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Prison For British Flier On Flight From Thailand

sriracha john

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Prison for air-rage flier who wanted to go business class

A middle-aged man has been jailed after marching into the business-class section of a flight from Thailand and hurling a passenger into the aisle so he could take his seat.

Edward Gough, 54, who had been drinking in economy class, had to be restrained by fellow passengers on the Eva Air flight from Bangkok to London in November 2006. Gough, a mechanic, who said he was devastated by what he had done, was given a six-month jail sentence after admitting three charges of common assault on a passenger and members of the crew.

Isleworth Crown Court was told that he had been taking prescribed diazepam as well as drinking, and could not recall a thing about the attack.

Judge Patricia Dangor said that it was reckless to take alcohol with prescribed drugs. “The fact you don’t remember is neither here nor there. You assaulted three people. People who fly have a duty to make sure that their behaviour doesn’t frighten other people. Your behaviour was nothing short of terrifying.” A custodial sentence was required as a deterrent to others, she said.

Robert Meikle, for the prosecution, said that Gough, of Thetford, Norfolk, had drunk several glasses of wine before walking into business class and grabbing a passenger, Sung Pin Chen, who was “sitting minding his own business”. He “pulled him from his seat and deposited him in the aisle”.

The purser, Lisa Liao, asked Gough to get out of the seat, and he started walking back towards economy. But as they went through the “elite” section he grabbed another seat. He attacked the purser when she tried to remove him. “He jumped up, grabbed her neck and pushed her on to the armrest, hurting her back,” Mr Meikle said.

“He grabbed her round the neck a second time and she could smell alcohol on his breath. Another member of the crew, Zsu-Ting Lin, tried to stop him and he pushed her in the chest and face. She fell backwards to the floor, banging her head, and she was unable to continue with her duties for the remainder of the flight.”

Gough was restrained by other crew and passengers until they arrived in Heathrow, where he was arrested.

Simon Gruchy, for Gough, said that the defendant had no memory of his behaviour. He told the court: “This is a man who was devastated when faced with the reality of what he did.”

- Times Online (UK)

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Isleworth Crown Court was told that he had been taking prescribed diazepam as well as drinking, and could not recall a thing about the attack.

- Times Online (UK)

There was supposed to have been a law come into place the other year where you would get a longer sentence if you used alcohol or drugs as a reason for your actions, seems it wasnt applied in this case.

If you fight in a football ground you get banned for life same rules should apply for flying from EU airports.

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Please correct me if I'm wrong. Diazepam is a prescription drug in the UK but I know for a fact it can be bought at any big chemist in Thailand. My friends use it as a way of taking away the boredom of long flights to and from Thailand to Europe. Well, it certainly worked for this bloke. He certainly wasn't bored.

6 months! Wonder if he has any previous.

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Prison for air-rage flier who wanted to go business class

A middle-aged man has been jailed after marching into the business-class section of a flight from Thailand and hurling a passenger into the aisle so he could take his seat.

Edward Gough, 54, who had been drinking in economy class, had to be restrained by fellow passengers on the Eva Air flight from Bangkok to London in November 2006. Gough, a mechanic, who said he was devastated by what he had done, was given a six-month jail sentence after admitting three charges of common assault on a passenger and members of the crew.

Isleworth Crown Court was told that he had been taking prescribed diazepam as well as drinking, and could not recall a thing about the attack.

Judge Patricia Dangor said that it was reckless to take alcohol with prescribed drugs. "The fact you don't remember is neither here nor there. You assaulted three people. People who fly have a duty to make sure that their behaviour doesn't frighten other people. Your behaviour was nothing short of terrifying." A custodial sentence was required as a deterrent to others, she said.

Robert Meikle, for the prosecution, said that Gough, of Thetford, Norfolk, had drunk several glasses of wine before walking into business class and grabbing a passenger, Sung Pin Chen, who was "sitting minding his own business". He "pulled him from his seat and deposited him in the aisle".

The purser, Lisa Liao, asked Gough to get out of the seat, and he started walking back towards economy. But as they went through the "elite" section he grabbed another seat. He attacked the purser when she tried to remove him. "He jumped up, grabbed her neck and pushed her on to the armrest, hurting her back," Mr Meikle said.

"He grabbed her round the neck a second time and she could smell alcohol on his breath. Another member of the crew, Zsu-Ting Lin, tried to stop him and he pushed her in the chest and face. She fell backwards to the floor, banging her head, and she was unable to continue with her duties for the remainder of the flight."

Gough was restrained by other crew and passengers until they arrived in Heathrow, where he was arrested.

Simon Gruchy, for Gough, said that the defendant had no memory of his behaviour. He told the court: "This is a man who was devastated when faced with the reality of what he did."

- Times Online (UK)

Most people come out with "sorry " when up before the beak, what a tw@t,. wonder if he was a smoker ! :o
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Please correct me if I'm wrong. Diazepam is a prescription drug in the UK but I know for a fact it can be bought at any big chemist in Thailand. My friends use it as a way of taking away the boredom of long flights to and from Thailand to Europe. Well, it certainly worked for this bloke. He certainly wasn't bored.

6 months! Wonder if he has any previous.

Bored? I wonder why? Ther are plenty of good books to be purchased prior to a flight. Plus there is the well arranged in-flight entertainment system. Music, Films, Games, News and Radio. The guy should have got a 'grip' of himself?

Irresponsibilty of the highest order. He is devastated at what he managed to accomplish. Too late now

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I don't follow your post. What has being a smoker got to do with assaulting people? I don't smoke but neither do I assault people. Some of my friends do smoke but neither do they go in for common assault.

Also "devastated" implies he was remorseful though I accept this is not going as far as an apology.

Finally there is no need to copy the whole original story.

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I don't follow your post. What has being a smoker got to do with assaulting people? I don't smoke but neither do I assault people. Some of my friends do smoke but neither do they go in for common assault.

Also "devastated" implies he was remorseful though I accept this is not going as far as an apology.

Finally there is no need to copy the whole original story.

mikethevigorman is probably a non-smoker, no, let me rephrase that, an anti-smoker that has recently got his anti-smoking rage fuelled by a recent post here. So he uses every opportunity to display that.

Back to story.

When people behave like this on a flight, they scare the sh.t out of many of their fellow Pax, and should receive severe punishment.

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:o Yes Travel2003, you're probably right there.


I agree he should have "got a grip" but it sounds like the guy was so out of his face on a mixture of substances that the only gripping he was capable of doing was the gripping of Taiwanese air hostesses.

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Prison for air-rage flier who wanted to go business class


A middle-aged man has been jailed after marching into the business-class section of a flight from Thailand and hurling a passenger into the aisle so he could take his seat.

Edward Gough, 54, who had been drinking in economy class, had to be restrained by fellow passengers on the Eva Air flight from Bangkok to London in November 2006. Gough, a mechanic, who said he was devastated by what he had done, was given a six-month jail sentence after admitting three charges of common assault on a passenger and members of the crew.

Isleworth Crown Court was told that he had been taking prescribed diazepam as well as drinking, and could not recall a thing about the attack.


Taiwan owned airplane flying from Bangkok, he should be happy they did not lock him in the hold and take him back to Bangkok or maybe even worse Taiwan for trial. :o

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Please correct me if I'm wrong. Diazepam is a prescription drug in the UK but I know for a fact it can be bought at any big chemist in Thailand. My friends use it as a way of taking away the boredom of long flights to and from Thailand to Europe. Well, it certainly worked for this bloke. He certainly wasn't bored.

6 months! Wonder if he has any previous.

Bored? I wonder why? Ther are plenty of good books to be purchased prior to a flight. Plus there is the well arranged in-flight entertainment system. Music, Films, Games, News and Radio. The guy should have got a 'grip' of himself?

Irresponsibilty of the highest order. He is devastated at what he managed to accomplish. Too late now

He's a greese monkey.....reading isn't an option.

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I don't follow your post. What has being a smoker got to do with assaulting people? I don't smoke but neither do I assault people. Some of my friends do smoke but neither do they go in for common assault.

Also "devastated" implies he was remorseful though I accept this is not going as far as an apology.

Finally there is no need to copy the whole original story.

Quite a lot actually, a lot of smokers get really irritable and with drink ive seen it loads of times, ask any smoker when they like a cig most of all ,one is after a meal another is with a drink, and ill leave the other one to your imagination :o ,.a friend of mine and i were on a flight back from bkk to lhr and right in front of us was a aussie guy quite quickly deteriorating through drink, he was threatening to light up and was really loud, he then went into the toilet and the alarm sounded and the crew came and got him out, it got worse, he was flapping about and in the end my friend had to have a word with him, it seemed to help as he fell asleep for a while, then he wakes up shouting and balling and goes off to the toilet again,this time he puts a match in the waste bin ( the stewardess told us this,) he was then phisically strapped in a seat,( assisted by us ) and was arrested on landing and banned for life from BA,thats an extreme one but its not that uncommon for a lack of nicotine to have someone kick off, it must be awful to be addicted to anything, but i have no sympathy for these types, of course it may not be at all about smoking, but who knows,.it is very unpleasant to have to tolerate these types and i for one hope he does realise what a prat he was,.( as for copying all the text, im a bit thick and not sure how to not attach it all ) :D
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I don't follow your post. What has being a smoker got to do with assaulting people? I don't smoke but neither do I assault people. Some of my friends do smoke but neither do they go in for common assault.

Also "devastated" implies he was remorseful though I accept this is not going as far as an apology.

Finally there is no need to copy the whole original story.

mikethevigorman is probably a non-smoker, no, let me rephrase that, an anti-smoker that has recently got his anti-smoking rage fuelled by a recent post here. So he uses every opportunity to display that.

Back to story.

When people behave like this on a flight, they scare the sh.t out of many of their fellow Pax, and should receive severe punishment.

Correct on all counts, had to put up with one of these @ssholes on a 12 hour flight, this reminded me,. ( im not that anti smoking , just some smokers ) thats why i asked , " i wonder if he was a smoker " . miketheVIGORman,. why couldnt i have thought of that :o
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It's got nothing to do with diazepam and alcohol - 10 years ago I used to be addicted to both and never assaulted anyone. Airlines should ban alcohol on flights.

How you behaved in booze and diazepam does not mean everyone will behave in the same way - thats why clinical trials are so lucrative :o

Booze on planes - I take a drink if its offered but it does not bother me if there is none like on a short hop budget flight - long distance I am in business most of the time and I doubt they will be stopping that on SIA and TG anytime soon.

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If anyone really thinks that smokers are capable of uncontrollable violence during a 12 hour flight because they can't light up then they need their heads checked!

Smokers and reformed smokers will tell you its utter bull crap. These people commit air rage because they are mentally unstable or they are smashed out of their faces on drink/drugs.

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Yes smokers will become irritable but they won't become violent. nicotene is'nt Crystal meth or heroin!!

The Aussie guy your describing isn't playing up because he is a smoker, he is being a winker because he is blind drunk. Drunks will find any excuse to antagonise other people or themselves. smoking ciggies was his thing like p1ss1ng all over the floor is for others.

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I take temazapam when flying long haul. Don't take it any other time. Its great on the Thailand trip as take off, have a meal, pop the pill, sleep, wake up, have breakfast, land. Feels like a two hour flight!

And I absolutely cannot sleep on a flight without it. I have even tried staying awake for 2 days before a flight and all that would happen is I'd have a 10 minute nap shortly after take off and then wide awake for the rest of the flight!

I don't drink on flights, partly because I don't want to be intoxicated while travelling and lose my passport or luggage or miss my flight or something and partly because airplanes are very dehydrating environments anyway. Add alcohol to that and you're not going to feel well at the end.

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I also ALWAYS fly long flights on benzo/Alcohol mix. Wouldn't be able to handle 10 hurls with out a smoke otherwise. Works for me. Also keep my seat belt on. Always happy to reseirve the next meal/tea.

Edited by sonnyJ
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He was unlucky he was on the return leg to England. British plod take a dim view of those kinds of antics on aircraft.

I have a friend that flew Etihad from LHR to BKK and had to be subdued by staff on the plane. He was tied down to the seat with restraints. He was taken off the plane at BKK by Thai police, who merely waited on him sobering up before releasing him. Apparently they were extremely friendly and allowed him to keep the two bottles of spirits he had on his carry on.

"Unlucky"??? Sounds like you think he should've got away with his behaviour . . . . .

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