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Xbox Or Ps2


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thats a difficult question: Both are good. PS2 can play DVDs out of the box, while the XBox needs something additional.

The XBox has per default a Harddisk that makes things easier.

The Harddisk can be also exchanged to a larger one.

Also a point is: Both devices must be modified to be able to play the local Panthip games. There is a wide area of modifications, but not let the usual shop in Thailand thouch your PS2 or XBox and do not buy a already modified one.

The XBox Harddisk can be also exchanged to a larger one and you can connect it to your network (with modchip inside).

I think the XBox gives you more possibilities, while the PS2 is easier to use.

For questions or help on modifications contact me per email, I stay in Bangkok.

about modifications you can read something about www.psxtune.com

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It all depends on the games. I would have said get the PS2 last year, but the Xbox is getting better games, especially exclusives like Halo 2, Fable, Conker, Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive, etc.

PS2 has a wider variety of fighters and RPGs. But the Xbox has the best first person shooters.

Xbox also has the best online service. But, that isn't too relevant over here unless you got a miracle DSL ISP.

I guess it depends on what genre of games you are into. Both console games are easy to find here.

I have an Xbox and I'm really happy with it. The Xbox is the only console to have in-game digital surround audio. I believe both consoles support HDTV.

Happy hunting.

Oh, and most modded Xboxes come with a region killer DVD program, thus the extra DVD component is not needed. However, some of the pirated DVDs don't play on my xbox. Make sure you get an Xbox with a Samsung drive, they are the latest drives to be incorporated into the xbox, and have less problems than the older Phillips and Thompson drives that were used in older xboxes.

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small Add: The Thompson drive seems to be the worst in the XBox.

For XBox I don't know but for PS2 do not buy a second hand one.

Halo 1 for PC. Yes at Panthip place. I am sure, because I completed that game already

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I was a big PSX fan but I just wasn't impressed with most of the titles on PS2 so I put it off. Anyway, I was still a big fan of the Dreamcast by then and just never budged. I bought the X Box specifically for Halo and crap I've been loyal ever since. I have a pretty good Internet connection so X Box Live has been awesome - Splinter Cell 2 dm's are just - plain and simple - kicka$$! Also the content downloads keep the game fresh. 3 new boards seemed pretty weak additions for Splintre Cell but believe U me, it was definitely much appreciated. Rainbow Six is great as well and I'm into Riddick now. Played both on PSX and XBox and XBox is definitely crisper and smoother. I'd say get the X Box.

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I was a big PSX fan but I just wasn't impressed with most of the titles on PS2 so I put it off. Anyway, I was still a big fan of the Dreamcast by then and just never budged. I bought the X Box specifically for Halo and crap I've been loyal ever since. I have a pretty good Internet connection so X Box Live has been awesome - Splinter Cell 2 dm's are just - plain and simple - kicka$$! Also the content downloads keep the game fresh. 3 new boards seemed pretty weak additions for Splintre Cell but believe U me, it was definitely much appreciated. Rainbow Six is great as well and I'm into Riddick now. Played both on PSX and XBox and XBox is definitely crisper and smoother. I'd say get the X Box.

What ISP do you have? How did you set up your Live account over here? I would like to get on Live.


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I've got all 3 consoles - PS2, Xbox & GC

The Xbox is BY FAR the best.

Make sure you get one with a 200gig hardrive so you can copy games to the HD and play from there.

Also it will probably come with a 1000 or so SNES, GBA & MEGARDRIVE roms and associated emulator.

Besides DVDs you can use it to play DIVX movies or TV shows you get from the net

Oh and the games look and play A LOT better, thanks in part to the excellent feel of the "S" controller

Picked up Burnout 3 yesterday - wow!!! Not got to the SE races yet though - it's harder than the last one

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I've got all 3 consoles - PS2, Xbox & GC

The Xbox is BY FAR the best.

Make sure you get one with a 200gig hardrive so you can copy games to the HD and play from there.

Also it will probably come with a 1000 or so SNES, GBA & MEGARDRIVE roms and associated emulator.

Besides DVDs you can use it to play DIVX movies or TV shows you get from the net

Oh and the games look and play A LOT better, thanks in part to the excellent feel of the "S" controller

Picked up Burnout 3 yesterday - wow!!! Not got to the SE races yet though - it's harder than the last one

Burnout 3 is out already?!!!!?

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I use TRUE but not the Unlimited package - I decided to stay away after reading all the reviews regarding them. I stayed on with the 1024/523 package they gave me a while back - 50hrs for around 1850 but it's all good, I go over a bit and it's a lot better than hitting some of the slow dialup speeds I've been reading about from the Unlimited Package. I setup my Live acct from here but I used a US credit card. I think it will work with any credit card where Live is already available - I know of US, UK and Singapore only but there should be more.

Just picked up Riddick - ###### nice game.

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I use TRUE but not the Unlimited package - I decided to stay away after reading all the reviews regarding them. I stayed on with the 1024/523 package they gave me a while back - 50hrs for around 1850 but it's all good, I go over a bit and it's a lot better than hitting some of the slow dialup speeds I've been reading about from the Unlimited Package. I setup my Live acct from here but I used a US credit card. I think it will work with any credit card where Live is already available - I know of US, UK and Singapore only but there should be more.

Just picked up Riddick - ###### nice game.

Do you have a modded xbox? I heard xbox live would fry your mod chip or something.


I picked up my xbox for 12,000 in Phuket (with 2 controllers, mod chip and 5 games). I think I saw them at Pantip for 10,000. Not sure if they were modded or not though.

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I picked up my xbox for 12,000 in Phuket (with 2 controllers, mod chip and 5 games). I think I saw them at Pantip for 10,000. Not sure if they were modded or not though.

Sounds a fair deal to me, where did you get the xbox from?

If a similar deal is still available i'll go get one on payday :o

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online games and Modchip does not fit together. You need a modchip which you can switch off. Such a Modchip is 19 US$, so I would buy a virgin XBox and mod it yourself, or contact me for infos.

www.psxtune.com is located in Thailand, drop them an email and ask for Michael, he is good and he gives guarantee for the chip......

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X-Box for sure!

As has already been said that there are a whole load of games coming out over the next few months, and although many of them will be out on the PS2 the games will be refined on the Xbox.

Hopefully it will be worth it for HALO 2 and Fable alone.

I'd say the only benefit to the PS2 at the moment is the fact that San Andreas will be on PS2 first. Bugger!

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Wondering if anyone could give me a hint on where to obtain a modded X-Box in Pattaya. I heard there is a Mod chip on the Market which can be shut off in order to play Xbox Life, so I would fancy this one.

Anyone know a reputable dealer for this in Pattaya? (No, I cannot do it myself, no way!)


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in bankok we can do it :-)

www.psxtune.com actually we are from Austria and don't want to go public on this but we can do it easily.

Nearly every modern chip can be shut down at the moment, so I guess on the street you also find many shops who can do it.......

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For those using xbox live from here what is the lag like? Surely all the games are unplayable as a result... The ping must be in excess of 500?

Oh and can anybody tell me if you have to buy the Official HDTV cable set from MS to enable progressive scan? I'm going to get a HDTV set soon

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I get my butt kicked all the time in Halo and Rainbow Six deathmatch but that's probably due to my lack of skillz instead of lag. Lag isn't bad, that's why I'm with TRUE, didn't want to mess up my connection with taking a chance with another provider. Though when I did go with the new Unlimited package I switched back right away due to tremendous lag, even with regular surfing

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Got myself one of those HDTV sets and can now play games in Progressive Scan.

This is another area in which the Xbox rules supreme over the PS2 & GC. The PS2 has very few progressive scan game but almost all Xbox games run in 480p and some run in 720p & 1080i widescreen

Words cannot describe how much better these progressive scan games look. Burnout 3 in 480p widescreen on a 30" LCD HDTV is a thing of beauty

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Its kinda sad nobody mentions the GameCube! (well I understand why since "piracy" is so rampant). Games like Metroid Prime and Biohazard (Resident Evil) look really good, and the family/party/ 4player games are a blast!

Look into on if you dont mind paying full price for "real" games and you have friends that can come over to play.

No doubt though X-box Ninja Gaiden on a HDTV is stupendous though...

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