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Regarding Bg's And Their "better" Half.


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I have had opportunity to talk with a number of ex-workers here and the majority got into it because of the huge financial rewards for what they deemed as little work compared to an office job, a 7-11 job, etc. Yes there are those who send moeny to parents back home, but there are are an equal number, if not more, whose families have no clue they are bar girls and would be devastated if they found out.

Why do I think we see bar girls as unfortunates? My suspicion, at the risk of getting mass-flamed, is that many men use that scenario to feel they are being somewhat "noble" by paying for sex in LOS. It is all part of the illusion that draws us here.

But the bottom line is that whether it is a GFE in Bangkok or a quickie in Amsterdam, paying for sex is paying for sex. There is just a better illusion created with the scene here. I have no problem with prostitution if it is the woman's choice, but to say that the Thai girls are "different" is the equivalent of putting lipstick on the pig...

Just my two baht...

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Yes there are those who send moeny to parents back home, but there are are an equal number, if not more, whose families have no clue they are bar girls and would be devastated if they found out.

In my experience this is not correct. I have spent time with families in Isaan villages whose daughters work in Pattaya, etc. They know full well what goes on - but don't talk about it. They are grateful for the financial support they are receiving. I believe that there are very few families who are not aware of what their daughters do and how they get paid.

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A long time ago I had a flat, or condo, in Bangkok. I also had a girl friend. One night we had a party and invited lots of people from the Beer Garden on Soi 7. One of my saddest moments in my life was to watch one girl crying, she had not got a man and she thought that she was too old to get one again. It turned out that my girl friend was married and lived in Victoria, Canada. At the end of the day the person I respect is the girl who cried. The good thing is that we are still in contact and help each other out when needed. I’ve still not gone to bed with her..

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Begs or Polo may have said something like :

" The vast majority of bargirls would gladly accept social security payments in a western country instead of working in a bar"

"Unless you <deleted> have ever been poor, you have no idea what you are talking about"

" The reason that you are able to comment on the Bargirl situation is because you are willing participants in the exploitation of the very people you slag off"

" Your guilt reduces you to sniping at the very people that you are happily exploiting, like when you masturbate to the images on an Asian porn site, then after its over, you feel guilty and vow never to do it again, but you always do. The cycle of abuse, exploitation and guilt continues unabated"

"This forum is not a soapbox for the truth, its a place where smug farangs can pat each other on the back for exploiting other less fortunate human beings"

I will make no comment on my own stance.

Hi Dave. :o

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what is difference between them and a regular thai girl??



There are large number of thai girls who have to work in factories, farms, selling fruit on the street , cashier at 7/11 they are ,too do it for survive. Why they are willing to do the work that only pay 7000thb per month instead of turn to the bar and work less hrs to earn much more money? they have thier PRIDE.

You are talking out of your arse.

show me a 7/11 type job that a thai girl can do to earn 7000 bht a month.

utter bullsiht, try 2000 - 3000 bht a month.

The average service girl salary in Pattaya is around 4000bht per month.

Some of them have to work in bars to earn more money to support the needs of their families, and it cannot be done on that kind of salary.

My wife worked in a office in udon thani and she made 4000 baht a month bar girls don't have pride?? give me a break you try doing their job i'm sure some are good hearted girls and do have pride

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what is difference between them and a regular thai girl??



There are large number of thai girls who have to work in factories, farms, selling fruit on the street , cashier at 7/11 they are ,too do it for survive. Why they are willing to do the work that only pay 7000thb per month instead of turn to the bar and work less hrs to earn much more money? they have thier PRIDE.

You are talking out of your arse.

show me a 7/11 type job that a thai girl can do to earn 7000 bht a month.

utter bullsiht, try 2000 - 3000 bht a month.

The average service girl salary in Pattaya is around 4000bht per month.

Some of them have to work in bars to earn more money to support the needs of their families, and it cannot be done on that kind of salary.

My wife worked in a office in udon thani and she made 4000 baht a month bar girls don't have pride?? give me a break you try doing their job i'm sure some are good hearted girls and do have pride

Exactly as i said before, any girl can have a sense of pride, it does'nt and should'nt matter what they do. :o

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I suppose many men would look at things a little differently (Note: I said MANY not ALL).

Some men may wonder why do some men love and marry a woman with a MB or Phd that maybe aren't very sexy and maybe wouldn't even consider giving a BJ.

It's all perspective based on depth of character and personal preference and other individual traits that aren't easily ammended.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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I suppose many men would look at things a little differently (Note: I said MANY not ALL).

Some men may wonder why do some men love and marry a woman with a MB or Phd that maybe aren't very sexy and maybe wouldn't even consider giving a BJ.

It's all perspective based on depth of character and personal preference and other individual traits that aren't easily ammended.

:o Coffee!!! :D

Go for performance, horsepower and sense of humour over everything else.

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Begs or Polo may have said something like:

" Your guilt reduces you to sniping at the very people that you are happily exploiting, like when you masturbate to the images on an Asian porn site, then after its over, you feel guilty and vow never to do it again, but you always do. The cycle of abuse, exploitation and guilt continues unabated"

I will make no comment on my own stance.


Stop wanking over Asian porn websites if it's making you feel guilty. :o

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I cant see why this tread got into the subject: "why bg's start to work as bg's".?

This tread had nothing to do with bg's.

It was about the middle aged, well set guy, who talking rotten about bg's after coming home to his homecountry with his wife (the x- bg.)

And why someone mixing thai economy into this tread.... :o ...well, it beat me!

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You must get your information from 30 year old American Blaxslpoitation movies...Not the first time, probably not the last...

But then again, this must be a Brit who's writing this......

I dont mean to generalize.....it was just an example, and yes, i never been to harlem. I just ment some lousy place with whores offering their services, sorry if i offended you to bring up harlem.

OH....and thanks.....i didnt thought my english was so good you actually could misplace me with a brit... :D


The Vikings came to visit, but we weren't very friendly :D

But we did pay a lot of Danegeld - kept everyone happy that way - pity the bloody Normans (descendants of Vikings) wouldn't take a quick bribe - greedy buggers wanted the lot.

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