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Bomb Blasting In Jakarta


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Yeah yeah yeah ....what you really want to say is you are very delighted ....but you can't say it since your mind does not agree that its alright to bomb someone innocent. This is a writing of a muslim fanatic who is just hiding behind mask. In no way I will try to rationalize this event. 


I am not a Muslim fanatic, nor I am glad to see the loss of innocent lives. Lives which the likes of Bush/Cheney/Blair/Rumsfelf and the like don't really give ###### about. I am an individual using his God given right to use his own brain to express an opinion and more importanlty to ask why? Or should I just fall in line and agree with everyone else. I would prefer in future if you do not attempt to define what I am, that is not your perogative nor anyone elses

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I am not a Muslim fanatic, nor I am glad to see the loss of innocent lives. Lives which the likes of Bush/Cheney/Blair/Rumsfelf and the like don't really give ###### about. I am an individual using his God given right to use his own brain to express an opinion and more importanlty to ask why? Or should I just fall in line and agree with everyone else. I would prefer in future if you do not attempt to define what I am, that is not your perogative nor anyone elses

Top man.. shame a few more dont think for them selves instead of taking the party line.

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[This is what i pointed out earlier,The Yanks wouldn't get involved untill it was on their doorstep,same with the Russians,Los next god?forbid i hope not,

Do you think, Thaksin will sort it out on his own?This is what i am scared of Thailand becoming embroiled in a war and it will be down south. ]

Always on our doorstep

When will people realise that as long as the Americans continue to support countries like Israel who persecute innocent muslims and steal land from their muslim neigbours, we will all have to live under the shadow of a terrorist bomb!

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One good thing I can say is Thailand has threatened to shut down

the Mosques inside their country which I think they should.

This is where all the Islamic brainwashing starts.

Yes that is the answer! Shut down all the mosques! Have you ever heard of the term trying to kill an insect with a shotgun blast? Instead of a few dozen enemies you then have 5% of the Thai population disaffected by doing that. So what will happen then? Maybe we should instead put Muslims in refugee camps like in Palestine or perhaps ship then to Siberia like Stalin did to the Chechens in the 40's. Overreaction simply begets overreaction. End of story.

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Can you please just GET A GRIP?

That things are done under the banner of a religion does not mean that the religion in itself is sick or condemnable. If so, Christianity should have been condemned time and time again, the Burmese (buddhist) sacking of Ayutthaya would make Buddhism a violent religion.

Just sober up and grow up. The terrorists are one group of people, pariahs in a world where hundreds of millions of people go about their business as peaceful muslims never harming a westerner. Bigotry and blinds just creates more terrorists. You hit your child, your child will hit. You kick your dog, your dog will bite. You drink too much beer, you talk out of your.. beard.

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In the January-July 2004 period, as violence gathered momentum, 36 bomb attacks occurred in the three Muslim majority provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat, according to Royal Thai Police statistics. But, in August, insurgents increased bombings with often co-ordinated attacks, or attempted attacks, taking place with rising frequency. Using devices of varying sizes and explosive composition, triggered by mobile phones and timing devices, the August campaign targeted Narathiwat and Yala, while leaving Pattani unscathed.

From New bombings fuel Thai security fears. It appears that terrorism is gathering momentum in Southern Thailand, but as these bombs have not been directed at tourists or foreign embassies/businesses people assume that this is not a problem for farangs.

If the separatists want to make a bigger impression they may target larger cities, in a similar way to the IRA bombing London, Manchester etc. Maybe it is just a matter of time.

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Condolances to all victems families. Perhaps this might be a trifle inappropriate, but why is Australia so far up the arse of the US? It is an an island in the middle of no where, yet it went to war in Vietnam has troops in Iraq. Why does it need to do this, what imminient danger is there to Australia that it should endanger the lives of it's military personnel at the behest of the US. Surely such a policy is going to have it's consequences. NZ is it's neighbour and I don't see them as a target for Islamic terrorism. Don't get me wrong I condem the lose of every life, for once gone it can not be restored. Yet in this world if you take certain actions, certain consequences will arise because of them.

What is the danger you ask!!

The danger is in burying your head in the sand and saying it can't happen.

Indonesia would hardly qualify as having their head up the proverbial US arse but they killed and wounded mostly Indonesians in this event.

Thailand will need to change it's stance if they want to ensure they are not amongs't the next targets.

If toxin only wants to attain 20 million tourists a year and says to the world that there is no problem in LOS (so that they gullible torists flock in) it will only be a matter of time.

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You terrorist rationalists/appologists are sad indeed. Every disaster your soap box. You are the jester in the world court, and the puppet of murderers.

My condolences to the people of Indonesia and Australia.

My condolences to those all over the world lost in a battle, to which they did not wish to participate, as they went about their daily lives.

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Yeah yeah yeah ....what you really want to say is you are very delighted ....but you can't say it since your mind does not agree that its alright to bomb someone innocent. This is a writing of a muslim fanatic who is just hiding behind mask. In no way I will try to rationalize this event. 


I am not a Muslim fanatic, nor I am glad to see the loss of innocent lives. Lives which the likes of Bush/Cheney/Blair/Rumsfelf and the like don't really give ###### about. I am an individual using his God given right to use his own brain to express an opinion and more importanlty to ask why? Or should I just fall in line and agree with everyone else. I would prefer in future if you do not attempt to define what I am, that is not your perogative nor anyone elses

Fall in line :o

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Another tragic incident caused by fascist fundementalists. And, surprise surprise, this thread has also attracted bigots who love to express their hatred towards Islam.

It is true that in recent times, most of the terrorism in the world has been conducted by people who are Muslims or at least CLAIM to be Muslims. But to place all people of Muslim faith under the category of 'terrorists' or 'terrorist sympathisers' is just plain BIGOTRY. The heavy majority of Muslims in the world hate these terrorists, but unfortunately, the fascist Islamist fundamentalists seem to have hijacked this religion.

By the way, I, myself, am an agnostic but I have friends and even family members who are Muslims. If you knew them, maybe they would be 180 degrees opposite to what the bigots among you conceive as 'Muslims'. Let's not forget that the majority of Muslims in the world are what we can call as 'secular Muslims'.

Anyway, unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely that Islamist terrorism will be exterminated in the future....the best thing is for all governments of the world to unite aand cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism and at least minimise terror incidents.



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Repeating myself here but the Koran contains passages about killing unbelievers, torturing them, hunting them down, etc... Koranic rants against unbelievers These are the bits used by nutters to back their murderous campaign against the rest of the world. The fact is the Muslim holy book backs the killing of people because they aren't Muslims.

When that arab bloke a few days past told Islam to face the fact that world terrorism is a muslim thing he was right. Someone needs to decide what the religion is really about: peace or bloodshed. If the former then a rewrite of their holy book is necessary. If the latter then no work needs to be done.

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Extremist attempted bombing of Australian Embassy, many Innocent Muslims die!

That was the topic under discussion was it not?

Beyond some that were speaking well of and to the issue under discussion, we see some of the commentary directed superficially at other issues. As such, they were allowed such discretion and a respectfully rebuttal is in order.

We have Marquess there, questioning why the meek and docile Aussy’s and presumably any other nation that would stand by these dastardly yanks, would be at the beckon call of these Imperialist all-powerful omnipotent Americans in their blood thirsty quest for world domination, oppression and capitalist hegemony.

(emphasis added free of charge) :D


Yo, Marquess, you are obviously from a place where free thinkers and independent minded people are an extreme rarity!

Because, as a yank, I can tell you one absolute fact of life, if you, me or anyone want to dictate or tell the Aussy’s what they can or can not do, then you had better bring your lunch and some relief, cause its going to be on from that point on.

You don’t understand Aussy’s anymore that you understand free and independent thought if you believe that malarkey you are spouting about the Australians or any other peoples that would ally or befriend the yanks.

Besides, I think, Ozziman04 rebuttal signified the reality of your commentary. Hear! Hear! Ozziman04. Aussy’s for what is best for Aussy’s. Same for us yanks and all people as well!

I am amazed at how enlighten those outside of America and or Australia or whatever country they are not from seem these days. They opinionate and pontificate as if duty bound citizens as if they have some god given insight as to what is best for someone else’s country or people.

To those so enlightened, opinion is not mere cynisim and critic of and faultfinding in others as so many these days seem convinced it is. It can equally be about thought, reason and facts that substantiate that opinion. But no I digress! (See credo on opinions)

Next, we have old Ben Dover there with his pleadings of how,” it’s all messed up and if we would only think first”. He goes on to say it was the yanks that in thoughtless malaise that somehow caused Islamic terrorism, implying, if we only didn’t have those ungodly yanks, their friends and these “we saved their world redneck preachers” all would be well.


Yo, Ben Dover it is easy to see fault in the actions of others but is nearly impossible for a faultfinder to find viable workable solutions to real world issues that he profess are so messed up by others.

Okay, the yanks have retreated into fortress America, become self-absorbed in social domestic issues and have pretty much disengaged themselves from world affairs. They are out of the picture.

You and your naysayer’s have the world as it is. What do you do about terrorism, poverty, political and social oppression, and murderous tyranny, religious and ethnic intolerance?

Who actually does what, where and by what means financially, politically and economically do they accomplish your planned solution as these issues are steadily creping ever closer to your front door?

I would however agree as a yank, enough with this “we saved the world crap”.

We yanks saved our own butts from a villainous tyranny that was out to oppress our world just like the rest of you did, would have done and do this very day.

Yes, it was yank imperialism, oppression and the tribute collected by their armies that causes Germany and Japan to be so disadvantaged and poor since the allies defeated them in 1945. Not the will and measure of these people themselves?

Likewise, yank imperialism and not German equinity accounted for East Germany’s prosperity and the West Germany’s abject poverty after 1945? not the East or west Germans themselves?

It was not individual freedom but more Yankee militarism and oppression that made North Korea the economic power house it is today while the American occupiers drained the freedom and wealth from their ally South Korea.Not the two Korea's themselves?

It was the same for Vietnam abject poverty while the yanks where there as compared to today’s economic miracle once the yank oppressor’s yoke was lifted.

Not the Vietnamese themselves?

Yes, indeed, these are the events that made the world unsafe and America so powerful, imperialistic and such a threat to the world today. It was American greed not dictatorships, tryans and thugs that brought poverty and oppresion to Arabia amd Muslims in general. Not Arabs or Muslims themselvesd?

Have you heard the howls from Europe, Korea and Japan at our troop pull out plans even over a 10-year period? They are actually demanding we negotiate with them about the pulling out of our own troops from their countries.

D**mn the oppressors, what next, the yanks having to pay tribute to the countries they occupy so their troops can leave!

Trust me, we know our faults and mistakes better than you will ever know them and work real hard at tearing ourselves apart about each and every one of them. I say to these bashers, he who is without fault and sin need to cast the first stone otherwise let us and the Australians, Italians, Russians and so on decide our own fate in our own way as you would expect us to do for you and your country.

Then we have Siam there with his Yanks are only histories Johnny come lately’s and only fight when the wolf is at the door.


You see this as an unwise thing do you?

So we are bad for sitting back and not getting involved and we are equally bad for unilaterally attacking our enemies at a place where they lives before they can do it once again to us.

hmmm. Sounds right? hmmm, No! quite self servingly contradictory to me? :o

To stay out of other people’s fights until they drag you into them, is that the terrible thing the yanks have done? In our short 226 year history has this not benn the yanks mode operandi?

Isn’t that exactly what all the anti-yank bashers say they want of us yanks to do, mind our own business and shrink back into a Fortress America?

Weren’t we in that exact posture you critize in 1918 again in 1940 and under Bill Clinton just recently in the year 2001?

Isn’t that all this yank bashing is about? The yanks, by their mere existence or past/present associations, actions and activities cause or have caused all the current wars, world poverty, oppression, injustice and as such are the instigators of all that is bad by not doing as others want.

How thoughtless and inconsiderate of these yanks to do things in their own self interest and against those that would do them harm? Like no one now or ever does these things but the yanks!

The point being we yanks by our deeds and associations are the precipitators of all events like Bali, Belsan, New York, Madrid, Manila, Ryhad, and Moscow ECT as the list will go on and on.

Is that the factual reality some profess here and the root cause of this bombing in Indonesia?

Isn’t that what all this rhetoric is all about, wanting a non-involved, politically isolated Fortress America, one isolated unto itself, in its self sufficient reliance on Hydrogen fuels and more oil in shale than is in the know reserves today.

A Fortress, more than capable of feeding and sustaining itself, one reliant on technology that protects it against attacks in layered domes of anti-missile defense.

A fortress most capable of attacking anyone else in stealth unbeknownst to them and with isolated impunity.

One, uninvolved in world events or processes, indifferent to the plight of others and secure in its self-sufficiency. Is this the America you speak of one that is isolated and self absorbed like in Clintons 90’s and like the one we were in 1917 and the one we became prior to 1940.

Is this the America and world you all envision? Will this extinguish the flames of extremism from knocking at your door?

Just whose country, throughout history is not devoid of mistake, misjudgment and foolish endeavors and what people out there do not act in their own self-interest now or any time in the past? Who does not try to influence and presuade others to their side of an equation?

Is this what we are talking about here or are we talking about cowardly acts of senseless violence predicated upon, not those capable of defending themselves, but on those who are the weakest and least capable of defending themselves.

Again, the same old yank bashing logic its all the yanks and the “puppets” that help them fault.

To which, we, the faultfinders, have all the salient facts as to why it is wrong but not one solution or resolution of the issue we say others have messed up.

I am amazed at how often these naysayer transgress into somehow blaming the yanks for this or that and now somehow this bombing by Muslims against Muslims in a Muslin country.

I too pray for utopia but am not foolishly unprepared for the reality that it is not here at this time in human history.

That is all

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My Topic was to highlight that in Indo fanatics killed other muslims without even asking for anithing, fighting for anything, just to create mess in a weak country and weak economy.

It was to condemn fanatics, and I'm sorry that this topic was like honey for other kind of fanatics.

My blame was for those terrorists, my fear was for LOS.

90% of the answers are off topic.


What is better for a ganatic Muslim to kill Farangs (western and US), who are drinking alcohool (against islam), in a pub with prostitutes (against islam) sitting on their knees ..... easy, easy, easy target.

Don't think that those terrorists are just a small group, it's the mentality of most (some of them kill, some others know and protect them).

Our prime Minister instead of vanishing himself with the scarf of Liverpool, should do something in the South, otherwise they will bring the problem to LOS or Phuket

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Terriorism to promote terror.

I don't condone it and hate the idea of it but what has happened in the world is a small group on fantatics have made the world afraid.

American's are scared, toursits are scared, The goverment of the philippines was so scared they caved into demands. soon they (they terrorists) will demand more and more. Where does it end??

Can it end? These are the questions that need to be answered and I see no one answering them.

What kind of world are we making for our children?

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If anyone like to be safe..then..

Just stop creating terrorist by giving reasons for more and more people to become terrorists.

Every one of those terrorists were like you and me at one point and it's nothing other than our own actions have made them so extremists.

If terrorist can attract more and more people to terror side, then why on earth it can not be reverted to other way around.

Every killing, bomb, bullet fired against terrorists, country will create over 10 more terrorists by making his close relatives, families turning to revenge.

It's hard for you and me to understand by living like this. If you live in Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Chechnya then you will realize the amount of suffering people are going through. If you are one of those unfortunate, then what would you do? Are you going to simply wait when someone invade your country? or someone try to change your religion?

This is not going to end and inevitably all countries who back this War on Terror will become targets. Sadly, non of your leaders will become part of victims. It will be only people like us with no protection will become part of victims.

That is why people should chase these governments who back War on Terror during upcoming elections. That will not end the terror, but will give some new eyes to look at this whole episode than from eyes of a son who created a war where his father failed to succeed.

Bring back Dictators like Sadam to middle east. Bring back dictatorship to Russia. Help keeping the dictatorships in Singapore, Malaysia, Pakistan. Create dictators in Indonesia, Philippines like in China, Korea. Allow the countries to decide what type of governance they should have to suit the religions, believes in those countries instead of blindly changing regimes to force following Democracy.

In my opinion, that will stop such incidents happening. But that will not help US and Western economic interests.

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with the full respect, Malaysia has no dictatorship nor major problems with terrorists, even if there are many fanatics.


I have read that they have enough terrorist groups in Malaysia. But the govt handle it the way it should be handled. Even in this Jakarta bomb, main suspect is a Malaysian. Since it is a Muslim country, it is easy for them to deal with it.

The thing that Malaysian Govt do is they directly attack US policies whenever they can. They always raise concerns about Middle-east issue. They try to bring Muslim countries together. What else a country like Malaysia can do other than this. They have a straight policy whereas Philippines, Indonesian, Thai govt's have swing policies.. Support war on terror only thinking about economic incentives even when the ministers, govt themselves personally do not support or believe with the decision. Philippine case was a classic example.

Dictatorship or not? That's very subjective. Some think Pakistan President, Saudi regimes are dictators, but US and West think otherwise. Some think Sadam was not a dictator but US and West thought otherwise.

During the period of Sadam, he shut down all terrorist activities in Iraq. He used prisons like Abu Grave, Guantanamo to put those fellows who ever go against him. May be he must have even gassed some of them. Right now, what is happening is US and West is trying to teach Democracy for Terrorists in Iraq. During Sadam's period, people who are now in power were called terrorists and they were chased out of Iraq. But now, the situation is, they are in power. So who is who? I do not know. Time will tell.. and people who supported this war will find the unmasked faces like they found with Mohomad Challabi and his cousin in Iraq.

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[........During the period of Sadam, he shut down all terrorist activities in Iraq. He used prisons like Abu Grave, Guantanamo .......

Guantanamo, as far as I know is in Cuba / US base.

So Saddam was allied of G.W.Bush and was keepingprisoniers in Guantanamo.

Wow you should contact CNN and may be you'll get the Pulizer :o

Just kidding

The main difference between Malaysia and Indo is that fanatic muslims in Malaysia have food in their stomach ..... huge difference.

Another difference is that their kids get cured by good hispitals, in Indo they die in Kampungs without even an aspirin ........ huge difference

In Malaysia there are free elections so no dictatorship.

Prime Minister Abdullah is accepted by everyone and is a very honest and serious guy (Mahatir was even better for 20 years).

Yes the Malaysian prime Minister does hate USA policy and he has the balls to say that in public, but this is only a positive signal (I'd rather consider a coward Berlusconi and Blair for taking a position against 90% of their represented citizens).


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[........During the period of Sadam, he shut down all terrorist activities in Iraq. He used prisons like Abu Grave, Guantanamo .......

Guantanamo, as far as I know is in Cuba / US base.

So Saddam was allied of G.W.Bush and was keepingprisoniers in Guantanamo.

Wow you should contact CNN and may be you'll get the Pulizer :o

Just kidding


I should have used the word "similar to" than using the word "like" in my above sentence. What a difference a word can make!!. :D

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Amazes me how many of you posting on this board take shots at each other, lucky you only have keyboards nor AK's

What I find it hard to comprehend is how anyone could have enough hate to do things like Indo and Russia, the images coming out of Beslan were truely horrific and how anyone could have the viciousness and inhumanity to do these things is beyond my understanding.

guess it can now happen anywhere


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The main difference between Malaysia and Indo is that fanatic muslims in Malaysia have food in their stomach ..... huge difference.

Another difference is that their kids get cured by good hispitals, in Indo they die in Kampungs without even an aspirin ........ huge difference

Totally agree... Your point can be seen in Iraq now. I can not imagine what the general public are doing in Iraq since US invaded Iraq?

Who won't go mad, if they not have work all day and have to listen to news about his relatives, friends getting killed 24hrs for 365 days?

What ever we say now, under Sadam Iraq was a very nice country despite his Anti Western policies similar to Malaysia, North Korea and now more and more countries becoming like them.. People had jobs to do, had families to take care, roads to travel, basic infrastructure despite all economic sanctions. Only thing they lacked was Freedom to speak or to do anything against Sadam..

Now what they are left with? Freedom to Speak.. and nothing else..

What happened to our Freedom to Speak rights when majority of people in Europe and all across the world expressed their stand against Invading Iraq? Did anyone listened to them? So what is the difference between having freedom to speak under Democracy and not having it under Dictators like Sadam?

Interesting the way majority of people in US think..

Sometimes I can not believe you guys really went to moon.. Really.. :o

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I think all this intolerance has taken its toll anyway......it is difficult now for peace in this world.

I am an idealistic person...I especially hate the bigots, whether they are Islamist fundamentalists or right-winger Neo-Con racists (like some on this board) but I guess one has to be philosophical. We here have no effect on what is going on in the world, so maybe better to enjoy our lives ''as fully as possible'' till we die.

Drink beer and make love....avoid conflict !



Jem, slowly giving up his idealism

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We just need to hunt these people down and kill them. Look at the mess our government (UK) made of handling the IRA, allowing the organisation to be run by people in H-block. What was the point of detaining them? The intelligence forces knew who most of them were on the streets, but the military were denied permission to slot them (something to do with 'right's and all that stuff). ###### their rights, if they've been definitely targetted as terrorists then a bullet at the back of the neck solves plenty of problems. The idea that "that will make things worse" doesn't hold water. Decapitate the animal and it doesn't fight too well, the same is for organisations.

For all the foreign policy cock-ups the US have made over the years, going on the offensive because you've had nearly 3000 of your people slaughtered isn't, I think, one of them.

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Terrorism is an interesting word. When a government kills its national policy and okay. When people who arn't the government kill its called terrorism.

When people have a future and have enough to eat they arn't tempted to be terrorists. People who are well fed and have a future arn't tempted to throw away there lives as they have some thing to live for.

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Terrorism is an interesting word. When a government kills its national policy and okay. When people who arn't the government kill its called terrorism.

When people have a future and have enough to eat they arn't tempted to be terrorists. People who are well fed and have a future arn't tempted to throw away there lives as they have some thing to live for.

Grow up.

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