pedophiles fleeing from the law - as well as regular sex tourists, men looking for a wife, and other "non-harmful" visitors - then you obviously have your head up your ass for a reason and there's no point in arguing with you.

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