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Marriage to Thai lady does it last.

Any statistics on how long Falong Thai marriage lasts.

What is the significance of a Buddha wedding to Thaïs?

Should they be a poll on this?

Your honest comments appreciated.

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I've managed nearly 10 years and it's not been too bad, but then there's not much difference in our ages.

I still get "Smoke too much", "Drink too much", "Money too little" and get inspected for my apperance as if it was my first day at school.

I still get "Smoke too much", "Drink too much", "Money too little"...

That's the meaning of a happy matrimony... :o


Like most things it depends on the relationship. My wife is not impressed with religion and neither am I, so thats not a factor.

She has no strong familt ties and enjoys being in the UK. So I don't feel like I have married the family and not just the girl. She had a good job ( by Thai standards) and brought money with her. So the partner ship is not one sided.

In fact I would like to live in Thailand for a while and she is not bothered. So we will probably stay in the UK.

She is a lot younger than me but I am fit and healthy and don't act my age !!

I don't think its useful trying to generlise about relationships.

However when I was last in Thailand a few weeks ago I was astounded at the number of farangs ( in this case English men) I met who were head over heels with Thai bar girls and intending marriage after about a week!!

I am not saying all marriages to bar girls will fail. Its just more likely.

Any statistics on how long Falong Thai marriage lasts.

i haven't come across any as such, but i know the british embassy in thailand don't keep a register of divorces.. only marriages... that must tell us something...

i was checking out the overall divorce rates for thailand, just to see how they compared to the ROW... (see below) .. as you can see thailands divorce rate is less than that muslim dominated state, syria...

i imagine that if i were going to marry a thai... then i would seek to get divorced in the LoS... potentially easier & quicker... so others probably think as i do.. in which case they would show up in the general divoce rate stats.

Country Description Amount

1. United States 4.95per 1000 people

2. Puerto Rico 4.47per 1000 people

3. Russia 3.36per 1000 people

4. United Kingdom 3.08per 1000 people

5. Denmark 2.81per 1000 people

6. New Zealand 2.63per 1000 people

7. Australia 2.52per 1000 people

8. Canada 2.46per 1000 people

9. Finland 1.85per 1000 people

10. Barbados 1.21per 1000 people

11. Guadeloupe 1.18per 1000 people

12. Qatar 0.97per 1000 people

13. 0.88per 1000 people

14. Portugal 0.88per 1000 people

15. Albania 0.83per 1000 people

16. Tunisia 0.82per 1000 people

17. Singapore 0.8per 1000 people

18. China 0.79per 1000 people

19. Greece 0.76per 1000 people

20. Brunei 0.72per 1000 people

21. Panama 0.68per 1000 people

22. Syria 0.65per 1000 people

23. Thailand 0.58per 1000 people

i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


Like most things it depends on the relationship. My wife is not impressed with religion and neither am I, so thats not a factor.

She has no strong familt ties and enjoys being in the UK. So I don't feel like I have married the family and not just the girl. She had a good job ( by Thai standards) and brought money with her. So the partner ship is not one sided.

In fact I would like to live in Thailand for a while and she is not bothered. So we will probably stay in the UK.

She is a lot younger than me but I am fit and healthy and don't act my age !!

I don't think its useful trying to generlise about relationships.

However when I was last in Thailand a few weeks ago I was astounded at the number of farangs ( in this case English men) I met who were head over heels with Thai bar girls and intending marriage after about a week!!

I am not saying all marriages to bar girls will fail. Its just more likely.

This thread has notting to do with BG.

This thread has notting to do with BG.

but you didn't specifically exclude them, did you?

since a significant proportion of farangs end up marrying bg's (and bitterly regretting it afterwards) then they are bound to become part of the topic of conversation within this thread... :o

This thread has notting to do with BG.

but you didn't specifically exclude them, did you?

since a significant proportion of farangs end up marrying bg's (and bitterly regretting it afterwards) then they are bound to become part of the topic of conversation within this thread... :o

Harry i just did.I should have known better.

i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?


i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

TP - you're playing games with me... i didn't condem you or your like for using a prostitue for anything other than a evening of pleasure... i merely stated that in my opinion the chances of it lasting were low... you mean i can't state an opinion that might upset folks... c'mon....

madame palmer was as pure as the driven before we got together (not actually married yet though).. sure i indulged in a little pleasure with the odd prostitute before i met her but i never really considered anything other than a respectable girl to settle down with...

tell me... would you seriously consider a relationship let alone marriage to a prostitute in your own country? so why here then?

i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

ouch that spear hurts... :D

I still get "Smoke too much", "Drink too much", "Money too little" and get inspected for my apperance as if it was my first day at school.

I agree with this post.

5 years and counting here - been a wonderful 5 years also.


i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

TP - you're playing games with me... i didn't condem you or your like for using a prostitue for anything other than a evening of pleasure... i merely stated that in my opinion the chances of it lasting were low... you mean i can't state an opinion that might upset folks... c'mon....

madame palmer was as pure as the driven before we got together (not actually married yet though).. sure i indulged in a little pleasure with the odd prostitute before i met her but i never really considered anything other than a respectable girl to settle down with...

tell me... would you seriously consider a relationship let alone marriage to a prostitute in your own country? so why here then?

i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

ouch that spear hurts... :D

Harry there was no need for you to generalize my question with BG

Weather Thai Pauly is right or wrong makes no difference what is right is the question in hand.

This was and still is a credible question.

Probably without realizing it, you have answered my question

i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...


i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

It Shows, you should stick to the "Jokes Make my day" section where you were posting every ten minutes when you first became a memeber :D

And to answer your question, I would Marrry Anyone I was in LOVE with.

Tell me if I had been (not to say I was not) a "Male escort" in Farangland would that have seriously limited my chances of marriage?


One factor that has been overlooked is that second marriages, where the first marriage has ended in divorce, are more likely to fail than first marriages.

One factor that has been overlooked is that second marriages, where the first marriage has ended in divorce, are more likely to fail than first marriages.

So armed with these "Facts" Richard what chance of a 4th marriage being sucessful????

You have the stats, spit them out then

Marriage to Thai lady does it last.

Any statistics on how long Falong Thai marriage lasts.

What is the significance of a Buddha wedding to Thaïs?

Should they be a poll on this?

Your honest comments appreciated.

I don't have any statistics but I do have some observational experience having been married to a Thai national for some 17 years and having been living in or at the very least maintaining close ties to Thailand for nearly 25 years now. I have met many, many a folk over the years who have married a Thai, both former bar girls and women not from that scene. And the bottom line is that few of the marriages last and that many of the marriages that do last still involve daily challenges.

A cross cultural marriage, and this is from personal experience also, is like roller skating on an ice rink. You have two world views, as the cultural anthropologists would say, that have the potential to come into conflict, such as perceptions on health, child raising, family, and dreams to name just a few.

Bottom line is that the odds are against a lasting marriage so hold on to your pocket book. On the other hand, when I meet a nice girl who works at a bar, having no other viable work options, and she meets some dumb falang who falls in love after one week I urge her to try to marry the fool and take as much money as she can get but I also tell her who knows, maybe it will work out for a lasting relationship, but get paid one way or another from the get go in case it is a hopeless relationship.

As for a Buddhist wedding, I know few options in Thailand unless you marry a Muslim from the south or the rare Thai Christian. But caveat emptor, the Thai Christian churches tend to be fundamentalist American sects with a frosting of third world animism that are not what most would call mainstream Christianity.

Marriage to Thai lady does it last.

Any statistics on how long Falong Thai marriage lasts.

What is the significance of a Buddha wedding to Thaïs?

Should they be a poll on this?

Your honest comments appreciated.

I don't have any statistics but I do have some observational experience having been married to a Thai national for some 17 years and having been living in or at the very least maintaining close ties to Thailand for nearly 25 years now. I have met many, many a folk over the years who have married a Thai, both former bar girls and women not from that scene. And the bottom line is that few of the marriages last and that many of the marriages that do last still involve daily challenges.

A cross cultural marriage, and this is from personal experience also, is like roller skating on an ice rink. You have two world views, as the cultural anthropologists would say, that have the potential to come into conflict, such as perceptions on health, child raising, family, and dreams to name just a few.

Bottom line is that the odds are against a lasting marriage so hold on to your pocket book. On the other hand, when I meet a nice girl who works at a bar, having no other viable work options, and she meets some dumb falang who falls in love after one week I urge her to try to marry the fool and take as much money as she can get but I also tell her who knows, maybe it will work out for a lasting relationship, but get paid one way or another from the get go in case it is a hopeless relationship.

As for a Buddhist wedding, I know few options in Thailand unless you marry a Muslim from the south or the rare Thai Christian. But caveat emptor, the Thai Christian churches tend to be fundamentalist American sects with a frosting of third world animism that are not what most would call mainstream Christianity.

Good SENSIBLE post, thank you Bizz


i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

It Shows, you should stick to the "Jokes Make my day" section where you were posting every ten minutes when you first became a memeber :D

And to answer your question, I would Marrry Anyone I was in LOVE with.

Tell me if I had been (not to say I was not) a "Male escort" in Farangland would that have seriously limited my chances of marriage?

but if it was a prostitute.. how do you know she loves you? doesn't it matter that she may have been having her furrow ploughed by all & sundry for months or years in many cases? good on you if that's what you want... but don't get stressed when i suggest it's not for all...

I've managed nearly 10 years and it's not been too bad, but then there's not much difference in our ages.

I still get "Smoke too much", "Drink too much", "Money too little" and get inspected for my apperance as if it was my first day at school.


Nineteen years last month. :wub::(-_-

Love her a lot..... same "Smoke too much", "Drink too much" same, but different year. Hope I Kan Win a few more years...with my Palaya and more :D

My cloths as always neat and tide….. :o

Happy Days :D:):D


i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

It Shows, you should stick to the "Jokes Make my day" section where you were posting every ten minutes when you first became a memeber :D

And to answer your question, I would Marrry Anyone I was in LOVE with.

Tell me if I had been (not to say I was not) a "Male escort" in Farangland would that have seriously limited my chances of marriage?

but if it was a prostitute.. how do you know she loves you? doesn't it matter that she may have been having her furrow ploughed by all & sundry for months or years in many cases? good on you if that's what you want... but don't get stressed when i suggest it's not for all...

Harry, oh thou who has a whiter than white maiden, come on, you are now clutching at straws (and they are very short) You did not answer the question did you? I do not begrudge you your ideal life for one moment, the fact that you refer to your girl as "Madamme Palmer" means that you are not ready (or don't trust her enough) to commit. the "MP" bit is just a ruse why not just put GF or BG we dont really care you know, honesty is the best poilcy. You dont know me, I have a few freinds who know who I am on this site, and the commend my honesty, I am not two faced, I tell it like it is (and will probably be banned because of it at some stage)Having said that, you already know it, otherwise as I understand it with 2 kids (correct me if I am wrong) why don't u commit to MP, GF, BG, , stop talking s##t Harry and add something constructive to this site, c'mon, let it go!!


HP and TP, what the <deleted> do you get so excited about?

Once you forget the BG, TG, prostitute or whatever and just respect a girl or woman for what she is, you might feel better.

I tell you a secret, I would marry a lovely TG, never mind what she is or was, just got one problem. my wife objects to.

Now get back to your corners and learn one thing, the woman or girl you love is what you get, but perhaps you don't deserve her.

HP and TP, what the <deleted> do you get so excited about?

Once you forget the BG, TG, prostitute or whatever and just respect a girl or woman for what she is, you might feel better.

I tell you a secret, I would marry a lovely TG, never mind what she is or was, just got one problem. my wife objects to.

Now get back to your corners and learn one thing, the woman or girl you love is what you get, but perhaps you don't deserve her.

Axel, this is between me and him, he said things, and i ain't the "forgive and forget" type of person, he has explanations to give, please leave us to get on with it.


There was no answer to this question I knew this as I wrote it there are so many variable to take into consideration .Worth having the views of members.

This comment by Johpa is worth due consideration

[A cross cultural marriage, and this is from personal experience also, is like roller skating on an ice rink. You have two world views, as the cultural anthropologists would say, that have the potential to come into conflict, such as perceptions on health, child raising, family, and dreams to name just a few.]

As most if not a large percentage are over 50 the 2-nd marriages would be the norm.

From a personnel point of view, this will be my second marriage having spent 28 years married to my previous wife.

Yes, I loved her and yes, there is a place in my heart that no other woman can take but then that is life and life is so short live for today yesterday is gone.

Axel, this is between me and him, he said things, and i ain't the "forgive and forget" type of person, he has explanations to give, please leave us to get on with it.

OK TP, I lean back and let you2go on.

But don't you 2 get over excited. :o


Hi Bizz,

I too had concerns whether my relationship with my TG would last and am sure the same thoughts go through any persons mind whatever the nationalities.

I think that many of us brought up in “Catholic” Ireland had it deeply ingrained that marriage is for life and that in Thailand this may not be so.

Since the end of my 14 year marriage I have come to the conclusion that “long term” is a lot shorter than I thought. This is not a bad thing!

Buddhism – IMPERMANENCE is one of the classic Buddhist Three Marks of Existence, along with suffering and the doctrine of non-self.

I suggest that anyone considering marriage live with the person for as long as possible before hand.

Have a Happy…


One factor that has been overlooked is that second marriages, where the first marriage has ended in divorce, are more likely to fail than first marriages.

So armed with these "Facts" Richard what chance of a 4th marriage being sucessful????

You have the stats, spit them out then

The last figures I had, for the UK, are fairly old. It was something like a 30% failure rate for the first marriage, and 50% for the second marriage. I believe a 4th marriage, assuming the previous three ended in divorce, is more likely to fail than not, but I've no non-anecdotal evidence that people don't learn from previous failures.

On the other hand, I do know of an Englishman's 4th marriage to Thai lady as her second husband (don't know how the first ended) that is still surviving after 6 years, so there is hope.


What lasts forever ?

Be happy for each day you have .

Stop wineing about , oh she did this and she did that or shes from Thailand . Everyone can tell you stories , some good and most bad , go out and live and get your own stories ! Geezzzz !

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