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Well lads the next thing i need to do is start getting my wifes name on my utility bills.

But how? how can i get my wifes name on as many bills as possible?

I have just called my bank and asked them if it was possible to open up a joint bank account, with my present current account.

They said it was not possible as she is not uk resident.

So guys, obviously i want to start this sooner than later, maybe the experts on this forum could point me in the right direction.

Thanks, Scotty............

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As soon as she arrives in UK on a settlement visa she will be resident. She should be able to open a bank account in her own name (shouldn't think she wants her name on yours from what you say :o ) Certainly if she gets a job and needs her salary paid into a bank they will open an account for her.

No need to rush but you can easily get her name added to the council tax bill, you could probably get her added to the electricity or water bill, she could buy the TV licence in her name and once she registers with a doctor she will get correspondence from them. All the letters don't have to be in joint names, just addressed to both of you individually at the same address.

There is no immediate panic, you should just be aware that you will need them so just make sure you keep all the official type letters addressed to her


Don't forget to get her started on English lessons too, as she will have to obtain the English/citizenship qualification before getting her indefinite leave.

On a separate note, once K. joins you, fire off a Working Tax Credit application as you may then be entitled to a bit of extra bunce from HMG. She can quite legitimately be added to a tax credit application without it having a bearing upon her immigration status.



Cheers scouse,

I have just called the working tax credit help line, and they saidbecause I earn more than £16000 a year, I cant claim working tax credit.

The English course, is it a speeking English course, writing English course?


I have just called the working tax credit help line, and they saidbecause I earn more than £16000 a year, I cant claim working tax credit.

Never mind: it was worth a thought.

She has to sit either an ESOL with Citizenship course or take the Life in the UK test.


The ESOL course, is it a English speeking course? or a english writing course?


She will have to be able to read English to pass the test

Again don't worry too much, if she doesn't reach the required standard you can extend her current stay, after the initial two years, until she does. (and it may work out cheaper!)

Whilst local authorities appear to differ, crazily, around here, it seems that until she has been in the country 1 year local authorities charge a whopping almost £500 a term for the course. Hope it's different your way.


hiya scotty,

the banks need proof in the form of a doctors letter (which can take an age to recieve by post due to registration times at the surgery) or a utility bill, i found that adding her name on a water bill was quicker. by asking them for your last bill, they will add her name on that (takes about a week), this will give her addiquate i.d for an account.

The ESOL course, is it a English speeking course? or a english writing course?


As has been said Scotty, if it is an ESOL course, ensure it has Citizenship tacked on to it, do not take their spiel as red, if you take the LITUK route, it is a multiple choice computer test, so no writing, but a quick guide on computer literacy would be handy. Just check which chapters you need to school up, in your case I think it will be 2 to 5 or 6, but check it has changed since my day.

I have a friend who is taking it on Saturday, I will let you know how he found it, but of course every one is different and he is a computer bod anyway.

As for the utility bills, I found some hard to have her added and some difficult, just go through the lot and see which ones you get.


to open a bank account in her own name (shouldn't think she wants her name on yours from what you say :o )

At least you didn't mention that dreaded word, I am having nightmares and counselling about Scotty's Overdraft. :D

Good Luck




I found the Nationwide the best for opening an account for MrBoJ. Apply on-line and then all we needed to do was pop into a local branch with a utility bill and passport. Job done. The bonus about Nationwide is that when you go on holiday they don't charge you for withdrawing from a ATM.


I have managed to get her some application forms sent out for her to open a bank account with halifax.

I spoke to the bloke and he said there would be know problem for her to open one.

Also we have a halifax branch, which is a 10 min walk from our home.

I have also gots some papers being sent out for the doctors, for her to register.

Again its only a 5 to 10 min walk up the road.

quickly moving away from this subject, is my wife likely to get questioned and quized at passport immigration, when she arrives on wednesday??

Thanks everyone..


I have managed to get her some application forms sent out for her to open a bank account with halifax.

I spoke to the bloke and he said there would be know problem for her to open one.

Also we have a halifax branch, which is a 10 min walk from our home.

I have also gots some papers being sent out for the doctors, for her to register.

Again its only a 5 to 10 min walk up the road.

quickly moving away from this subject, is my wife likely to get questioned and quized at passport immigration, when she arrives on wednesday??

Thanks everyone..


I had no problems opening a bank account fro my wife with LlodsTSB as I was an existing customer. Just needed to go to a branch with her and her pasport and fill in a form recommending her as I was an existing customer. Then used the letter from them as proof of address to change my Halifax current account to a joint account!

My wife (fiance at the time) came over last May to Manchester.

They gave her a very tough time at THAI immigration- why was she travelling alone etc. etc. the implication being.....

They also held her back at Manchester immigration- same questions. She told them I worked full-time in the UK and couldn't just get time off to accompany her. She also told them I was waiting for her at the airport arrivals and eventually they let her through. She told me 2 other Thais (men) were also given a hard time principally because they couldn't speak English. Forewarned is forearmed!

Good luck!


quickly moving away from this subject, is my wife likely to get questioned and quized at passport immigration, when she arrives on wednesday??

Thanks everyone..


My Mrs didn't have a bad time when she came. But make sure your mrs has a piece of paper with her, saying your name, at what address she is staying and preferably your mobile number on it in case they need to contact you. As you will undoubtedley be in arrivals hall.


My wife has no paper with her saying my address.

She left her home last night and is staying with her sister in minburi, she has left the visa paggage at her home, as she says it was too heavy :o

All she has is my name stamped in her visa, with my d.o.b, and the letter stating, you have been granted a settlement visa for two years for the uk.

Are we likely to have some problems??



we had settlement visa and my wife (travelling alone) never encountered the problems of smilingjim.she got ask who she was meeting at the airport? etc.....the basics, in a friendly manner by the immigration official(manchester airport). a fiance visa could encounter more in the line of probing questions, nothing to worry about for your missus scotty.

Airside transit? what do you meen scouse, im puzzled mate.

A connecting flight and not one where she leaves the airport. If you are just transiting through, no visa is needed. But if you want to leave the airport then you need a visa.

She knows my address jimbob, just wasnt sure if they needed to see it in front of them matey.

When my wife came into Heathrow 2 & a half years ago I was waiting for her, but they delayed her arrival as they gave her a full medical, xrays, blood tests, urune tests etc. She was OK though as we knew. They also spoke to me (by telephone) to ask a few questions & say she would be delayed, think they were checking really as I noticed the cameras followed me around.

As regards her Bank Account we went straight to HSBC & there was no problem, this was good as it is really an Asian Bank & very strong in LOS. She has a few ISA's there now.

Bills !! well I went straight on to paying my bills via the internet & changed to joint names instantly, then the following quarter after there arival changed to paying that way also, much cheaper.

She also needs to apply for a National Insurance No, although she has "No recourse to Public Funds" she will eventually pay Income Tax & National Insurance.

On arrival my wife could speak passable English (as long as I spoke slowly) but she wants to teach in College or University either in the UK or LOS so we went to our College & enrolled, so although she now has the almost all of the neccessary qualifactions still took (and Passed) the Life in Britain tests. A word of warning here don't waste your time & dough on books, they are hard to read even for english people, go on to the internet and pay for the mock exams, she will learn much quicker & easier & will help her reading. Anyway good luck you will have little problems (ours is my wife's IMPATIENCE, she wants everything yesterday) but our years together are FABULOUS .....

How do I know if she has to pass through immigration?

All I know is, she flys with emirates, from bkk - dubai with a 1 hour 30min stop, then flying on to manchester.

You got me worried now.

Don't worry it's just the same as you stopping off in Dubai or Abu Dhabi (or anywhere else) when you travel to LOS, you remain in the airport and do not go into that country. She is travelling through & not staying in Dubai. There is NO PROBLEM

How do I know if she has to pass through immigration?

All I know is, she flys with emirates, from bkk - dubai with a 1 hour 30min stop, then flying on to manchester.

You got me worried now.

If she has a 1 hour 30 min stop, she doesn't have to pass through immigration.

She just has to get off the plane and go straight to the terminal for departure to Manchester. Tell her not to loiter about and go straight to the gate, as this is a short stop and to get to some planes in Dubai involves them putting you on a coach which means they board earlier than normal i.e. 40 minutes prior to take off. She has plenty of time but not for Duty Free shopping.


Mr Bojangles is right about going straght to the Manchester departure gate !

Dubai airport is crazy now ,many times they do not show the departures on the boards and all you will get is last call announcement.

I am sure she will be ok if she doesnt hang about!

BTW, my wife opened an bank account with lloyds tsb even got a visa debit card she also opened a basic account with the Abby and got it upgraded 6 mths later!

In both cases they phoned somebody to check her Visa, i dont know who, but they read her name and visa number out!

I suppose the banks think that if immigration have checked you out then you must be a pretty safe bet!


Before you go to bed tonight Scotty, remember one thing and only one thing, that in a couple of days, the stress and worry will be over.

When she gets to immigration at LHW, she may asked some straight forward questions, she may be given some tougher questions, but more than likely she will be through in relatively short time and in some very rare cases on a proper Visa, she may be given a hard time.

Ensure, if you are worried that at least she has your mobile number, to call for help if required.

She doesn't need a visa at Dubai, if she is transiting, just to labour the point.

Listen to what the guy's on here are saying about connection to Manchester, I have never done it but they know what they are talking about.

Everybody has an opinion on the LitUK test, mine is to study the book, it is Horse Hockey in general but it will do the trick in time, as you have heard me say on numerous occasions, but you pays your money and you takes your pick, it is up to you.

Get yourself a bunch of Roses ( for the airport ) and a bottle of Champers on ice, maybe even a box of chocolates, but I am thinking of your Overdraft :o and enjoy, in a couple of days, you have done the hard work, it is time to relax and prepare for the next hurdles.

But it gets easier from now on in.

Good Luck


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