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Australian Aged Pension

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Thanks for the article @Gregster. Interesting, but as has always been said, it is all a grey area. And can change in a flash. There have unfortunately been no actual reports of anyone traveling/holidaying for years before returning for the OAP at OAP age and getting portability without doing the 2 years. I am still 4 years away so will only know then. I have a home that I do not rent out, seniors card, club memberships, tax returns, etc. etc. and return 3 times a year for about a month and travel to other countries. But unfortunately, it is still as clear as mud. :sad: Don't mind spending extended periods back if required, but, we are talking about a 2 year prison sentence. :whistling:

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2 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Same for me, but I had been out of Aus. in Thailand for a few years but fought the non-resident status and won my case (written up ealier in this long running thread) departed about 3 years after gaining the pension and have been back in Thailand since 2010 without any problems. 

Thanks for that mate. But you still had to hang around for 3 years. Will go back and read your report. The million dollar question is can you convince them that you are just traveling while you are still healthy and intend to return permanently at some stage.

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2 minutes ago, rhodie said:

Thanks for that mate. But you still had to hang around for 3 years. Will go back and read your report. The million dollar question is can you convince them that you are just traveling while you are still healthy and intend to return permanently at some stage.

I don't think he had to hang around for 3 years, he just chose to do so.

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5 minutes ago, giddyup said:

I don't think he had to hang around for 3 years, he just chose to do so.

Thanks. Just read @Artisi's story and it seems he did not have to stay the 2 years. But, he did anyway. I have only been following the thread for 2 or 3 years. His case does seem similar to what mine will be so that's positive. :smile:

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3 hours ago, rhodie said:

Thanks for that mate. But you still had to hang around for 3 years. Will go back and read your report. The million dollar question is can you convince them that you are just traveling while you are still healthy and intend to return permanently at some stage.

No I didn't have to hang about,  I was classified as resident and was free to travel in and out at my leisure,  the extended stay was my wife on thai government PhD scholarship, I fought the resident / non resident status on principle and to allow my return to Thailand for various reasons at my leasure without any pension hassles. 

Plus it gave her time to apply for aussie citizenship - so she is now a dinky die aussie (well nearly)

Edited by Artisi
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On 3/26/2018 at 4:40 AM, scorecard said:


...but why have you waited until turning 73 to do anything about it?


Good question of course. I did call the predecessor of Centrelink years ago (in those days my health not too bad) and was told very clearly that there was no possible way that Australians living abroad would ever get the OAP. 


For years I accepted that as the answer and it's only recently I noticed a highlighted comment on a TV thread, I clicked and went to the full post and found several messages which mentioned two things:


- Being in Australia at the time of lodging the OAP application form, and


- Portability.


So in the next few days I will call Hobart.





I just read in Gregsters post a little ways above #2272 that:


You can apply for the Age Pension online (although you must be physically residing in Australia or in a Social Security Agreement country). Just make sure that your MyGov account is linked to Centrelink. You might find it useful to familiarise yourself with the required forms—the questions tell you what Centrelink are interested in. Even if not at pension age yet, these questions might help you to plan ahead.  

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12 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I just read in Gregsters post a little ways above #2272 that:


You can apply for the Age Pension online (although you must be physically residing in Australia or in a Social Security Agreement country). Just make sure that your MyGov account is linked to Centrelink. You might find it useful to familiarise yourself with the required forms—the questions tell you what Centrelink are interested in. Even if not at pension age yet, these questions might help you to plan ahead.  

I have just been through the process, expecting a decision tomorrow. 4 points:


Don't go to a CL office expecting assistance from an actual person. They will point you to a computer, so you might just as well do it at home.


They will ask for for travel dates going back many years, dates you probably don't have, but they can access through immigration, or that you have previously supplied. Don't sweat it, just put approximations and they will correct.


An off-shore bank a/c is a complication you really don't want. Better to close it before applying, if possible. KISS principle applies.


You will need to present plenty of ID. A current passport is not enough, add driver's licence and credit card.




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1 hour ago, halloween said:

I have just been through the process, expecting a decision tomorrow. 4 points:


Don't go to a CL office expecting assistance from an actual person. They will point you to a computer, so you might just as well do it at home.


They will ask for for travel dates going back many years, dates you probably don't have, but they can access through immigration, or that you have previously supplied. Don't sweat it, just put approximations and they will correct.


An off-shore bank a/c is a complication you really don't want. Better to close it before applying, if possible. KISS principle applies.


You will need to present plenty of ID. A current passport is not enough, add driver's licence and credit card.




Good luck mate

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3 hours ago, halloween said:

I have just been through the process, expecting a decision tomorrow. 4 points:


Don't go to a CL office expecting assistance from an actual person. They will point you to a computer, so you might just as well do it at home.


They will ask for for travel dates going back many years, dates you probably don't have, but they can access through immigration, or that you have previously supplied. Don't sweat it, just put approximations and they will correct.


An off-shore bank a/c is a complication you really don't want. Better to close it before applying, if possible. KISS principle applies.


You will need to present plenty of ID. A current passport is not enough, add driver's licence and credit card.



They will also need a address and possibility Utility bill if available

They will need to know that you are actual living in a actual address

They also will need to see that you have closed a overseas bank account

It will not be easy but as stated use KISS principle


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5 hours ago, halloween said:

I have just been through the process, expecting a decision tomorrow. 4 points:


Don't go to a CL office expecting assistance from an actual person. They will point you to a computer, so you might just as well do it at home.


They will ask for for travel dates going back many years, dates you probably don't have, but they can access through immigration, or that you have previously supplied. Don't sweat it, just put approximations and they will correct.


An off-shore bank a/c is a complication you really don't want. Better to close it before applying, if possible. KISS principle applies.


You will need to present plenty of ID. A current passport is not enough, add driver's licence and credit card.




* 1 - Knowing Auss is suppose to be a 1st class world, it gave up on human interface shutting down branches & making you use computers or hang on to a phone for god now's how long

* 2 - I take it the travel history is to prove residency - What would they think if you only came to Thailand ? App dates ! I would have to many to list 

* 3 - They will no doubt be checking your bank files since it will be the only way they may find your overseas account 

* 4 - ID, Auss has a 100 point system which will require certain documents to make that up


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2 hours ago, Lizard2010 said:


I stay with my elderly mother (as a carer, but no benefit claimed) and all utilities are in her name. It was deemed sufficient that all accounts, licence and tax return were addressed here. But they did want to know when she moved to that flat (why??).

IIRC the question asked was list current bank and super accounts, and supply statements.

They were also interested in current occupation, earnings and hours worked, documentation required. IMHO none of their bloody business, but if you want the pension, answer all questions.

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3 hours ago, BEVUP said:

* 1 - Knowing Auss is suppose to be a 1st class world, it gave up on human interface shutting down branches & making you use computers or hang on to a phone for god now's how long

* 2 - I take it the travel history is to prove residency - What would they think if you only came to Thailand ? App dates ! I would have to many to list 

* 3 - They will no doubt be checking your bank files since it will be the only way they may find your overseas account 

* 4 - ID, Auss has a 100 point system which will require certain documents to make that up


I posted earlier on here.when I was applying they kept asking why I had an account with Bangkok bank, I said when I go for a holiday I will use the bit of money in there. They asked how much was in the account I said I thought you would know that? 4 months later they call me and say after careful consideration we have decided to pay you. But with a 2 year ban.def pays not to rattle their cage

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10 minutes ago, maccastime said:

I posted earlier on here.when I was applying they kept asking why I had an account with Bangkok bank, I said when I go for a holiday I will use the bit of money in there. They asked how much was in the account I said I thought you would know that? 4 months later they call me and say after careful consideration we have decided to pay you. But with a 2 year ban.def pays not to rattle their cage

I doubt very much if C'link has access to overseas bank accounts.

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1 hour ago, giddyup said:

I doubt very much if C'link has access to overseas bank accounts.

Maybe/possibly he informed Centrelink about the account.


Yep, I'm not sure how Centrelink would even know how to get details of overseas accounts

unless they were informed by the applicant.

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8 minutes ago, Will27 said:

Maybe/possibly he informed Centrelink about the account.


Yep, I'm not sure how Centrelink would even know how to get details of overseas accounts

unless they were informed by the applicant.

Maybe he had to supply statements of his Auss accounts & they picked up on transfers to his Thai account

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4 minutes ago, Will27 said:

Maybe/possibly he informed Centrelink about the account.


Yep, I'm not sure how Centrelink would even know how to get details of overseas accounts

unless they were informed by the applicant.

Probably that - or someone else told them (deliberately or accidently).


Referring back to the earlier posters:


Good luck halloween - hope residency is accepted.


And to rhodie and others planning to claim being on holidays in Thailand for a few years while continuing to reside in Australia, the key is to have evidence that you always had Aust as home - lots of evidence like banks accounts licence etc etc, and regular trips back to see family/friends, and all the other stuff previously mentioned AND also have 'proof' that you have cut ties with Thailand (like closed bank accounts, cancelled lease, etc) and that you now intend staying living in Australia forever and that the only reason you lived for lengthy periods in Thailand was because it was so cheap and you couldn't get a job in Aust and couldn't afford it for the whole year (give examples) and you knew it was only once you got the pension that could you afford to live full time in Aus. And many other things that are relevent to your situation. And as someone said - do not ever 'rattle their cage' - the decision makers are 90+% feminazis and hate the idea of men having a good time :)  


The idea is to:

1. Prove you have always lived in Aust;

2. Prove you are now staying living in Aust;

3. Give them nothing - to prove you are not 1 and 2;

4. Take from them everything - that the OAP offers.



And once on the OAP and after a suitable timeframe:

Get your ars** back to Thailand.

image.jpeg.3e5b21526bfba34b5605346f2a29d9d4.jpeg  image.jpeg.380c5439c678b84c6af6c7ea44fff811.jpeg


PS - I hope Arnie is recovering well after the surgery.


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The Assets Test requires reporting of all bank accounts in Australia and overseas. Some people presumably under-report by not declaring their overseas accounts. That increases their pension, if it's a part pension.

While it's a moot point whether Centrelink can acquire information from sources other than the pension recipient, I prefer not to take the risk. Because if Centrelink does find out you have concealed assessable assets from them, the sky will fall.


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12 hours ago, BEVUP said:

Maybe he had to supply statements of his Auss accounts & they picked up on transfers to his Thai account

I transfer via a 3rd party (OFX) to my g/f's a/c. $15 flat fee and better exchange rates.

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I transfer via a 3rd party (OFX) to my g/f's a/c. $15 flat fee and better exchange rates.

Great suggestion re OFX, but from what I’ve researched, you can only TRANSFER (orBPay) money to OFX from your BANK ACCOUNT. Wouldn’t this leave a transaction record for Centrelink for them to ask you “where/who did this money go” when they’re scrutinising your bank account?
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23 minutes ago, Gregster said:

Great suggestion re OFX, but from what I’ve researched, you can only TRANSFER (orBPay) money to OFX from your BANK ACCOUNT. Wouldn’t this leave a transaction record for Centrelink for them to ask you “where/who did this money go” when they’re scrutinising your bank account?

Surely there is nothing wrong with transferring your own money anywhere you want TBH.


I wonder how Centrelink would deal with someone of pension age with little or no money

who returned to Oz and applied for the pension.


Would be a big call to refuse the pension and leave him out on the street.

I could imagine that going down well with the media.


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2 minutes ago, Will27 said:

Surely there is nothing wrong with transferring your own money anywhere you want TBH.


I wonder how Centrelink would deal with someone of pension age with little or no money

who returned to Oz and applied for the pension.


Would be a big call to refuse the pension and leave him out on the street.

I could imagine that going down well with the media.


If they meet the criteria they are entitled to a pension, simple as that. It may not be portable if they hadn't been living in Oz previously, that's all.

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11 minutes ago, giddyup said:

If they meet the criteria they are entitled to a pension, simple as that. It may not be portable if they hadn't been living in Oz previously, that's all.

Yep, agree with that.


But there are people on here saying that you have to prove that you're going to stay in Oz.

What I was trying to say but should've said it better, was that if Centrelink decided someone

wasn't going to stick around and refused them.

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1 minute ago, Will27 said:

Yep, agree with that.


But there are people on here saying that you have to prove that you're going to stay in Oz.

What I was trying to say but should've said it better, was that if Centrelink decided someone

wasn't going to stick around and refused them.

I think something like that would make the papers if they refused someone who was entitled.

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28 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

Just on this portability 

On one hand people say never tell CL your going to not live in Auss & on the other they mention portability 

Is there some sort of reporting every yr to them

If you have portability of the OAP there is no further responsibility to remain in contact.

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4 minutes ago, sceadugenga said:

If you have portability of the OAP there is no further responsibility to remain in contact.

Never had contact with C'link in 8 years. Money goes into the bank every month regularly.

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20 hours ago, giddyup said:

I doubt very much if C'link has access to overseas bank accounts.


You will be amazed at what Govt departments can acess

Even from overseas


Plus if the Government want to give you a payment

It is there business to find out

These are the rules

If people do not like them that is there perogative

We all have to abide by the rules

Otherwise payments for people who have money that they do not need

Or are trying to rort the system

We can not  say we are entitled to a payment now

The rules have changed no 5% to the pension fund

many tax reduction

If we get a payment consider it we did the right thing


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1 minute ago, Lizard2010 said:


You will be amazed at what Govt departments can acess

Even from overseas


Plus if the Government want to give you a payment

It is there business to find out

These are the rules

If people do not like them that is there perogative

We all have to abide by the rules

Otherwise payments for people who have money that they do not need

Or are trying to rort the system

We can not  say we are entitled to a payment now

The rules have changed no 5% to the pension fund

many tax reduction

If we get a payment consider it we did the right thing


I already said that you have to meet the criteria to access the OAP, but I don't think C'link can get info about overseas accounts unless you advise them. If you have evidence to the contrary please let us know.

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