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I expect to move to Thailand very soon and I would like to take my Yorkie (dog) with me. Looking for advise. i.e. Documents required. Will he be safe?

Will he be safe? Hmmmm. :o

He may take a liking to the street dog s' packs. develop a liking to chase motorcycles, and suffer the consequences and the wrath of the motorcyclists.

Many dogs I see here, spend all day lay down sleeping. Far too hot for them.

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I think this topic is better suited for the Plants, Pets & Vets in Thailand Forum on this site. There is a plethora of information about getting common, as well as the not so common household pets into the glorious "Land 'O Thais" on that forum. I would use the T/V search function and see what you get. You can't be the first Canadian bringing a dog here, lol...

I brought both my Somali cats from the US nearly 3 years ago, and they have adjusted fine. Although I still don't think they realize they are actually in thailand.

It was pretty straightforward getting them in to this country. Rabies documentation from my country, health certificates, etc. I met someone at the old airport who 'expedited' the paperwork on the thai side for a 'small fee'. Even though their plane landed at 1:30AM, the vet signed off and I got their carriers right off the luggage train as it came from the plane. They spent less time at the airport than I ever

I think you'll find your dog will adjust to this climate fine, and will have a great life. The other day I was at my vet, and the waiting room was packed with the 'toy breeds' of dogs; Yorkies, Silkies, Skyes, Poms, Chihuahuas, and there was even a long haired Dachshund wandering around in there. You will find premium foods are easily available, and good veterinary care is far more affordable than in a first world country once you find a vet clinic you like.

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