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Proper Protocal For The Princess.


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My boss has asked that all the foreigners wear black and/or white during the mourning period for the princess. If we don't have that then conservative, dark clothes may be OK. Are there any other protocols or customs that should be followed during this time? Especially things that should NOT be done that might inflame sensitivities.

Any information that folks have about the 15 days mourning versus the 100 days mourning and all the events surrounding this event would be appreciated.

When will the cremation be?

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Well if your employer requested this then I suggest you comply, at least during work hours.

Anywhere else, just do as you see around you. I'm imagining a bit more black & white in Bangkok compared to elsewhere; if it's an official function, especially in Bangkok, then wearing black would be appropriate.

There's a big seminar at Thammasart university, discussing most of the things that we cannot, where people were requested to wear black. That would be an example of an official/formal occasion.

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Well if your employer requested this then I suggest you comply, at least during work hours.

Anywhere else, just do as you see around you. I'm imagining a bit more black & white in Bangkok compared to elsewhere; if it's an official function, especially in Bangkok, then wearing black would be appropriate.

There's a big seminar at Thammasart university, discussing most of the things that we cannot, where people were requested to wear black. That would be an example of an official/formal occasion.

Yes that conference discussing what we can not here but which I discuss with many Thai's face to face will be interesting!

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Yes, most of us are complying in as much as possible. Just wondering, before we make any major snafus, if there is anything else.

Now since this is starting to become a little bit cryptic, where can I find out more about the conference. Someone mentioned the BKK post, what day?

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Yes, most of us are complying in as much as possible. Just wondering, before we make any major snafus, if there is anything else. Now since this is starting to become a little bit cryptic, where can I find out more about the conference. Someone mentioned the BKK post, what day?

I don't feel it's appropriate to post that in the current topic, and it would be a hijack of the topic anyway. Maybe a moderator can post the link in the news forum, and immediately close the topic?

In the meantime, you can Google for "bangkokpost deference", which will find the Bangkok Post article. I believe it was in yesterday's Bangkok Post.

Edited by Lilawadee
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My girlfriend is pretty vocal about how stupid, she feels her fellow Thais are for wearing certain colors on certain days, and even more so when the government "requests"it. That said, I have noticed this past week she is wearing only black or black/white. Though she hasn't said anything, I take it that it is her way to show respect for someone who has passed on, in keeping with Thai traditio.

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Most companies are requesting work attire to be black and or b&w. Christmas / NY parties have been cancelled, the RBSC family day has been cancelled, and other 'festive' events have either been cancelled or the 'fesstive' part of the activities have been severly toned down.

I would just say, don't be going out an celebrating too much publically (although within bars and restuarants its no prob)

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All this is good practice for the real thing. But most locals where I live have given up watching TV as it's too depressing. As far as the conference goes, odd to see that even though HRH Princess Sirindhorn is opening it, the main topics to be debated by both Thai and forgin academics still can't be discussed here.

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From what I read in newspapers, those in mourning may wear black, white or grey. That's what my colleagues are wearing. I believe people attending any of the official ceremonies have been asked not to wear the yellow or pink shirts that are often worn on Mondays.

Incidentally, the Thai word for mourning is wai thook.

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One of the reasons I brought this up was because on the Monday after the princess' death, several employees wore the yellow shirts (we had been asked to wear them all the previous year). For some reason, the administration took offense to this, although absolutely none was intended.

Since the yellow shirts with the Royal Insignia are approved by the Royal Houshold Bureau, is it OK to wear them during the mourning period? Would it be inappropriate to go shopping, for example, on Monday evening with the shirt on?

Part of the thing is, we aren't in the center of BKK, but in the outskirts and a lot of people don't want to do anything that is offensive in the area where we work/live.

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This thread is skirting delicately around a topic about which I'm sure we all have very strong views, one way or another. I understand completely why we can't discuss them openly, lese majeste laws being what they are...

Edited by micksterbs
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Aren't you people overreacting a bit here?

I understand official occasions and office. But have you got any idea of the number of tourists in Bangkok who probably don't even know of Her passing away. Life goes on as normal. I heard about this first time on 4th when I returned back home in Bangkok from a holiday at Ko Chang.

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people are reading too much into it....

If you are working for a govt employer....wear black or dark....for the 15 day period.

If your boss requests it then do it also....you dont want to lose face.

If you are a tourist....situation normal. Just be careful about making inappropriate remarks regarding the Royal Family.

Go out and socialize....Just dont make an a$$ out of yourself.

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One of the reasons I brought this up was because on the Monday after the princess' death, several employees wore the yellow shirts (we had been asked to wear them all the previous year). For some reason, the administration took offense to this, although absolutely none was intended.

Since the yellow shirts with the Royal Insignia are approved by the Royal Houshold Bureau, is it OK to wear them during the mourning period? Would it be inappropriate to go shopping, for example, on Monday evening with the shirt on?

Part of the thing is, we aren't in the center of BKK, but in the outskirts and a lot of people don't want to do anything that is offensive in the area where we work/live.

It may depend on where you are employed and what their requirements are. My fellow coworkers and myself have been asked to wear dark colors, preferably black slacks, white shirt with a black tie. Dark blue would also suffice. However, we were also politely asked not to wear yellow, green, or pink shirts, regardless if an insignia was on it or not. Out of respect for those around us, we have complied. My understanding is that this is only for the 15-day mourning time, not for the 100-day requirement for the government. My best advice would be to wear what is asked for the remainder of the next few days. After that, ask again about what is appropriate to wear.


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One of the reasons I brought this up was because on the Monday after the princess' death, several employees wore the yellow shirts (we had been asked to wear them all the previous year). For some reason, the administration took offense to this, although absolutely none was intended.

This is just a case where employees would be smart to do whatever their HR department requests. It makes sense to keep HR happy. But as far as the government is concerned, mourning for the private sector is entirely voluntary. No one is going to be shot at dawn for not wearing black.

Since the yellow shirts with the Royal Insignia are approved by the Royal Houshold Bureau, is it OK to wear them during the mourning period? Would it be inappropriate to go shopping, for example, on Monday evening with the shirt on?

I would say no, it is not inappropriate while shopping. I still see plenty of yellow shirts in central Bangkok this week.

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Black white or dark is ok. To wear the insignia of the king's 80th birthday on a black shirt however is not ok,

as there wd be a contradiction between celebration and mourning on hte same shirt.

I was thinking along the same line.

There are folks discussing about possibly wearing a black armband while wearing the pink/yellow shirts but I did think its still not appropriate.

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To lighten the moment.

A year back, a fren tells this joke of his workmate when they visited Thailand on a business trip.

The workmate sees everyone in yellow with the insignia and commented: "My goodness, all these people in uniform must be working for a really big company, what company is it?

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Thanks folks, the problem is that a lot of people with a little power are trying to decide what is appropriate and what's not. I was informed now that we have a sporting event and everyone is to wear the team colors, but NOT black and white.

I just said 'you people are just making this stuff up as you go!' We have people missing work because they suddenly think or are told they are wearing something wrong. It's a case of too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

Good God, I am glad the Golden Globes are cancelled, I wouldn't know what to wear.

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I don't know that the gov't is clear enough for a lot of foreigners to really understand. Our perspective is often quite different, as are our mourning rituals. I've heard a few things about what gov't employees and officials are supposed to do. My employer has decided we should do the same, with variations.

Cultures are very subtle and things that we wouldn't even think about, might suddenly be offensive. My compliance with my employers wishes is not just to comply and it's not out of a deep sense of loss for me, but it is out of respect to those people who do feel this loss significantly.

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In Phuket, I have not seen so much dark clothes. But when I went to BKK last Monday I wore my yellow jacket with insignia because it was the only jacket that I possess which I ned to wear to cover my TPV uniform when I'm not working, (I was working later that evening in BKK).

On the BTS I stood out like a bright yellow canary amongst a sea of black! No-one said anything to me but I didn't feel comfortable at all. Usually on Mondays it's yellow everywhere.


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